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During vertebrate development, the specification of distinct cell types is thought to be controlled by inductive signals acting at different concentration thresholds. The degree of receptor activation in response to these signals is a known determinant of cell fate, but the later steps at which graded signals are converted into all-or-none distinctions in cell identity remain poorly resolved. In the ventral neural tube, motor neuron and interneuron generation depends on the graded activity of the signalling protein Sonic hedgehog (Shh). These neuronal subtypes derive from distinct progenitor cell populations that express the homeodomain proteins Nkx2.2 or Pax6 in response to graded Shh signalling. In mice lacking Pax6, progenitor cells generate neurons characteristic of exposure to greater Shh activity. However, Nkx2.2 expression expands dosally in Pax6 mutants, raising the possibility that Pax6 controls neuronal pattern indirectly. Here we provide evidence that Nkx2.2 has a primary role in ventral neuronal patterning. In Nkx2.2 mutants, Pax6 expression is unchanged but cells undergo a ventral-to-dorsal transformation in fate and generate motor neurons rather than interneurons. Thus, Nkx2.2 has an essential role in interpreting graded Shh signals and selecting neuronal identity.  相似文献   

Ligand-dependent activation of the hedgehog (Hh) signalling pathway has been associated with tumorigenesis in a number of human tissues. Here we show that, although previous reports have described a cell-autonomous role for Hh signalling in these tumours, Hh ligands fail to activate signalling in tumour epithelial cells. In contrast, our data support ligand-dependent activation of the Hh pathway in the stromal microenvironment. Specific inhibition of Hh signalling using small molecule inhibitors, a neutralizing anti-Hh antibody or genetic deletion of smoothened (Smo) in the mouse stroma results in growth inhibition in xenograft tumour models. Taken together, these studies demonstrate a paracrine requirement for Hh ligand signalling in the tumorigenesis of Hh-expressing cancers and have important implications for the development of Hh pathway antagonists in cancer.  相似文献   

Dahn RD  Davis MC  Pappano WN  Shubin NH 《Nature》2007,445(7125):311-314
The genetic mechanisms regulating tetrapod limb development are well characterized, but how they were assembled during evolution and their function in basal vertebrates is poorly understood. Initial studies report that chondrichthyans, the most primitive extant vertebrates with paired appendages, differ from ray-finned fish and tetrapods in having Sonic hedgehog (Shh)-independent patterning of the appendage skeleton. Here we demonstrate that chondrichthyans share patterns of appendage Shh expression, Shh appendage-specific regulatory DNA, and Shh function with ray-finned fish and tetrapods. These studies demonstrate that some aspects of Shh function are deeply conserved in vertebrate phylogeny, but also highlight how the evolution of Shh regulation may underlie major morphological changes during appendage evolution.  相似文献   

Ahn S  Joyner AL 《Nature》2005,437(7060):894-897
Sonic hedgehog (Shh) has been implicated in the ongoing neurogenesis in postnatal rodent brains. Here we adopted an in vivo genetic fate-mapping strategy, using Gli1 (GLI-Kruppel family member) as a sensitive readout of Shh activity, to systematically mark and follow the fate of Shh-responding cells in the adult mouse forebrain. We show that initially, only a small population of cells (including both quiescent neural stem cells and transit-amplifying cells) responds to Shh in regions undergoing neurogenesis. This population subsequently expands markedly to continuously provide new neurons in the forebrain. Our study of the behaviour of quiescent neural stem cells provides in vivo evidence that they can self-renew for over a year and generate multiple cell types. Furthermore, we show that the neural stem cell niches in the subventricular zone and dentate gyrus are established sequentially and not until late embryonic stages.  相似文献   

Tanaka Y  Okada Y  Hirokawa N 《Nature》2005,435(7039):172-177
The precise specification of left-right asymmetry is an essential process for patterning internal organs in vertebrates. In mouse embryonic development, the symmetry-breaking process in left-right determination is initiated by a leftward extraembryonic fluid flow on the surface of the ventral node. However, it is not known whether the signal transduction mechanism of this flow is chemical or mechanical. Here we show that fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling triggers secretion of membrane-sheathed objects 0.3-5 microm in diameter termed 'nodal vesicular parcels' (NVPs) that carry Sonic hedgehog and retinoic acid. These NVPs are transported leftward by the fluid flow and eventually fragment close to the left wall of the ventral node. The silencing effects of the FGF-receptor inhibitor SU5402 on NVP secretion and on a downstream rise in Ca2+ were sufficiently reversed by exogenous Sonic hedgehog peptide or retinoic acid, suggesting that FGF-triggered surface accumulation of cargo morphogens may be essential for launching NVPs. Thus, we propose that NVP flow is a new mode of extracellular transport that forms a left-right gradient of morphogens.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide-3-OH kinase (PI(3)K), activated through growth factor stimulation, generates a lipid second messenger, phosphatidylinositol-3,4,5-trisphosphate (PtdIns(3,4,5)P3). PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 is instrumental in signalling pathways that trigger cell activation, cytoskeletal rearrangement, survival and other reactions. However, some targets of PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 are yet to be discovered. We demonstrate that SWAP-70, a unique signalling protein, specifically binds PtdIns(3,4,5)P3. On stimulation by growth factors, cytoplasmic SWAP-70, which is dependent on PI(3)K but independent of Ras, moved to cell membrane rearrangements known as ruffles. However, mutant SWAP-70 lacking the ability to bind PtdIns(3,4,5)P3 blocked membrane ruffling induced by epidermal growth factor or platelet-derived growth factor. SWAP-70 shows low homology with Rac-guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs), and catalyses PtdIns(3,4,5)P3-dependent guanine nucleotide exchange to Rac. SWAP-70-deficient fibroblasts showed impaired membrane ruffling after stimulation with epidermal growth factor, and failed to activate Rac fully. We conclude that SWAP-70 is a new type of Rac-GEF which, independently of Ras, transduces signals from tyrosine kinase receptors to Rac.  相似文献   

The immune system consists of two evolutionarily different but closely related responses, innate immunity and adaptive immunity. Each of these responses has characteristic receptors-Toll-like receptors (TLRs) for innate immunity and antigen-specific receptors for adaptive immunity. Here we show that the caspase recruitment domain (CARD)-containing serine/threonine kinase Rip2 (also known as RICK, CARDIAK, CCK and Ripk2) transduces signals from receptors of both immune responses. Rip2 was recruited to TLR2 signalling complexes after ligand stimulation. Moreover, cytokine production in Rip2-deficient cells was reduced on stimulation of TLRs with lipopolysaccharide, peptidoglycan and double-stranded RNA, but not with bacterial DNA, indicating that Rip2 is downstream of TLR2/3/4 but not TLR9. Rip2-deficient cells were also hyporesponsive to signalling through interleukin (IL)-1 and IL-18 receptors, and deficient for signalling through Nod proteins-molecules also implicated in the innate immune response. Furthermore, Rip2-deficient T cells showed severely reduced NF-kappaB activation, IL-2 production and proliferation on T-cell-receptor (TCR) engagement, and impaired differentiation to T-helper subtype 1 (TH1) cells, indicating that Rip2 is required for optimal TCR signalling and T-cell differentiation. Rip2 is therefore a signal transducer and integrator of signals for both the innate and adaptive immune systems.  相似文献   

Smith C 《Nature》2003,422(6929):341

根据声波分量的传播速度不同,只要在井下设置的声波发射器与接收器之间保持足够长的距离,就可在时域上得到将纵波、横波、表面波分开来的全波列信号,从而为地质岩性的研究提供丰富的信息.本文将讨论长源距声波测井仪的井下程序控制器的原理电路设计与分析.据文献[1]可知,该仪器有两种工作方式:井眼补偿测井(简称BHC方式)与水泥胶结测井(简称CBL方式).BHC方式测量时序如图1所示.它的每个测量周期分W_1,W_2,  相似文献   

A saponin-detoxifying enzyme mediates suppression of plant defences   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Bouarab K  Melton R  Peart J  Baulcombe D  Osbourn A 《Nature》2002,418(6900):889-892
Plant disease resistance can be conferred by constitutive features such as structural barriers or preformed antimicrobial secondary metabolites. Additional defence mechanisms are activated in response to pathogen attack and include localized cell death (the hypersensitive response). Pathogens use different strategies to counter constitutive and induced plant defences, including degradation of preformed antimicrobial compounds and the production of molecules that suppress induced plant defences. Here we present evidence for a two-component process in which a fungal pathogen subverts the preformed antimicrobial compounds of its host and uses them to interfere with induced defence responses. Antimicrobial saponins are first hydrolysed by a fungal saponin-detoxifying enzyme. The degradation product of this hydrolysis then suppresses induced defence responses by interfering with fundamental signal transduction processes leading to disease resistance.  相似文献   

给出一种使用公用电话网进行远程控制雷达机房附属设施的系统.该系统采用普通双音多频电话机上的按键,作为控制命令按键,通过MT8870双音调多频接收机作电话双音多频解码核心,实现对雷达机房附属设施远程控制功能.  相似文献   

给出一种使用公用电话网进行远程控制雷达机房附属设施的系统.该系统采用普通双音多频电话机上的按键,作为控制命令按键,通过MT8870双音调多频接收机作电话双音多频解码核心,实现对雷达机房附属设施远程控制功能.  相似文献   

给出一种使用公用电话网进行远程控制雷达机房附属设施的系统。该系统采用普通双音多频电话机上的按键,作为控制命令按键,通过MT8870双音调多频接收机作电话双音多频解码核心,实现对雷达机房附属设施远程控制功能。  相似文献   

从传导问题中获得了一类非齐次椭圆方程Dirichlet问题的极限形式. 当2个理想导体之间的距离足够小时, 建立其最优的全局梯度估计, 从而给出了电场强度的爆破率.   相似文献   

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