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Familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome (FCAS, MIM 120100), commonly known as familial cold urticaria (FCU), is an autosomal-dominant systemic inflammatory disease characterized by intermittent episodes of rash, arthralgia, fever and conjunctivitis after generalized exposure to cold. FCAS was previously mapped to a 10-cM region on chromosome 1q44 (refs. 5,6). Muckle-Wells syndrome (MWS; MIM 191900), which also maps to chromosome 1q44, is an autosomal-dominant periodic fever syndrome with a similar phenotype except that symptoms are not precipitated by cold exposure and that sensorineural hearing loss is frequently also present. To identify the genes for FCAS and MWS, we screened exons in the 1q44 region for mutations by direct sequencing of genomic DNA from affected individuals and controls. This resulted in the identification of four distinct mutations in a gene that segregated with the disorder in three families with FCAS and one family with MWS. This gene, called CIAS1, is expressed in peripheral blood leukocytes and encodes a protein with a pyrin domain, a nucleotide-binding site (NBS, NACHT subfamily) domain and a leucine-rich repeat (LRR) motif region, suggesting a role in the regulation of inflammation and apoptosis.  相似文献   

Robinow syndrome is a short-limbed dwarfism characterized by abnormal morphogenesis of the face and external genitalia, and vertebral segmentation. The recessive form of Robinow syndrome (RRS; OMIM 268310), particularly frequent in Turkey, has a high incidence of abnormalities of the vertebral column such as hemivertebrae and rib fusions, which is not seen in the dominant form. Some patients have cardiac malformations or facial clefting. We have mapped a gene for RRS to 9q21-q23 in 11 families. Haplotype sharing was observed between three families from Turkey, which localized the gene to a 4. 9-cM interval. The gene ROR2, which encodes an orphan membrane-bound tyrosine kinase, maps to this region. Heterozygous (presumed gain of function) mutations in ROR2 were previously shown to cause dominant brachydactyly type B (BDB; ref. 7). In contrast, Ror2-/- mice have a short-limbed phenotype that is more reminiscent of the mesomelic shortening observed in RRS. We detected several homozygous ROR2 mutations in our cohort of RRS patients that are located upstream from those previously found in BDB. The ROR2 mutations present in RRS result in premature stop codons and predict nonfunctional proteins.  相似文献   

Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by oculocutaneous albinism and a storage pool deficiency due to an absence of platelet dense bodies. Lysosomal ceroid lipofuscinosis, pulmonary fibrosis and granulomatous colitis are occasional manifestations of the disease. HPS occurs with a frequency of one in 1800 in north-west Puerto Rico due to a founder effect. Several non-Puerto Rican patients also have mutations in HPS1, which produces a protein of unknown function. Another gene, ADTB3A, causes HPS in the pearl mouse and in two brothers with HPS-2 (refs. 11,12). ADTB3A encodes a coat protein involved in vesicle formation, implicating HPS as a disorder of membrane trafficking. We sought to identify other HPS-causing genes. Using homozygosity mapping on pooled DNA of 6 families from central Puerto Rico, we localized a new HPS susceptibility gene to a 1.6-cM interval on chromosome 3q24. The gene, HPS3, has 17 exons, and a putative 113.7-kD product expected to reveal how new vesicles form in specialized cells. The homozygous, disease-causing mutation is a large deletion and represents the second example of a founder mutation causing HPS on the small island of Puerto Rico. We also present an allele-specific assay for diagnosing individuals heterozygous or homozygous for this mutation.  相似文献   

Antenatal Bartter syndrome (aBS) comprises a heterogeneous group of autosomal recessive salt-losing nephropathies. Identification of three genes that code for renal transporters and channels as responsible for aBS has resulted in new insights into renal salt handling, diuretic action and blood-pressure regulation. A gene locus of a fourth variant of aBS called BSND, which in contrast to the other forms is associated with sensorineural deafness (SND) and renal failure, has been mapped to chromosome 1p. We report here the identification by positional cloning, in a region not covered by the human genome sequencing projects, of a new gene, BSND, as the cause of BSND. We examined ten families with BSND and detected seven different mutations in BSND that probably result in loss of function. In accordance with the phenotype, BSND is expressed in the thin limb and the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle in the kidney and in the dark cells of the inner ear. The gene encodes a hitherto unknown protein with two putative transmembrane alpha-helices and thus might function as a regulator for ion-transport proteins involved in aBS, or else as a new transporter or channel itself.  相似文献   

The syndrome of congenital hypoparathyroidism, mental retardation, facial dysmorphism and extreme growth failure (HRD or Sanjad-Sakati syndrome; OMIM 241410) is an autosomal recessive disorder reported almost exclusively in Middle Eastern populations. A similar syndrome with the additional features of osteosclerosis and recurrent bacterial infections has been classified as autosomal recessive Kenny-Caffey syndrome (AR-KCS; OMIM 244460). Both traits have previously been mapped to chromosome 1q43-44 (refs 5,6) and, despite the observed clinical variability, share an ancestral haplotype, suggesting a common founder mutation. We describe refinement of the critical region to an interval of roughly 230 kb and identification of deletion and truncation mutations of TBCE in affected individuals. The gene TBCE encodes one of several chaperone proteins required for the proper folding of alpha-tubulin subunits and the formation of alpha-beta-tubulin heterodimers. Analysis of diseased fibroblasts and lymphoblastoid cells showed lower microtubule density at the microtubule-organizing center (MTOC) and perturbed microtubule polarity in diseased cells. Immunofluorescence and ultrastructural studies showed disturbances in subcellular organelles that require microtubules for membrane trafficking, such as the Golgi and late endosomal compartments. These findings demonstrate that HRD and AR-KCS are chaperone diseases caused by a genetic defect in the tubulin assembly pathway, and establish a potential connection between tubulin physiology and the development of the parathyroid.  相似文献   

Usher syndrome type I (USH1) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by congenital sensorineural hearing loss, vestibular dysfunction and visual impairment due to early onset retinitis pigmentosa (RP). So far, six loci (USH1A-USH1F) have been mapped, but only two USH1 genes have been identified: MYO7A for USH1B and the gene encoding harmonin for USH1C. We identified a Cuban pedigree linked to the locus for Usher syndrome type 1D (MIM 601067) within the q2 region of chromosome 10). Affected individuals present with congenital deafness and a highly variable degree of retinal degeneration. Using a positional candidate approach, we identified a new member of the cadherin gene superfamily, CDH23. It encodes a protein of 3,354 amino acids with a single transmembrane domain and 27 cadherin repeats. In the Cuban family, we detected two different mutations: a severe course of the retinal disease was observed in individuals homozygous for what is probably a truncating splice-site mutation (c.4488G-->C), whereas mild RP is present in individuals carrying the homozygous missense mutation R1746Q. A variable expression of the retinal phenotype was seen in patients with a combination of both mutations. In addition, we identified two mutations, Delta M1281 and IVS51+5G-->A, in a German USH1 patient. Our data show that different mutations in CDH23 result in USH1D with a variable retinal phenotype. In an accompanying paper, it is shown that mutations in the mouse ortholog cause disorganization of inner ear stereocilia and deafness in the waltzer mouse.  相似文献   

We describe here a previously unknown, dominantly inherited, late-onset basal ganglia disease, variably presenting with extrapyramidal features similar to those of Huntington's disease (HD) or parkinsonism. We mapped the disorder, by linkage analysis, to 19q13.3, which contains the gene for ferritin light polypeptide (FTL). We found an adenine insertion at position 460-461 that is predicted to alter carboxy-terminal residues of the gene product. Brain histochemistry disclosed abnormal aggregates of ferritin and iron. Low serum ferritin levels also characterized patients. Ferritin, the main iron storage protein, is composed of 24 subunits of two types (heavy, H and light, L) which form a soluble, hollow sphere. Brain iron deposition increases normally with age, especially in the basal ganglia, and is a suspected causative factor in several neurodegenerative diseases in which it correlates with visible pathology, possibly by its involvement in toxic free-radical reactions. We found the same mutation in five apparently unrelated subjects with similar extrapyramidal symptoms. An abnormality in ferritin strongly indicates a primary function for iron in the pathogenesis of this new disease, for which we propose the name 'neuroferritinopathy'.  相似文献   

Hallervorden-Spatz syndrome (HSS) is an autosomal recessive neurodegenerative disorder associated with iron accumulation in the brain. Clinical features include extrapyramidal dysfunction, onset in childhood, and a relentlessly progressive course. Histologic study reveals iron deposits in the basal ganglia. In this respect, HSS may serve as a model for complex neurodegenerative diseases, such as Parkinson disease, Alzheimer disease, Huntington disease and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) encephalopathy, in which pathologic accumulation of iron in the brain is also observed. Thus, understanding the biochemical defect in HSS may provide key insights into the regulation of iron metabolism and its perturbation in this and other neurodegenerative diseases. Here we show that HSS is caused by a defect in a novel pantothenate kinase gene and propose a mechanism for oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of the disease.  相似文献   

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS, OMIM 209900) is a genetic disorder with the primary features of obesity, pigmentary retinopathy, polydactyly, renal malformations, mental retardation and hypogenitalism. Individuals with BBS are also at increased risk for diabetes mellitus, hypertension and congenital heart disease. What was once thought to be a homogeneous autosomal recessive disorder is now known to map to at least six loci: 11q13 (BBS1), 16q21 (BBS2), 3p13 p12 (BBS3), 15q22.3 q23 (BBS4), 2q31 (BBS5) and 20p12 (BBS6). There has been considerable interest in identifying the genes that underlie BBS, because some components of the phenotype are common. Cases of BBS mapping ro BBS6 are caused by mutations in MKKS; mutations in this gene also cause McKusick-Kaufman syndrome (hydrometrocolpos, post-axial polydactyly and congenital heart defects). In addition, we recently used positional cloning to identify the genes underlying BBS2 (ref. 16) and BBS4 (ref. 17). The BBS6 protein has similarity to a Thermoplasma acidophilum chaperonin, whereas BBS2 and BBS4 have no significant similarity to chaperonins. It has recently been suggested that three mutated alleles (two at one locus, and a third at a second locus) may be required for manifestation of BBS (triallelic inheritance). Here we report the identification of the gene BBS1 and show that a missense mutation of this gene is a frequent cause of BBS. In addition, we provide data showing that this common mutation is not involved in triallelic inheritance.  相似文献   

Non-insulin-dependent (type II) diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) is characterized by hyperglycaemia and insulin resistance, and affects nearly 5% of the general population. Inherited factors are important for its development, but the genes involved are unknown. We have identified a large pedigree in which NIDDM, in combination with a sensorineural hearing loss, is maternally inherited. The maternal inheritance and the observed decrease in mitochondrial enzyme activities of the respiratory chain indicate a genetic defect in the mitochondrial DNA. An A to G transition was identified at nucleotide 3,243, a conserved position in the mitochondrial gene for tRNA(Leu)(UUR). This mutation cosegregates with the disease in this family and is absent in controls, and indicates that a point mutation in mitochondrial DNA is a pathogenetic factor for NIDDM.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) depletion syndrome (MDS; MIM 251880) is a prevalent cause of oxidative phosphorylation disorders characterized by a reduction in mtDNA copy number. The hitherto recognized disease mechanisms alter either mtDNA replication (POLG (ref. 1)) or the salvage pathway of mitochondrial deoxyribonucleosides 5'-triphosphates (dNTPs) for mtDNA synthesis (DGUOK (ref. 2), TK2 (ref. 3) and SUCLA2 (ref. 4)). A last gene, MPV17 (ref. 5), has no known function. Yet the majority of cases remain unexplained. Studying seven cases of profound mtDNA depletion (1-2% residual mtDNA in muscle) in four unrelated families, we have found nonsense, missense and splice-site mutations and in-frame deletions of the RRM2B gene, encoding the cytosolic p53-inducible ribonucleotide reductase small subunit. Accordingly, severe mtDNA depletion was found in various tissues of the Rrm2b-/- mouse. The mtDNA depletion triggered by p53R2 alterations in both human and mouse implies that p53R2 has a crucial role in dNTP supply for mtDNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Bardet-Biedl syndrome (BBS, MIM 209900) is a heterogeneous autosomal recessive disorder characterized by obesity, pigmentary retinopathy, polydactyly, renal malformations, mental retardation, and hypogenitalism. The disorder is also associated with diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and congenital heart disease. Six distinct BBS loci map to 11q13 (BBS1), 16q21 (BBS2), 3p13-p12 (BBS3), 15q22.3-q23 (BBS4), 2q31 (BBS5), and 20p12 (BBS6). Although BBS is rare in the general population (<1/100,000), there is considerable interest in identifying the genes causing BBS because components of the phenotype, such as obesity and diabetes, are common. We and others have demonstrated that BBS6 is caused by mutations in the gene MKKS (refs. 12,13), mutation of which also causes McKusick-Kaufman syndrome (hydrometrocolpos, post-axial polydactyly, and congenital heart defects). MKKS has sequence homology to the alpha subunit of a prokaryotic chaperonin in the thermosome Thermoplasma acidophilum. We recently identified a novel gene that causes BBS2. The BBS2 protein has no significant similarity to other chaperonins or known proteins. Here we report the positional cloning and identification of mutations in BBS patients in a novel gene designated BBS4.  相似文献   

Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (DIR) is an X-linked disorder characterized by insensitivity of the distal nephron for the pituitary hormone, vasopressin. The genetic map location of the DIR gene on chromosome Xq28 coincides with the physical map location of the functional vasopressin renal V2-type receptor. Recently, the human and rat cDNAs for the vasopressin V2 receptor (AVPR2) have been identified. We show here that the structural AVPR2 gene is localized between DXS52 and G6PD, which is within the genetic map location of DIR. We also tested eight X-linked DIR probands and their families for mutations in one of the most conserved extracellular regions of AVPR2: in three of them, we have identified point mutations resulting in non-conservative amino acid substitutions which cosegregated with DIR in all families.  相似文献   

Cerebello-oculo-renal syndrome (CORS), also called Joubert syndrome type B, and Meckel (MKS) syndrome belong to the group of developmental autosomal recessive disorders that are associated with primary cilium dysfunction. Using SNP mapping, we identified missense and truncating mutations in RPGRIP1L (KIAA1005) in both CORS and MKS, and we show that inactivation of the mouse ortholog Rpgrip1l (Ftm) recapitulates the cerebral, renal and hepatic defects of CORS and MKS. In addition, we show that RPGRIP1L colocalizes at the basal body and centrosomes with the protein products of both NPHP6 and NPHP4, known genes associated with MKS, CORS and nephronophthisis (a related renal disorder and ciliopathy). In addition, the RPGRIP1L missense mutations found in CORS individuals diminishes the interaction between RPGRIP1L and nephrocystin-4. Our findings show that mutations in RPGRIP1L can cause the multiorgan phenotypic abnormalities found in CORS or MKS, which therefore represent a continuum of the same underlying disorder.  相似文献   

Vacuolar-vesicular protein sorting (Vps) factors are involved in vesicular trafficking in eukaryotic cells. We identified the missense mutation L967Q in Vps54 in the wobbler mouse, an animal model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and also characterized a lethal allele, Vps54(beta-geo). Motoneuron survival and spermiogenesis are severely compromised in the wobbler mouse, indicating that Vps54 has an essential role in these processes.  相似文献   

Johanson-Blizzard syndrome (OMIM 243800) is an autosomal recessive disorder that includes congenital exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, multiple malformations such as nasal wing aplasia, and frequent mental retardation. We mapped the disease-associated locus to chromosome 15q14-21.1 and identified mutations, mostly truncating ones, in the gene UBR1 in 12 unrelated families with Johanson-Blizzard syndrome. UBR1 encodes one of at least four functionally overlapping E3 ubiquitin ligases of the N-end rule pathway, a conserved proteolytic system whose substrates include proteins with destabilizing N-terminal residues. Pancreas of individuals with Johanson-Blizzard syndrome did not express UBR1 and had intrauterine-onset destructive pancreatitis. In addition, we found that Ubr1(-/-) mice, whose previously reported phenotypes include reduced weight and behavioral abnormalities, had an exocrine pancreatic insufficiency, with impaired stimulus-secretion coupling and increased susceptibility to pancreatic injury. Our findings indicate that deficiency of UBR1 perturbs the pancreas' acinar cells and other organs, presumably owing to metabolic stabilization of specific substrates of the N-end rule pathway.  相似文献   

The genetic analysis of congenital skull malformations provides insight into normal mechanisms of calvarial osteogenesis. Enlarged parietal foramina (PFM) are oval defects of the parietal bones caused by deficient ossification around the parietal notch, which is normally obliterated during the fifth fetal month. PFM are usually asymptomatic, but may be associated with headache, scalp defects and structural or vascular malformations of the brain. Inheritance is frequently autosomal dominant, but no causative mutations have been identified in non-syndromic cases. We describe here heterozygous mutations of the homeobox gene MSX2 (located on 5q34-q35) in three unrelated families with PFM. One is a deletion of approximately 206 kb including the entire gene and the others are intragenic mutations of the DNA-binding homeodomain (RK159-160del and R172H) that predict disruption of critical intramolecular and DNA contacts. Mouse Msx2 protein with either of the homeodomain mutations exhibited more than 85% reduction in binding to an optimal Msx2 DNA-binding site. Our findings contrast with the only described MSX2 homeodomain mutation (P148H), associated with craniosynostosis, that binds with enhanced affinity to the same target. This demonstrates that MSX2 dosage is critical for human skull development and suggests that PFM and craniosynostosis result, respectively, from loss and gain of activity in an MSX2-mediated pathway of calvarial osteogenic differentiation.  相似文献   

Following reports of mutations of codon 717 in exon 17 of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) gene in early-onset familial Alzheimer's disease, we screened exon 17 for new mutations in presenile dementia. The majority of the 105 patients screened had definite or probable Alzheimer's disease, but we also included atypical cases and some chronic schizophrenics. We identified a single abnormal case--a chronic schizophrenic with cognitive defects. Sequencing revealed a C to T nucleotide substitution which produces an alanine to valine change at codon 713. We were unable to detect the mutation in the remaining members of the original cohort nor in a further 100 chronic schizophrenics and 100 non-demented controls. Nonetheless, the position of the mutation in a critical portion of the APP gene suggests that it may well prove to be pathogenic.  相似文献   

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