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We present measurements from 2006 of the marine wind speed profile at a site located 18 km from the west coast of Denmark in the North Sea. Measurements from mast-mounted cup anemometers up to a height of 45 m are extended to 161 m using LiDAR observations. Atmospheric turbulent flux measurements performed in 2004 with a sonic anemometer are compared to a bulk Richardson number formulation of the atmospheric stability. This is used to classify the LiDAR/cup wind speed profiles into atmospheric stability classes. The observations are compared to a simplified model for the wind speed profile that accounts for the effect of the boundary-layer height. For unstable and neutral atmospheric conditions the boundary-layer height could be neglected, whereas for stable conditions it is comparable to the measuring heights and therefore essential to include. It is interesting to note that, although it is derived from a different physical approach, the simplified wind speed profile conforms to the traditional expressions of the surface layer when the effect of the boundary-layer height is neglected.  相似文献   

We test a flexible, idealized mean wind profile for the loweratmosphere that can easily be matched to whatever windobservations may be available. Its intended function is to providea `best guess' wind profile from limited observations, e.g., foruse in dispersion models, and to this end, following earlierauthors, we have matched a Monin–Obukhov layer to a baroclinic Ekman layer.To demonstrate the flexibility of the two-layer wind profile, weoptimize its free parameters to provide best interpolative fits toa sample of multi-level wind profiles. These include model windprofiles extracted from the Canadian Global EnvironmentalMulti-scale weather model (GEM), as well as experimental profilesfrom the Wangara experiment, and from an over-ocean dispersionexperiment (LROD). In most cases the two-layer profile fit issatisfactory.  相似文献   

The influence of the main large-scale wind directions on thermally driven mesoscale circulations at the Baltic southwest coast, southeast of Sweden, is examined. The aim of the study is to highlight small-scale alterations in the coastal atmospheric boundary layer. A numerical three-dimensional mesoscale model is used in this study, which is focused on an overall behaviour of the coastal jets, drainage flows, sea breezes, and a low-level eddy-type flow in particular. It is shown that synoptic conditions, together with the moderate terrain of the southeast of Sweden (max. height h0 206 m), governs the coastal mesoscale dynamics triggered by the land-sea temperature difference T. The subtle nature of coastal low-level jets and sea breezes is revealed; their patterns are dictated by the interplay between synoptic airflow, coastline orientation, and T.The simulations show that coastal jets typically occur during nighttime and vary in height, intensity and position with respect to the coast; they interact with downslope flows and the background wind. For the assigned land surface temperature (varying ±8 K from the sea temperature) and the opposing constant geostrophic wind 8 m s-1, the drainage flow is more robust to the opposing ambient flow than the sea breeze later on. Depending on the part of the coast under consideration, and the prevailing ambient wind, the sea breeze can be suppressed or enhanced, stationary at the coast or rapidly penetrating inland, locked up in phase with another dynamic system or almost independently self-evolving. A low-level eddy structure is analyzed. It is governed by tilting, divergence and horizontal advection terms. The horizontal extent of the coastal effects agrees roughly with the Rossby radius of deformation.  相似文献   

The mean concentration distributionwithin a plume released from a point source in the atmosphericboundary layer can be greatly influenced by the systematic turningof wind with height (i.e. vertical wind direction shear). Such aninfluence includes a deflection of the plume centroid, with anassociated shearing of the vertical plume cross-section, and anenhancement of dispersion, in the horizontal plane. Wind directionshear is normally not accounted for in coastal fumigation models,although dispersion observations with shear acting as acontrolling parameter are not uncommon. A three-dimensionalLagrangian stochastic model is used to investigate the influenceof uniform wind direction shear on the diffusion of a point-sourceplume within the horizontally homogeneous convective boundarylayer, with the source located at the top of the boundary layer.Parameterisations are developed for the plume deflection andenhanced dispersion due to shear within the framework of aprobability density function (PDF) approach, and compared with theLagrangian model results. These parameterisations are thenincorporated into two applied coastal fumigation models: a PDFmodel, and a commonly used model that assumes uniform andinstantaneous mixing in the vertical direction. The PDF modelrepresents the vertical mixing process more realistically. A moreefficient version of the PDF model, which assumes a well-mixedconcentration distribution in the vertical at large times, isapplied to simulate sulfur dioxide data from the Kwinana CoastalFumigation Study. A comparison between the model results and thedata show that the model performs much better when the wind-sheareffects are included.  相似文献   

河北地区边界层内不同高度风速变化特征   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
为了研究城市化进程对风速变化的影响,利用1971-2006年河北省境内邢台、张家口和乐亭3个探空站高空风观测资料和对应地面站风观测资料,统计分析了边界层内距地面10m、300m、600m、900m 4个高度的长期风速变化特征,比较了不同高度风速变化趋势的异同.分析结果表明:3站年和季节平均风速随着距地面高度的增加而变大,但最大的风速垂直递增率出现在从10m到300m之间;各站各高度层月平均风速具有明显的季节变化特征,春季风速最大,夏季较小;在近36年里,3站平均的地面(10m高)年和季节平均风速变化存在显著的减少趋势,300m以上各高度层平均风速一般也降低,但远没有地面明显;不同高度平均风速变化趋势的差异可能主要是由城市化以及台站附近观测环境的改变引起的,这使得地面风速明显减弱;但地面以上各层平均风速同样存在一定减弱现象,说明背景大气环流的变化也是地面风速下降的原因之一.  相似文献   

Wind-tunnel experiments in a thermally stratified wind tunnel and direct numerical simulations were performed to simulate the thermal internal boundary layer (TIBL) that developed over a coastal area in a sea-breeze flow. The results of the simulations were analyzed to investigate turbulence structure in the TIBL. To study the effects of the atmospheric stability over the sea on the TIBL, two vertical profiles of temperature were created in the upstream portion of the wind-tunnel experiment and the direct numerical simulation. Turbulence statistics of the TIBL changed significantly according to the temperature profile over the sea, indicating that the stability of the flow over the sea has a significant effect on the structure and turbulence characteristics of the TIBL. Furthermore, the TIBL heights were estimated from the vertical profiles of the local Richardson number. The estimated TIBL heights agreed with those predicted by a pre-existing relation, suggesting that both the wind-tunnel experiment and the direct numerical simulation accurately reproduced the growth of the TIBL.  相似文献   

下垫面对郑州城市边界层风的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王魁山 《气象》1998,24(7):10-13
根据1993年1月和7月郑州市中心测点和南郊郑州气象观测站同步观测的地面和边界层气象资料,分析了郑州城市下垫面对边界层风的影响。结果表明,在地面气压梯度比较小且天气晴朗条件下,郑州存在城市热岛环流。受城市热岛环流影响,郊区地面风向指向市区;边界层800m以下,城市上空吹偏西风时同一高度上南郊风向偏于城市风向左侧,吹偏东风时同一高度上南郊风向偏于市区风向右侧;1200m以上,城市上空吹偏西风时,同一高度上南郊风向偏于城市风向右侧  相似文献   

大气边界层风速脉动的分形模拟   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
应用曲线分数维计算方法计算大气边界层实际风速观测资料的分数维值,并根据分形理论构造出一个理论模型来模拟真实的大气边界层风速时间序列。将模拟和真实数据的一些重要的统计特征,例如方差、风速概率分布、谱密度函数和自相关函数等,进行了比较,结果表明二者具有很好的一致性。  相似文献   

The wind stress in the marine surface layer under unstable conditions and low wind speed has been studied using a Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) image of the sea surface and time series of the horizontal and vertical wind velocities and of the wind stress recorded on board the C.N.R. research platform, in the northern Adriatic Sea, during a SAR overflight.A conditional sampling technique has been used on the wind stress time series and on the SAR image to detect downward (sweep) and upward (ejection) bursts of the momentum flux, as well as the two-dimensional structure of the radar backscatter.From the ensemble average of both the wind stress and the backscatter structures, it has been possible to estimate the mean duration of the upward (11 s) and the downward (15 s) wind stress bursts and the mean size of the bright patches of the SAR image (120 m). The front of the mean backscatter structure, associated with the downward wind stress bursts, has been related to the time length of the mean sweep stress structure to get, after accounting for a threshold of the wind stress for the generation of the sea surface wavelets, the translation velocity Ut of the mean wind stress of sweep, very close to the mean wind speed. The vertical coherence of the wind stress structures has permited to refer the translation velocity to a level very close to the sea surface, but above the viscous sublayer. The variability of Ut with height has been studied through comparison with the mean wind speed at different heights z calculated by a boundary-layer model. Accounting for the results reported in the literature, there is an indication that Ut is constant with height in the range 0.5 m z 15 m.The two-dimensional pattern of the wind stress structures has been derived from the SAR image. The structures appear elongated crosswind, as with microfronts, with an average cross- to down-wind ratio of 4. The area covered by the downward wind stress structures represents 13% of the total area.  相似文献   

A simple algorithm is proposed in order to transform routine surface wind speed observations near the coast to a wind at the height of the equilibrium planetary boundary layer as well as to any other height over a relatively flat coastal region. The model is based on the well known internal boundary layer (IBL) concept, Monin-Obukhov similarity theory and the resistance law, and describes the effects of the roughness transition from sea to land as well as the effect of stability on the shape of the profiles and the IBL growth. The required input weather data are no more than surface wind speed, air temperature and total cloud cover. Satisfactory agreement was found between measurements at Hellinikon airport and estimations made with the scheme. The introduction of a transition layer above the IBL did not improve the agreement to any significant extent. Mean values of the estimated wind differed by less than 1 m s -1 from the observed ones, a difference within the accuracy of the reported rawinsonde values. The rms error varied in the range of 17–22% of the observed average value, giving the best agreement under unstable conditions. The correlation coefficient between the observed and the estimated values of the wind, at the height of the equilibrium planetary boundary layer, ranged between 0.74 and 0.90.  相似文献   

强风天气下边界层结构特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近地层观测的强风运动表明,叠加在平均流动之上的脉动通常有两种,一种是随机的湍流脉动,还有一种具有相干结构的阵风扰动。分析表明,上层强风的剪切运动产生阵风,并向下传递能量,对近地层的通量传输起到重要作用。本文利用北京325 m气象塔、位于海拔1257 m的妙峰山测风塔和位于海拔1688 m的灵山测风塔的资料,分析了强风天气下,边界层上层出现阵风并向下传递的过程,进一步证实无论在近地层还是边界层上层,强风期间,叠加在平均流动上除了高频湍流脉动之外,还有周期为1~10分钟的阵风,即相干结构。阵风峰期有下沉运动,阵风谷期有上升运动。这些相干结构在边界层上层产生,向下运动和传播过程中受到平均气流梯度的切变作用和地面摩擦,破碎为湍流结构。边界层上层的阵风和湍流产生的动量通量向下传递,使得强风期间,边界层中阵风和湍流对通量具有同样的输送能力,对边界层中沙尘、污染物等气溶胶的传输具有重要作用。本研究为模式中进行通量输送参数化方案的修正提供了观测和理论依据。  相似文献   

赵鸣 《大气科学》1992,16(1):18-28
基于近年来对自由对流和稳定边界层湍流交换特征的研究,求解边界层运动方程,得到这两种层结下边界层风的解析表达式.所得廓线与边界层特性参数符合观测特征.还求出了这二种层结下边界层顶抽吸速度的解析表达及其与某些参数的关系.结果表明,抽吸速度与层结有关,其特征可从物理上加以解释.  相似文献   

The morning transition between the stable nocturnal situation and the daytime convective boundary layer (CBL) is of interest both for basic understanding and for initializing prognostic models. While the morning growth phase of the CBL has been studied in detail, relatively little has been published on the transition itself. In this paper, conventional observations of surface temperature, humidity, and turbulent fluxes,and data from a meteorological tower, are combined with measurements of the onset of convection by boundary-layer wind profilers to explore the timing and behaviour of the transition period. The transition is defined here as the period between sunrise and the time at which the depth ofconvection reaches about 200 m AGL. Diagnostic relationships based on surface heat flux, the temperature difference between 2 m and 200 m, and bulk Richardson number are explored. The transition is foundto be enabled by surface heating relaxing the surface stability, while the warming of the layerbetween 2 m and 200 m is in large part due to shear-driven entrainment.  相似文献   

Analytical parameterisations of the thermal internal boundary-layer (TIBL) height based on the slab approach are widely used in coastal dispersion models. However, they tend to a singular behaviour when the stability of the onshore flow is close to neutral. Assuming that convective turbulence dominates mixing, we derive a more general analytical model that is valid for both stable and neutral onshore flows. The model is based on the existing framework for the slab approach but involving the Zilitinkevich correction (or the spin-up term). The height variation of the onshore flow lapse rate is accounted for in the model by including an initial TIBL height. An algebraic form of the model also includes the mechanical mixing contribution to the TIBL growth and is, therefore, suitable for use when the overland surface heat flux is small and friction velocity large. The new analytical model is tested with field measurements taken under near-neutral onshore flow conditions. The performance of the model is shown to be better than a commonly used TIBL parameterisation scheme.  相似文献   

利用渤海沿岸微波辐射计、风廓线雷达、四分量辐射仪和超声风速仪等多种观测反演资料,并结合常规站点气象资料,卫星云图,浮标气象水文观测和FNL(Final)再分析资料研究了2016年12月17~19日一次环渤海大雾个例产生的天气水文条件以及边界层垂直分层的辐射和湍流特征。研究发现:(1)此次大雾出现在大陆低压前部、入海高压后部的西南低空急流控制区域,与强急流相伴的暖湿平流输送为雾区提供了稳定的逆温和持续的水汽积累,非常有利于大雾天气的形成;(2)水汽通量的分布与低空急流的移动密切相关,近地面比湿的增速与低空急流的强度成正比;(3)由于低空急流的水汽输送增湿了环渤海低层大气,从而增强了大气辐射的衰减效应,导致雾形成前向下短波辐射逐渐减小,向下长波辐射不断增加,净辐射在大雾形成后趋近于零;(4)逆温有效抑制了湍流的发展,近地层湍流动能和摩擦速度微弱。  相似文献   

A numerical mesoscale model is used to make a high-resolutionsimulation of the marine boundary layer in the Persian Gulf, duringconditions of offshore flow from Saudi Arabia. A marine internal boundary layer(MIBL) and a sea-breeze circulation (SBC) are found to co-exist. The sea breeze develops in the mid-afternoon, at which time its frontis displaced several tens of kilometres offshore. Between the coastand the sea-breeze system, the MIBL that occurs is consistent with a picture described in the existing literature. However, the MIBL isperturbed by the SBC, the boundary layer deepening significantly seaward of the sea-breeze front. Our analysis suggests that thisstrong, localized deepening is not a direct consequence offrontal uplift, but rather that the immediate cause is the retardation of theprevailing, low-level offshore windby the SBC. The simulated boundary-layer development can be accounted for by using a simple 1D Lagrangian model of growth driven by the surface heatflux. This model is obtained as a straightforward modification ofan established MIBL analytic growth model.  相似文献   

利用北京中国科学院大气物理研究所325 m气象观测塔的气象梯度资料和湍流资料,分析了2014年11月29日至12月5日北京两次大风过程中气象要素和湍流输送特征的变化。第一次大风过程的强度和持续时间均高于第二次大风过程。强烈的风速垂直切变主要集中在距地面100 m高度范围内,最强风速垂直切变达到0.31 s~(-1)。大风过程中,阵风系数呈现随高度减小的趋势,越接近地面,阵风系数愈大。阵风强度的变化与阵风系数相似,100 m以下高度时,阵风强度随高度增大而减小。大风过程自上而下改变边界层结构,平均动能、湍流动能和摩擦速度最先从上层(280 m)发生变化且迅速增加。近地层由于风速垂直梯度的显著差异,近地层垂直方向的湍流强度最大。大风时各功率谱在低频区(0.01 s~(-1))达到峰值,大风过后各高度的能量都有所下降。  相似文献   

利用2014—2019年6个台风合计34组数据,通过与机动式边界层风廓线雷达以及同点探空数据进行对比,分析风廓线雷达对登陆台风边界层结构诊断的适用性。初步分析表明:有30组数据完整度高于80%,且平均标准差为3.64 m·s-1,平均误差为4.67 m·s-1。30组数据中有19组数据的对比结果较好,均呈现风廓线雷达与探空廓线在250 m高度以上重合度较高、250 m高度以下重合度较低的特征,其原因可能与探空低层加速以及风廓线雷达低层受干扰有关。将250 m高度以下的数据剔除后和剔除前对比发现,数据质量得到提高。从空间分布看,低质量数据大多分布在台风中心距离观测点200 km及以外的区域,但较高质量数据相对于台风中心并无明显的倾向性分布。从降水分布看,未发现数据质量与降水关系明显。尽管使用的数据比较有限,但风廓线雷达在台风边界层结构观测中展现较好应用潜力。  相似文献   

Wind and temperature profiles in the stable boundary layer were analyzed in the context of MoninObukhov similarity. The measurements were made on a 60-m tower in Kansas during October 1999 (CASES-99). Fluxprofile relationships, obtained from these measurements in their integral forms, were established for wind speed and temperature. Use of the integral forms eliminates the uncertainty and accuracy issues resulting from gradient computations. The corresponding stability functions, which were nearly the same for momentum and virtual sensible heat, were found to exhibit different features under weakly stable conditions compared to those under strongly stable conditions. The gradient stability functions were found to be linear, namely m = 1+ 5.8 and h = 1 + 5.4 up to a limit of the MoninObukhov stability parameter = 0.8; this is consistent with earlier findings. However, for stronger stabilities beyond a transition range, both functions were observed gradually to approach a constant, with a value of approximately 7. To link these two distinct regimes, a general but pliable functional form with only two parameters is proposed for the stability functions, covering the entire stability range from neutral to very stable conditions.  相似文献   

A simple model of the atmospheric boundary layer over the ocean where the swell impact on the atmosphere is explicitly accounted for is suggested. The model is based on Ekman’s equations, where the stress in the wave boundary layer is split into two parts: the turbulent and wave-induced stress. The turbulent stress is parameterized traditionally via the eddy viscosity proportional to the generalized mixing length. The wave-induced stress directed upward (from swell to the atmosphere) is parameterized using the formalism of the wind-over-waves coupling theory. The model can be seen as an extension of the model by Kudryavtsev and Makin (J Phys Oceanogr 34:934–949, 2004) to the scale of the entire atmospheric boundary layer by including the Coriolis force into the momentum conservation equation and generalizing the definition of the mixing length. The regime of low winds for swell propagating along the wind direction is studied. It is shown that the impact of swell on the atmosphere is governed mainly by the swell parameter—the coupling parameter that is the product of the swell steepness and the growth rate coefficient. When the coupling parameter drops below − 1 the impact of swell becomes significant and affects the entire atmospheric boundary layer. The turbulent stress is enhanced near the surface as compared to the no-swell case, and becomes negative above the height of the inner region. The wind profile is characterized by a positive gradient near the surface and a negative gradient above the height of the inner region forming a characteristic bump at the height of the inner region. Results of the model agree at least qualitatively with observations performed in the atmosphere in presence of swell.  相似文献   

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