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加权3-Set Packing 的改进算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Packing 问题构成了一类重要的NP 难问题.对于加权3-Set Packing 问题,把问题转化成加权3-Set Packing Augmentation 问题进行求解,即主要讨论如何从一个已知的最大加权k-packing 求得一个权值最大的(k+1)-packing. 通过对问题结构的分析,结合Color-Coding 技术,首先给出了一种时间复杂度为O*(10.63k)的参数算法,极大地改进了目前文献中的最好结果O*(12.83k).通过对(k+1)-packing 结构的进一步分析,利用集合划分技术将上述结果降到O*(7.563k).  相似文献   

Packing问题构成了一类重要的NP难问题.对于加权3-SetPacking问题,把问题转化成加权3-SetPacking Augmentation问题进行求解,即主要讨论如何从一个已知的最大加权k-packing求得一个权值最大的(k+1)-packing.通过对问题结构的分析,结合Color-Coding技术,首先给出了一种时间复杂度为O*(10.63k)的参数算法,极大地改进了目前文献中的最好结果O*(12.83k).通过对(k+1)-packing结构的进一步分析,利用集合划分技术将上述结果降到O*(7.563k).  相似文献   

In this paper, we study two variants of the bin packing and covering problems called Maximum Resource Bin Packing (MRBP) and Lazy Bin Covering (LBC) problems, and present new approximation algorithms for them. For the offline MRBP problem, the previous best known approximation ratio is \frac65\frac{6}{5} (=1.2) achieved by the classical First-Fit-Increasing (FFI) algorithm (Boyar et al. in Theor. Comput. Sci. 362(1–3):127–139, 2006). In this paper, we give a new FFI-type algorithm with an approximation ratio of \frac8071\frac{80}{71} (≈1.12676). For the offline LBC problem, it has been shown in Lin et al. (COCOON, pp. 340–349, 2006) that the classical First-Fit-Decreasing (FFD) algorithm achieves an approximation ratio of \frac7160\frac{71}{60} (≈1.18333). In this paper, we present a new FFD-type algorithm with an approximation ratio of \frac1715\frac{17}{15} (≈1.13333). Our algorithms are based on a pattern-based technique and a number of other observations. They run in near linear time (i.e., O(nlog n)), and therefore are practical.  相似文献   

Set Packing问题起源于分割问题的应用,是在强约束条件对元素进行划分。在复杂性理论中,此问题是一类重要的NP难问题,被广泛应用于调度、代码优化和生物信息学等领域。特别是在参数计算理论产生后,此问题再次成为研究的热点问题。依据所研究问题的差异,本文将Set Packing问题分成5类,并给出了具体的定义。在此基础上,分别介绍了求解这5类问题的相关算法,着重分析和比较了参数算法中所运用的各项技术,并提出了该问题算法研究的一些发展方向。  相似文献   

针对罩式炉退火生产中的钢卷组合堆垛优化问题,建立了以最小化钢卷组炉总加热时间为目标的数学模型。模型综合考虑了钢卷自身属性以及生产工艺约束条件等因素对钢卷组炉加热处理时间的影响。在分析罩式炉退火加热工艺规范的基础上,提出了一种改进自适应遗传算法对模型求解。算法首先类比装炉组合问题与一维装箱问题的相似点分组编码染色体,借鉴装箱问题的优化思想改善初始解种群质量;然后在工艺规则的指导下对遗传基因进行启发式交叉和变异,变异率和交叉率随种群收敛程度自适应调整以保证种群多样性和全局收敛性;最后结合局部穷举搜索方法实现了对上述模型的优化计算。仿真对比实验以及现场实际应用效果均表明该算法相对其他算法的优越性。  相似文献   

带权的m-D MATCHING和m-SET PACKING问题(m≥3)以前是用近似算法来求解的.本文首先根据参数计算理论对这两个带权问题进行了参数化定义,然后运用最新的着色技术和动态规划技术对带权的m-SET PACKING问题设计了一个时间复杂度为O*(12.8mk)的固定参数可解算法, 接着在此基础上利用问题本身的结构特点对带权的m-D MATCHING问题提出了一个时间复杂度为O*(12.8(m-1)k)的固定参数可解算法,表明带权的m-SET PACKING问题和带权的m-D MATCHING问题都是固定参数可解的.  相似文献   

根据气象应用网格的特点和影响负载均衡的因素,对基于气象应用网格的负载均衡技术进行分析和探讨,提出一种气象应用网格中的负载均衡算法,实验结果表明该算法提高网格的负载能力.  相似文献   

Use of Genetic Algorithms for Solution of the Rectangle Packing Problem   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper deals with the problem of packing of rectangles in a given rectangle. Genetic algorithms are proposed for solving the problem. Some details of realization of the approach proposed are given and a high efficiency of the method of genetic algorithms is illustrated by two examples.  相似文献   

We describe algorithms for finding shortest paths and distances in outerplanar and planar digraphs that exploit the particular topology of the input graph. An important feature of our algorithms is that they can work in a dynamic environment, where the cost of any edge can be changed or the edge can be deleted. In the case of outerplanar digraphs, our data structures can be updated after any such change in only logarithmic time. A distance query is also answered in logarithmic time. In the case of planar digraphs, we give an interesting tradeoff between preprocessing, query, and update times depending on the value of a certain topological parameter of the graph. Our results can be extended to n -vertex digraphs of genus O(n 1-ε ) for any ε>0 . Received September 24, 1996; revised May 13, 1998, and January 20, 1999.  相似文献   

遗传算法“早熟”现象的改进策略   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
改善遗传算法中的“早熟”现象可以通过提供某种机制以恢复群体多样性。基于这种思想,该文参照其他遗传算法改进策略,从弥补丢失模式、提高模式浓度出发,提出了通过保持模式的多样性来保证群体多样性的方法。为了衡量改进策略的有效性,引入了模式再生期望值的概念,并利用模式再生期望值的分析方法分析了一种实用的改进策略。实验数据证明了该策略的有效性。  相似文献   

Agarwal  Bhattacharya  Sen 《Algorithmica》2002,32(4):521-539
We consider the following one- and two-dimensional bucketing problems: Given a set S of n points in \reals 1 or \reals 2 and a positive integer b , distribute the points of S into b equal-size buckets so that the maximum number of points in a bucket is minimized. Suppose at most (n/b) + Δ points lie in each bucket in an optimal solution. We present algorithms whose time complexities depend on b and Δ . No prior knowledge of Δ is necessary for our algorithms. For the one-dimensional problem, we give a deterministic algorithm that achieves a running time of O(b 4 2 +log n) + n) . For the two-dimensional problem, we present a Monte Carlo algorithm that runs in subquadratic time for small values of b and Δ . The previous algorithms, by Asano and Tokuyama [1], searched the entire parameterized space and required Ω ( n 2 ) time in the worst case even for constant values of b and Δ . We also present a subquadratic algorithm for the special case of the two-dimensional problem when b=2 .  相似文献   

Agarwal  Bhattacharya  Sen 《Algorithmica》2008,32(4):521-539
Abstract. We consider the following one- and two-dimensional bucketing problems: Given a set S of n points in \reals 1 or \reals 2 and a positive integer b , distribute the points of S into b equal-size buckets so that the maximum number of points in a bucket is minimized. Suppose at most (n/b) + Δ points lie in each bucket in an optimal solution. We present algorithms whose time complexities depend on b and Δ . No prior knowledge of Δ is necessary for our algorithms. For the one-dimensional problem, we give a deterministic algorithm that achieves a running time of O(b 4 2 +log n) + n) . For the two-dimensional problem, we present a Monte Carlo algorithm that runs in subquadratic time for small values of b and Δ . The previous algorithms, by Asano and Tokuyama [1], searched the entire parameterized space and required Ω ( n 2 ) time in the worst case even for constant values of b and Δ . We also present a subquadratic algorithm for the special case of the two-dimensional problem when b=2 .  相似文献   

为了提高包装箱的空间利用率,提出一种基于离散差分进化算法的方法,以求解二维板材组包排样问题.采用带符号的序列代表一个排样方案,提出了基于最低水平线的空隙可再利用启发式算法,对单个包的子序列进行解码,获得对单包的排样子问题的自动排样方案,使板材充分填充产生的空隙;为了改进排样结果,提出邻近策略以进一步提高空间利用率.实验结果表明,对仿真实验数据,该算法获得了比遗传算法更好的结果;对实际生产数据,该算法所得结果比原有排样方案的空间利用率更高.  相似文献   

基于聚类分析技术的数据清洗研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
数据清洗是建立数据仓库及进行数据挖掘的一个重要步骤。数据清洗的核心是检测近似重复记录,而聚类是将相似度高的数据对象聚集到一个类中的分析方法。本文描述的数 据清洗过程就基于聚类分析,它将基于密度的改进聚类算法ICAD应用到数据清洗过程中,该算法通过不断调节密度发现近似重复记录,快速完成大容量数据清洗任务。  相似文献   

论述了用Ahn改进遗传算法解决路由路径的优化问题,采用可变长度染色体路由串和它的基因节点应用于编码问题,交叉操作在交叉点进行部分染色体部分路由交换,变异操作维持种群的多样性。该算法采用简单维护操作,维护好所有的不可行的染色体。交叉操作和变异操作相结合保证了最优解的搜索能力和解的全局收敛性。计算机仿真实验表明该算法快速有效、可靠性高。  相似文献   

We study the problem of packing element-disjoint Steiner trees in graphs. We are given a graph and a designated subset of terminal nodes, and the goal is to find a maximum cardinality set of element-disjoint trees such that each tree contains every terminal node. An element means a non-terminal node or an edge. (Thus, each non-terminal node and each edge must be in at most one of the trees.) We show that the problem is APX-hard when there are only three terminal nodes, thus answering an open question. Our main focus is on the special case when the graph is planar. We show that the problem of finding two element-disjoint Steiner trees in a planar graph is NP-hard. Similarly, the problem of finding two edge-disjoint Steiner trees in a planar graph is NP-hard. We design an algorithm for planar graphs that achieves an approximation guarantee close to 2. In fact, given a planar graph that is k element-connected on the terminals (k is an upper bound on the number of element-disjoint Steiner trees), the algorithm returns $\lfloor\frac{k}{2} \rfloor-1$ element-disjoint Steiner trees. Using this algorithm, we get an approximation algorithm for the edge-disjoint version of the problem on planar graphs that improves on the previous approximation guarantees. We also show that the natural LP relaxation of the planar problem has an integrality ratio approaching?2.  相似文献   

In this paper we consider both the maximization variant Max Rep and the minimization variant Min Rep of the famous Label Cover problem. So far the best approximation ratios known for these two problems were \(O(\sqrt{n})\) and indeed some authors suggested the possibility that this ratio is the best approximation factor for these two problems. We show, in fact, that there are a O(n 1/3)-approximation algorithm for Max Rep and a O(n 1/3log?2/3 n)-approximation algorithm for Min Rep. In addition, we also exhibit a randomized reduction from Densest k-Subgraph to Max Rep, showing that any approximation factor for Max Rep implies the same factor (up to a constant) for Densest k-Subgraph.  相似文献   

构造二叉树的两个改进算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在数据结构中,已知一棵二叉树的先序序列和中序序列,可唯一确定此二叉树.本文在分析建立二叉树经典算法的时间复杂度的基础上,给出了两个改进算法:①利用哈希函数,使得改进后的算法在最差情况下,时间复杂度由O(n2)降为O(n);②利用栈和控制输入的结点序列构造二叉树,时间复杂度也由O(n2)降为O(n).  相似文献   

快速拓展随机树算法(RRT)在机械臂路径规划中存在随机性强、搜索效率低、规划路径长等问题,不能在货柜堆垛场景中取得相对最优的光滑路径.对此,该文提出了一种改进RRT-人工势场法混合算法进行货柜堆垛机械臂运动规划.首先,对传统快速拓展随机树算法进行改进,在传统快速拓展随机树算法的全局搜索的基础上引入目标搜索,增强了随机树...  相似文献   

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