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This study investigated the consequences of increased levels of expressed message intensity on receivers' subsequent evaluations of the source and topic of the message, in addition to their perceptions of the message itself. A basic message was prepared in which a previously neutral source attacked a relatively low-salience topic. The intensity with which the source stated his attitudinal position was systematically varied by the alternative insertion of verbs and modifiers of known intensive value. This created two experimental messages, one of low intensity, the other of high intensity. Subjects read one of the messages and responded via rating scales. Obtained results provided partial support for the experimental hypotheses, in that the high intensity message was judged as clearer and its source as more dynamic than the low intensity message. A secondary analysis based solely on perceived message intensity conformed even more closely to the experimental predictions. Messages rated as being highly intense were also rated as clearer and more logical, and having sources who were judged to be more trustworthy, more qualified and more dynamic.  相似文献   

本文探讨用电子方法模拟传统乐器的音色时影响听众主观音色感的非频谱因素。实验证明,这些因素对主观音色判断的影响有时不亚于频谱(客观音色)。因此在设计电子乐器,特别是设计旨在逼真地模仿传统乐器音色的电子乐器时,注意到并引入这些因素能收到事半功倍的效果。  相似文献   

短消息业务的今日和明天   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
宋献涛 《通讯世界》2002,8(5):63-65
短消息业务(SMS)在移动通信和互联网上的业务量增长迅速,2001年全球共发送了2500亿条短消息,而中国移动的短信业务收入达15.9亿元,不过,如果以一种前瞻性的技术眼光去审视这股热潮,就不难发现移动消息业务的发展趋势:随着时间的推移,简单文本在移动通信中将会变得越来越少,人们会越来越注重视觉效果,文本消息将逐步向图标、图片消息,再向视频及电影消息演进。这些全新的业务和应用将不再是简单的SMS力所能及的,届时,EMS(增强消息业务)和MMS(多媒体消息业务)将登台亮相,大显身手。移动消息业务将沿着从SMS到EMS再…  相似文献   

This study extends the research on message‐sensation value (MSV) by treating it as a dynamic stream of complex visual‐auditory information and arousing content (MSV‐d). Real‐time attentional and emotional responses to this dynamic stream during the PSA viewing process are indicated by psychophysiological measures. Dynamic models are used to systematically examine endogenous and exogenous influences on message processing to more accurately understand the effects of MSV‐d variables and individuals' sensation seeking tendencies during the processing of the PSAs. An important finding is that generally, increasing visual‐auditory complexity activates an approach tendency in those with high sensation‐seeking tendencies but activates an avoidance tendency in those with low sensation‐seeking tendencies, and this response pattern is moderated by arousing content.  相似文献   

根据各个网元的专项深度优化所积累的经验,围绕用户满意度、网络系统负荷和KPI指标的优化目标,提出了整个系统优化思路和解决措施。  相似文献   

移动短信业务发展中存在的问题及解决方案探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对国内移动短信业务存在的问题进行分析,并提出了相应的解决方案,为移动短信业务的良性发展提供帮助。  相似文献   

IPTV消息业务的实现和发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
消息业务作为一种IPTV增值业务,实现了应用与用户之间、用户与用户之间的消息交互.本文首先分析了IPTV消息业务的使用场景,进而重点介绍了IPTV消息系统的架构和消息业务的实现流程,并深入探讨了接口协议和功能要求等方面的技术实现,并就未来IPTV消息业务向融合类消息业务的发展趋势进行了探讨.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了视频留言业务的概念及组网方案,然后重点介绍了业务特征和部分业务流程。  相似文献   

融合通信业务的即时消息业务在为用户带来巨大便利的同时,也会带来安全管控风险和技术挑战。本文提出融合通信中即时消息业务在网络侧的安全监测和处置技术要求,通过对用户发送消息的发送特征和用户举报信息等进行综合分析,对判定的不良消息进行适当处置。  相似文献   

多媒体信息服务(MMS)系统的最大的特色就是支持多媒体功能,可以借助GPS,CDMA1X的支持,以WAP(无线应用协议)为载体传送视频片段,图片、声音和文字,实现手机与手机间、手机与电脑间的多媒体信息传送,文中对该系统的基本结构,特别是多媒体信息中心(MMS-C)的结构以及江苏移动通信公司建立的基于GPRS的MMS系统组网方式进行了分析,对MMS系统的主要功能及应用情况进行了介绍。  相似文献   

通过对发布/订阅机制和防火墙解决方案的研究,提出了一种新的消息服务IceStorm改进方法。该方法利用Ice本身的防火墙服务Glacier,将其与原有IceStorm服务相结合放在同一台PC机上,同时将与Glacier的服务器端点对应的服务器也移到同台PC机上,整个作为传输服务器,使IceStorm服务能顺利穿越局域网防火墙,最后给出了系统架构和详细的流程图。实际应用表明该方法能够有效地解决企业局域网内部客户无法订阅的问题。  相似文献   

移动短消息业务的发展与技术演进   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
首先描述了移动短消息业务的发展现状,透视了移动短消息市场的未来发展趋势。然后深入研究了SMS、EMS及MMS的业务和技术特征及网络运管实现。最后对移动短消息市场的前景进行了前瞻性研究。  相似文献   

The present studies explored how adolescents process information in making decisions about risk behavior. We studied two developmental aspects of adolescent egocentrism: personal fable (a sense of invulnerability) and imaginary audience (focus on others), along with individual difference variables (sensation seeking, self-esteem, and peer pressure). The studies investigated the effects of a message variable, elaboration demand, which is driven by a developmental view of adolescents' cognitive processing. Results of 3 studies indicated the deep elaboration message was partially effective in changing message perceptions and adolescents' intentions to behave in ways to reduce risks. The message type interacted with developmental indicators (age and cognitive development), gender, and topic to explain behavioral intentions, message perceptions and retention.  相似文献   

在网络中系统之间消息的交换十分重要.文中研究了在入侵检测代理之间消息传输的相关机制,采用层次编码方式对消息类编码,在消息传输时使用消息的编码和相应的参数,确保语义的惟一性.  相似文献   

基于GSM的短消息业务协议分析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文对目前广泛使用的短消息业务从协议上进行了探讨.具体分析了SMS的网络结构及其传输数据单元结构,并且讨论了ESTI定义的三种SMS接口协议.最后以SEMA2000为例简单分析了GSMSMSC的实现.  相似文献   

首先介绍了GSM短消息业务的特点、网络结构和协议,然后介绍了短消息业务在移动POS(point of sales)系统中的应用.最后对该系统的优势进行了分析.  相似文献   

短消息业务(SMS)作为一项极具吸引力的增值业务,已经得到了越来越多用户的认可。除了大量使用的手机与手机之间点对点短消息业务之外,从各种信息平台到手机的短消息业务也在快速发展,并已经成为广大用户及时方便地获取信息的一种手段。因此,在第三代移动通信中,短消息业务对通信的安全性提出了更高的要求,他使用双向鉴权机制和信令完整性保护措施。详细描述了WCDMA中短消息业务的协议结构和短消息的发送过程,最后还分析了他的安全机制,以此展现第三代移动通信的安全特性。  相似文献   

A growing body of research suggests that specific stylistic message features have meaningful implications for message attention, recall, and processing. This study combines content analysis ( n = 45 ads) with population survey data from the Legacy Media Tracking Surveys ( n = 32,977 teens) to (a) identify associations between specific visual, audio, and format features and recall of televised smoking prevention advertisements and (b) test whether these associations are moderated by the need for sensation (NFS). Consistent with research derived from the limited capacity model of mediated message processing, 6 of 7 hypothesized stylistic features increased the likelihood of ad recall. However, contrary to predictions outlined by the activation model of information exposure (AMIE), no differences were observed in the magnitude of these associations by NFS. Results underscore the importance of stylistic considerations in designing health campaign messages and raise questions about the central propositions of the AMIE.  相似文献   

基于CMPP的短消息业务系统的设计与实现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨了充分利用现有资源,使得运营商与信息服务提供商能够发挥各自优势,开展方便灵活的短消息增值业务;介绍了CMPP(ChinaMobilepoint to point,中国移动点对点协议)的定义、接口连接和消息处理机制;分析了GSM短消息增值业务的接口;详细论述了基于CMPP的一种GSM短消息增值业务通信服务程序的实现。  相似文献   

基于Web的短消息服务平台的设计与实现   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
短消息服务 ( SMS)在通信产业中正占据越来越重要的位置。本文描述了短消息服务平台与网络运营商网络实体之间的关系 ,分析了短消息服务平台的系统结构 ,最后给出了基于 Web的短消息服务平台的设计与实现 ,该平台集成了信息发布和信息点播功能  相似文献   

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