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Purpose The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy and complications of self-expandable metallic stent placement for patients with inoperable esophageal carcinoma after radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. Materials and methods We obtained data from 19 patients with advanced or recurrent esophageal carcinoma between 1996 and 2000. In all patients, a self-expandable metallic stent was placed under fluoroscopic guidance. Dysphagia before and after stent placement was graded. Complications after stent placement were also evaluated. Data were compared between patients with and without prior radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy. Results The procedure was technically successful in all but one patient. The dysphagia grade improved in all patients. No life-threatening complications occurred. The other major complications such as mediastinitis occurred in two patients, and pneumonia and funnel phenomenon occurred in one patient each. These patients had a history of radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy prior to stent placement. Eight of the twelve patients with prior radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy compared with one of seven patients without prior therapy had persistent chest pain, which was a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05). Conclusion Placement of self-expandable metallic stents was effective for patients with advanced or recurrent esophageal carcinoma. However, prior irradiation and/or chemotherapy increased the risk of persistent chest pain after stent placement.  相似文献   

食管癌性重度狭窄并食管-气道瘘的内支架置入治疗   总被引:18,自引:3,他引:18  
目的探讨食管癌性重度狭窄合并食管-气道瘘的内支架置入效果。方法透视下,27例食管重度癌性狭窄合并食管-气道瘘患者置入食管覆膜内支架。结果支架全部一次性置入成功,瘘口完全封堵,患者恢复正常进食,肺部感染得以控制。结论内支架置入治疗食管癌性狭窄并食管-气道瘘损伤小、操作简单安全、并发症少、成功率高,控制呛咳具有立竿见影的效果。  相似文献   

经鼻、食管引流及覆膜支架植入术治疗食管-胸腔瘘   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 探索经鼻、食管引流及覆膜支架植入术治疗食管-胸腔瘘的可行性及临床价值.方法 7例食管胸腔瘘患者采用5 F猪尾巴多侧孔导管经鼻、食管行胸腔引流,并利用食管覆膜内支架封堵食管瘘口.术后经引流导管定时冲洗脓腔,复查脓腔造影.结果 患者一次性植入引流导管及堵瘘支架均获得成功;引流持续12~22 d,平均15 d;拔管前引流管造影提示脓腔明显变小或闭塞、液气胸得到明显控制,拔管后食管造影示瘘口封堵满意、支架完全复张,未见明显移位、狭窄等征象.结论 经鼻、食管引流及覆膜支架植入术治疗食管胸腔瘘,技术上可行,操作简易、安全,临床疗效肯定.  相似文献   

目的:评价国产被覆自膨式金属内支架治疗恶性食管狭窄及食管-气管瘘的效果和适用性。方法:利用DSA高清晰度X线电视造影、定位和监视释放。经口在0.038inch Amplatz直头导丝引导下,对食管癌引起的恶性狭窄12例置入单喇叭型;对癌性食管-气管瘘12例置入双喇叭型国产被覆自膨式金属内支架,随访3-10个月。结果:24个内支架一次性植入成功,患者可即刻吞食水,不再呛咳。结论:国产支架操作简单、 成功率高、安全、效果立竿见影,价值低廉能为众多患者接受。  相似文献   

目的探索食管覆膜内支架与经鼻经食管引流管置入治疗食管-纵隔瘘的价值。方法10例食管-纵隔瘘采用5F直头侧孔导管经鼻腔经食管和瘘口置入纵隔脓腔,并利用食管覆膜内支架封堵瘘口。经引流管定时冲洗脓腔,复查脓腔造影,及时调整引流管的位置和拔出引流管。结果进食顺利,引流10—25d引流管完全拔出,脓腔消失。结论食管覆膜内支架与经鼻经食管引流管置人治疗食管-纵隔瘘,可有效治疗纵隔脓肿,操作技术简单、费用低、创伤小,患者易于接受,是值得推广的新技术。  相似文献   

覆膜自膨式金属内支架治疗食管瘘   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
食管瘘是由肿瘤侵犯或由于食管癌、贲门癌、肺癌等手术引发的严重并发症,包括食管气管瘘、食管纵隔瘘、食管胸腔瘘等,发生率5%~10%[1]。治疗目的主要是封闭瘘口,恢复食管通畅。我院自1997年以来,共收治各种食管瘘20例,其中19例行内支架治疗,报道如下。1材料和方法1.1临床资料本  相似文献   

食管支架选择应用的临床探讨   总被引:26,自引:9,他引:17  
目的:探讨合理选用食管金属内支架置入治疗晚期食管癌性狭窄引起的吞咽困难。方法:对72例晚期食管癌置入食管金属内支架。结果:吞咽困难完全清除或明显缓解,食管-气管瘘或纵隔瘘完全封闭。结论:合理选择食管内支架可减少并发症的发生,是解决晚期食管癌患者进食的有效方法。  相似文献   

Several techniques have been reported to address different endovascular device failures. We report the case of a premature deployment of a covered balloon mounted stent during endovascular repair of a post-traumatic carotid-cavernous fistula (CCF). A 50-year-old male suffered a fall resulting in loss of consciousness and multiple facial fractures. Five weeks later, he developed decreased left visual acuity, proptosis, chemosis, limited eye movements and cranial/orbit bruit. Cerebral angiography demonstrated a direct left CCF and endovascular repair with a 5.0 mm × 19 mm covered stent was planned. Once in the lacerum segment, increased resistance was encountered and the stent was withdrawn resulting in premature deployment. A 3 mm × 9 mm balloon was advanced over an exchange length microwire and through the stent lumen. Once distal to the stent, the balloon was inflated and slowly pulled back in contact with the stent. All devices were successfully withdrawn as a unit. The use of a balloon to retrieve a prematurely deployed balloon mounted stent is a potential rescue option if leaving the stent in situ carries risks.  相似文献   

内支架置入对食管良恶性狭窄姑息性治疗的临床应用   总被引:25,自引:3,他引:25  
目的 采用内支架置入的方法对食管良恶性狭窄和食管瘘患者进行姑息性治疗,观察并比较进口支架和国产支架的临床应用情况。方法 20例食管癌所致食管狭窄患者中,手术后吻合口狭窄3例,合并食管-气管瘘4例,食管-纵 隔瘘1例。置入进口支架10个;国产支架10个。对4例食管造影显示完全梗阻和7例严重狭窄的患者,先行球囊扩张,后置入支架。9例直接置入。结果 15例单纯食管狭窄患者置入支架后,进食情况明显改善,5例合并瘘者置入带膜支架后,瘘口消失。分别随访2个月至2年。1例20d后死于消化道大出血。3例6个月后再次出现狭窄,1例行放射治疗,2例第2次置入支架。其余患者均未出现明显的进食障碍。结论 食管内支架置入术简单、安全、近期疗效明显,无严重并发症,是食管癌性狭窄和食管瘘的一种良好的姑息性治疗方法。国产支架与进出口支架疗效相仿,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

目的 评价食管、十二指肠恶性狭窄及瘘应用自膨式覆膜支架治疗的价值,探讨支架植入后常见的并发症及处理方法 .方法 87例上消化道狭窄或梗阻患者中,50例食管恶性狭窄,23例贲门-胃吻合口狭窄,5例胃、十二指肠恶性狭窄,3例食管瘘,6例食管吻合口瘘,共置入国产带膜网状支架95枚.结果 内支架置入全部一次成功,除1例患者术中急性出血外,余病例无即刻并发症,术后患者狭窄解除,饮食得到恢复,瘘道封闭,远期疗效与疾病性质和相关治疗情况有关.结论 自膨式覆膜支架治疗食管、十二指肠恶性狭窄及瘘疗效可靠,并发症少,术后加放疗和(或)化疗可进一步提高疗效.  相似文献   

A 60-year-old man with a malignant esophageal perforation could not be treated by conventional covered metallic stents because the upper esophagus was dilated. The perforation was eventually closed by deployment of a prototype, conical covered Wallstent.  相似文献   

食管支架治疗恶性食管-气管瘘   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的探讨国产金属被膜内支架经食管置人,治疗食管一气管瘘的疗效。方法9例中,男7例,女2例,年龄46~72岁,平均53.4岁。因放疗引起食管一气管瘘食管癌3例,肺癌1例;肺癌支气管动脉灌注治疗后2例,手术后复发病人3例。全组病例均有饮水呛咳,吞咽困难,并均经手术或内镜病理证实,造影发现有食管一气管瘘口。病理结果为;小细胞肺癌2例:肺鳞癌1例;食管鳞癌6例。支架上端呈漏斗状,上下长于病灶2cm,支架到位后,用直径1.5cm球囊导管扩张,封闭瘘口,固定支架。结果5例可进普食,4例进半流食,1周后改进普食。结论带膜金属内支架治疗食管一气管瘘安全有效,是首选的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的 设计封堵食管胃吻合口-胸腔瘘的覆膜内支架。方法 根据食管胃吻合口区的特殊解剖结构和吻合口胸腔瘘的病变特点,设计蘑菇状覆膜内支架。透视下,5例吻合口巨大胸腔瘘患者置入6枚蘑菇状覆膜内支架。结果 蘑菇状覆膜内支架能有效封堵食管胃吻合口巨大胸腔瘘,解决了进食问题,改善了营养状况。结论 蘑菇状覆膜内支架结构设计合理,操作简单、安全,近期疗效明显,是一项值得推广的新技术。  相似文献   

目的探讨暂时性蘑菇状覆膜内支架与经鼻经食管脓腔引流管置入治疗食管-胃吻合口瘘的疗效。方法对8例食管-胃吻合口瘘患者透视下,经鼻腔和食管向脓腔内置入引流管,负压抽吸脓液,再经食管置入蘑菇状覆膜内支架封堵瘘口。定时经引流管冲洗脓腔,适时复查脓腔造影,及时调整后退引流管的位置,直至引流管完全拔出;在置入术后1个月左右(约在引流管拔出后1周)取出支架。结果8例蘑菇状覆膜内支架和引流管置入技术操作全部成功,放置位置合适。经鼻经食管脓腔引流14~21d,脓腔消失,引流管完全拔出。置入术后1个月内以介入技术顺利取出支架,复查造影瘘口均愈合,脓腔消失。结论暂时性蘑菇状覆膜内支架与经鼻腔经食管脓腔引流管置入治疗食管-胃吻合口瘘,操作简单安全、无严重并发症、花费低、创伤小,是一项值得推广的新技术。  相似文献   

金属内支架置入并放化疗食管癌性狭窄临床疗效观察   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
目的 评价金属内支架置入并放治疗食管癌的临床效果。材料与方法 放化疗组35例中,男19例,女16例。年龄45-76岁,平均66岁。病程1-6个月,平均6个月。全部病例经食管镜或病理确诊为食管并置入内支架后行放化疗。31例放疗,剂量DT60-70Gy/6-7周,4例经胃左动脉灌注顺铂200mg,阿霉素60-70mg,5-氟尿嘧啶100mg。对照组35例中,男21例,女14例。年龄45-75岁。病程1-18个月,平均6.5个月。结果 食管癌置入内支架放化疗随访观察,食管内支架通畅时间1-5年者占20%,再狭窄率为48%,比未放化疗食管癌置入支架组能畅时间长,再发狭窄率低。结论 中晚期食管癌入内支架后进行放化疗能有效地防止再狭窄,延长生存时间  相似文献   

Two cases of percutaneous endoluminal exclusion of a subclavian aneurysm with a Dacron-coated nitinol stent are presented. One subclavian aneurysm followed trauma; the other was due to thoracic outlet stenosis which was caused by a cervical rib. In both patients the aneurysm was excluded successfully. The follow-up periods were 22 and 14 months, respectively. Stenoses at the stent graft occurred in both patients; one was treated by balloon angioplasty. In selected patients, endoluminal grafting could be an alternative to surgery; however, stent graft designs need to be improved and long-term follow-up is awaited.  相似文献   

A patient suffering from esophagorespiratory fistula after bougienage of a benign stricture at the site of the anastomosis between a jejunal interposition and the esophagus was referred for interventional treatment. A prototype nitinol stent centrally covered with Dacron was implanted under regional anesthesia and fluoroscopic guidance. The self-expanding prosthesis dilated the stenosis completely and closed the fistula, with consequent improvement in respiratory and nutritional status and thus the general quality of life. The patient was able to eat and drink normally until death 3 months later due to progression of his underlying malignant disease.  相似文献   

自膨胀式带膜食管支架在恶性食管狭窄患者中的应用   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:19  
目的 探讨自膨胀式带膜食管支架治疗恶性食管狭窄的价值。方法  32例晚期食管癌患者置放了自膨式带膜支架 ,全部操作在X线监视下进行 ,支架置入前后行食管造影对比观察。 16例术后接受了放疗和 (或 )化疗。所有病例均随访至死亡。结果 支架置放成功率和支架置入后患者吞咽困难缓解率均为 10 0 % ,除 5例术后 1个月内死亡外 ,术后接受放化疗者的生存时间长于未置支架者 ,两者分别为 (7.2± 6 .1)个月和 (2 .3± 1.4 )个月 (P <0 .0 5 ) ,术后 3个月再狭窄率也低于未置支架者 ,分别为 6 .3%和 5 4 .5 % (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 自膨胀式带膜食管支架治疗食管恶性狭窄疗效可靠 ,并发症少 ,术后加放疗和 (或 )化疗可进一步提高疗效  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We wanted to determine the technical and clinical efficacy of using a PTFE-covered self-expandable nitinol stent for the palliative treatment of malignant biliary obstruction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty-seven patients with common bile duct strictures caused by malignant disease were treated by placing a total of 37 nitinol PTFE stents. These stents were covered with PTFE with the exception of the last 5 mm at each end; the stent had an unconstrained diameter of 10 mm and a total length of 50-80 mm. The patient survival rate and stent patency rate were calculated by performing Kaplan-Meier survival analysis. The bilirubin, serum amylase and lipase levels before and after stent placement were measured and then compared using a Wilcoxon signed-rank test. The average follow-up duration was 27.9 weeks (range: 2-81 weeks). RESULTS: Placement was successful in all cases. Seventy-six percent of the patients (28/37) experienced adequate palliative drainage for the remainder of their lives. There were no immediate complications. Three patients demonstrated stent sludge occlusion that required PTBD (percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage) irrigation. Two patients experienced delayed stent migration with stone formation at 7 and 27 weeks of follow-up, respectively. Stent insertion resulted in acute elevations of the amylase and lipase levels one day after stent insertion in 11 patients in spite of performing endoscopic sphincterotomy (4/6). The bilirubin levels were significantly reduced one week after stent insertion (p < 0.01). The 30-day mortality rate was 8% (3/37), and the survival rates were 49% and 27% at 20 and 50 weeks, respectively. The primary stent patency rates were 85%, and 78% at 20 and 50 weeks, respectively. CONCLUSION: The PTFE-covered self-expandable nitinol stent is safe to use with acceptable complication rates. This study is similar to the previous studies with regard to comparing the patency rates and survival rates.  相似文献   

可取性金属内支架治疗食管良性狭窄和食管-胃吻合口瘘   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨国产可取性金属内支架治疗食管良性狭窄和瘘的疗效及介入技术。方法:1998年至2003年对14例食管良性狭窄、8例食管--胃吻合口瘘患采用可取性金属内支架治疗,观察疗效及并发症j结果32个支架一次性释放成功,31个支架顺利取出,无严重并发症,20/22例食管狭窄段由3mm~8mm增宽至12mm以上,观察3个月~15个月,能进软食或普食,吻合口瘘闭合。结论:国产CZES型可取性全被覆膜金属内支架,较长的置入时间,明显提高了食管良性狭窄和瘘的治疗效果。  相似文献   

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