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龚大卫  张翔九 《物理》1994,23(5):276-280
介绍了近年来新发展起来的几种硅基远红外探测器件,其中包括硅化物/Gexsi1-x肖特基势垒型探测器,锗硅异质结内光电发射探测器,锗硅/硅多量子阱型探测器和δ掺杂阱型探测器,并就这些器件的工作原理及影响其响应率,截止波长和工作温度的因素分别进行了讨论和比较。  相似文献   

余金中  王杏华 《物理》2002,31(8):527-533
光电探测器是一类用于接收光波并转变为电信号的专门器件,文章描述了PIN光电二极`管雪崩光电二极管、MSM(金属-半导体-金属)光电二极管的器件结构和工作原理,并对它们的响应度、噪声、带宽等特性进行了讨论,这类器件已在光通信、光信息处理等许多系统中得到广泛的应用。  相似文献   

卜涛  陈慰宗  刘军  冯宇 《物理通报》2001,(11):45-47
异质结半导体激光器是半导体激光发展史上的重要突破,它的出现使光纤通信及网络技术成为现实并迅速发展。异质结构已成为当代高性能半导体光电子器件的典型结构,具有巨大的开发潜力和应用价值。  相似文献   

半导体量子器件物理讲座 第六讲 半导体量子阱激光器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余金中  王杏华 《物理》2001,30(11):717-723
量子阱结构是半导体光电子器件的核心组成部分,它是半导体光电子集成的重要基础,文章在描述了量子结构的态密度,量子尺寸效应,粒子数反转的基础上,介绍了量子阱导质结构激光器的工作原理,器件结构,器件性能,并对其在可见光激光器和大功率激光器件中显现出来的优越性作了进一步的说明。  相似文献   

半导体量子点因其具有精准的尺寸调控、独特的光电特性、丰富的表面活性位点等优势,在光催化剂设计和机理研究中获得了广泛关注。与传统半导体量子点主要作为光吸收单元不同,新兴的碳点更是在增加光吸收、促进电荷分离和增加表面反应位点等光催化不同环节均展现出优异的应用潜力。然而,量子点光催化剂由于小尺寸带来电荷复合严重、易团聚、稳定性差等问题而限制了其光催化性能。解决这些问题的主要途径之一是将零维(0D)量子点负载到超薄的二维(2D)纳米片上,形成0D/2D纳米复合材料,使量子点更加分散和稳定,且2D纳米材料促进的加速电荷转移能够抑制光生电荷的复合,从而可以有效地改善量子点基光催化剂的催化活性和稳定性。本文系统阐述了半导体量子点和碳点基0D/2D异质结光催化剂的构筑及应用,着重讨论了不同类型0D/2D异质结的光催化作用机理及面临的挑战,最后对其未来发展进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

要想实现弱光探测,需要探测器具有高灵敏度.石墨烯、过渡金属硫化物、黑磷等二维材料因具有宽光谱吸收、带隙可调、高载流子迁移率等良好的光学与电学性能,广泛应用于红外探测器的制作,然而这些材料存在弱光吸收、载流子迁移率低、空气稳定性差等问题,制约了其在高灵敏度红外探测领域的应用.同单一的二维材料相比,二维材料异质结不仅具有各...  相似文献   

王良臣 《物理》2001,30(6):372-379
文章首先给出了同质结双极晶体管和异质结双极晶体管(HBT)在材料结构参数上的差异,这种差异表明,在器件的材料结构设计上已从掺杂设计步到了能带工程设计,和同质结双极晶体管相比,HBT具有更优越的性能,接着介绍了HBT的工作原理,典型的材料结构及器件的制作。  相似文献   

陈良惠 《物理》2001,30(4):200-202,229
瑞典皇家科学院2000年10月10日宣布,将2000年度诺贝尔物理奖授予三位科学家,他们是俄罗斯科学院圣彼得的堡约飞技术物理研究所的Zh.Alferpv、美国加利福尼亚大学的Herbert Kroemer和美国德克萨斯仪器公司的Jack S.Kilby,以表彰他们为现代信息技术,特别是他们发明的高速晶体管、激光二极管和集成电路(芯片)所作出的奠基性贡献,Kilby由于发明并发展了集成电路技术而获奖,通过这项发明,微电子学成为所有现代技术的基础,Kilby的获奖成果已有另文(见2001年第3期《物理》)述评,Alferov和Kroemer则是由于他们在半导体异质结及其在电子和光电子学中的应用方面的突出贡献而获奖,该不仅就两位诺贝尔物理奖得主在异质结及其在光电子中的应用方面的贡献进行评述。  相似文献   

半导体量子器件物理讲座 第一讲 异质结构和量子结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
余金中  王杏华 《物理》2001,30(3):169-174
随着半导体材料超薄层外延生长和微细加工技术的进展,人们已研制成功多种多样的半导体量子器件,以量子理论为基础,以半导体量子器件为研究对象,形成了一门新的学科-半导体量子电子学和量子光电子学,文章着重介绍半导体异质结构和量子结构,包括其能带结构、态密度分布等性质。  相似文献   

 报导了InGaAs/GaAs 和InGaAs/AlGaAs 垂直耦合量子结注入式激光器的制备工艺及其光致荧光谱, 量热吸收谱和电致荧光谱的特性。该激光器的连续波发光功率在室温下可达1W。  相似文献   

We proposed a scheme to achieve two-mode CV entanglement with the frequencies of entangled modes in the infrared range in an asymmetric semiconductor double-quantum-wells (DQW), where the required quantum coherence is obtained by inducing the corresponding intersubband transitions (ISBTs) with a classical field. By numerically simulating the dynamics of system, we show that the entanglement period can be prolonged via enhancing the intensity of classical field, and the generation of entanglement doesn't depend intensively on the initial condition of system in our scheme. Moreover, we also show that a bipartite entanglement amplifier can be realized in our scheme. The present research provides an efficient approach to achieve infrared entangled light in the semiconductor nanostructure, which may have significant impact on the progress of solid-state quantum information theory.  相似文献   

陈爱喜  陈渊  邓黎  邝耘丰 《物理学报》2012,61(21):232-236
研究了一束低强度探测脉冲光场在一个非对称半导体量子阱中的传输特性.在相同参数条件下,通过由自发辐射相干产生的交叉耦合系数来调控介质对探测场吸收、色散的变化规律.结果表明:从自发辐射相干的引入到达到相干最大,介质的吸收不断减小,同时强色散也随之进入透明窗口.  相似文献   

The time-dependent four-wave mixing(FWM) is analyzed in a four-level double semiconductor quantum well. The results show that both the amplitude and the conversion efficiency of the FWM field are enhanced with increasing the strength of two-photon Rabi frequency. Interestingly, when the one-photon detuning becomes stronger the control field corresponding to the maximum efficiency increases. Such a controlled enhanced FWM may be used to generate coherent short-wave length radiation, and it can have potential applications in quantum control and communications.  相似文献   

刘长菊  卢敏  苏未安  董太源  沈文忠 《物理学报》2018,67(2):27302-027302
多重激子效应是指纳米半导体吸收一个高能光子后产生两个甚至多个电子-空穴对的物理过程,不仅具有重要的基础研究意义,而且在新型太阳电池及高性能光电子器件领域具有潜在应用价值.综述了多重激子效应的发展历程;总结了纳米半导体的材料组分、体系结构甚至表面质量对多重激子效应的影响;介绍了多重激子效应的实验测试分析方法以及解释多重激子效应的理论方法;概括了目前多重激子效应在器件中的应用并对其应用前景进行展望.  相似文献   

We study the propagation effects of the phase-controlled infrared-light pulses in semiconductor quantum-well (QW) heterostructures under realistic experimental conditions. By numerically solving the coupled Bloch–Maxwell equations for electrons and fields simultaneously on numerical grids in time and space, we show that the propagation dynamics can be dramatically modified by varying the relative phase of the applied fields. This opens up the possibility to study optimal control of light propagation in the QW solid materials.  相似文献   

The light pulse propagation through semiconductor quantum-well heterostructures under realistic experimental conditions is studied analytically with the Schrödinger equations. It is shown that slow light and superluminal propagation with gain can be observed by varying the relative phase and the strength of the applied fields. Such investigation may open up the possibility to control the light propagation and may lead to potential applications such as high-fidelity optical delay lines, optical buffers and optical communication in quantum wells solid materials.  相似文献   

李培丽  施伟华  黄德修  张新亮 《物理学报》2012,61(8):84209-084209
建立了输入信号光偏振方向任意情况下的半导体光放大器(SOA)中 垂直双抽运四波混频(FWM)效应的完整宽带理论模型. 以基于SOA的垂直双抽运FWM型全光波长转换器为例, 通过数值模拟的方法, 理论研究了输入信号光与两抽运光功率、两抽运光与信号光之间的波长失 谐量和输入信号光偏振方向等工作参数对SOA的垂直双抽 运FWM效应及基于SOA的垂直双抽运FWM型波长转换器特性的影响.  相似文献   

艾剑锋  陈爱喜  邓黎 《中国物理 B》2013,22(2):24209-024209
We discuss the influences of two different types of mechanisms of quantum coherence on optical bistability in a semiconductor quantum well structure.In the first mechanism,only quantum coherence induced by the resonant coupling of a strong control laser is considered.In the second mechanism,the decay coherence is taken into account under the condition where the control field is weak.In two different cases,optical bistability can be obtained through choosing appropriate physical parameters.Our studies show quantum coherence makes the optical nonlinear effect of the system become stronger,which takes an important role in the process of generating optical bistability.A semiconductor quantum well with flexibility and easy integration in design could potentially be exploited in real solid-state devices.  相似文献   

We report the observation of periodic modulations in the high order harmonic radiation from diatomic molecules in a semi-infinitive gas cell when a preceding femtosecond laser beam, which is off-axis to the high-harmonic generation beam, modifies the phase-matching condition through the field-free alignment of the molecules. The observed modulations of the high harmonic radiation versus the time delay between the pulses result from periodic changes in the nonlinear refractive index associated with rotational Raman coherence. This opens up a new potential technique for studying rotational coherence dynamics in the ground states of molecules.  相似文献   

The quantum reflection pole method (QRPM) is introduced for determining quasibound state eigenenergies and their lifetimes in symmetric, asymmetric, biased, and unbiased quantum heterostructures. In the QRPM the single-band effective-mass Schrödinger equation is solved without using complex arithmetic. Calculations are much simpler to perform than with previous methods. Further, results are found to be in excellent agreement with other rigorous techniques.  相似文献   

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