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Camera pose estimation is a basic and crucial problem in computer vision, accordingly a novel method is proposed for pose estimation based on parabolic motion in our paper. Firstly, the intersection of lines which are the image plane projection of free-falling trajectories in different locations is computed. According to the properties of vanishing point, the intersection is defined as the vanishing point in gravity direction. Secondly, the image plane projected curve of parabolic trajectory is obtained by Sampson Approximation. Finally, the camera pose is estimated by employing the projective geometry properties of vanishing point and vanishing line implicated in the projected parabola, provided that the intrinsic parameters of camera are specified. The absolute Euclidean distance of translation is obtained innovatively with the known frame frequency. Numerical simulation as well as practical experiment in this paper demonstrates the correctness and feasibility of our method, with the known frame frequency, as the experiment show that compared with the traditional checkerboard method the mean errors of rotation axis, rotation angle and translation are respectively 0.017 rad, 0.007 rad and 11.650 mm by our method. It can generally satisfy the accuracy requirements of camera.  相似文献   

Calibration for stereo vision system plays an important role in the field of machine vision applications. The existing accurate calibration methods are usually carried out by capturing a high-accuracy calibration target with the same size as the measurement view. In in-situ 3D measurement and in large field of view measurement, the extrinsic parameters of the system usually need to be calibrated in real-time. Furthermore, the large high-accuracy calibration target in the field is a big challenge for manufacturing. Therefore, an accurate and rapid calibration method in the in-situ measurement is needed. In this paper, a novel calibration method for stereo vision system is proposed based on phase-based matching method and the bundle adjustment algorithm. As the camera is usually mechanically locked once adjusted appropriately after calibrated in lab, the intrinsic parameters are usually stable. We emphasize on the extrinsic parameters calibration in the measurement field. Firstly, the matching method based on heterodyne multi-frequency phase-shifting technique is applied to find thousands of pairs of corresponding points between images of two cameras. The large amount of pairs of corresponding points can help improve the accuracy of the calibration. Then the method of bundle adjustment in photogrammetry is used to optimize the extrinsic parameters and the 3D coordinates of the measured objects. Finally, the quantity traceability is carried out to transform the optimized extrinsic parameters from the 3D metric coordinate system into Euclid coordinate system to obtain the ultimate optimal extrinsic parameters. Experiment results show that the procedure of calibration takes less than 3 s. And, based on the stereo vision system calibrated by the proposed method, the measurement RMS (Root Mean Square) error can reach 0.025 mm when measuring the calibrated gauge with nominal length of 999.576 mm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel thermal three-dimensional (3D) modeling system that includes 3D shape, visual, and thermal infrared information and solves a registration problem among these three types of information. The proposed system consists of a projector, a visual camera and, a thermal camera (PVT). To generate 3D shape information, we use a structured light technique, which consists of a visual camera and a projector. A thermal camera is added to the structured light system in order to provide thermal information. To solve the correspondence problem between the three sensors, we use three-view geometry. Finally, we obtain registered PVT data, which includes visual, thermal, and 3D shape information. Among various potential applications such as industrial measurements, biological experiments, military usage, and so on, we have adapted the proposed method to biometrics, particularly for face recognition. With the proposed method, we obtain multi-modal 3D face data that includes not only textural information but also data regarding head pose, 3D shape, and thermal information. Experimental results show that the performance of the proposed face recognition system is not limited by head pose variation which is a serious problem in face recognition.  相似文献   

In recent years, many pose estimation algorithms were developed, and have been successfully applied to solve unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) aerial refueling pose estimation problems. This paper mainly focuses on solving this problem under serious turbulences circumstance. The extended Kalman filter is a set of mathematical equations to estimate the state of a process, which is able to support estimations of past, present, and even future states. In reference to previous papers and some simulations, we build up the noise models of refueling boom and atmospheric turbulence. Then, an extend Kalman filter is adopted to solve the pose estimation problem in UAV aerial refueling with serious turbulences. The experimental results demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of our proposed approach.  相似文献   

荆丹翔  周晗昀  韩军  张进 《应用声学》2019,38(4):705-711
为准确估计整片水域中的鱼群数量,提出一种利用成像声呐进行数量估计的方法。将成像声呐固定在调查船下,并使波束发射方向与船前进方向一致,通过走航调查方式采集水下信息,对采集的数据进行声呐图像构建、噪声去除、目标提取,其中噪声去除采用固定数据窗口的迭代最小二乘法,目标提取采用基于三倍标准差准则的阈值分割法。接着利用扩展卡尔曼滤波结合最近邻的多目标跟踪算法对图像中的个体目标进行一一计数,同时统计声呐扫描过的水域面积,获得目标个数的平均面密度值,最后结合水域占地面积,估算出整片水域中的鱼群数量。利用该方法实现对滴水湖鱼群数量的估计,通过与人工计数结果比较,发现基于声呐图像处理的数量统计方法具有较高精度,两者的统计值相差约10%。  相似文献   

张华  许录平  谢强  罗楠 《物理学报》2011,60(4):49701-049701
累积轮廓、流量和周期是X射线脉冲星辐射信号的三个重要特征,将其应用于X射线脉冲星信号检测中,提出了一种基于Bayesian估计的X射线脉冲星周期辐射信号时域检测方法.该方法以非脉冲区噪声观测为先验知识,利用X射线脉冲星辐射信号的泊松分布模型推导了信号概率密度分布函数,以该函数的累积分布函数为判据,对X射线脉冲星微弱信号进行检测,并提取位相偏移量.利用仿真数据和RXTE卫星的实测数据进行实验验证,结果表明:本文方法性能优于同类的基于高斯分布模型的检测方法,在检测信号的同时能在一定精度下给出信号位相偏移值. 关键词: 脉冲星 Bayesian估计 位相测量 时域检测  相似文献   

基于回溯筛选的稀疏重构时延估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
冷雪冬  巴斌  逯志宇  王大鸣 《物理学报》2016,65(21):210701-210701
针对无线定位中时延估计在小样本(单快拍)、低信噪比条件下需要大量独立分布测量数据问题,提出了一种基于回溯筛选的稀疏重构时延估计算法,实现了单快拍、低信噪比条件下接收信号的精确时延估计.该算法首先建立接收信号的稀疏表示模型,然后基于该模型建立正交观测矩阵,最后在重构算法中引入回溯筛选思想,利用时延与观测矩阵之间的一一对应关系得到时延的无偏估计.对该模型下时延估计的克拉美罗界进行了推导.仿真分析表明,所提方法在单快拍、低信噪比条件下精度远高于求根多重信号分类算法,相比于正交匹配追踪算法,在较小的复杂度代价下性能得到了较大提升.  相似文献   

冷雪冬  王大鸣  巴斌  王建辉 《物理学报》2017,66(9):90703-090703
针对时延估计问题中压缩感知类算法现有测量矩阵需要大量数据存储量的问题,提出了一种基于渐进添边的准循环压缩感知时延估计算法,实现了稀疏测量矩阵条件下接收信号时延的准确估计.该算法首先建立压缩感知与最大似然译码之间的理论桥梁,然后推导基于低密度奇偶校验码的测量矩阵的设计准则,引入渐进添边的思想构造具有准循环结构的稀疏测量矩阵,最后利用正交匹配追踪算法正确估计出时延.对本文算法的计算复杂度与测量矩阵的数据存储量进行理论分析.仿真结果表明,所提算法在测量矩阵维数相同的条件下正确重构概率高于高斯随机矩阵和随机奇偶校验测量矩阵,相比于随机奇偶校验矩阵,在数据存储量相等的条件下,以较少的计算复杂度代价得到了重构概率的较大提高.  相似文献   

This work aims to compare results of dissipating and pure dephasing single-qubit probes in characterizing the cutoff frequency of a harmonic reservoir Ohmic spectral density. In particular, we proved that a dissipating single-qubit improves the estimation precision of the cutoff frequency estimator. The information backflow and outflow of the dissipating and the dephasing single-qubit are compared. The relation between the quantum Fisher information and the information outflow and backflow of the probe is obtained. The results show that difference between the values of information outflow and backflow of a dissipating single-qubit is larger than a dephasing single-qubit. So, a single-qubit probe extracts more information from an Ohmic reservoir by increasing the difference between the values of information outflow and backflow of the probe.  相似文献   

新的基于条纹投影轮廓测量的系统标定方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
提出一种新的光栅条纹投影轮廓测量术系统标定模型,新模型不要求投影装置和成像系统的光心连线与参考面平行、成像系统的光轴垂直于参考面及投影装置和成像系统的光轴相交。基于该模型得出了新的相位高度映射关系,其待定系数与成像点的坐标无关。实际测量中只需2个高度不同的标准块便可以求得待定系数。对4个标准块进行高度测量,得到的最大相对误差为06%。实验证明:该标定方法简单有效,提高了系统标定的可操作性和测量精度。  相似文献   

提出一种新的光栅条纹投影轮廓测量术系统标定模型,新模型不要求投影装置和成像系统的光心连线与参考面平行、成像系统的光轴垂直于参考面及投影装置和成像系统的光轴相交。基于该模型得出了新的相位高度映射关系,其待定系数与成像点的坐标无关。实际测量中只需2个高度不同的标准块便可以求得待定系数。对4个标准块进行高度测量,得到的最大相对误差为0.6%。实验证明:该标定方法简单有效,提高了系统标定的可操作性和测量精度。  相似文献   

Chemiresistive gas sensors utilizing graphene nanoplatelet (GNP)-polymer film coated electrodes have great promise for electronic nose applications. In this study GNP-polycaprolactone (PCL) based sensors fabricated using airbrush deposition are exposed to ethanol as an example target analyte to investigate ideal parameters for sensing performance maximization. The ratio of GNP to PCL was investigated from 3 to 21 wt% with sensing response maximized at 15 wt% and signal to noise ratio (SNR) maximized at 18 wt%. The effect of average coating thickness on the sensing performance was investigated by depositing 50–250 μL of 18 wt% GNP solution (852–2030 nm). The response was maximized at 150 μL (1370 nm) and the SNR was maximized at 200 μL (1680 nm). The results are consistent with previous studies of vapor sensors that employ carbon black-polymer films as sensing materials. The fabricated devices were robust and repeatable with respect to initial resistance, depth, roughness, sensor response, and SNR. Overall the results elucidate important parameters for fabrication and development of GNP-polymer gas sensors for detection and discrimination of target analytes with electronic nose systems.  相似文献   

杨建柏  赵建  孙强 《中国光学》2021,(2):320-328
提出了一种新的投影仪标定方法以提高数字光栅投影三维测量中投影仪标定的准确性.该方法结合二次投影技术和交比不变性进行投影仪标定.采用二次投影技术解决投射图案与标定板图案互相干扰的问题;采用交比不变性以避免引入相机的标定误差.接着进行了对比实验,以验证所提方法的有效性.选取需要相机参数的传统投影仪标定方法以及根据全局单应性...  相似文献   

The junction properties of tunnel silicon oxide (SiOx) passivated contact (TOPCon) with n-type poly-Si on p-type c-Si wafer are characterized using current-voltage (J-V) and capacitance-voltage (C-V) measurements. The dark J-V curves show a standard diode characteristic with a turn-on voltage of ~0.63 V, indicating a p-n junction is formed. While the C-V curve displays an irregular shape with features of 1) a slow C increase with the decrease of the magnitude of reverse bias voltage, being used to estimate the built-in potential (Vbi), 2) a significant increase at a given positive bias voltage, corresponding to the geometric capacitance crossing the ultrathin SiOx, and 3) a sharp decrease to negative values, resulting from the charge tunneling through the SiOx layer. The C of depleting layer deviates from the normal linear curve in the 1/C2-V plot, which is caused by the diffusion of P dopants from the n-type poly-Si into the p-type c-Si wafer as confirmed by the electrochemical capacitance-voltage measurements. However, the 1/C2+γ-V plots with γ > 0 leads to linear curves with a proper γ and the Vbi can still be estimated. We find that the Vbi is the range of 0.75–0.85 V, increases with the increase of the doping ratio during the poly-Si fabrication process, and correlates with the passivation quality as measured by the reverse saturated current and implied open circuit voltage extracted from transient photoconductivity decay.  相似文献   

利用超声波传感器进行风速测量时,温度对超声波传播有很大影响,时延估计对超声波测风系统的精度起到很大的作用。本超声波测风系统为避免温度对风速测量中的影响,采用了基于时差法的测量原理,为了提高时延估计值的精度,提出了基于最小均方(LMS)自适应时延估计的测量方法,研制了以单片机Atmega128和现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)为核心的硬件系统。仿真和实际测试的结果表明,该超声波测风系统的时延估计值精确度较高,具有很高的应用价值。  相似文献   

基于光流分层方法的平面3D运动估测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王睿  张广军  阎鹏 《光学技术》2007,33(1):102-105,109
无人机自主着舰末端视觉导引中舰机间相对位姿的估测,可以看作机载摄像机对甲板平面3D运动的估测。提出了一种光流分层方法:首先利用已知焦距的机载摄像机拍摄着舰靶标区域的图像序列,并采用Lucas方法计算相邻两帧图像的光流场;而后通过分层模型,将由光流场进行3D运动检测的非线性问题转化为了两个线性问题。该方法无需图像间的特征匹配,可线性解算出着舰靶标区域相对于无人机的三维运动参数,进而得到舰机间的相对位姿信息。计算机合成图和摄像机实拍图像的实验结果验证了该算法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

系统标定是基于结构光投影的主动式光学三维面形测量的关键技术之一,同时也是一项复杂和耗时的工作。提出了一种基于RGB彩色模型的系统快速标定新方法。利用一个彩色的二维平面靶标和由投影仪投影的彩色标记特征图像实现了摄像机和投影仪的同时快速标定,对靶标的每个标定姿态位置只需要拍摄一幅图像即可得到该位置的特征参数。与传统方法相比,标定过程简单快捷,所需的数据量较少。利用该方法对一个结构光三维测量系统进行了现场标定,并测量了一个平面和一个半圆柱物体,实验结果中点到拟合平面的最大距离为0.8039mm,平均误差为0.1693mm。利用该系统恢复半圆柱物体的面形与传统标定方法的测量结果符合得很好。实验表明,由该方法获得的结果准确可用,且标定速度快。  相似文献   

To cope with the occlusion and intersection between targets and the environment, location prediction is employed in the visual tracking system. Target trace is fitted by sliding subsection polynomials based on least absolute deviation (LAD) estimation, and the future location of target is predicted with the fitted trace. Experiment results show that the proposed location prediction algorithm based on LAD estimation has significant robustness advantages over least square (LS) estimation, and it is more effective than LS-based methods in visual tracking.  相似文献   

The remarkable properties of acoustic metamaterials have attracted massive researches and applications, especially on low-frequency sound absorptions. Currently, most of the acoustic metamaterial absorbers employ resonances in plastic cavities, and their structural strengths are important in many circumstances, especially in harsh environment. However, studies of metamaterials including this point are very scarce. Here, we propose an acoustic metamaterial for low-frequency (<500 Hz) absorptions, composed of three nested square split tubes with inverted opening directions. The efficiency of the absorber is investigated both numerically and experimentally, and absorptions at the peeks are found to exceed 90% and the frequency can be effectively adjusted by tuning its geometric parameters. We further test its yield strength under compression and confirm its buckling behavior happens from the outmost layer. This tunable acoustic metamaterial with a fairly good mechanical strength may lead to broad applications in noise reduction.  相似文献   

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