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针对Li X.M分别给出的根群类和半单群类的若干特征性质,提出了根群类和半单群类之间应具有的联系。通过群的一类特殊的正规子群:本质正规子群将根群类和半单群类联系起来,并利用群的根性的一般理论,得到了两个结果:根群类P是遗传的当且仅当其对应的半单群类L是本质扩张闭的;当根群类P是遗传根群类时,根群类P和其对应的半单群类L所决定的群类M是根群类。  相似文献   

群的根性的一个问题   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
假设(R)是群的根性,N是群G的正规子群,记N^-/N=RR(G/N).主要利用群的根性的性质来解决哪种根性具有特征性质N1N2^-=N1^-N2^-这个问题.  相似文献   

把有限可解群的概念推广为有限π-可解群,证明了这类群的性质。  相似文献   

为了得出一个超可解群的充分条件,利用有限群的π-拟正规子群和半覆盖远离子群的概念。群G的子群H称为G的π-拟正规子群,如果它与G的每一个Sylow子群可交换,群G的子群H称为G的半覆盖远离子群,如果H覆盖或者远离G的某个正规列的每一个正规因子。并将所得的结果推广到一些已知的结论。  相似文献   

利用子群的弱s-置换性质研究超可解子群的积的问题,并给出群的超可解性的一些判别方法。设群G可以表示为2个子群A和B的积,A在G中拟正规且B为超可解,如果A的Sylow子群的所有极大子群在G中弱s-置换,则G为超可解群。从而得到1个群为超可解群的这样的一种新判别法。  相似文献   

利用群的上同调中Lyndon-Heebschied。Serre谱序列的性质,论证了Fitting子群上不可裂的外-FA群的存在性,并且给出了这类群的表出(Prasentationsofgroups)。  相似文献   

讨论群的元素性质与群的根性之间的关系.考虑群的元素性质汐满足条件(1):如果x是p-的p-元素,且N G,那么xN是G/N的p-元素;满足条件(4):设N G,如果x∈N是G的p-元素,那么x也是N的p-元素,则群类P1={G}G的每个同态像没有非平凡的p-元素}是p1-根群类.如果p满足条件(1)和条件(2),x∈N是N的p-元素,且N G,那么x也是G的p-元素,则群类P2={G|G的每个非平凡的同态像有一个非平凡的次正规p-子群}是p-根群类.如果性质p-满足条件(1),(2)和(4),那么P,P2均为根群类且P=P2.  相似文献   

针对Azarian推广的任意多个子群的带循环融合自由积的Frattini子群的定理,提出了相应的关于fn-Frattini子群和fcFrattini子群的定理,并且从两个不同角度证明了结果。其中fnFrattini子群和fcFrattini子群分别定义为群的所有具有有限指数的极大正规子群的交和所有具有有限指数的极大特征子群的交,分别等于群的fn-非生成元和fc-非生成元组成的集合。进一步推广了Azarian和郭钦等相关定理。  相似文献   

针对Azarian推广的任意多个子群的带循环融合自由积的Frattini子群的定理,提出了相应的关于fnFrattini子群和cFrattini子群的定理,并且从两个不同角度证明了结果.其中fnFrattini子群和fcFrattini子群分别定义为群的所有具有有限指数的极大正规子群的交和所有具有有限指数的极大特征子群的交,分别等于群的fn-非生成元和fc-非生成元组成的集合.进一步推广了Azarian和郭钦等相关定理.  相似文献   

为了得出群的p-超可解性的一些判别准则,引入有限群的z-置换嵌入子群的概念。设z是群G的Sylow子群的完全集,群G的一个子群H称为在G内z-置换嵌入,如果H的每个Sylow子群也是G的某个z-置换子群的Sylow子群,一些已知的结论也得到推广。  相似文献   

用极大交换子群阶的集合得到关于群的一些性质。证明了单群L2(q),q≡3,5(mod)在同构的意义下,能被它的极大交换子群阶的集合唯一确定。  相似文献   

一类周期FC-群中的两种广义Frattini性质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
设π是一个非空的素数集合。对任意群G,定义πFrattini子群为所有指数为π-数的极大子群的交,简记为πFrat(G)。得到如下结果:在任意局部π-可分的周期FC-群G中,设H为G的正规子群,如果H/πFrat(G)为局部π-幂零(局部π-超可解),那么H为局部π-幂零(局部π-超可解)的。  相似文献   

Methodological problems of climatic reconstruction for different periods of Holocene are discussed on the basis of a multiple group biological analysis on peat-sapropel sediments.The possibility of biological analysis is exemplified by the paleoclimatic reconstruction for Carpathian and Altai Mountain ranges.For the "Skolevsky Beskidy" national park of Carpaty the paleoclimatic scenarios have been drown up aiming at the more precise definition of climatic conditions for the period of mass mountain slope terracing.The stability of terrace systems of various designs in the current climatic conditions has been assessed.It is shown that during periods of humid climate the terraces,whose designs have been focused on drainage,were built.In periods of dry and warm climate the terrace systems capable of accumulating water were built.Both these types of terrace systems are destroyed in nowadays.Only those terrace systems are stable which were adjusted by their builders to contrast variations of precipitation.For Western Altais the paleoclimatic scenario has been done to forecast the safety of the Bronze Age kurgans(burial earth mounds) with permafrost inside the construction.In the Altay region during the Holocene it has revealed two periods of sharp cooling,the peaks of which occurred in the intervals 4500-4300 and 2500-2300 years ago,and two periods of pronounced climatic drying 4900-4700 and 130-70 years ago.Depletion of the algae composition in the layer corresponding to the last period of drying climate indicates a very sharp change in the parameters of moisture and turning the lake into a dry swamp.Periods of cold weather may have contributed to the formation of special ritual traditions of the Sakan tribes that require the frozen ground to bury the dead.The later climate fluctuations identified have not affected the safety of permafrost in burial mounds constructed in the V-III cc BC.  相似文献   

Free radical scavenging abilities of polypeptide from Chlamys farreri   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 INTRODUCTION Active oxygen free radicals can damage cell structure, even kill the cells, causing aging and cer- tain serious diseases (Bors et al., 1989). Usually, the production and scavenging of active oxygen free radicals are in balance in healthy hu…  相似文献   

Gelatin from the sea cucumber(Paracaudina chinens var.) was hydrolyzed by bromelain and the hydrolysate was found to have a high free radical scavenging activity. The hydrolysate was fractionated through an ultrafiltration membrane with 5 kDa molecular weight cutoff(MWCO). The portion(less than 5 kDa) was further separated by Sephadex G-25. The active peak was col-lected and assayed for free radical scavenging activity. The scavenging rates for superoxide anion radicals(O2·-) and hydroxyl radi-cals(·OH) of the fraction with the highest activity were 29.02% and 75.41%,respectively. A rabbit liver mitochondrial free radical damage model was adopted to study the free radical scavenging activity of the fraction. The results showed that the sea cucumber gelatin hydrolysate can prevent the damage of rabbit liver and mitochondria.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONIthaslongbeenknownthatfatsundergoslowautoxidationduringstorage;andthatantioxidantswhichscavengefreeradicalsexistingduringtheinitialstageorearlypropagationstageoflipidoxida tioncanpreventrancidity ,soantioxidantsareoftenusedasfoodadditivescapableofdelaying ,re tardingorpreventingtherancidityinlipidsduetooxidation .Inthissense ,anidealantioxidantshouldhavethefollowingcharacteristics:safeinuse ,noodor,flavororcolor,effectiveatlowcon centration ,easytoincorporateandavailableatlowco…  相似文献   

In this paper, a transfer matrix and a three-dimensional dynamic response of a layered half-space to an arbitrary buried source are derived with the aid of a technique which combines the Laplace and two-dimensional Fourier transforms in a rectangular coordinate system. This method is clear in concept, and the corresponding formulas given in the paper are simple and convenient for marine seismic prospecting and other fields' applications. An example is presented and the calculated results are in good agreement with those of the finite element method (FEM).  相似文献   

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