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Al取代α-Ni(OH)2 的有机溶剂法合成及其电化学性能   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用化学共沉淀法,在醇水溶剂体系中合成了Al取代的α-Ni(OH)2.应用AAS、ICP-AES技术测定了样品中元素Ni和Al的含量,并运用XRD、FTIR和TG-DSC等现代分析手段,对其结构进行了表征.所得产品的密度为1.68g*cm-3,放电中点电位为370mV,电化学比容量达303mA*h*g-1.经372个大电流充放电循环,样品的电化学容量循环衰减率仅为9.6%.  相似文献   

钴镍掺杂锰酸锂的电化学性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用固相烧结法分别制备了钴掺杂和镍掺杂锰酸锂锂离子电池正极材料,同时制备了纯相锰酸锂进行比较.用电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪、X射线衍射仪、电子扫描电镜和电池性能测试系统对产物的组成、结构特征、微观表面形貌和恒流充放电性能进行了表征.结果表明:所制备的掺杂锰酸锂LiMn0.9 Ni0.1O2、LiMn0.9 Co0.1O2的结晶度高,无杂质相,材料颗粒的粒径均匀、表面光滑;首次放电比容量分别为114.7mAh/g和110.8mAh/g(0.5mA/cm,2.8~4.4V,vs.Li+/Li);50次循环后,放电比容量为107.2mAh/g和103.3mAh/g,50次循环比容量保持率分别达到94.1%和95.4%.  相似文献   

La(Ⅲ)与Sr(Ⅱ)复合掺杂非晶态氢氧化镍电化学性能研究EI   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用微乳液快速共沉淀法制备稀土La(Ⅲ)与Sr(Ⅱ)复合掺杂非晶态氢氧化镍粉体.样品材料的微观结构和形貌采用XRD,Raman光谱和SEM进行表征分析.将样品作为电极活性材料,组装成MH-Ni模拟电池,研究了稀土La(Ⅲ)与Sr(Ⅱ)复合掺杂对氢氧化镍电极材料电化学性能的影响及其相应的作用机理.实验结果发现,在0.1 C恒电流放电,终止电压为1.0 V的放电制度下,La(Ⅲ)与Sr(Ⅱ)复合掺杂样品的放电平台为1.265 V.放电容量为340.56mAh·g-1,且电极材料在充放电过程中的稳定性和循环可逆性较好,并能有效抑制析氧反应的发生.  相似文献   

采用水热法制备氧化锌纳米线,并通过降解甲基橙评价其光催化活性。以聚乙二醇为模板,氯化锌和氯化锰为原料,在120℃下能获得具有纤锌立方结构的锰掺杂氧化锌纳米线,直径大约为30nm,改变聚乙二醇和氢氧化钠的量,可获得锰掺杂氧化锌纳米线阵列。此外,相比纳米线阵列,锰掺杂氧化锌纳米线具有更好的光催化性能,在120min能降解浓度为20mg/L的β甲基橙溶液。  相似文献   

Al代α-Ni(OH)2的高温电化学性能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用均相沉淀法合成了颗粒尺寸较小的Al代Ni(OH)2,并对Al代Ni(OH)2粉末的微观形貌、晶体结构、化学组成及高温电化学性能进行了研究.结果表明,实验制备的Al代Ni(OH)<.2>属于稳态α型结构,微观颗粒由纳米级纤维束组成,其化学式可表示为Ni0.70Al0.18(OH)1.6(CO3)0.1(SO4)0.07·(H2O)0.6,在MH-Ni电池中制备的正极具有较好的高温充电效率和循环性能,60℃时的析氧电位较高,放电容量比25℃仅衰减15mAh/g,晶型结构稳定,60℃循环95次后仍保持以α相为主的晶态结构.  相似文献   

采用有机溶剂体系中的化学共沉淀法,制备了纳米尺度的、具有高电化学活性的Al取代α-Ni(OH)2,并用XRD和FTIR光谱表征了它们的结构;通过考察样品在强碱性介质中的结构稳定性,探讨了Al含量对α-Ni(OH)2结构及电化学性能的影响.结果表明:当Al含量为7.5%、13.2%和17.2%时,样品的晶粒度分别为5.4、6.9和11.0nm.Al含量为7.5%的样品为α-Ni(OH)2和β-Ni(OH)2的混合结构,而Al含量为13.2%和17.2%的样品则为纯α-Ni(OH)2的单相结构.随着Al含量的增加,样品的结晶度增大,因而其稳定性增加,放电中点电位升高,电化学容量增大.  相似文献   

采用以正硅酸乙酯(TEOS)水解为基础的硅溶胶种子生长法制备了粒径约为270nm的近单分散二氧化硅球型颗粒.采用一种新的溶液生长法,以氢氟酸作为溶液中镍离子配位剂,加入氨水调节溶液pH值的同时作为镍离子补充配位剂,60℃水浴条件下在已制得SiO2微球表面均匀包覆α-Ni(OH)2得到Ni(OH)2/SiO2核壳结构,Ni(OH)2壳层厚度约为35nm.结合多步包覆法提高Ni(OH)2壳层厚度,三次包覆后壳层厚度达到约100nm,四次包覆后约为140nm.采用20wt%的强碱NaOH溶液对三次包覆后的Ni(OH)2/SiO2核壳结构进行处理,得到了壳层厚度约为95nm的α-Ni(OH)2空心微球.空心微球具有较大的比表面积为141.06m2/g.  相似文献   

以乙二醇为反应介质,尿素为水解剂,六水合硝酸钴为原料,采用水热法合成了球形α-Co(OH)2。用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)对材料的结构和形貌进行了表征。结果表明,所制样品是多层球形的α-Co(OH)2。在50mA/g的电流密度下于0.8~1.2V电压范围内进行恒流充放电测试,单电极比电容高达455.677F/g。  相似文献   

钴酸锂(LCO)作为锂电池正极材料,在电子产品领域有非常广泛的应用,但由于高电压下会导致其晶相的不可逆相变从而导致循环稳定性降低,因此如何提高钴酸锂在高电压下的电化学稳定性一直是研究热点。为了改善钴酸锂的电化学稳定性,采用固相球磨-烧结法合成了Al-Mg共掺杂的LCO材料。采用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)及电化学性能测试表征晶体结构、形貌和测量其循环稳定性。结果表明:Mg、Al进入钴酸锂晶格内部后有效地提高了其电化学稳定性,当Al掺杂量为0.1%,Mg掺杂量为1%时,在0.5C的倍率,3~4.5V的电压下,首圈放电比容量可达136.7mAh/g, 100圈后的容量保持率可达76.2%,同时也表现出了良好的倍率性能。  相似文献   

张利军  徐崇泉  赵力  韩喜江 《功能材料》2004,35(Z1):2721-2724
首次采用沉淀转化法制备出球形纳米β-Ni(OH)2,认为反应转化pH值与体系中表面活性剂浓度是纳米颗粒形貌和尺寸的主要影响因素.通过粉末微电板研究了纳米材料的循环伏安特性及质子扩散性能;将实验中所制得的两种不同形状的纳米级Ni(OH)2以8%质量分数)比例与微米级球形Ni(OH)2混合制得复合电板,进行充放电实验及不同荷电状态下的电化学阻抗实验.结果表明球形纳米Ni(OH)2具有优越的循环伏安特性,较强的质子扩散能力;球形纳米Ni(OH)2较片状纳米Ni(OH)2更有利于提高电极容量,降低电化学反应电阻.  相似文献   

掺铝α-氢氧化钴的制备及其电化学性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以氯化钴和硝酸铝为原料、聚乙二醇为结构导向剂,采用化学共沉淀法制备成片状掺铝α-氢氧化钴.用X射线衍射(XRD)、场发射扫描电镜(SEM)对样品的结构和形貌进行了表征;用傅里叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)对样品的成分进行了测定;用循环伏安、恒电流充放电等方法对其电化学性能进行了测试.测试结果表明,钴与铝的摩尔比时目标产物...  相似文献   

采用自悬浮定向流法制备高纯度镍粉,并采用TEM和XRD分别对粉体的粒径分布和物相进行了表征,结果表明制得镍粉纯度较高,其形貌呈圆球型。负载电压、冷却介质及循环气流均对纳米颗粒的形貌有明显的影响。通过对比分析发现,使用Ar气为冷却介质,气流1.4m3/h,电压K=5.5kV时制备的纳米粉颗粒尺寸分布符合正态分布规律,其产量也最高。  相似文献   

以锂离子电池为微反应器,电化学还原NiO制备了超细镍粉。X射线衍射结果表明所得粉末为纯相Ni,晶粒尺寸约5nm。激光粒度分布测试结果表明Ni粒度分布较窄,中位径集中在200~600nm。透射电镜照片显示颗粒粒径在80~200nm之间;放电电流密度的增加和放电温度的提高都使产物粒径有变大的趋势;在分散过程中加入不同的表面活性剂,可以提高产物Ni的分散性能。  相似文献   

Mesoporous CuO was successfully synthesized via thermal decomposition of CuC2O4 precursors. These products had ring-like morphology, which was made up of nanoparticles with the average diameter of 40 nm. The electrochemical experiments showed that the mesoporous CuO decreased the overvoltage of the electrode and increased electron transference in the measurement of dopamine.  相似文献   

Well-crystallized NiO nanoparticles with uniform morphology of hexagon plates were first fabricated by molten-salt synthesis method using NaCl as a flux at 1000 °C. The phase of the synthesized NiO powder was confirmed by comparing the obtained XRD pattern with the JCPDS standard. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) image shows that the morphology of NiO particle is hexagon plate with particle size of 50-80 nm. NiO nanoparticles prepared by molten-salt synthesis method is homogenous and in high purity. The NiO sample has a better particle size distribution than that obtained from liquid precipitation and solid state reaction. The electrochemical behavior was investigated by chronopotentiometry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The nickel oxide sample calcined at 1000 °C exhibited electrochemical supercapacitive behavior. The internal resistance measured at open circuit potential is only 0.5 Ω, which is smaller than that of the NiO prepared by other conventional precipitation. NiO prepared by molten-salt synthesis is a potential electrode material for supercapacitor.  相似文献   

The electrochemical template synthesis of high aspect-ratio nickel nanorods in the track-etch membranes of polycarbonate having nominal pore size of 80, 50 and 30 nm is considered. The morphological and structural analyses have been carried out through scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction respectively. The synthesized nanorods possess FCC lattice structure with texturing for {220} planes. When excited with UV radiation pulse, the structures exhibited weak photoluminescence with exponential decay, which is attributed to the presence of some adsorbed metal hydroxide.  相似文献   

In the present study, a modified 4-fluid nozzle spray drier was used to prepare microparticles of a poorly water soluble drug, artemisinin with the aim of improving its solubility. We also investigated the effect of process variables on the physical properties and dissolution rate of spray dried artemisinin. A full factorial experimentally designed study was performed to investigate the following spray drying variables: inlet temperature and feed concentration. The artemisinin powder and spray dried artemisinin microparticles were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), differential scanning calorimetric (DSC), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and dissolution. SEM study suggested that the inlet temperature and feed concentration impacted on the particle size of the spray dried particles. The crystallinity of spray dried particles was slightly decreased with increasing inlet temperature and concentration. The dissolution of spray dried particles was markedly improved as compared to commercial artemisinin. A dissolution surface-response model was used to elucidate the significant and direct relationships between drug feed concentration and inlet temperature on one hand and dissolution on the other hand. The best dissolution was found to be 117.00 ± 5.15 μg/mL at the drug feed concentration of 10 g/L and inlet temperature of 140 °C.  相似文献   

Platelet-like, flake-like, and needle-like nano-scale β-Ni(OH)2 particles were prepared by coordination homogeneous precipitation method in this paper. X-ray diffraction (XRD), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and infrared absorption spectra (IR) were used to characterize the microstructure and morphology of the products. The nano-scale Ni(OH)2 composite electrodes were prepared by mixing 10 wt.% samples with spherical Ni(OH)2 to carry out charge-discharge test. The results show that the nano-scale Ni(OH)2 composite electrodes have higher discharge specific capacity, and the nickel hydroxide nanoneedles show a better adulteration performance than the others.  相似文献   

Xin Zhang  Qingquan Liu 《Materials Letters》2008,62(17-18):2589-2592
A type of visible-light-induced titania photocatalyst co-doped with boron, nickel, and cerium was prepared by the sol–gel route. The microstructure and optical property of the ternary co-doped photocatalyst were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and UV–Vis diffusive reflectance spectroscopy (DRS). Its photoactivity was evaluated by the degradation of phenol under visible light illumination. It was testified that boron doping led to the response to visible light and that nickel and cerium doping prohibited the recombination of the photo-generated electron-hole pairs, improving the photocatalytic performance. The results showed that the synergistic effects of boron, nickel and cerium co-doping played an important role in raising photoactivity.  相似文献   

Corrosion inhibitor-inorganic clay composite including benzoate anion intercalated Zn–Al layered double hydroxides (LDHs) are assembled by coprecipitation. Powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrum analyses indicate that the benzoate anion is successfully intercalated into the LDH interlayer and the benzene planes are vertically bilayer-positioned as a quasi-guest ion-pair form in the gallery space. Kinetic simulation for the release data, XRD and FT-IR analyses of samples recovered from the release medium indicate that ion-exchange is responsible for the release process and diffusion through the particle is also indicated to be the rate-limiting step. The anticorrosion capabilities of LDHs loaded with corrosion inhibitor toward Q235 carbon steel are analyzed by polarization curve and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy methods. Significant reduction of corrosion rate is observed when the LDH nanohybrid is present in the corrosive medium. This hybrid material may potentially be applied as a nanocontainer in self-healing coatings.  相似文献   

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