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GaInAsSb是红外探测器中重要的半导体材料之一。我们用水平常压金属氧化物化学气相淀积(MOCVD)技术在n型GaSb衬底上成功地生长了GaInAsSb外延层,用PL谱、红外吸收谱、X射线衍射和扫描电子超声显微镜(ScanningElectronAcousticMicroscopy,SEAM)等实验手段对GaInAsSb外延层进行了表征。用GaInAsSb材料制作的红外探测器的光谱响应的截止波长达2.4μm,室温探测率D*达1×109cmHz(1/2)/W,2.25μm波长时的量子效率为30%。本文首次给出了GaInAsSb外延层的扫描电子超声显微镜像(SEAM像),为扫描电子超声显微镜在半导体材料方面的应用开辟了一个新的领域。  相似文献   

简单介绍了单层抗反膜的增透原理,并以Si片作为基片采用磁控溅射的方法制备了Al2O3、SiO2和ZrO2三种抗反膜。膜层的反射率测试结果表明:生长ZrO2膜后表面反射率下降可达30%;同时通过对GaInAsSb/GaSb PIN红外探测器蒸镀抗反膜前后的器件的I-V特性及黑体探测率的测试表明:蒸镀ZrO2膜后GaInAsSb/GaSb PIN红外探测器的黑体探测率平均提高了60.28%,远大于蒸镀Al2O3、SiO2后的48.91%和40.04%,说明ZrO2膜是一种较理想的单层抗反膜,使器件性能有所提高。  相似文献   

利用电化学方法制备了聚苯胺 /Si太阳电池 ,将离子注入改性技术引用到聚苯胺 /Si异质结太阳电池的改性研究中 ,对离子注入后太阳电池顶区材料的吸收光谱和热稳定性能进行了研究 ,测量了改性后电池的输出特性。研究结果表明 :经离子注入改性后的聚苯胺吸收光谱明显变宽 ,材料的热分解温度较注入前提高了 40℃ ,电池在 10 92W/m2 光照时的转换效率提高了 18倍 ,在 37 2W/m2 光照时的转换效率提高了近 3倍  相似文献   

因氧化亚铜(Cu2O)、氧化锌(ZnO)能级和晶格匹配较好,近年来较多的研究者将两者复合制备异质结太阳能电池。异质结的形成可提高光生电子-空穴对的分离效率,同时拓展复合结构的光响应范围,从而有效提高太阳能电池性能。介绍了3类主流的ZnO/Cu2O异质结结构,分别阐述主要的进展,综述了异质结结构中Cu2O、ZnO的制备方法以及制备条件对电池效率的影响,讨论了电池性能的改进措施,并对ZnO/Cu2O异质结太阳能电池未来的发展前景进行展望。  相似文献   

采用直流反应溅射方法在p型Si(100)衬底上生长掺Al的ZnO薄膜,并研究退火处理对ZnO薄膜性质的影响。XRD测量结果表明,ZnO薄膜为六方纤锌矿结构,退火后薄膜的晶粒长大,晶界减少;暗态I-V特性曲线表明,ZnO/Si异质结具有明显的整流特性,退火后由于晶粒间界减少和空位浓度降低使反向漏电流降低1个量级;此外,退火处理能在一定程度上改善异质结的光伏效应,使其转换效率提高。  相似文献   

利用电化学方法制备了聚苯胺/Si太阳电池,将离子注入改性技术引用到聚苯胺/Si异质结太阳电池的改性研究中,对离子注入后太阳电池顶区材料的吸收光谱和热稳定性能进行了研究,测量了改性后电池的输出特性。研究结果表明:经离子注入改性后的聚苯胺吸收光谱明显变宽,材料的热分解温度较注入前提高了40℃,电池在10.92W/m^2光照时的转换效率提高了18倍,在37.2W/m^2光照时的转换效率提高了近3倍。  相似文献   

通过理论分析计算,计算机模拟和工艺实验,对Si/SiGe异质结双极晶体管(HBT)的结构参数进行了精细的优化设计,特别是采用了本征间隔层和新颖的Ge分布曲线,有效地削弱了基区杂质外扩散,基区复合和异质结势垒效应的不利影响。开发了兼容于硅工艺的锗硅HBT工艺,并据此试制出了Si/SiGeHBT,测量结果表明,器件的直流和交流特性均较好,电流放大系数为50,截止频率fT为5.1GHz。  相似文献   

在外延SrTiO3(STO)作为缓冲层的Si基片上,应用溶胶-凝胶法(sol-gel)和磁控溅射法,在5.50℃温度下制备了外延的La0.5Sr0.5CdO3/Pb(Zr0.2Ti0.8)O3/La0.5Sr0.5CoO3(LSCO/PZT/LSCO)异质结。X射线衍射结果表明,LSCO/PZT/LSCO异质结是c向外延生长的。当外加电压为60V时,LSCO/PZT/LSCO铁电电容器的剩余极化强度为.50.3μC/cm^2.,当电压为30V时,铁电电容器有效极化强度为80μC/cm^2.。其它电学性能表明。PZT铁电电容器具有较高的电阻率和脉冲宽度对极化强度的影响较弱。  相似文献   

AlGaInP/GaAs异质结双极晶体管直流特性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制备了大尺寸AlGaInP/GaAs SHBT和DHBT,对其直流特性进行了测试,并分析了AlGaInP/GaA。单异质结晶体管(SHBT)和双异质结晶体管(DHBT)的直流特性差异,深入研究了影响AlGaInP/GaAsHBT开启电压(Voffset)的各个因素。结果表明:AlGaInP/GaAsHBT开启电压与外加基极电流密切相关,采用宽发射区可大大降低器件的开启电压。  相似文献   

夏雨  梁齐  粱金 《真空》2011,48(5)
用脉冲激光沉积法分别在不同电阻率的p型和n型Si( 100)衬底上制备了不掺杂ZnO薄膜,相应制成n-ZnO/p-Si和n-ZnO/n-Si异质结器件.利用X射线衍射和原子力显微镜对ZnO薄膜进行的结构和形貌测试表明,薄膜结晶情况良好,具有高度的c轴择优取向,表面颗粒大小、分布均匀.对器件的I-V特性测试表明,在无光条件下,制备的n-ZnO/p-Si异质结漏电流很低,而n-ZnO/n-Si同型异质结漏电流要稍大一些;随衬底电阻率的增大,上述器件的阈值电压变小;器件在光照下的漏电流明显比无光条件下的要大.  相似文献   

Using time-resolved photoluminescence we have investigated the As mole fraction-dependent change from type I to type II band alignments in GaInAsSb/GaSb multiple quantum well structures grown by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). The decay time becomes longer with increasing As mole fraction of the quantum well region and the time for type II indirect transition is about 1 ns. Relatively high efficiency of indirect radiative transition is explained by the strong enhancement of the overlap of the electron and hole wave functions.  相似文献   

Silica nanoparticles are imaged in solution with scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) using a liquid cell with silicon nitride (SiN) membrane windows. The STEM images reveal that silica structures are deposited in well‐defined patches on the upper SiN membranes upon electron beam irradiation. The thickness of the deposits is linear with the applied electron dose. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) demonstrate that the deposited patches are a result of the merging of the original 20 nm‐diameter nanoparticles, and that the related surface roughness depends on the electron dose rate used. Using this approach, sub‐micrometer scale structures are written on the SiN in liquid by controlling the electron exposure as function of the lateral position.  相似文献   

PIN结构GaInAsSb红外探测器的PSPICE模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了PIN结构GaInAsSb红外探测器的暗电流特性,建立了器件的PSPICE模型。模拟结果与实际测试结果基本符合。计算结果表明,器件表面和内部的缺陷及表面复合电流对器件的反向特性起主要作用,当反向偏压大于0.35V,缺陷引起的隧穿电流对器件暗电流起主要作用。  相似文献   

近年来,透射电子显微镜在球差矫正器、单色仪等方面取得了长足的发展,使得它在材料科学和凝聚态物理等研究中发挥越来越大的作用。本文简要介绍近十年透射电子显微镜电子能量损失谱技术在声子物理研究方面的进展。目前,基于这一技术,可以开展实空间和倒空间同时分辨的电子能量损失谱测量(简称四维电子能量损失谱,4D-EELS),在纳米尺度上绘制空间分辨声子色散分布图;能实现原子尺度上声子谱的测量,得到声子态密度的信息。此外,电子散射在能量匹配、动量匹配方面都与光子散射有很强的互补性,因此为声子极化激元的测量提供了一个新的手段。最后,本文简要展望电镜能损振动谱的研究前景。  相似文献   

扫描透射电子显微镜(STEM)原子序数衬度像(Z-衬度像)具有分辨率高(可直接“观察”到晶体中原子的真实位置)、对化学组成敏感以及图像直观易解释等优点, 成为原子尺度研究材料微结构的强有力工具。本文介绍了STEM Z-衬度像成像原理、方法及技术特点, 并结合具体的高K栅介质材料 (如铪基金属氧化物、稀土金属氧化物和钙钛矿结构外延氧化物薄膜)对STEM在新一代高K栅介质材料研究中的应用进行了评述。 目前球差校正STEM Z-衬度的像空间分辨率已达亚埃级, 该技术在高K柵介质与半导体之间的界面微结构表征方面具有十分重要的应用。对此, 本文亦进行了介绍。  相似文献   

NIST is in the process of developing a new scanning electron microscope (SEM) magnification calibration reference standard useful at both high and low accelerating voltages. This standard will be useful for all applications to which the SEM is currently being used, but it has been specifically tailored to meet many of the particular needs of the semiconductor industry. A small number of test samples with the pattern were prepared on silicon substrates using electron beam lithography at the National Nanofabrication Facility at Cornell University. The structures were patterned in titanium/palladium with maximum nominal pitch structures of approximately 3000 μm scaling down to structures with minimum nominal pitch of 0.4 (μm. Eighteen of these samples were sent out to a total of 35 university, research, semiconductor and other industrial laboratories in an interlaboratory study. The purpose of the study was to test the SEM instrumentation and to review the suitability of the sample design. The laboratories were asked to take a series of micrographs at various magnifications and accelerating voltages designed to test several of the aspects of instrument performance related to general SEM operation and metrology. If the instrument in the laboratory was used for metrology, the laboratory was also asked to make specific measurements of the sample. In the first round of the study (representing 18 laboratories), data from 35 instruments from several manufacturers were obtained and the second round yielded information from 14 more instruments. The results of the analysis of the data obtained in this study are presented in this paper.  相似文献   

Liquid‐phase transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is used for in‐situ imaging of nanoscale processes taking place in liquid, such as the evolution of nanoparticles during synthesis or structural changes of nanomaterials in liquid environment. Here, it is shown that the focused electron beam of scanning TEM (STEM) brings about the dissolution of silica nanoparticles in water by a gradual reduction of their sizes, and that silica redeposites at the sides of the nanoparticles in the scanning direction of the electron beam, such that elongated nanoparticles are formed. Nanoparticles with an elongation in a different direction are obtained simply by changing the scan direction. Material is expelled from the center of the nanoparticles at higher electron dose, leading to the formation of doughnut‐shaped objects. Nanoparticles assembled in an aggregate gradually fuse, and the electron beam exposed section of the aggregate reduces in size and is elongated. Under TEM conditions with a stationary electron beam, the nanoparticles dissolve but do not elongate. The observed phenomena are important to consider when conducting liquid‐phase STEM experiments on silica‐based materials and may find future application for controlled anisotropic manipulation of the size and the shape of nanoparticles in liquid.  相似文献   

二次电子发射特性对许多领域的真空器件有着重要的影响,准确测量二次电子发射系数至关重要。本文介绍了一种基于扫描电子显微镜的二次电子发射系数的测量方法。利用扫描电子显微镜电子束流的高稳定性和电子能量的宽范围可调的特性,引入法拉第杯样品台,通过改变电子束扫描速度,放大倍数及聚焦状态等电镜参数,对平滑Ag的二次电子发射系数进行测量。结果显示,平滑Ag的二次电子发射系数不受电镜参数影响,且与参考文献测量结果相符合。本测试方法对于研究材料宽电子能量范围的二次电子发射特性具有重要的参考意义。  相似文献   

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