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The particles from carwash wastewater were separated by a hollow fiber membrane aided by a enhanced coagulation and activated carbon. This study demonstrated that the addition of KMnO(4) to coagulant (PAC) could enhance the efficiency of coagulation, which helped reduce clogging of the ultrafiltration membrane and activated carbon. The existence of LAS can loosen the gel layer on the membrane and improve the flux. Adsorption of particles such as organic matter and oil is the main reason causing membrane flux decrease. When carwash wastewater was pretreated, the permeation flux of membrane showed a higher value. LAS, odour and colour are removed by GAC adsorption treatment at last. The COD, BOD, LAS and oil of reuse water was 33.4 mg/L, 4.8 mg/L, 0.06 mg/L and 0.95 mg/L, respectively.  相似文献   

进行了混凝法强化城市污水处理的生产性试验。试验结果表明,COD,BOD,SS,NH3-N,TP的去除率分别可达73.4%,84.8%,86.0%,60.5%,94.3%,处理1万m3污水的运行费用为4 600元,污水经处理后出水指标符合GB8979-1996及广州DB4437-90污水排放一级标准。  相似文献   

黄振雄 《给水排水》2006,32(6):56-57
采用絮凝沉淀-活性污泥法-接触氧化法组合工艺处理制革废水,工程规模250 m3/d,水质复杂变化大,且毒性较大.该工艺自2003年12月投产至今处理效果稳定,进水CODCr为3000~3 500mg/L时,出水CODCr约40 mg/L,CODCr去除率可达98%,各项出水指标均达到广东省地方标准<水污染物排放限值>(DB 44/26-2001)一级标准.  相似文献   

针对污水处理厂尾水氮素高度硝化的现状,研究了不同固体碳源在不同条件下的反硝化速率及对硝态氮的去除率。结果表明:麦秆、PBS和PHAs较其他固态碳源具有更好的脱氮效果,25℃为最适宜反应温度;进水硝态氮浓度与硝态氮去除率之间有很好的相关性;随着反应时间的延长,各碳源脱氮效率也在不断加速,至24 h时,PBS、PHAs和麦秆对应的去除率分别为98.53%、93.41%和73.26%。对三种碳源反应前后的表面进行扫描电镜分析,证实了三种碳源作为反硝化固体碳源的可行性。COD反弹和硝态氮积累试验表明,麦秆更适用于污水处理厂尾水的生态净化工艺。  相似文献   

污水生物处理中微生物次级代谢产物的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
就污水生物处理过程中微生物次级代谢产物的生成特性及其影响的研究进行了综述。溶解性微生物产物和胞外聚合物是污水生物处理工艺过程中微生物次级代谢的主要产物,其相对分子质量分布、生物可降解性、螯合性、毒性等能说明生物处理系统的整体运行状况;而进水浓度、SRT、HRT、OLR(有机负荷率)等系统运行参数也影响微生物次级代谢产物的生成与性质。目前,有关污水生物处理中微生物次级代谢产物的研究还很不完善,很多问题有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

许嘉炯 《给水排水》2012,38(9):33-37
目前生物活性炭深度处理工艺已成为取用微污染原水国内大中型城市供水工程的主要处理工艺.通过对生物活性炭技术特点和工艺布置形式的研究,确定系统选择的原则,并结合工程实例从应用角度对提升泵房、臭氧接触池和活性炭池的池型布置和参数选择进行分析,对实际运行中存在的问题进行探讨.  相似文献   

上向流BAC吸附池在净水生产中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嘉兴贯泾港水厂一期规模15万m3/d,采用生物预处理+加强常规+O3—BAC深度处理工艺。为了降低BAC吸附池出水微生物泄漏风险,引入了上向流BAC吸附池结合后续砂滤池的新型组合工艺。介绍了上向流BAC吸附池的应用情况和特点,总结了该工艺对活性炭选型的强度和粒径等要求,并指出在运行中应注意进水浊度和上升流速控制等问题。嘉兴贯泾港水厂砂滤出水、出厂水浊度均≤0.1 NTU,砂滤出水中≥2μm的颗粒数≤30个/mL,有效保障了城市供水水质安全。  相似文献   

接触氧化-强化混凝法处理低温城镇污水   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验主要研究了低温条件下,接触氧化-强化混凝联合工艺对城镇污水的处理效果.结果表明;当进水平均温度低于12 ℃,CODCr 130~320 mg/L,氨氮20~45 mg/L,TP 2~4.5 mg/L时,其去除率分别可达到88%、70%、95%,出水可达到《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB18918-2002)一级B标准.强化混凝工艺能有效改善低温对接触氧化工艺造成的影响.  相似文献   

针对A水厂采用臭氧活性炭深度处理工艺处理东太湖微污染原水,研究该工艺对常规水质指标的去除效果,以及消毒副产物生成潜能的控制情况,并结合三维荧光光谱分析原水中溶解性有机物的去除情况.结果表明:臭氧活性炭工艺对CODM n、UV254和DOC的去除率分别为13.40% ~19.86%、27.27% ~56.25% 和13....  相似文献   

采用悬浮填料技术对城镇污水处理厂二级出水进行极限脱氮研究,分析填充比、水温及硝酸盐氮表面负荷等关键因素对悬浮填料技术极限脱氮性能的影响,考察悬浮填料技术极限脱氮效果.结果表明,填料填充比宜控制在35%~50%,当水温23~27 ℃,硝酸盐氮表面负荷可控制为2.5 gNO3--N/(m2·d),HRT为30 min,当水...  相似文献   

随着我国污水处理厂污染物排放标准不断提高,许多污水处理厂面临技术改造问题。提出了技术改造的原则和引造的技术方案。综述了国内外活性污泥和生物膜复合/联合工艺在污水处理厂技术改造中应用和研究情况。该工艺用于污水处理厂的技术改造具有明显的优点,同时也指出了尚需解决的一些问题。  相似文献   

Laboratory-scale filtration tests utilizing wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) effluent were conducted to investigate fouling and filtration behaviour, especially the influence of colloidal stability on nanofiltration performance. Acidification and coagulant dosage were used to create unstable colloidal conditions. Colloidal stability of the effluent was analysed on by zeta potential measurements. A statistical design method, full factorial design with blocking, has been used to account for effluent composition variations and to account for interaction between experimental parameters. The results show a high correlation between unstable colloidal natural organic matter and the formation of dense fouling layers. The reversibility of the fouling process was shown to be independent from colloidal stability. Irreversible fouling was show to be promoted by mild acidic (pH 5) effluent conditions, whereas coagulant addition showed an increase in the reversibility of the fouling.  相似文献   

The generation of brine solutions from dense membrane (reverse osmosis, RO or nanofiltration, NF) water reclamation systems has been increasing worldwide, and the lack of cost effective disposal options is becoming a critical water resources management issue. In Singapore, NEWater is the product of a multiple barrier water reclamation process from secondary treated domestic effluent using MF/UF-RO and UV technologies. The RO brine (concentrates) accounts for more than 20% of the total flow treated. To increase the water recovery and treat the RO brine, a CDI based process with BAC as pretreatment was tested. The results show that ion concentrations in CDI product were low except SiO2 when compared with RO feed water. CDI product was passed through a RO and the RO permeate was of better quality including low SiO2 as compared to NEWater quality. It could be beneficial to use a dedicated RO operated at optimum conditions with better performance to recover the water. BAC was able to achieve 15-27% TOC removal of RO brine. CDI had been tested at a water recovery ranging from 71.6 to 92.3%. CDI based RO brine treatment could improve overall water recovery of NEWater production over 90%. It was found that calcium phosphate scaling and organic fouling was the major cause of CDI pressure increase. Ozone disinfection and sodium bisulfite dosing were able to reduce CDI fouling rate. For sustainable operation of CDI organic fouling control and effective organic fouling cleaning should be further studied.  相似文献   

城市污水化学混凝强化处理中曝气混合絮凝的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在污水处理厂实验室,对沉砂池出口污水进行了曝气和机械两种方式的混合絮凝对比试验.研究结果表明,对于同一水质条件,在相同的投药量下,曝气混凝沉淀后的水质明显优于机械混凝沉淀后的水质,各项水质指标的去除率分别提高BOD5 3%~5%,CODCr 16%~17%,NH3-N 3%~7%,TP 12%~18%,SS 4%~16%.  相似文献   

An expanded-bed anaerobic reactor with granular activated carbon (GAC) medium has been developed to treat wastewaters that contain a high concentration of inhibitory and/or refractory organic compounds as well as readily degradable organic compounds. The process is characterised by a combination of two removal mechanisms; adsorption on GAC and biological degradation by microorganisms grown on GAC. Applicability of the reactor to treatment of phenol, chloroacetaldehyde (CAA), pentachlorophenol (PCP) and tetrachloroethylene (PCE) was discussed based on experimental data. All chemicals focused on here were removed well and stably at a removal efficiency of more than 98% even during starting operation and shock load operation. Chemicals in influent that exceeded biological degradation capacity was initially adsorbed on GAC and then gradually degraded, and hence the adsorptive capacity of GAC was regenerated biologically. These results proved that a biological activated carbon anaerobic reactor was effective for treatment of wastewater containing hazardous chemicals, especially for strongly absorbable chemicals, as well as readily degradable organic compounds at high concentration.  相似文献   

针对深圳某臭氧-生物活性炭(O3-BAC)深度处理水厂出水pH大幅度下降的现象,通过对O3-BAC工艺前后水样的分析,初步确定了O3-BAC工艺pH下降的变化规律及机理.结果表明,pH下降的原因为:原水的碱度偏低,缓冲能力较弱,在处理过程中,水的酸度增加,造成出水的pH下降.引起水中酸度增加的主要原因为:二氧化碳影响、硝化作用、水中残余有机物和活性炭自身特性等.在主臭氧过程中,二氧化碳、硝化作用、水中残余有机物和活性炭自身性质造成酸度的增加分别占酸度增加量的57%、0、43%、0;在炭滤过程中,分别占13%、15%、67%、5%.  相似文献   

粉末活性炭在城市污水再生利用工程中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以天津市团泊再生水处理工程为例,介绍了粉末活性炭(PAC)在污水处理厂出水中的吸附特性、投加方式、投加系统的组成、投加点的选择、投加浓度的确定等内容。总结了粉末活性炭用于污水再生利用工程的技术特点和设计要点。  相似文献   

针对我国北方寒冷地区农村分散源养殖废水污染,以粒状活性炭为吸附剂,研究了低温(10℃)和常温(25℃)两种工况下静态吸附对养殖废水COD的去除效果和吸附特性。结果表明,低温下活性炭对废水COD的吸附饱和量为14.472mg/L,常温下饱和吸附量为7.564mg/L;二级吸附动力学方程可较好地描述该吸附过程;Langmuir等温吸附方程比Freundlich等温吸附方程能更好地拟合实验结果。本研究可为北方寒冷地区农村分散源养殖废水的处理提供数据参考和理论指导。  相似文献   

南洲水厂生物活性炭滤料选型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林浩添 《给水排水》2005,31(8):30-32
南洲水厂生物活性炭滤料选型以机械强度高、吸附容量大、吸附速度快、为微生物提供良好的栖息场所为技术原则,经过类型选择与技术指标选择两个阶段,在综合分析小试、中试及市场调查等的基础上,最终确定采用(?)1.5mm柱状活性炭,并确定了其机械强度、吸附能力等技术指标。  相似文献   

A survey has been carried out involving 55 Hungarian wastewater treatment plants in order to evaluate the wastewater quality, the applied technologies and the resultant problems. Characteristically the treatment temperature is very wide-ranging from less than 10 °C to higher than 26 °C. Influent quality proved to be very variable regarding both the organic matter (typical COD concentration range 600-1,200 mg l(-1)) and the nitrogen content (typical NH(4)-N concentration range 40-80 mg l(-1)). As a consequence, significant differences have been found in the carbon availability for denitrification from site to site. Forty two percent of the influents proved to lack an appropriate carbon source. As a consequence of carbon deficiency as well as technologies designed and/or operated with non-efficient denitrification, rising sludge in the secondary clarifiers typically occurs especially in summer. In case studies, application of intermittent aeration, low DO reactors, biofilters and anammox processes have been evaluated, as different biological nitrogen removal technologies. With low carbon source availability, favoring denitrification over enhanced biological phosphorus removal has led to an improved nitrogen removal.  相似文献   

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