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Chinese Erhualian boars have dramatically smaller testes, greater concentrations of circulating androgens, and fewer Sertoli cells than Western commercial breeds. To identify QTL for boar reproductive traits, testicular weight, epididymal weight, seminiferous tubular diameter at 90 and 300 d, and serum testosterone concentration at 300 d were measured in 347 F(2) boars from a White Duroc x Chinese Erhualian cross. A whole genome scan was performed with 183 microsatellites covering 19 porcine chromosomes. A total of 16 QTL were identified on 9 chromosomes, including 1% genome-wide significant QTL for testicular weight at 90 and 300 d and seminiferous tubular diameter at 90 d on SSCX, and for epididymal weight and testosterone concentration at 300 d on SSC7. Two 5% genome-wide significant QTL were detected for testicular weight at 300 d on SSC1 and seminiferous tubular diameter at 300 d on SSC16. Nine suggestive QTL were found on SSC1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 13, and 14. Chinese Erhualian alleles were not systematically favorable for greater reproductive performance. This study confirmed the previous significant QTL for testicular weight on SSCX and for epididymal weight on SSC7, and reported QTL for seminiferous tubular diameter and testosterone concentration at the first time. The observed different QTL for the same trait at different ages reflect the involvement of distinct genes in the development of male reproductive traits.  相似文献   

We constructed a pig F2 resource population by crossing a Meishan sow and a Duroc boar to locate economically important trait loci. The F2 generation was composed of 865 animals (450 males and 415 females) from four F1 males and 24 F1 females and was genotyped for 180 informative microsatellite markers spanning 2,263.6 cM of the whole pig genome. Results of the genome scan showed evidence for significant quantitative trait loci (<1% genomewise error rate) affecting weight at 30 d and average daily gain on Sus scrofa chromosome (SSC) 6, carcass yield on SSC 7, backfat thickness on SSC 7 and SSC X, vertebra number on SSC 1 and SSC 7, loin muscle area on SSC 1 and SSC 7, moisture on SSC 13, intramuscular fat content on SSC 7, and testicular weight on SSC 3 and SSC X. Moreover, 5% genomewise significant QTL were found for birth weight on SSC 7, average daily gain on SSC 4, carcass length on SSC 6, SSC 7, and SSC X and lightness (L value) on SSC 3. We identified 38 QTL for 28 traits at the 5% genomewise level. Of the 38 QTL, 24 QTL for 17 traits were significant at the 1% genomewise level. Analysis of marker genotypes supported the breed of origin results and provided further evidence that a suggestive QTL for circumference of cannon bone also was segregating within the Meishan parent. We identified genomic regions related with growth and meat quality traits. Fine mapping will be required for their application in introgression programs and gene cloning.  相似文献   

In poultry breeding, selection for production traits may cause side-effects on the physiology and behaviour of the birds with a potential influence on animal welfare. Genetic associations between phenotypic traits can be studied in an intercross of two divergent breeds. In advanced generations, traits controlled by the same genes or by genes located close to each other will co-segregate. Our aim was to study if behavioural styles expressed by red junglefowl (n=26) and White Leghorn (n=26) in a social vs. exploration motivation test as well as breed-differences in contrafreeloading (CFL), an energy demanding feeding strategy, would co-segregate with production related traits in their F3 intercross progeny (n=78). The results revealed Leghorns to maintain closer social contact in the test, whereas junglefowl, which according to previous studies have also a higher degree of CFL, were more active and explorative. Furthermore, these behavioural differences correlated with several production related traits, such as growth and residual feed intake (RFI), in the F3 generation. F3 birds with higher levels of production related traits behaved in a fashion resembling Leghorns more than junglefowl. Both in parental animals and the F3 birds, the above effects were clearest among females. The results, thereby, suggest that selection for high production in fowl may simultaneously have side-effects on sociality and foraging. This could further influence the general capacity of birds to cope with environmental challenges such as exploring a novel environment. The genetic mechanisms underlying this co-segregation remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

Pigs from the F(2) generation of a Duroc x Pietrain resource population were evaluated to discover QTL affecting growth and composition traits. Body weight and ultrasound estimates of 10th-rib backfat, last-rib backfat, and LM area were serially measured throughout development. Estimates of fat-free total lean, total body fat, empty body protein, empty body lipid, and ADG from 10 to 22 wk of age were calculated, and random regression analyses were performed to estimate individual animal phenotypes representing intercept and linear rates of increase in these serial traits. A total of 510 F(2) animals were genotyped for 124 micro-satellite markers evenly spaced across the genome. Data were analyzed with line cross, least squares regression, interval mapping methods using sex and litter as fixed effects. Significance thresholds of the F-statistic for single QTL with additive, dominance, or imprinted effects were determined at the chromosome- and genome-wise levels by permutation tests. A total of 43 QTL for 22 of the 29 measured traits were found to be significant at the 5% chromosome-wise level. Of these 43 QTL, 20 were significant at the 1% chromosome-wise significance threshold, 14 of these 20 were also significant at the 5% genome-wise significance threshold, and 10 of these 14 were also significant at the 1% genome-wise significance threshold. A total of 22 QTL for the animal random regression terms were found to be significant at the 5% chromosome-wise level. Of these 22 QTL, 6 were significant at the 1% chromosome-wise significance threshold, 4 of these 6 were also significant at the 5% genome-wise significance threshold, and 3 of these 4 were also significant at the 1% genome-wise significance threshold. Putative QTL were discovered for 10th-rib and last-rib backfat on SSC 6, body composition traits on SSC 9, backfat and lipid composition traits on SSC 11, 10th-rib backfat and total body fat tissue on SSC 12, and linear regression of last-rib backfat and total body fat tissue on SSC 8. These results will facilitate fine-mapping efforts to identify genes controlling growth and body composition of pigs that can be incorporated into marker-assisted selection programs to accelerate genetic improvement in pig populations.  相似文献   

We estimated heritabilities of semen production traits and their genetic correlations with litter traits and pork production traits in purebred Duroc pigs. Semen production traits were semen volume, sperm concentration, proportion of morphologically normal sperms, total number of sperm, and total number of morphologically normal sperm. Litter traits at farrowing were total number born, number born alive, number stillborn, total litter weight at birth, mean litter weight at birth, and piglet survival rate at birth. Litter traits at weaning were litter size at weaning, total litter weight at weaning, mean litter weight at weaning, and piglet survival rate from birth to weaning. Pork production traits were average daily gain, backfat thickness, and loin muscle area. We analyzed 45,913 semen collection records of 896 boars, 6,950 farrowing performance records of 1,400 sows, 2,237 weaning performance records of 586 sows, and individual growth performance records of 9,550 animals measured at approximately 5 mo of age. Heritabilities were estimated using a single-trait animal model. Genetic correlations were estimated using a 2-trait animal model. Estimated heritabilities of semen production traits ranged from 0.20 for sperm concentration to 0.29 for semen volume and were equal to or higher than those of litter traits, ranging from 0.06 for number stillborn and piglet survival rate at birth to 0.25 for mean litter weight at birth, but lower than those of pork production traits, ranging from 0.50 for average daily gain to 0.63 for backfat thickness. In many cases, the absolute values of estimated genetic correlations between semen production traits and other traits were smaller than 0.3. These estimated genetic parameters provide useful information for establishing a comprehensive pig breeding scheme.  相似文献   

The pH values and temperatures at 45 min, and 3, 9, 15, and 24 h postmortem in the LM and semimembranosus muscle (SM) and glycolytic potential in LM were measured in 1,030 F(2) animals from a White Duroc x Erhualian resource population. A whole genome scan was performed with 183 microsatellites covering 19 porcine chromosomes to detect QTL for traits measured. A total of 73 QTL have been identified, including 1% genome-wise significant QTL for 24-h pH in LM and SM on SSC 15, and for glycolytic potential, total glycogen, and residual glycogen on SSC3, 6, and 7. Six 5% genome-wise significant QTL were detected for 9-h pH in SM on SSC3, pH decline from 3/9 h to 24 h in SM on SSC7, glycolytic potential on SSC1, and total glycogen on SSC1 and 6. This study confirmed QTL previously identified for pH except those on SSC1, 11, 12, and X, and found 11 new 5% genome-wise significant QTL for glycogen-related traits. This is the first time to report QTL for pH development during post-slaughter and for glycolytic potential at 5% genome-wise significance level. In addition, the observed different QTL for pH and pH decline at different times show that causal genes for pH postmortem play distinct roles at specific stages, in specific muscles, or both. These results provide a starting point for fine mapping of QTL for the traits measured and improve the understanding of the genetic basis of pH metabolism after slaughter.  相似文献   

Pigs from the F(2) generation of a Duroc x Pietrain resource population were evaluated to discover QTL affecting carcass composition and meat quality traits. Carcass composition phenotypes included primal cut weights, skeletal characteristics, backfat thickness, and LM area. Meat quality data included LM pH, temperature, objective and subjective color information, marbling and firmness scores, and drip loss. Additionally, chops were analyzed for moisture, protein, and fat composition as well as cook yield and Warner-Bratzler shear force measurements. Palatability of chops was determined by a trained sensory panel. A total of 510 F(2) animals were genotyped for 124 microsatellite markers evenly spaced across the genome. Data were analyzed with line cross, least squares regression interval, mapping methods using sex and litter as fixed effects and carcass weight or slaughter age as covariates. Significance thresholds of the F-statistic for single QTL with additive, dominance, or imprinted effects were determined on chromosome- and genome-wise levels by permutation tests. A total of 94 QTL for 35 of the 38 traits analyzed were found to be significant at the 5% chromosome-wise level. Of these 94 QTL, 44 were significant at the 1% chromosome-wise, 28 of these 44 were also significant at the 5% genome-wise, and 14 of these 28 were also significant at the 1% genome-wise significance thresholds. Putative QTL were discovered for 45-min pH and pH decline from 45 min to 24 h on SSC 3, marbling score and carcass backfat on SSC 6, carcass length and number of ribs on SSC 7, marbling score on SSC 12, and color measurements and tenderness score on SSC 15. These results will facilitate fine mapping efforts to identify genes controlling carcass composition and meat quality traits that can be incorporated into marker-assisted selection programs to accelerate genetic improvement in pig populations.  相似文献   

Muscle fibre traits are related with meat quality in meat animals. In this study, a whole‐genome scan with 183 microsatellite markers covering the pig genome was performed to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for cross‐sectional area, numerical percentage and relative area of type I, IIA and IIB myofibres, fibre number per square centimetre and total fibre number in the longissimus muscle by using 120 F2 animals in a White Duroc × Erhualian intercross. In total, 20 QTL were mapped on pig chromosomes (SSC) 1, 2, 7, 8, 9, 11, 15, 16 and X, of which eight reached genome‐wide significance levels and explained large proportions (6.53–34.63%) of phenotypic variance. Five QTL detected in this study confirmed the previous QTL reports and the others were detected for the first time. Chinese Erhualian alleles are generally associated with muscle fibre traits favourable for meat quality.  相似文献   

The F4 fimbrial antigen of Escherichia coli and its receptors   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
F4 or K88 fimbriae are long filamentous polymeric surface proteins of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC), consisting of so-called major (FaeG) and minor (FaeF, FaeH, FaeC, and probably FaeI) subunits. Several serotypes of F4 have been described, namely F4ab, F4ac, and F4ad. The F4 fimbriae allow the microorganisms to adhere to F4-specific receptors present on brush borders of villous enterocytes and consequently to colonize the small intestine. Such ETEC infections are responsible for diarrhea and mortality in neonatal and recently weaned pigs. In this review emphasis is put on the morphology, genetic configuration, and biosynthesis of F4 fimbriae. Furthermore, the localization of the different a, b, c, and d epitopes, and the localization of the receptor binding site on the FaeG major subunit of F4 get ample attention. Subsequently, the F4-specific receptors are discussed. When the three variants of F4 (F4ab, F4ac, and F4ad) are considered, six porcine phenotypes can be distinguished with regard to the brush border adhesiveness: phenotype A binds all three variants, phenotype B binds F4ab and F4ac, phenotype C binds F4ab and F4ad, phenotype D binds F4ad, phenotype E binds none of the variants, and phenotype F binds F4ab. The following receptor model is described: receptor bcd is found in phenotype A pigs, receptor bc is found in phenotype A and B pigs, receptor d is found in phenotype C and D pigs, and receptor b is found in phenotype F pigs. Furthermore, the characterization of the different receptors is described in which the bcd receptor is proposed as collection of glycoproteins with molecular masses ranging from 45 to 70 kDa, the bc receptor as two glycoproteins with molecular masses of 210 an 240 kDa, respectively, the b receptor as a glycoprotein of 74 kDa, and the d receptor as a glycosphingolipid with unknown molecular mass. Finally, the importance of F4 fimbriae and their receptors in the study of mucosal immunity in pigs is discussed.  相似文献   

Three generations of a swine family produced by crossing a Japanese wild boar and three Large White female pigs were used to map QTL for various production traits. Here we report the results of QTL analyses for skeletal muscle fiber composition and meat quality traits based on phenotypic data of 353 F(2) animals and genotypic data of 225 markers covering almost the entire pig genome for all of the F(2) animals as well as their F(1) parents and F(0) grandparents. The results of a genome scan using least squares regression interval mapping provided evidence that QTL (<1% genome-wise error rate) affected the proportion of the number of type IIA muscle fibers on SSC2, the number of type IIB on SSC14, the relative area (RA) of type I on SSCX, the RA of type IIA on SSC6, the RA of type IIB on SSC6 and SSC14, the Minolta a* values of loin on SSC4 and SSC6, the Minolta b* value of loin on SSC15, and the hematin content of the LM on SSC6. Quantitative trait loci (<5% genome-wise error rate) were found for the number of type I on SSC1, SSC14, and SSCX, for the number of type IIA on SSC14, for the number of type IIB on SSC2, for the RA of type IIA on SSC2, for the Minolta b* value of loin on SSC3, for the pH of loin on SSC15, and for the i.m. fat content on SSC15. Twenty-four QTL were detected for 11 traits at the 5% genome-wise level. Some traits were associated with each other, so the 24 QTL were located on 11 genomic regions. In five QTL located on SSC2, SSC6, and SSC14, each wild boar allele had the effect of increasing types I and IIA muscle fibers and decreasing type IIB muscle fibers. These effects are expected to improve meat quality.  相似文献   

The enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli(ETEC) expressing F4 and F18 fimbriae are the two main pathogens associated with post-weaning diarrhea(PWD) in piglets. The growing global concern regarding antimicrobial resistance(AMR)has encouraged research into the development of nutritional and feeding strategies as well as vaccination protocols in order to counteract the PWD due to ETEC. A valid approach to researching effective strategies is to implement piglet in vivo challenge models with ETEC infection. Thus, the proper application and standardization of ETEC F4 and F18 challenge models represent an urgent priority. The current review provides an overview regarding the current piglet ETEC F4 and F18 challenge models; it highlights the key points for setting the challenge protocols and the most important indicators which should be included in research studies to verify the effectiveness of the ETEC challenge.Based on the current review, it is recommended that the setting of the model correctly assesses the choice and preconditioning of pigs, and the timing and dosage of the ETEC inoculation. Furthermore, the evaluation of the ETEC challenge response should include both clinical parameters(such as the occurrence of diarrhea,rectal temperature and bacterial fecal shedding) and biomarkers for the specific expression of ETEC F4/F18(such as antibody production, specific F4/F18 immunoglobulins(Igs), ETEC F4/F18 fecal enumeration and analysis of the F4/F18 receptors expression in the intestinal brush borders). On the basis of the review, the piglets' response upon F4 or F18 inoculation differed in terms of the timing and intensity of the diarrhea development, on ETEC fecal shedding and in the piglets' immunological antibody response. This information was considered to be relevant to correctly define the experimental protocol, the data recording and the sample collections. Appropriate challenge settings and evaluation of the response parameters will allow future research studies to comply with the replacement, reduction and refinement(3 R) approach, and to be able to evaluate the efficiency of a given feeding, nutritional or vaccination intervention in order to combat ETEC infection.  相似文献   

Understanding of the genetic control of female reproductive performance in pigs would offer the opportunity to utilize natural variation and improve selective breeding programs through marker-assisted selection. The Chinese Meishan is one of the most prolific pig breeds known, farrowing 3 to 5 more viable piglets per litter than Western breeds. This difference in prolificacy is attributed to the Meishan's superior prenatal survival. Our study utilized a 3-generation resource population, in which the founder grandparental animals were purebred Meishan and Duroc pigs, in a genome scan for QTL. Grandparent, F1, and F2 animals were genotyped for 180 microsatellite markers. Reproductive traits, including number of corpora lutea (number of animals = 234), number of fetuses per animal (n = 226), number of teats (n = 801), and total number born (n = 288), were recorded for F2 females. Genome-wide significance level thresholds of 1, 5, and 10% were calculated using a permutation approach. We identified 9 QTL for 3 traits at a 10% genome-wise significance level. Parametric interval mapping analysis indicated evidence of a 1% genome-wise significant QTL for corpora lutea on SSC 3. Nonparametric interval mapping for number of teats found 4 significant QTL on chromosomes SSC3 (P < 0.01), SSC7 (P < 0.01), SSC8 (P < 0.01), and SSC12 (P < 0.05). Partial imprinting of a QTL affecting teat number (P < 0.10) was detected on SSC8. Using the likelihood-ratio test for a categorical trait, 2 QTL for pin nipples were detected on SSC2 and SSC16 (P < 0.01). Fine mapping of the QTL regions will be required for their application to introgression programs and gene cloning.  相似文献   

Data on 380 Duroc boars from seven generations, and 1026 Landrace pigs (341 boars and 685 gilts) from six generations were used to estimate genetic parameters for daily gain (DG), backfat thickness (BF), metabolic weight (MWT), daily feed intake (FI), feed conversion ratio (FCR) and residual feed intake (RFI). Two measures of RFI were estimated as the difference between actual feed intake and that predicted from models that included initial test age and weight and DG (RFI1); and initial test age and weight, DG and BF (RFI2). Heritability estimates for DG, MWT and FI were moderate for both breeds. BF estimates were high for both the breeds. The measures of feed efficiency (FCR and RFI) were moderately heritable. Genetic correlations of BF with measures of RFI were stronger when BF was not included in the estimation of RFI (0.40 and 0.46 for Duroc and Landrace, respectively (for RFI1), compared with 0.05 and 0.06 for Duroc and Landrace, respectively (for RFI2)). Genetic correlations of MWT with measures of RFI were all negative and low. Genetic and phenotypic correlations between DG and measures of RFI were close to zero, which indicated that selection for reduced RFI could be made without adversely affecting DG. BF should also decrease, and MWT should increase under selection for reduced RFI. The reduction in BF would depend on the measure of RFI used.  相似文献   

There was a high incidence of neonatal scours in 38 litters of pigs born at Compton in a four month period during 1978. The most important cause of the disease was an enteropathogenic Escherichia coli strain which possessed the K88 antigen. The Compton herd has been bred to produce pigs of three genotypes with respect to the presence or absence of the intestinal receptor for the K88 antigen. These are homozygous dominants (SS) and heterozygotes (Ss) susceptible to infection by virulent K88-positive E coli, and homozygous recessives (ss) resistant to the disease. The highest incidence of diarrhoea was in the susceptible progeny of resistant dams and susceptible sires. There was no K88 associated diarrhoea in resistant progeny or in susceptible progeny of susceptible dams.  相似文献   

小肠是猪的主要消化吸收器官,对个体的生长发育非常重要,但到目前为止,国内外对猪小肠的研究还很少。为探讨其长度与生长发育性状之间的关系,本试验测定了白色杜洛克×二花脸资源家系F2和F3群体共计1 508头个体的240日龄小肠长度、出生重、21日龄体重、46日龄体重、0~46日龄平均日增重、46~240日龄平均日增重、240日龄平均日增重、240日龄宰前活重及屠宰后胴体直长、胴体斜长等10项生长性状指标,并对其与小肠长度的相关性进行了分析。结果显示猪240日龄小肠长度与这些生长性状都存在极显著相关(P0.001),表明小肠可能通过影响个体对营养成分的消化吸收而影响个体的生长发育。据我们所知,本试验是首次在大规模样本群体中研究猪小肠长度与生长发育性状的相关性,其结果为小肠和个体发育研究提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Vertnin (VRTN) is involved in the variation of vertebral number in pigs and it is located on Sus scrofa chromosome 7. Vertebral number is related to body size in pigs, and many reports have suggested presence of an association between body length (BL) and meat production traits. Therefore, we analyzed the relationship between the VRTN genotype and the production and body composition traits in purebred Duroc pigs. Intramuscular fat content (IMF) in the Longissimus muscle was significantly associated with the VRTN genotype. The mean IMF of individuals with the wild‐type genotype (Wt/Wt) (5.22%) was greater than that of individuals with the Wt/Q (4.99%) and Q/Q genotypes (4.79%). In addition, a best linear unbiased predictor of multiple traits animal model showed that the Wt allele had a positive effect on the IMF breeding value. No associations were observed between the VRTN genotype and other production traits. The VRTN genotype was related to BL. The Q/Q genotype individuals (100.0 cm) were longer than individuals with the Wt/Q (99.5 cm) and Wt/Wt genotypes (98.9 cm). These results suggest that in addition to the maintenance of an appropriate backfat thickness value, VRTN has the potential to act as a genetic marker of IMF.  相似文献   

Melanocortin 4 receptor (MC4R) plays a key role in controlling energy homeostasis. Several studies have already reported effects on production traits of polymorphisms identified in the porcine MC4R gene. In this study we analysed data on 6 MC4R polymorphisms (c.-780C>G; c.-135C>T; c.175C>T; c.707G>A or p.Arg236His; and c.892G>A or p.Asp298Asn; c.?430A>T) genotyped from (1) two groups of Italian Large White pigs (280+280 animals) with extreme estimated breeding values (EBVs) for back fat thickness (BFT), selected among a performance tested population of about 12,000 pigs, and from (2) 19 Italian Duroc pigs. Two haplotypes, differentiated by the c.892G>A, were identified in the Duroc populations. Four haplotypes were identified in the Italian Large White population, one of which (haplotype 4) was identified for the first time in this study. Single marker and haplotype association analyses for BFT were obtained by comparing allele and haplotype frequency differences from the two extreme tails using χ2 and Cochran–Armitage trend tests. Results confirmed the effects of the c.892G>A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) on BFT, as also defined by different distributions in the two tails of haplotypes carrying the alternative nucleotides at this polymorphic site (P<0.01). In addition different distributions of haplotype 4 in the two extreme groups suggested that it might affect the same trait (P<0.10). Association analyses for several other traits (average daily gain, ADG; feed gain ratio, FGR; weight of lean cuts; ham weight) were carried out by using EBVs and Random Residuals: significant effects (P<0.05) were only found for the p.Asp298Asn mutation on ADG and FGR. Results did not support any relevant effect of the p.Arg236His mutation on any trait. Data reported in this study contribute to better understand the role of MC4R variants in affecting production traits in pigs, a prerequisite to consider polymorphisms in this gene for marker assisted selection.  相似文献   

Intramuscular fat content is generally associated with improved sensory quality and better acceptability of fresh pork. However, conclusive evidence is still lacking for the biological mechanisms underlying i.m. fat content variability in pigs. The current study aimed to determine whether variations in i.m. fat content of longissimus muscle are related to i.m. adipocyte cellularity, lipid metabolism, or contractile properties of the whole muscle. To this end, crossbred (Large White x Duroc) pigs exhibiting either a high (2.82 +/- 0.38%, HF) or a low (1.15 +/- 0.14%, LF) lipid content in LM biopsies at 70 kg of BW were further studied at 107 +/- 7 kg of BW. Animals grew at the same rate, but HF pigs at slaughter presented fatter carcasses than LF pigs (P = 0.04). The differences in i.m. fat content between the 2 groups were mostly explained by variation in i.m. adipocyte number (+127% in HF compared with LF groups, P = 0.005). Less difference (+13% in HF compared with LF groups, P = 0.057) was noted in adipocyte diameter, and no significant variation was detected in whole-muscle lipogenic enzyme activities (acetyl-CoA carboxylase, P = 0.9; malic enzyme, P = 0.35; glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, P = 0.75), mRNA levels of sterol-regulatory element binding protein-1 (P = 0.6), or diacylglycerol acyltransferase 1 (P = 0.6). Adipocyte fatty acid binding protein (FABP)-4 protein content in whole LM was 2-fold greater in HF pigs than in LF pigs (P = 0.05), and positive correlation coefficients were found between the FABP-4 protein level and adipocyte number (R2 = 0.47, P = 0.02) and lipid content (R2 = 0.58, P = 0.004). Conversely, there was no difference between groups relative to FABP-3 mRNA (P = 0.46) or protein (P = 0.56) levels, oxidative enzymatic activities (citrate synthase, P = 0.9; beta-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, P = 0.7), mitochondrial (P = 0.5) and peroxisomal (P = 0.12) oxidation rates of oleate, mRNA levels of genes involved in fatty acid oxidation (carnitine-palmitoyl-transferase 1, P = 0.98; peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor delta, P = 0.73) or energy expenditure (uncoupling protein 2, P = 0.92; uncoupling protein 3, P = 0.84), or myosin heavy-chain mRNA proportions (P > 0.49). The current study suggests that FABP-4 protein content may be a valuable marker of lipid accretion in LM and that i.m. fat content and myofiber type composition can be manipulated independently.  相似文献   

The melanocortin 4 receptor is expressed in virtually all brain regions of mammals and plays an important role in energy homeostasis. Polymorphisms in this gene may thus be related to growth and obesity. In pigs, a non‐synonymous polymorphic site was described (Asp298Asn) and demonstrated to affect cAMP production and to alter adenylyl cyclase signalling. Association studies revealed significant linkage of this mutation with production trait in pigs. In this study, 207 Lithuanian White pigs were genotyped at the MC4R locus and analysed on relationships between genotype and breeding values for several performance traits. The observed allele and genotype frequencies did not deviate significantly from Hardy–Weinberg equilibrium (wildtype allele 0.59; mutant allele 0.41) and are comparable with those described in other Large White populations. The mutant Asn298 allele of the MC4R gene was significantly associated with increased test daily gain, higher lean meat percentage and lower backfat thickness. There was a trend towards an improved feed conversion ratio (p = 0.065) in animals with the mutant allele whereas no significant effect was found on lifetime daily gain. These results indicate that the MC4R polymorphism should be integrated in selection programmes in the Lithuanian White to improve carcass composition.  相似文献   

Background: This study investigated the validity of the DNA-marker based test to determine susceptibility to ETECF4 diarrhoea by comparing the results of two DNA sequencing techniques in weaner pigs following experimental infection with F4 enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli(ETEC-F4). The effects of diet and genetic susceptibility were assessed by measuring the incidence of piglet post-weaning diarrhoea(PWD), faecal E. coli shedding and the diarrhoea index.Results: A DNA marker-based test targeting the mucin 4 gene(MUC4) that encodes F4 fimbria receptor identified pigs as either fully susceptible(SS), partially or mildly susceptible(SR), and resistant(RR) to developing ETEC-F4 diarrhoea. To further analyse this, DNA sequencing was undertaken, and a significantly higher proportion of C nucleotides was observed for RR and SR at the Xba I cleavage site genotypes when compared to SS. However, no significant difference was found between SR and RR genotypes. Therefore, results obtained from Sanger sequencing retrospectively allocated pigs into a resistant genotype(MUC4–), in the case of a C nucleotide, and a susceptible genotype(MUC4+), in the case of a G nucleotide, at the single nucleotide polymorphism site. A total of 72 weaner pigs(age ~ 21 days), weighing 6.1 ± 1.2 kg(mean ± SEM), were fed 3 different diets:(i) positive control(PC) group supplemented with 3 g/kg zinc oxide(Zn O),(ii) negative control(NC) group(no Zn O or HAMSA),and(iii) a diet containing a 50 g/kg high-amylose maize starch product(HAMSA) esterified with acetate. At days five and six after weaning, all pigs were orally infected with ETEC(serotype O149:F4; toxins LT1, ST1, ST2 and EAST). The percentage of pigs that developed diarrhoea following infection was higher(P = 0.05) in MUC4+ pigs compared to MUC4– pigs(50% vs. 26.8%, respectively). Furthermore, pigs fed Zn O had less ETEC-F4 diarrhoea(P = 0.009) than pigs fed other diets, however faecal shedding of ETEC was similar(P 0.05) between diets.Conclusion: These results confirm that MUC4+ pigs have a higher prevalence of ETEC-F4 diarrhoea following exposure, and that pigs fed Zn O, irrespective of MUC4 status, have reduced ETEC-F4 diarrhoea. Additionally,sequencing or quantifying the single nucleotide polymorphism distribution at the Xba I cleavage site may be more reliable in identifying genotypic susceptibility when compared to traditional methods.  相似文献   

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