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The content of selenium and its chemical form in sea water   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By using the new fluorometric method of determination of the total selenium ( Se), Se (IV) and Se (VI), the content of selenium in sea weter was determined in the western North Pacific. Results showed that the content of Se in surface water ranged from 0.06 to 0.12g l–1, while in deeper layers, the content increased to 0.20g l–1. It was found that Se (IV) showed rather uniform distribution with depth, while Se (VI) increased with depth to about three times that in the surface. The ratio of Se (IV) to the Se ranged from 0.5 to 0.8 in the surface and 0.4 to 0.6 in the deep. The coexistence of the hexa- and tetravalent ions of selenium was confirmed both in surface and deep layers. Some results of observations on the content of selenium in the coastal areas of Japan were also reported.  相似文献   

The need for accurate and undisturbed core samples has led to the development of this new coring method with controlled penetration speed (Angel Descent), to minimize the sediment shortening and deformation. The results of the last campaign are herein discussed, analyzing recovery/penetration ratio, acceleration data of the corer during penetration, and logs of magnetic susceptibility on the samples obtained using two different methodologies in the same location. The purpose of this paper is to compare the performance of the two sampling methods, to identify which system allows for less axial deformation of soils and less distortion of the structures, to obtain a geometrically unaltered sedimentary sequence.  相似文献   

A new set of empirical formulas for the production rate and the number concentration of sea-water droplets on the sea surface are proposed, synthesizing past observation data of sea-salt particles in the sea and water droplets in wind-wave tanks. A new levelz c is introduced as the effective wind-sea surface where seawater droplets are produced. The new formulas are expressed in linear functions in logarithmic scales ofu*2/v p , a parameter to describe overall conditions of airsea boundary processes, whereu * is the friction velocity of air,v the kinematic viscosity of air and p the peak angular frequency of wind-wave part of wave spectra. A model of coexistence of spray droplets and suspended particles near the sea surface is proposed. As for the independent parameter, a comparison between the uses ofu*2/v p and ofu * 3 which was the traditional way of parameterization excluding wave measure, shows that the advantage of usingu*2/v p is statistically significant with a confidence limit 89% in F-test.  相似文献   

利用切向超滤(cross-flow ultrafiltration)技术对海水中胶体有机碳(COC)和真溶解有机碳(UOC)进行了分离,并分别用高温燃烧法和紫外/过硫酸钾法对胶体有机碳和真溶解有机碳进行了测定。测定结果表明,切向超滤能定量分离海水中的胶体有机碳,高温燃烧法和紫外/过硫酸钾法对胶体有机碳和真溶解有机碳的测定结果没有明显的系统误差,表明这两种方法的氧化效率基本相同,胶体粒子的存在,对紫外/过硫酸钾法的氧化效率没有显着影响。  相似文献   

海滩地下水与地表水之间的质量和动量交换对于近岸海域的泥沙输运、盐水入侵以及地表水与地下水中污染物质的迁移扩散有重要的影响。通过对描述地下水和地表水运动的控制方程的有限差分离散格式进行重新组织,构造了一种新的地下水和地表水的耦合计算方法。作为地表水与地下水的分界面的海滩动边界在该模型中可以被隐式的模拟,无需特别处理。通过与解析解和实验数据的比较,证明本文方法可以有效地对斜坡海滩的地下水和地表水运动进行模拟。  相似文献   

Silicate has been determined in sea water by four different electrochemical methods based on the detection of the silicomolybdic complex formed in acidic media by the reaction between silicate and molybdenum salts. The first two methods are based on the addition of molybdate and protons in a seawater sample in an electrochemical cell. Cyclic voltammetry presents two reduction and two oxidation peaks giving four values of the concentration and therefore increasing the precision. Then chronoamperometry is performed on an electrode held at a constant potential. A semi-autonomous method has been developed based on the electrochemical anodic oxidation of molybdenum, the complexation of the oxidation product with silicate and the detection of the complex by cyclic voltammetry. This method is tested and compared with the classical colorimetric one during ANT XXIII/3 cruise across Drake Passage (January–February 2006). The detection limit is 1 μM and the deviation between both methods is less than 3% for concentrations higher than 10 μM. Finally a complete reagentless method with a precision of 2.6% is described based on the simultaneous formation of the molybdenum salt and protons in a divided electrochemical cell. This latter method should be very useful for developing a reagentless sensor suitable for long term in situ deployments on oceanic biogeochemical observatories.  相似文献   

海洋波浪能平均功率的准确计算是波浪能开发和利用的基础。实践中,波浪能转换装置一般安装在有限水深区域。对于随机波,只有当详尽的波浪谱已知的时候,有限水深区的波能功率才能被准确计算出来。由于种种原因,实践中波浪的实测数据大多以散点图或有义波高和统计波周期的形式给出,而波浪谱信息有时则很难获得。基于这种情况,传统上人们利用无限水深条件下的相关公式来估算有限水深区域的波能功率,但这种做法会造成较大的误差。本研究显示,对于50 m水深的理论波谱JONSWAP谱来说该误差高达14.6%。为了提高波能功率计算的准确性,本文提出了一种基于能量频率的一阶和二阶近似算法,可以在未知波浪谱的情况下较为准确地计算不同水深时的波能功率。针对两种理论波浪谱的计算结果表明,本方法在计算有限带宽内的波能功率时计算误差低于2.8%。  相似文献   

开展多波束水深测量应同步进行声速剖面探测.因海上作业条件恶劣、作业时间受限及设备性能局限等影响,在深远海海域常获取不到全深度的实测声速剖面.尽管利用温盐场模型可将声速剖面直接延拓至实地水深的最大深度,但这种气候态平均声速剖面与实际的声速剖面间存在不可控的系统性偏差,会给声速改正及水深测量成果带来质量隐患.给出了一种提高...  相似文献   

海水中铁的测定方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
铁在地壳中的丰度为5.6% [1],但是在海水中的浓度却很低 ,特别是大洋中只有0.05~2nmol/L [2]。在整个海水体系的生物地球化学过程中 ,铁是一种举足轻重的元素。特别是对浮游植物 ,铁的重要性远远超过了其它微量元素 ,在植物的光合作用、电子呼吸链、氮的还原、叶绿素合成等方面有重要作用[3]。在类似南大洋[2]和赤道太平洋[4]的海域 ,同其中的主要营养盐 (氮、磷、硅 )的高浓度相比 ,其浮游植物的生物量却很低。近年来的研究表明这些区域的生物量是由铁限制的[5]。赤道太平洋海域(IronEX)[4]和极地南大洋(SORIREE)[6]的表层海水施铁实…  相似文献   

《Marine Models》2002,2(1-4):19-34
Accurate density calculation that includes pressure effects is achieved with negligible computational cost in the context of three-dimensional ocean modelling. Local linear (or quadratic) fits to the full UNESCO (Anon, 1981) equation of state can be used in many model applications where the potential temperature and salinity at a model grid point vary slightly in each model time step. The local polynomial fit is achieved by computing a Taylor series expansion about a local reference state. The terms in the Taylor series are calculated analytically for optimal accuracy and minimal computational cost. All calculations can be done with single precision arithmetic, without compromising accuracy. In a three-dimensional nonhydrostatic ocean model applied to a deep convection problem, the local density calculation reduced the total computational cost of the model by 7% relative to that when the full UNESCO density calculation was used. The computational advantage is 15% for an application in which the nonhydrostatic part of the calculation is turned off. The computational advantage is, however, a function of the nature of both the model being used and the problem being solved.The principal algorithms are coded in Fortran 90, fortran 77, and as Matlab functions. The complete set of routines and test programs is coded in Fortran 90.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a new method to retrieve salinity profiles from the sea surface salinity(SSS) observed by the Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity(SMOS) satellite. The main vertical patterns of the salinity profiles are firstly extracted from the salinity profiles measured by Argo using the empirical orthogonal function. To determine the time coefficients for each vertical pattern, two statistical models are developed. In the linear model, a transfer function is proposed to relate the SSS observed by SMOS(SMOS_SSS) with that measured by Argo, and then a linear relationship between the SMOS_SSS and the time coefficient is established. In the nonlinear model, the neural network is utilized to estimate the time coefficients from SMOS_SSS, months and positions of the salinity profiles. The two models are validated by comparing the salinity profiles retrieved from SMOS with those measured by Argo and the climatological salinities. The root-mean-square error(RMSE) of the linear and nonlinear model are 0.08–0.16 and 0.08–0.14 for the upper 400 m, which are 0.01–0.07 and 0.01–0.09 smaller than the RMSE of climatology. The error sources of the method are also discussed.  相似文献   

海水石油类物质吸收系数遥感化提取算法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Establishing the remote sensing algorithm of retrieving the absorption coefficient of seawater petroleum substances is an efficient way to improve the accuracy of retrieving a seawater petroleum concentration using a remote sensing technology. A remote sensing reflectance is a basic physical parameter in water color remote sensing. Apply it to directly retrieve the absorption coefficient of seawater petroleum substances is of potential advantage. The absorption coefficient of waters containing petroleum [ACWCP, a_o(λ)], consists of the absorption coefficient of pure water [ACPW, a_w(λ)], plankton [ACP, a_(ph)(λ)], colored scraps [ACCS, a_(d,g)(λ)], and petroleum substance [ACPS, a_(oil)(λ)]. Among those, ACCS consists of the absorption coefficient of nonalgal particle [ACNP, a_d(λ)] and colored dissolved organic matter [ACCDOM, a_g(λ)]. For waters containing petroleum, the retrieved ACCS using the existing method is a combination absorption coefficient of ACNP,ACCDOM and ACPA [CAC, a_(d,g,oil)(λ)]. Therefore, the principle question is how to extract ACPS from CAC.Through the analysis of the three proportion tests conducted between the year of 2013 and 2015 and the corresponding remote sensing data, an algorithm of retrieving the absorption coefficient of petroleum substances is proposed based on remote sensing reflectance. First of all, ACPS and CAC are retrieved from the reflectance using the quasi-analytical algorithm(QAA), with some parameter modified. Secondly, given the fact that the backscatter coefficient [BC, b_(bp)(555)] of total particles at 555 nm can be obtained completely from the reflectance, the relation between BC and ACNP in petroleum contaminated water can be established. As a result, ACNP can be calculated. Then, combining the remote sensing retrieving algorithm of a_g(440), the method of achieving the spectral slope of the absorption coefficient can be established, from which ACCDOM,can be calculated. Finally, ACPS can be computed as the residual. The accuracy of ACPS based on this algorithm is 86% compared with the in situ measurements.  相似文献   

Recent experimental evidence concerning the chemical forms of zinc occurring in sea water is reviewed in order to aid in the systematic understanding of zinc geochemistry in the marine environment. The review indicates the necessity of systematizing the results obtained by different methods for the determination of zinc in sea water with respect to the chemical nature of the zinc fractions measured. Analytical procedures for the zinc determinations in sea water by spectrophotometry with dithizone extraction and anodic stripping voltammetry with composite mercury graphite electrodes are described. By using these methods, various pre-treatment tests were carried out to relate the results of different modes of measurements to the chemical forms of zinc involved. The comparisons of the results of these tests lead to an estimation of the occurrence of the following categories of chemical forms of zinc in sea water: (1) ionic plus labile form, (2) inorganic complexes and colloids as well as weak organic complexes and (3) occuled fraction in large organic molecules and/or organic colloids. Capabilities of different analytical procedures for differentiating one category from another are discussed.  相似文献   

It is shown that the values of pK1C and pK2C for carbonic acid, pKB for boric acid and the ionic product of water, pKw, in sea water may be explained on the basis of their determination in 0.7 Mw sodium chloride and the formation of the following ion-pairs: NaSO4?, MgSO4, CaSO4, MgCO3, CaCO3, MgHCO3+, CaHCO3+, MgOH+, HSO4?, MgB(OH)4+ and CaB(OH)4+. On the whole the calculated stability constants are lower than those given by Garrels and Thompson (1962).  相似文献   

Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is the largest organic carbon reservoir in sea water and plays an imporrant role in the marine carbon cycle and other biogeochemical processes in the ocean. Accurate and precise determinalion of the bOC concentration in sea water is thus a prerequisite for any interpretation of DOC biogeochemistry. A key factor in analytical quality control is an accurate determination of the blank. The assessment and distinction of DOC blanks are essential for the precise measurements of oceanic DOC. The total DOC blank includes instrument and water blanks in the high temperature catalytic oxidation (HTCO) method. DOC can be measured accurately using the HTCO method only when the instrument blank is correctly distinguished from the total DOC blank and corrected in the sample measurements. Low DOC blanks can be achieved by extensive conditioning of new catalysts and the whole instrument system, whereas instrument blanks can be quantified by subtracting the water blank from the total DOC blank. We have been able to produce low carbon nanopure water [≤2μmol/dm3(C)] and have a low instrumental blank [< 5-6 μmol/dm3(C)] when using the HTCO method. Results of concentrations and distributions of DOC in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Atlantic are oceanographically consistent. Results from DOC measurements on samples from the international DOC methods comparison program further confirmed our low values of both nenopure water and the instrument blank.  相似文献   

A parameterization of subgridscale surface fluxes over the marginal sea ice zone which has been used earlier in several studies is modified and applied to a nonhydrostatic mesoscale model. The new scheme accounts for the form drag of ice floes and is combined with a so-called flux averaging method for the determination of surface fluxes over inhomogeneous terrain. Individual fluxes over ice and water are calculated as a function of the blending height. It is shown by comparison with observations that the drag coefficients calculated with the new parameterization agree well with data. The original scheme strongly overestimates the form drag effect. An improvement is mainly obtained by an inclusion of stratification and by use of a more adequate coefficient of resistance for individual ice floes. The mesoscale model is applied to off-ice flows over the polar marginal sea ice zone. The model results show that under certain meteorological conditions the form drag can have a strong influence on the near-surface wind velocity and on the turbulent fluxes of momentum. Four case studies are carried out. The maximum influence of form drag occurs in the case with strong unstable stratification and with wind oblique to the ice edge. Under these conditions the wind stress on sea ice is modified by at least 100% for ice concentrations less than 50% if form drag is taken into account.  相似文献   

Rising sea level is of great significance to coastal societies; predicting sea level extent in coastal regions is critical. When carrying out predictions, the subsequences obtained using decomposition methods may exhibit a certain regularity and therefore can provide multidimensional information that can be used to improve prediction models. Traditional decomposition methods such as seasonal and trend decomposition using Loess(STL) focus mostly on the fluctuating trend of time series and ignore ...  相似文献   

In order to understand the influence of the South China Sea (SCS) water on the Kuroshio, and to study the dissolved carbonate system, we participated in six WOCE cruises aboard R/V Ocean Researcher 1. The areas studied were the northeast South China Sea and the West Philippine Sea near the Luzon Strait. Temperature, salinity, pH, alkalinity and total CO2 were measured. Our data indicate that, although the Kuroshio and the SCS waters flow in and out of the Luzon Strait near surface, the SCS water seems mainly to flow out of the SCS at mid-depth. There exists a mid-depth front near 122°E between 350 and 1350 m in all seasons and years that we studied. The water mass between 350 and 1350 m east of the front belongs to the West Philippine Sea proper water, while on the west is the mixed water of the South China Sea and the West Philippine Sea.  相似文献   

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