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Chronic stimulation (for 2-3 mo) of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle nerve by indwelling electrodes renders the normally heterogeneous MG muscle mechanically and histochemically slow (type SO). We tested the hypothesis that motoneurons of MG muscle thus made type SO by chronic stimulation would also convert to slow phenotype. Properties of all single muscle units became homogeneously type SO (slowly contracting, nonfatiguing, nonsagging contraction during tetanic activation). Motoneuron electrical properties were also modified in the direction of type S, fatigue-resistant motor units. Two separate populations were identified (on the basis of afterhyperpolarization, rheobase, and input resistance) that likely correspond to motoneurons that had been fast (type F) or type S before stimulation. Type F motoneurons, although modified by chronic stimulation, were not converted to the type S phenotype, despite apparent complete conversion of their muscle units to the slow oxidative type (type SO). Muscle units of the former type F motor units were faster and/or more powerful than those of the former type S motor units, indicating some intrinsic regulation of motor unit properties. Experiments in which chronic stimulation was applied to the MG nerve cross-regenerated into skin yielded changes in motoneuron properties similar to those above, suggesting that muscle was not essential for the effects observed. Modulation of group Ia excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) amplitude during high-frequency trains, which in normal MG motoneurons can be either positive or negative, was negative in 48 of 49 chronically stimulated motoneurons. Negative modulation is characteristic of EPSPs in motoneurons of most fatigue-resistant motor units. The general hypothesis of a periphery-to-motoneuron retrograde mechanism was supported, although the degree of control exerted by the periphery may vary: natural type SO muscle appears especially competent to modify motoneuron properties. We speculate that activity-dependent regulation of the neurotrophin-(NT) 4/5 in muscle plays an important role in controlling muscle and motoneuron properties.  相似文献   

Fragmentation reactions of the biologically important N6-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)adenyl moiety have been re-examined with the aid of systematic deuterium labeling in the sidechain and by examination of the 1- and 7-deazanucleoside analogs. It is concluded that the diagnostic reactions which involve expulsion of C3H7 proceed predominantly by ring closure from the sidechain double bond to N-1 (ion a). Base-containing ions m/e 135 and 148 were confirmed to arise mainly by rearrangement of hydrogen from the methyl terminus to N6 and simple cleavage, respectively, but with significant contribution from other pathways involving transfer of sidechain hydrogens to the base.  相似文献   

Two indices of motor unit recruitment, the ramp-force and repetitive-discharge thresholds, were compared in the first dorsal interosseus muscle of ten young and twelve elderly subjects. The purpose was to determine the effect of age on the relationship between the two recruitment thresholds and the spike-triggered average force of motor units. Each subject performed three tasks requiring isometric abduction of the left index finger: a maximum voluntary contraction (MVC), a ramp-and-hold contraction, and a repetitive-discharge task. The elderly subjects used coactivation of the antagonist muscle (second palmar interosseus) more frequently than the young subjects during the ramp-and-hold contraction. Many elderly subjects expressed difficulty with the controlled ramp-down phase of the ramp-and-hold contraction and preferred a coactivation strategy to a derecruitment strategy for this task. There were no differences due to age or gender in the ramp-force thresholds between the various groups. However, the normalized repetitive-discharge threshold was significantly less for the younger subjects and for the male subjects. Nonetheless, the two recruitment thresholds were able to predict the spike-triggered average force with similar success for both the young and the elderly subjects. These data suggest that the recruitment threshold of a motor unit in first dorsal interosseus was characterized equally well by either the ramp-force or repetitive-discharge measurement for both young and elderly subjects but that coactivation was used more frequently by the elderly subjects during the ramp-and-hold task.  相似文献   

To determine the differences between arm and leg muscle quality (MQ) across the adult life span in men and women, concentric (Con) and eccentric (Ecc) peak torque (PT) were measured in 703 subjects (364 men and 339 women, age range 19-93 yr) and appendicular skeletal muscle mass (MM) was determined in the arm and leg in a subgroup of 502 of these subjects (224 men and 278 women). Regression analysis showed that MQ, defined as PT per unit of MM, was significantly higher in the arm ( approximately 30%) than in the leg across age in both genders (P < 0.01). Arm and leg MQ declined at a similar rate with age in men, whereas leg MQ declined approximately 20% more than arm MQ with increasing age in women (P 相似文献   

The conductance and capacitance of octopus arm are measured in vivo over the frequency range 5 Hz to 1 MHz. Measurement of these parameters for a number of electrode separations permits the determination of the variations in tissue conductivity and dielectric constant with frequency. In the range 1-100 kHz the conductivity is independent of the frequency f and the dielectric constant varies as f-1. These results, in conjunction with those reported previously for frog skeletal muscle, are consistent with the fractal model for the dielectric properties of animal tissue proposed by Dissado. Transformation of the results to complex impedance spectra indicates the presence of a dispersion above 100 kHz.  相似文献   

1. Rhythmic locomotor activity was evoked in clonidine-treated acute and chronic spinal cats, and the effect of stimulating group I afferents from the plantaris muscle on the timing and magnitude of bursts in medial gastrocnemius (MG) motoneurons was examined. 2. The locomotor rhythm was entrained when group I afferents in the plantaris nerve were electrically stimulated with trains of stimuli presented at rates above and below the intrinsic frequency of the rhythmic activity. During entrainment at rates higher than the intrinsic frequency, a burst of activity in ipsilateral MG motoneurons was initiated approximately 40 ms after the onset of each stimulus train. At lower rates of entrainment the onset of MG bursts preceded the onset of the stimulus trains, and each stimulus train had an excitatory effect on the MG burst with a latency in the range of 30-50 ms. A similar excitatory effect was observed when the stimulus trains were triggered at a preset delay after the endogenous generation of the MG bursts. 3. The excitatory action of plantaris group I afferents on the MG motoneurons was only seen during periods of locomotor activity. In the absence of rhythmic activity, the same stimulus trains reduced any ongoing tonic activity in MG motoneurons. 4. Vibration of the plantaris muscle to preferentially activate group Ia afferents neither entrained the locomotor rhythm nor increased the magnitude of the MG bursts. 5. We conclude that during locomotor activity, input from group Ib afferents of the plantaris muscle has an excitatory action on the system of interneurons generating the extensor bursts, i.e., on the extensor half-center of the central rhythm generator.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Spatial response properties of medial (MVST) and lateral (LVST) vestibulospinal tract neurons were studied in alert and decerebrate cats during sinusoidal angular rotations of the whole body in the horizontal and many vertical planes. Of 220 vestibulospinal neurons with activity modulated during 0.5-Hz sinusoidal rotations, 200 neurons exhibited response gains that varied as a cosine function of stimulus orientation and phases that were near head velocity for rotation planes far from the minimum response plane. A maximum activation direction vector (MAD), which represents the axis and direction of rotation that maximally excites the neuron, was calculated for these neurons. Spatial properties of secondary MVST neurons in alert and decerebrate animals were similar. The responses of 88 of 134 neurons (66%) could be accounted for by input from one semicircular canal pair. Of these, 84 had responses consistent with excitation from the ipsilateral canal of the pair (13 horizontal, 27 anterior, 44 posterior) and 4 with excitation from the contralateral horizontal canal. The responses of the remaining 46 (34%) neurons suggested convergent inputs. The activity of 38 of these was significantly modulated by both horizontal and vertical rotations. Twelve neurons (9%) had responses that were consistent with input from both vertical canal pairs, including 9 cells with MADs near the roll axis. Thirty-two secondary MVST neurons (24%) had type II yaw and/or roll responses. The spatial response properties of 18 secondary LVST neurons, all studied in decerebrate animals, were different from those of secondary MVST neurons. Sixteen neurons (89%) had type II yaw and/or roll responses, and 12 (67%) appeared to receive convergent canal pair input. Convergent input was more common on higher-order vestibulospinal neurons than on secondary neurons. These results suggest that MVST and LVST neurons and previously reported vestibulo-ocular neurons transmit functionally different signals. LVST neurons, particularly those with MADs close to the roll axis, may be involved in the vestibular-limb reflex. The combination of vertical and ipsilateral horizontal canal input on many secondary MVST neurons suggests a contribution to the vestibulocollic reflex. However, in contrast to most neck muscles, very few neurons had maximum vertical responses near pitch.  相似文献   

Recordings of isometric force were obtained for twitches and (sub)maximal tetani of gastrocnemius medialis (MG) and tibialis anterior (TA) muscle units in female Wistar rats. We assessed the relationships between unit properties that have all been associated with "speed": (1) the relative degree of peak force attained during repetitive activation at 40 Hz (P40/Pmax), (2) the relative degree of final twitch fusion during the same test burst (Fus-end), and (3) various measures of the time-course of single twitches, including twitch time-to-peak and a parameter referred to as "initial fusion ratio" (Fus-in; relative decline from peak force at 25 ms from twitch onset). The various measures of twitch time-course were significantly correlated to each other with correlation coefficients varying over a fairly wide range (0.35-0.64 for MG; 0.50-0.80 for TA). Twitch time-course was also significantly correlated with Fus-end during the 40-Hz repetitive activation; the highest correlation coefficient (0.69 for MG, 0.80 for TA) was obtained for Fus-in, which was also numerically similar to Fus-end. Thus, the degree of fusion indeed seemed to be largely dependent upon aspects of twitch time-course. However, the relative degree of force mobilization obtained in the same contractions elicited by stimulation at 40 Hz was not consistently better correlated with Fus-end than with measures of single twitch time-course. Furthermore, in fast-twitch units having the same twitch time-to-peak, the force mobilization elicited by stimulation at 40 Hz (P40/Pmax) was the same for MG and TA, while the degree of fusion was significantly smaller for TA than for MG units. The results demonstrate the complexity of the concept of isometric "speed" and underline the need for using several speed indicators in parallel in studies concerning the differentiation of muscle (unit) properties.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review exemplary aspects of different views of skeletal muscle characteristics. A classical view of muscle characteristics plays a very important role in modelling of muscles and movement. However, it often also pervades concepts on which our understanding of muscle function is based. In this view length effects, velocity effects and effects of degrees of activation and recruitment are distinguished and, often implicitly, assumed to be independent effects. It will be illustrated that using the classical approach many valuable things may be learned about muscle function and adaptation. At the same time we should realize that such a classical approach is too limited for use in generating knowledge about properties of muscles during daily use. The use of scaling of force to estimate muscular properties during submaximal activity on the basis of properties during maximal activation is shown to be very inadequate. An alternative view is described and particular examples are provided of changes in length-force characteristics as a consequence of submaximal activation, previous length change, as well as the effect of short-term histories of these variables. In addition, effects of inhomogeneities of muscle in morphology as well as physiological properties are considered. It is concluded that length-velocity-force characteristics are not unique properties of a muscle, and that these characteristics are not only strongly influenced by actual effects of recruitment, firing frequency, shortening performed and actual velocity of shortening but also by the short time history of these factors. Therefore, length, velocity and activation cannot be considered as independent determinants of muscle functioning. It is also shown that we are confronted with many indications of physiological individuality regarding these phenomena.  相似文献   

Because murine myeloma plasma cells and normal human lymph node plasma cells express BCL-X, we evaluated BCL-X expression in malignant human plasma cells. BCL-X expression was detected in several human myeloma cell lines, as well as in CD38-sorted bone marrow cells obtained from some patients. Only the antiapoptotic long form of BCL-X (BCL-X-L), was detected. Because BCL-X-L expression can protect tumor cells from apoptotic death induced by chemotherapeutic agents, we tested the clinical relevance of expression in 55 archival bone marrow biopsies. The biopsies were stained by immunohistochemistry, and BCL-X expression was correlated with the subsequent response to treatment. BCL-X expression in malignant plasma cells strongly correlated with decreased response rates in patient groups treated with either melphalan and prednisone or vincristine, Adriamycin, and dexamethasone. Response rates were 83-87% in non-BCL-X-expressing cases and 20-31% in BCL-X-expressing cases. In addition, BCL-X expression was more frequent in specimens taken from patients at relapse (77%), when compared to those at initial diagnosis (29%). Further support for the association of drug resistance with BCL-X-L expression came from studies of the 8226 dox-40 cell line. This line, which expresses p-glycoprotein and serves as a model of multidrug resistance in multiple myeloma cells, demonstrated an up-regulated expression of BCL-X-L, which was relatively specific, in that BCL-2 or BAX expression was not altered. In addition, dox-40 cells demonstrated a generalized resistance to apoptosis that was induced by several different agents. These results indicate that malignant plasma cells can express BCL-X-L and that such expression may be a marker of chemoresistant disease.  相似文献   

Because primate studies provide data for the current experimental models of the human oculomotor system, we investigated the relationship of lateral rectus muscle motoneuron firing to muscle unit contractile characteristics in the squirrel monkey. Also examined was the correlation of whole-muscle contractile force with the degree of evoked eye displacement. A force transducer was used to record lateral rectus whole-muscle or muscle unit contraction in response to abducens whole-nerve stimulation or stimulation of single abducens motoneurons or axons. Horizontal eye displacement was recorded using a magnetic search coil. (1) Motor units could be categorized based on contraction speed (fusion frequency) and fatigue. (2) The kt value (change in motoneuronal firing necessary to increase motor unit force by 1.0 mg) of the units correlated with maximum tetanic tension. (3) There was some tendency for maximum tetanic tension of this unit population to separate into three groups. (4) At a constant frequency of 100 Hz, 95% of the motor units demonstrated significantly different force levels dependent on immediately previous stimulation history (hysteresis). (5) A mean force change of 0.32 gm/ degrees and a mean frequency change of 4.7 Hz/ degrees of eye displacement were observed in response to whole-nerve stimulation. These quantitative data provide the first contractile measures of primate extraocular motor units. Models of eye movement dynamics may need to consider the nonlinear transformations observed between stimulation rate and muscle tension as well as the probability that as few as two to three motor units can deviate the eye 1 degrees.  相似文献   

Contractile measures on 67 single muscle units in the cat lateral rectus muscle were made in response to motoneuron stimulation. Simultaneous activation of four to five additional units, using muscle nerve stimulation, allowed an examination of unit force summation. Linear force addition was found in 73% of the units, while 25% added only about half of their twitch force to the twitch force of the nerve-activated units. "Nonadditive" units had significantly weaker twitch tensions than the units which added linearly. Lengthening or shortening the whole muscle, from maximal isometric settings, reduced whole muscle twitch tension as well as muscle unit tension. Injury to the lateral rectus muscle did not significantly alter whole muscle tension. These findings suggest that the known serial and branching arrangement of these muscle fibers, as well as the complex interfiber matrix, may help explain the force reduction in some muscle units and the whole muscle's resistance to insult.  相似文献   

The Purpose in Life Test (PIL) and the Rokeach Value Survey were completed by 91 undergraduates. There were 4 groups of religious converts: less than 1 wk, for 1 mo, up to 6 mo, and 6 mo or longer. Two groups of nonconverts served as controls. Converts scored higher on the PIL than nonconverts. New converts showed a sharp rise in PIL scores, which dropped to the control level for the 1-mo group, and rose back to and stabilized at an intermediately high level within 6 mo after conversion. A general sense of values was related to a higher sense of purpose. Values given relatively more weight by S high in PIL were salvation and being clean. Values given relatively more weight by S low in PIL were comfort, happiness, freedom, and mature love. Item analysis of the PIL revealed that fear of death declined continually following conversion. Both emotionally and cognitively toned items contributed to PIL total scores. (16 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Surface electromyograms (EMG) and force were recorded during repeated involuntary spasms of paralyzed triceps surae muscles of four men with chronic cervical spinal cord injury. The firing rates of 78 medial gastrocnemius (MG) motor units also were recorded intramuscularly with tungsten microelectrodes. Spasms typically involved a relatively rapid rise, then a more gradual fall in triceps surae EMG and torque. Motor unit firing rates either increased and then decreased with the spasm intensity (54%) or were relatively constant (26%), firing mainly at 2-10 Hz. The remaining units (20%) produced trains that included one or several doublets. Mean peak spasm firing rates were 18 +/- 9 Hz (mean +/- SD) for rate modulated units and 11 +/- 10 Hz for units with little or no rate modulation. Some motor units fired at rates comparable with those recorded previously during maximum voluntary contractions performed by intact subjects. Others fired at rates below the minimum usually seen when normal units are first recruited (< 6 Hz). Doublets (interspike interval < 10 ms) often repeated every 123-333 ms, or were interspersed in trains firing at low steady rates (< 11 Hz). This study shows that rate coding for many motor units appears to be similar whether descending motor input is intact or whether it has been reduced severely by spinal cord injury. In contrast, rate modulation in other units appears to depend mainly on voluntary motor commands.  相似文献   

Recorded single-cell and evoked potential (EP) activity in the postcruciate cortex of 45 acutely prepared cats during a classical conditioning procedure. The temporal pattern of response (PSH) of the neuron was separated into 3 components, and the trial development of learning changes for these components was examined individually. Changes over trials in the similarity of the EP waveform and the unit PSH were also examined. The unit response components showed changes in response at different trial periods; these changes could not be accounted for by changes at lower brain levels that projected to the cortex. This suggests that local learning changes were taking place in the cortex. The EP-PSH similarity decreased for neurons showing the largest changes in response during conditioning. Since the EP reflects the response of the whole population of neurons and a majority did not show learning changes, this could account for the observed decrease. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

1. The technique of glycogen depletion was used to determine whether regenerating motor axons reestablish the normal regionalization of motor units (MUs) in the cat medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle, 2) whether the extent of clumping between MU fibers and/or type grouping of muscle fibers progressively increases with a decrease in reinnervated MU numbers, and 3) whether the pattern of innervation can explain why MUs fail to increase significantly in size when the cut nerve is sutured directly to the muscle, even when few axons make functional connections. 2. Distributions of MU fibers were analyzed in 5 normal and 14 reinnervated cat MG muscles 4.5-16 mo after sectioning of its nerve and suturing of the proximal end to the distal nerve sheaths (N-N suture) or directly to the muscle fascia (N-M suture). Muscle unit distributions were quantified according to location, territory size, density, and extent of clumping between fibers from the same MU. 3. Normal MU fibers were regionalized within five regions along the muscle's longitudinal and transverse axes. Reinnervated MUs were located within similar regions, indicating that regenerating axons follow the major proximal nerve branches to restore normal compartmentalization. 4. Muscle unit fibers were diffusely scattered within discrete MU territories in normal muscles. Territory size tended to increase with MU size, whereas density of muscle unit fibers within the territory decreased. 5. Territories increased with MU size after N-N suture but were smaller and showed little size variation after N-M suture. The extent of muscle unit fiber clumping was inversely related to the number of reinnervated MUs. On average, the extent of clumping was substantially higher in muscles reinnervated after N-M suture. These results indicate that distal nerve sheaths facilitate proximal axon branching, which establishes MU territory size. Once the territory is established, motor axons branch distally to increase MU size, which in turn compensates for reduced MU numbers. 6. Muscles reinnervated by < 80% of the MUs exhibited fiber type grouping of type I fibers, and on average the extent of clumping was substantially higher in muscles reinnervated after N-M suture. With less innervation, type grouping increased inversely with the number of reinnervated MUs. However, for a similar number of MUs, type I fiber type grouping was substantially higher in muscle reinnervated after N-M suture. Type grouping therefore reflects muscle unit fiber clumping under conditions where MU size increased (N-N suture) or MU territory size decreased (N-M suture).  相似文献   

Using a nose-only inhalation system, male Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed 4.2 h d(-1), 5 days per week for 65 weeks to one of two concentrations of natural uranium ore dust aerosol (44% U, 50 mg m(-3) and 19 mg m(-3)) without significant radon content. After inhalation exposure ceased, the rats were allowed to live for their natural lifetime. Lung uranium burdens, measured at the time of death of each animal, declined exponentially after dust inhalation ceased, and the rate of decline was independent of the initial lung burden. Lymph node specific burdens ranged from 1 to 60 fold greater than the specific lung burden in the same animal. No lymph node tumors were observed. The frequency of primary malignant lung tumors was 0.016, 0.175 and 0.328 and primary non-malignant lung tumors 0.016, 0.135 and 0.131 in the control, low and high aerosol exposed groups, respectively. There was no difference in tumor latency between the groups. Absorbed dose to the lung was calculated for each animal in the study. The average doses for all the animals exposed to the low and high dust aerosol concentrations were 0.87 Gy and 1.64 Gy respectively, resulting in an average risk of malignant lung tumors of about 0.20 tumors per animal per Gy in both groups. The frequency of primary lung tumors was also calculated as a function of dose increment for both exposed groups individually and combined. The data indicate that, in spite of the above result, lung tumor frequency was not directly proportional to dose. However, when malignant lung tumor frequency was calculated as a function of dose rate (as measured by the lung burden at the end of dust inhalation) a direct linear relationship was seen (p < 0.01) suggesting dose rate may be a more important determinant of lung cancer risk than dose. Conversely, non-malignant lung tumors were significantly correlated with low lung burdens (p = 0.01). We conclude that chronic inhalation of natural uranium ore dust alone in rats creates a risk of primary malignant and non-malignant lung tumor formation and that malignant tumor risk was not directly proportional to dose, but was directly proportional to dose rate.  相似文献   

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