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燃烧制样法测定牛奶中的氚   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵克俭  马斌 《核技术》1991,14(4):249-252

高阳 《原子能科学技术》2016,50(12):2295-2298
本文通过大量的实验,对所购买的Carbolite生物氚碳燃烧装置进行了局部改良,优化了环境生物有机氚分析方法的设置条件。优化后,样品的生成水回收率可达到80%以上,Carbolite生物氚碳燃烧装置氧化燃烧更充分,制样过程更安全;相同环境样品不同实验人员的测量结果相对偏差小于30%。结果表明,本文的分析方法具有重现性。  相似文献   

为改善尿氚制样过程中自动控制差、制样效率低、操作流程复杂、耗能高等问题,研制了一套用于尿中氚分析的快速、批量尿氚制样系统,并通过相关实验对系统性能进行了测试。结果表明,系统制样的最佳制样条件是加热温度为200℃,蒸馏冷凝时间为10 min;系统制样稳定度高,重现性好,较以往的尿氚蒸馏装置制样效率提高了5倍,能耗降低了1/3,操作流程实现自动化。  相似文献   

为研究植物样品中有机氚(OBT)浓度相关测量的最佳方法,以秦山核电基地所采植物和人为氚污染的植物样品为研究对象,对去除交换性有机氚(E-OBT)所需的最合适浸泡水用量和浸泡时间及样品氧化燃烧和收集过程中氚的残留效应进行了研究。结果表明:用30倍于干物质质量的低氚水浸泡24 h,可有效去除植物样品中的E-OBT;用50 mL低氚水冲洗氧化燃烧炉1次,即可将残留在其中的氚冲洗干净;经3次大量低氚水冲洗后OBT水样收集瓶与石英舟中无氚残留。  相似文献   

研制了有机氚(OBT)氧化燃烧制样装置,该装置主要由石英管、固定和移动式管式电炉及冷凝收集器3部分组成。1次可处理环境样品40~100 g,对有机氚的氧化燃烧效率高达97.4%,生成水的回收率达94.4%,氧化燃烧过程直观可视。利用该装置对四川某设施外环境采集的动植物样品中的有机氚进行了测定,其活度水平在0.16~2.71 Bq/kg之间,肉类有机氚活度较高,植物类较低。  相似文献   

植物样全氚制样装置的研制与验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种自行研制的用于进行植物样品全氚测量的制样装置,该装置将传统的高温氧化方式与明火燃烧的方式相结合,一次能够处理10.00~15.00g植物鲜样,处理时间为2~3h,与传统的高温氧化法相比,处理时间短,与国外同类装置相比,样品处理量大。经过实验验证,收集的冷凝水不需要再进行后续处理,可以直接进行液闪测量。  相似文献   

申慧芳  钱渊  杜林  刘卫 《原子能科学技术》2014,48(10):1766-1774
从核设施释放到大气中的氚主要以氚化水(HTO)和氚化氢(HT)两种形式存在,最终以HTO的形式进入植物体。植物体中的氚有两种化学形态:自由水氚(TFWT)和有机氚(OBT),其中OBT又被细分为交换性OBT和非交换性OBT。与TFWT相比,OBT在植物体内有较长的滞留时间和较大的剂量转换因子,在氚的食入剂量中OBT占主要份额,因此有必要对植物中的OBT展开全面研究。本文就植物中OBT的定义、交换性OBT和非交换性OBT的确定、OBT的形成过程及其影响因子、OBT预测模型的研究进行综述,同时对今后植物中OBT应重点研究的内容进行了简单分析,以期为植物中OBT的研究提供一定的参考。为准确评价OBT造成的辐射剂量,今后对OBT的研究中应着重从测量、夜间形成机理和环境中的行为等方面进行。  相似文献   

本文介绍了所建立的环境样品中的自由氚和组织结合氚的分别采样装置和方法。对于样品中的自由氚,用低真空干燥回收法,回收率可达98%;对于样品中的组织结合氚,用连续加样催化氧化冷凝收集法,回收率为93%。两法都能一次收集足够制两个并行测量样的水量。  相似文献   

中国原子能科学研究院有机废液焚烧装置于1986年建成,并于1989年8—9月焚烧处理了1.7 t 含氚(10~8Bq/L)废机油。监测结果表明,这次焚烧排放造成的空气中氚浓度最高值为13.3Bq/m~3,估算结果与监测结果相一致;对周围居民产生的最大个人年有效剂量当量为0.32 μSv。  相似文献   

介绍一种碳酸盐中碳、氧同位素快速制样装置。实验证明,该装置具有真空度好、使用方便、无污染、制样效率高、成本低的优点,所生成的二氧化碳具有高纯、分析结果准确、可靠等特点,完全能满足碳酸盐中碳、氧同位素分析的制样要求。  相似文献   

我国部分地区食品氚的分布规律初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
朱国英  王伟华 《核技术》1996,19(7):445-448
调查了我国北京、兰州、上海和成都四个城市的食品氚浓度,其中食品的游离水氚(TFWT)和有机结合氚(OBT)浓度的平均值分别为4.56Bq·L^-1和29.51Bq·L^-1,食品OBT与TFWT含量的比值(SAR)为6.47。食品OBT浓度由北往南逐渐下降(P〈0.05),与纬度呈高度线性关系。植物类食品的OBT浓度较动物类食品高,且地面生长食品的OBT浓度最高,灌溉类食品最低。  相似文献   

本文采用氚离子束标记法,对茯苓聚糖进行了标记,放射性比活性达1.81—2.07TBq/mmol。药物动力学研究证明~3H-茯苓聚糖尿素液口服灌喂小白鼠,按一定时间在尾部静脉取血样作放射性分析。得到的药-时曲线适合于双定模型。  相似文献   

被动式氚取样器性能的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了核设施工作场所和环境空气中氚化水蒸气HTO的监测,被动式氚取样器在国外已经得到非常广泛的应用,所研制的被动式氚取样器,特别适用于7-30d的长期取样,给出该取样周期内空气中HTO浓度的平均值。  相似文献   

对土壤-植物系统中氚迁移研究的意义、国内外研究进展作了概括性的介绍与展望,包括氚在不同土壤和植物中的时空分布、迁移规律及其影响因素、氚的化学形态和氚迁移数学模型研究等。总结了已取得的研究成果,并分析、讨论了研究中存在的问题。  相似文献   

通过选择装置材料、优化结构及参数,设计制作了有效体积为11.0 mL的测氚电离室,用于工艺尾气中氚含量的测量。用质谱法标定绘制了工作曲线,工作曲线线性范围为0.013 4%~0.168%(体积)。测试表明:装置泄漏率为5.5×10-7 Pa·m3/s,密封性良好;本底电流为2.98×10-14A;装置探测下限值为1.35×10-4 %(体积);变异系数≤1.50%;仪器响应时间≤10 s,响应速度快,测量周期短,满足工艺样品的检测需求。  相似文献   

India has proposed the helium-cooled solid breeder blanket concept as a tritium breeding module to be tested in ITER. The module has lithium titanate for tritium breeding and beryllium for neutron multiplication. Beryllium also enhances tritium breeding. A design for the module is prepared for detailed analysis. Neutronic analysis is performed to assess the tritium breeding rate, neutron distribution, and heat distribution in the module. The tritium production distribution in submodules is evaluated to support the tritium transport analysis. The tritium breeding density in the radial direction of the module is also assessed for further optimization of the design. The heat deposition profile of the entire module is generated to support the heat removal circuit design. The estimated neutron spectrum in the radial direction also provides a more in-depth picture of the nuclear interactions inside the material zones. The total tritium produced in the HCSB module is around 13.87 mg per full day of operation of ITER, considering the 400 s ON time and 1400 s dwell time. The estimated nuclear heat load on the entire module is around 474 kW, which will be removed by the high-pressure helium cooling circuit. The heat deposition in the test blanket model (TBM) is huge (around 9 GJ) for an entire day of operation of ITER, which demonstrates the scale of power that can be produced through a fusion reactor blanket. As per the Brayton cycle, it is equivalent to 3.6 GJ of electrical energy. In terms of power production, this would be around 1655 MWh annually. The evaluation is carried out using the MCNP5 Monte Carlo radiation transport code and FEDNL 2.1 nuclear cross section data. The HCSB TBM neutronic performance demonstrates the tritium production capability and high heat deposition.  相似文献   

Tritium self-sufficiency in future deuterium–tritium fusion reactors is a crucial challenge. As an engineering test reactor, the China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor requires a burning fraction of 3% for the goal to test the accessibility to the future fusion plant. To self-consistently simulate burning plasmas with profile changes in pellet injection scenarios and to estimate the corresponding burning fraction, a one-dimensional multi-species radial transport model is developed in the BOUT++ framework. Several pellet-fueling scenarios are then tested in the model. The results show that the increased fueling depth improves the burning fraction by particle confinement improvement and fusion power increase. Nevertheless, by increasing the depth, the pellet cooling-down may significantly lower the temperature in the core region. Taking the density perturbation into consideration, the reasonable parameters of the fueling scenario in these simulations are estimated as pellet radius ${r}_{{\rm{p}}}=3\,{\rm{mm}},$ injection rate $=\,4\,\mathrm{Hz},$ and pellet injection velocity $=\,1000\mbox{--}2000\,{\rm{m}}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$ without drift or $450\,{\rm{m}}\,{{\rm{s}}}^{-1}$ with high-field-side drift.  相似文献   

On-site groundwater has been reported to be contaminated by the unplanned release of liquid radioactive material at some nuclear power plants. Thus, it is of utmost importance to implement a timely and effective groundwater protection program at a site based on a good understanding of groundwater flow and a reasonable prediction for the potential impact of the unplanned release. In this study, the tritium migration has been simulated based on the modeling result of groundwater at Wolsong Plant 1 site to assess the potential impact of an unplanned release in the form of a leak. The results indicate that the groundwater eventually flowed into the sea, leaving marine activities as the only possible exposure pathway for receptors. Furthermore, the tritium concentrations in groundwater were simulated to be lowered very quickly with groundwater approaching the sea. Therefore, an additional radiation dose contribution due to the discharge of the contaminated groundwater was estimated to be negligible. Particularly, the draining effect of the dewatering sumps was shown to have a strong influence on the groundwater flow characteristics and the simulation of tritium migration, mainly decreasing the spread rate of the contaminated groundwater, which is advantageous to the protection of groundwater.  相似文献   

Tritium behavior in the reactor such as production, diffusion and release are accompanied by their adsorption and desorption in graphite materials, which are essential to the safety of high temperature gas cooled reactor (HTGR). In order to study this important issue, hydrogen instead of tritium is experimentally used in this work and justified viable by theory. By performing multiple sets of comparative experiments, the features of hydrogen adsorption and desorption behavior changing by adsorption temperature and time in typical graphites used in HTR-PM (High Temperature Gas Cooled Reactor – Pebble Bed Module), i.e. reflective layer, fuel element and boron carbon bricks, have been observed and analyzed. Furthermore, the adsorption rates of hydrogen in the three materials as above at different conditions are also given. Based on the experimental results, tritium behavior in the HTR-PM was inferred and estimated, which is significant for the further study on the mechanism of tritium transport.  相似文献   

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