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为研究微细尺度下材料的晶粒尺寸d、厚度t对其力学性能的影响,引入尺寸效应影响因子φ=t/d,在常温下对具有不同晶粒尺寸和板厚的H62黄铜薄板试样进行单向拉伸实验。结果表明,随着φ的减小,流动应力减小,延伸率下降;板料硬化指数n值,随板料厚度的增加而增大,随晶粒尺寸的增大而增大。拉伸试样均为韧窝微孔聚合型断裂,0.5mm和1.0mm厚度试样断口处韧窝多而浅,且为抛物线形,材料韧性好,塑性强;板厚0.1mm和0.2mm的试样断口韧窝深而大,硬化指数n值大,但塑性差。  相似文献   

黄铜箔拉伸屈服强度的尺寸效应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
郭斌  周健  单德彬  王慧敏 《金属学报》2008,44(4):419-422
为了研究金属箔的塑性变形性能与尺寸的相关性,在常温下对不同厚度和晶粒尺寸的黄铜箔试样进行了单向拉伸实验.结果表明:随着厚度或晶粒尺寸的减小,箔的屈服强度都会升高,晶粒尺寸对屈服强度的影响满足Hall-Petch细晶强化关系,厚度减小使屈服强度升高也可以主要归结于晶粒尺寸的减小.此外,当箔的厚度小于100 靘时,厚度/晶粒尺寸比不能表征屈服强度的尺寸效应.  相似文献   

研究了异步轧制和退火铜箔在室温拉伸过程中的厚度尺寸效应.为研究晶粒尺寸、厚度、厚度晶粒尺寸比和位错密度对力学性能的影响,对轧制后不同厚度的板材一部分进行600℃退火处理作为对比.通过室温单向拉伸实验和电镜观察分别对箔材进行力学性能和微观组织分析.结果 表明,材料的极限抗拉强度与晶粒尺寸、厚度、厚度/晶粒尺寸比和位错密度...  相似文献   

简要综述了金属强度的晶粒尺寸效应和样品尺寸效应的研究历史和现状,揭示了它们的基本强化机制分别是增加位错运动的阻力和增加位错产生的难度.在一些纳米金属中发现这2种机制同时起作用,从而指出利用这2种机制调控纳米金属强塑性的可能性.这种可能性在纳米纯Al中得到了验证.  相似文献   

采用DT-C539微冲压机、光学显微镜、扫描电镜、透射电镜和拉伸实验机等研究了晶粒尺寸效应对纯铜微冲压杯形件变形行为的影响。结果表明:随着晶粒尺寸的增大,杯形件褶皱和凹坑数量增加;从厚度分布来看,随着晶粒尺寸增大,最薄区的厚度与平均厚度的差值从10μm增加到14μm,越容易出现危险区;通过冲压力和位移的曲线可以得出:当晶粒尺寸从10μm增加到35μm时,最大冲压力从37.7 N降低到32.6 N;当晶粒尺寸从35μm增加到68μm时,最大冲压力从32.6 N增加到了33.4 N。  相似文献   

为研究厚度、晶粒尺寸对C5210磷青铜薄板力学性能和成形性能的影响,通过不同温度退火热处理得到不同晶粒尺寸的试样,然后在常温下对具有不同厚度和晶粒尺寸的试样进行单向拉伸试验。结果表明:当厚度在50~800μm范围内,材料的屈服强度随着厚度的减小而增大,而加工硬化指数和伸长率随着厚度的减小而减小,提出了描述屈服强度随厚度减小而增大关系的修正模型;材料的屈服强度随着晶粒尺寸的增大而减小,但加工硬化指数随着晶粒尺寸的增大而增大,伸长率则随着晶粒尺寸的增大先增大到一个峰值后再减小。通过扫描电镜观察拉伸试样的断口形貌发现所有试样断裂方式均为韧性断裂,并且随着厚度的增大断口韧窝的密集度增大,而晶粒尺寸越大的试样断口韧窝密集度越小。  相似文献   

重点梳理了近年来微成形尺寸效应理论的研究进展,归纳总结了现有文献中关于微成形中变形行为的各种尺寸效应与材料屈服强度、塑性、抗拉强度、断裂韧性的关系,包括:晶粒尺寸、厚度尺寸以及两者之间的比值对屈服强度有重要影响;伸长率随厚度的增加而增加;抗拉强度与厚度尺寸和晶粒尺寸之间存在复杂关系;材料的断裂韧性与各种尺寸有密不可分的关系。并分析了这些研究结论存在差异的原因,同时,指出现有微成形尺寸效应机理目前存在有争议和亟待解决的关键问题。  相似文献   

热处理对SiCp/2024Al复合材料尺寸稳定性的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
以微屈服强度、应力松弛强度及线性尺寸测量值为指标,研究了多种热处理对SiCp/2024Al 复合材料尺寸稳定性的影响。结果表明, 在不同使用环境条件下, 应作不同的尺寸稳定化处理。峰时效处理能提高材料抵抗负载尺寸稳定性, 冷热循环处理则对抵抗环境温度变化尺寸稳定性有利, 而退火、深冷处理的尺寸稳定性较低。分析了影响该复合材料尺寸稳定性的微观结构因素。  相似文献   

TWIP钢中晶粒尺寸对TWIP效应的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
冷轧TWIP钢经1073,1173,1273和1373K固溶处理10min后,得到了晶粒尺寸分别为7,13,30和63μm的奥氏体组织.拉伸实验表明,随着晶粒尺寸的增加,加工硬化速率(dσ/dε)与真应变(ε)的变化关系由2阶段变为3阶段.当晶粒尺寸大于30μm时,加工硬化速率与真应变关系中的第2阶段对应的应变长度随着晶粒尺寸的增加而迅速增加.当真应变为0—0.2时,加工硬化指数随真应变的增加而迅速增加;在随后的变形中,与上述4个晶粒尺寸对应的试样的加工硬化指数分别稳定在0.47,0.53,0.56和0.68.OM和TEM观察显示,随晶粒尺寸的增大,变形过程中形变孪晶数量增多.对于较大晶粒尺寸的试样,形变孪晶在拉伸变形过程中形核的临界应力较低,随变形量增加,形变孪晶可持续形成,使其加工硬化能力增加,从而增大了TWIP效应;相反,晶粒尺寸减小使变形过程中的形变孪晶形核临界应力增大,抑制形变孪晶的产生,从而减小了TWIP效应.  相似文献   

采用电子束-物理气相沉积法(EB-PVD)制备了6个厚度为15-62nm的铂薄膜,研究了纳米薄膜的晶粒尺寸及其对热导率的影响规律.当薄膜厚度小于30nm时,晶粒平均尺寸接近于薄膜的厚度;晶粒尺寸随着薄膜厚度的增加而增大并趋于定值;当薄膜厚度大于30nm时,晶粒尺寸约为20nm.受薄膜的表面和内部晶界的综合影响,铂纳米薄膜的热导率大大低于体材料的值,并且纳米薄膜的热导率随着薄膜厚度的增加而增大并趋于一个低于体材料热导率的值.  相似文献   

为了研究C5191磷青铜在超高速冲裁条件下的变形机制,借助DOBBY-OMEGA F1超高速冲床完成0.12 mm厚的C5191磷青铜板材在3000冲次/分条件下的超高速冲裁试验,并分别利用EBSD和TEM技术对冲裁断面进行显微组织表征.结果发现,冲裁断面区域晶粒沿着冲裁方向拉长排列,局部区域形成较强的{001}<10...  相似文献   

为准确分析C5191磷青铜薄板高速冲裁过程中裂纹萌生时的临界损伤,提出一种Hopkinson试验和冲裁数值模拟相结合的反求分析法标定冲裁断裂的阀值。通过基于数字图像分析技术的分离式Hopkinson拉杆试验,获得C5191磷青铜试样出现颈缩时刻所对应的临界塑性变形能(应力、应变积分函数),并作为拉伸断裂的临界损伤阀值C_i导入冲裁数值模拟模型以获得冲裁断面光亮带的高度模拟值,最后根据冲裁光亮带模拟值和实测值的对比分析结果以动态优化调整C_i值,二者一致所对应的损伤值即为高速冲裁断裂阀值C_0。试验结果表明,C5191磷青铜薄板高速冲裁过程中裂纹萌生时的临界损伤值C_0取值为1. 162时,光亮带高度值的数值模拟结果与高速冲裁试验结果的误差仅为3. 64%,体现出此种方法的可靠性。  相似文献   

针对高速冲裁过程中材料的应变硬化、应变速率强化、热软化效应数据难以获取,无法建立物理仿真动态模型的问题,利用Gleeble-3500热模拟试验机和分离式Hopkinson拉杆装置对C5191-H磷青铜分别进行应变速率为1、500、1000和1500 s-1、温度为20~400℃的拉伸试验,利用试验数据拟合并修正了经典的Johnson-Cook动态方程,并在高速冲裁数值模拟中验证了修正后的本构方程的有效性。结果表明:C5191-H磷青铜拉伸变形时呈现出明显的应变硬化和应变速率敏感性;利用试验数据拟合并修正应变强化项的Johnson-Cook动态本构模型,此模型具有较高的大应变、高速率、热效应本构关系描述精度,并能较好地描述该材料的高速冲裁物理仿真过程。  相似文献   

Much effort recently has been expended to study the strip casting process used to produce thin metal strip with a near final thickness. This process eliminates the need for hot rolling, consumes less energy, and offers a feasible method of producing various hard-to-shape alloys. The finer microstructure that results from the high cooling rate used during the casting process enhances mechanical properties. In this study, strips of phosphor bronzes (Cu-Sn-P) metal were produced using a twin roll strip casting process as well as a conventional horizontal continuous casting (HCC) process. The microstructures, macrosegregations, textures, and mechanical properties of the as-cast and as-rolled metal sheet produced by these two methods were examined carefully for comparative purposes. The results indicate that cast strip produced by a twin roll caster exhibit significantly less inverse segregation of tin compared to that produced by the HCC process. The mechanical properties including tensile strength, elongation, and microhardness of the products produced by the twin roll strip casting process are comparable to those of the HCC processed sheet. These properties meet specifications JIS H3110 and ASTM B 103M for commercial phosphor bronze sheet. The texture of the as-rolled sheet from these two processes, as measured from XRD pole figures, were found to be virtually the same, even though a significant difference exists between them in the as-cast condition.  相似文献   

Electromigration (EM) has become one of the reliability concerns to the electronic solder joint due to its increasing capacity to bear the high current density (104 A/cm2). Although the failure induced by EM can trigger a large void across the entire cathode interface, no effective solutions are presented throughout years of effort on this problem. Here, the composite solder joints are addressed to demonstrate their potential roles on solving the EM issue in the eutectic SnBi solder joints. Micro-sized Ni particles were selected to intentionally add into the solder matrix due to their extensive application as a barrier layer in the under-bump-metallization (UBM) of flip chip solder joints. The ultimate results illustrated that the Ni particles can react with Sn to form the cluster-type Sn-Ni intermetallic compounds (IMCs) inside the solder matrix after the first reflow. Accordingly, the phase segregation of Sn and Bi was significantly inhibited during the current stressing, demonstrating the Sn-Ni IMCs can act as the obstacles to obstruct the movement of dominant diffusion entity (Bi atoms/ions) along the phase boundaries.  相似文献   

采用OPM、SEM及EDS等检测手段研究C89320无铅铋青铜宏观、微观组织特征及力学性能。结果表明:该合金以连铸方式生产,显微组织由α相、富磷α相、粒状金属铋和Cu3P组成。粒状金属铋和Cu3P只在富磷α相内生成,其分布、形态、数量和大小与富磷α相成分有关。铸态下,该合金的屈服强度为148 MPa、抗拉强度为300 MPa、断后伸长率为36.5%、硬度为70.5 HBW、抗压强度为146 MPa、夏比冲击吸收能量为28 J。常温冲击断口呈韧窝状,具有良好的切削加工性能。  相似文献   

Micro parts are more difficult to be formed than macro parts because of size effects. The size effects on the flow stress of copper alloy C3602 with different lubricants were studied. Specimens were heat treated at 350°C for 1 h and 700°C for 3 h in nitrogen atmosphere, respectively. The initial diameters of the specimens were varied from 5 to 1 mm with a height-to-diameter ratio h 0/D 0 = 1.5. Cylinder compression was carried out in the lubrication condition with talc powder, without lubricant, with petroleum jelly, and with vegetable oil. The experiment was carried out at room temperature on a universal testing machine INSTRON 5569 with a strain rate of $ \dot \varepsilon $ \dot \varepsilon = 0.0025 /s. The results show that with the same lubricant, the yield strength decreases with a decrease in specimen size for the specimens annealed at 350°C for 1 h; however, it increases with a decrease in specimen size for the specimens annealed at 700°C for 3 h. The yield strength decreases with an increase in grain size. The influences of lubricants on yield strength become larger with miniaturization of the specimens.  相似文献   

In this investigation, experiments were conducted to evaluate the effects of Fe additives in the range of 1–5 wt.% on the densification of different compositions of W–pre-alloy bronze compacts sintered isothermally at temperatures ranging from 900 °C to 965 °C for 2.30 h. The results showed that substantial improvement in hardness by a factor of two folds and density by 10% was achieved for the W–pre-alloy bronze sintered compacts by the addition of 2–3 wt.% Fe as an activator.  相似文献   

A finding by Benzerga et al. (Acta Mater 2001; 49:3071) that the yield strength of Al–7Si–0.3Mg castings is smaller for castings with a fine secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS) than for those with a coarse SDAS is revisited. Previous experimental data for Al–Si–Mg castings are reviewed, and new experiments carried out, both on the original castings used in Benzerga et al. and on Al–Si binary alloy castings whose microstructures more closely conform to the theoretical model of Benzerga et al. The experimental results show that the inverse size effect reported by Benzerga et al. was a consequence of different heat-treatments applied to the original castings, rather than to any intrinsic size effect. The present results confirm that there is a negligibly small size effect in both heat-treatable (Al–Si–Mg) and non-heat-treatable (Al–Si) castings.  相似文献   

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