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We retrospectively reviewed 309 amniotic fluid interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analyses performed from October 1995 to June 1999 to assess the role of interphase FISH in the management of patients at increased risk for fetal aneuploidies. Gestational age and indications for amniocentesis, clinical interventions after FISH results, as well as interventions after final culture reports were analyzed. There were 244 (79%) normal, 50 (16%) abnormal and 15 (5%) inconclusive FISH results. There were no false-positive or false-negative results, but there were nine (3%) clinically significant chromosomal abnormalities not detectable by FISH. Of the 50 women with abnormal FISH results, 26 (52%) elected to terminate the pregnancy prior to the availability of the standard chromosome analysis. In two of the fetuses with trisomy 21 no abnormalities were reported by ultrasound examination. Our experience indicates that interphase FISH results played an important role in decision making, especially for pregnancies close to 24 weeks' gestation. Standard karyotype analysis is still required for detection of chromosome abnormalities not detectable by interphase FISH techniques and for clarification of unusual or inconclusive FISH results. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interphase fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis performed on uncultured amniotic fluid cells from a female fetus revealed a single signal using an X chromosome alpha-satellite probe, and the absence of any signal using a Y chromosome alpha-satellite probe. This result was initially interpreted as monosomy for the X chromosome in the fetus. Subsequent chromosome analysis from the cultured amniotic fluid cells showed two apparently normal X chromosomes. FISH using the X alpha-satellite probe on metaphase spreads revealed hybridization to both X chromosomes, although one signal was markedly reduced compared to the other. The same hybridization pattern was observed in the mother of the fetus. This is the first report of a rare familial X centromere variant resulting in a false-positive diagnosis of monosomy X by interphase FISH analysis for prenatal diagnosis. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We describe two cases of prenatally ascertained isochromosome 18. Case 1 included both an isochromosome 18p and an isochromosome 18q, while Case 2 involved only an isochromosome 18q. Both of these cases were associated with a positive maternal serum triple screen trisomy 18 risk (greater than 1 in 100 risk). In addition, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed on uncultured amniotic fluid interphase cells in both cases looking for aneuploidy for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y. The results of the interphase analyses support the common knowledge that careful interpretation of interphase FISH analysis is necessary and that results should be followed by full cytogenetic analysis. To our knowledge these are the first reported cases of structurally abnormal chromosomes 18 being associated with a positive maternal serum triple screen for trisomy 18. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Since 1993, the position of the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG) has been that prenatal interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is investigational. In 1997, the FDA cleared the AneuVysion® assay (Vysis, Inc.) to enumerate chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y for prenatal diagnosis. Data is presented from the clinical trial that led to regulatory clearance (1379 pregnancies) and from retrospective case review on 5197 new pregnancies. These studies demonstrated an extremely high concordance rate between FISH and standard cytogenetics (99.8%) for specific abnormalities that the AneuVysion assay is designed to detect. In 29 039 informative testing events (6576 new and 22 463 cases in the literature) only one false positive (false positive rate=0.003%) and seven false negative results (false negative rate=0.024%) occurred. A historical review of all known accounts of specimens tested is presented (29 039 using AneuVysion and 18 275 specimens tested with other probes). These performance characteristics support a prenatal management strategy that includes utilization of FISH for prenatal testing when a diagnosis of aneuploidy of chromosome 13, 18, 21, X or Y is highly suspected by virtue of maternal age, positive maternal serum biochemical screening or abnormal ultrasound findings. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) was performed with probes specific for chromosomes 13, 18, 21, X and Y on 911 of 11123 (8.2%) amniotic fluid samples submitted to the present authors' laboratory for cytogenetic analysis over an 8-year period. Altogether 3516 hybridizations were performed with an interpretable FISH result on all chromosomes requested in 884/911 (97%) of cases. An uninformative FISH result occurred in 44 hybridizations among 27 cases (3%). Of a total of 89 karyotypically proven cases with aneuploidy that might have been detected by FISH, the overall detection rate was 84%. An inconclusive or incomplete FISH result occurred in 9/89 (10%) of these proven aneuploid cases. In the remaining 80 informative proven aneuploid cases, correct detection of aneuploidy was accomplished in 75/80 (94%) of samples. A false-negative result occurred in the remaining 5/80 (6%) of such informative cases. Eighteen cases had karyotypically proven abnormalities that could not have been detected by the targeted FISH. Aside from these 18 cases, FISH allowed correct detection of normal disomy in 785/804 (98%) of such cases. An incomplete FISH result occurred in 18 normal disomic cases. There was a single possible ‘false-positive’ FISH result for chromosome 21. Interphase FISH analysis of uncultured amniotic fluid cells has been shown to be a useful laboratory tool for rapid fetal aneuploidy screening during pregnancy. As with all clinical laboratory diagnostic tests, incomplete or inconclusive results (or even interpretive errors) occur in a small percentage of cases. Nevertheless, FISH results accompanied by other data and by appropriate counseling provide clinicians and patients with valuable information for clinical decision-making surrounding family planning and pregnancy management. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

From the public health point of view, several formal attempts have been made to measure the impact of prenatal diagnosis (PND) on the incidence of Down's Syndrome (DS), but the results have varied widely. The impact of PND (reduction in the birth rate of chromosomally abnormal neonates) is related to utilization rates but quantitative estimates of this have not been established. In a three-year (1981–1983) total population study from Queensland, Australia, we present results to measure the impact of a voluntary PND programme on the birth incidence of DS, and also other chromosomally abnormal births. Utilization rates for the PND service were 15·5 per cent in that population of mothers 35 years and over. Numbers and rates of all cases of chromosomal abnormalities are presented, subclassified by type of diagnosis–-either by PND or by clinical diagnosis after birth. For the total population, 7·3 per cent of cases of DS were detected prenatally, and 15·4 per cent of all chromosome abnormalities. (A method for measuring the impact of PND is described.) Using this in conjunction with our demographic data, we estimate that with a 15 per cent utilization rate of PND by older mothers, 14 per cent of DS births can be prevented in this age group, or a 5 per cent overall reduction can be achieved if mothers of all ages are considered. One index–-the ratio of the percentage of DS births which are preventable compared with the population utilization rates of PND–-has potential for widespread use. Queensland data for this ratio is 0·34, a figure consistent with that from other studies. Thus a 3·5 per cent drop in the overall DS birth rate may be expected for each 10 per cent increase in the utilization rates of PND for mothers of 35 years and over. A diagram is presented which may serve as a model for improved data collection and better impact estimates in the future.  相似文献   

FISH is a quick, inexpensive, accurate, sensitive and relatively specific method for aneuploidy detection in samples of uncultured chorionic villus cells and amniotic fluid cells. FISH allows detection of the autosomal trisomies 13, 18 and 21 and X and Y abnormalities and any other chromosome abnormality for which a specific probe is available. The detection rate of these abnormalities is high in informative samples which have a concordance of > 99.5% with cytogenetic results. A relatively high number of abnormal cases are found in uninformative samples. However, such samples should be regarded as samples to be investigated further. Clinical experience with the use of FISH for prenatal diagnosis is now beyond 10,000 cases; a number of clinical protocols and smaller trials have also been carried out, resulting in 90% of attempted analyses giving informative results with a high detection rate and extraordinarily low false-positive and false-negative rates Unsolved problems remain, such as occasional technical failures, admixtures of maternal blood and up to 20% uninformative scoring results, especially for abnormal specimens. FISH is at present used as an adjunct to classical cytogenetic analysis. However, this should not be interpreted as meaning that FISH could not be used as a methodology in its own right. If FISH were to be considered a Diagnostic test then this might be the case, due to the risk of false-negative and false-positive results and the fact that FISH does not allow a diagnosis of certain structural abnormalities. If, on the other hand, FISH is considered a screening test, which means that in all abnormal (or indeterminate) cases, classical cytogenetic analysis would follow the abnormal screening test, the accuracy which is potentially higher than for other screening methods, for example in cases of trisomy 21, justifies FISH as a prenatal screening test in its own right.  相似文献   

Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) has become an accepted laboratory technique for the rapid and preliminary prenatal assessment of chromosome aneuploidy. The introduction of subtelomeric FISH probes now allows for the molecular–cytogenetic analysis of terminal chromosome rearrangements. In a prospective study, we examined the prenatal use of subtelomeric probes on interphase cells to rapidly detect the carrier status of a fetus when a parent carried a known reciprocal or Robertsonian chromosome translocation. Three of the cases were identified as being abnormal. All cases were confirmed by routine cytogenetic analysis. These findings clearly demonstrated the utility of this technique and these probes to rapidly and correctly identify balanced and unbalanced chromosome anomalies of a fetus that could result from parental translocations. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The major aneuploidies diagnosed prenatally involve the autosomes 13, 18, and 21, and sex chromosomes. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) allows rapid analysis of chromosome copy number in interphase cells. This prospective study evaluated the use of four commercially available centromeric DNA probes (DXZ1, DYZ1, D18Z1, and D13Z1/D21Z1) for direct analysis of uncultured amniocytes. One hundred and sixteen amniotic fluid samples were analysed by FISH and standard cytogenetics. This evaluation demonstrated that FISH with, X, Y, and 18 alpha satellite DNA probes could accurately and rapidly detect aneuploidies involving these chromosomes and could be used in any prenatal clinical laboratory. In contrast, the 13/21 alpha satellite DNA probe hybridizing both chromosomes 13 and 21 was unreliable for prenatal diagnosis in uncultured amniocytes.  相似文献   

The livebirth prevalence of autosomal chromosomal anomalies is determined by several factors, including maternal age distribution and the impact of prenatal cytogenetic diagnosis (PCD). The impact of PCD varies between countries, as the indications and the uptake vary. In a previous study we described differences in Down syndrome prevalence and the proportion of older mothers. We have now made a survey of the official PCD policies in 25 regions in 13 European countries for the period 1989–1991. In two countries, termination of pregnancy was not available. In the other 11 countries, international agreement existed on five indications: advanced maternal age, a previous child with a chromosomal anomaly, parents who are carriers of a balanced translocation, mothers who are carriers of an X-linked disorder, and malformations at ultrasound. The exact limit for advanced maternal age varied from 35 to 38 years. There was a considerable variation for the indications advanced paternal age, amniocentesis for AFP or DNA, parental anxiety, a previous child with a congenital anomaly, abnormal maternal serum markers, and exposure to radiation/chemotherapy. The PCD uptake for mothers above the maternal age limit varied from 10 to 88 per cent. International harmonization of the indications for PCD is not considered feasible at present, because of the rapid changes in PCD policies even within countries.  相似文献   

Transcervical samples collected by lavage, aspiration, and cytobrush from women between 6 and 13 weeks of gestation were tested for the presence of fetal cells using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with probes for chromosomes X, Y, 1, and 21, and by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of DNA sequences derived from chromosomes X, Y, and 21. With a few exceptions, a good correlation was observed between the results of sexing the fetuses using FISH or PCR on transcervical cell (TCC) samples retrieved by lavage and those obtained by testing fetal (placental) tissue. In a comparative study between TCC samples collected by lavage or cytobrush, the sex of the fetus was correctly diagnosed by PCR amplification of a Y-derived DNA sequence. Variable results were observed with samples obtained by aspiration, mainly because this procedure was found to be more prone to failure to remove thick mucus without previous injection of physiological saline. Chromosome 21-derived small tandem repeats (STRs) of fetal origin were successfully detected in about 40 per cent of TCC samples recovered by lavage. Two cases of chromosomal abnormalities, one of trisomy 21 and one of triploidy, were detected in TCC samples in the course of our investigations.  相似文献   

An i(Yp) is a rare marker chromosome. We present a case of de novo 46,X,i(Yp) detected prenatally in an amniotic fluid specimen. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) studies using a panel of Y-specific biotinylated DNA probes identified the marker chromosome as i(Yp). Comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) studies further confirmed the diagnosis. Upon pregnancy termination, external examination of the fetus revealed a generally well-developed male fetus with slight facial dysmorphism and prominent rocker-bottom feet. The molecular cytogenetic data in this case proved very useful in genetic counselling and served as a good example illustrating the important role of molecular techniques for accurate identification of marker chromosomes.  相似文献   

Fetal cells were enriched from maternal blood using density gradient centrifugation of Histopaque followed by magnetic-activated cell sorting (MACS) to select CD71-positive cells. For each specimen, cells partially purified by Histopaque were split into equal portions, and each portion was subjected to purification by MACS in parallel. Cells before and after MACS were subjected to dual-color fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis with X- and Y-chromosome-specific probes. We found that the hybridization rates were decreased by approximately 10% after MACS based on duplicated analysis for each sample. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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