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在华北克拉通桑干构造带中,分布有许多太古宙高压基性麻粒岩,呈大小不等的岩块产于强烈变形的TTG片麻岩、二辉麻粒岩、混合岩和花岗岩中.高压麻粒岩富含石榴石斑晶,斑晶内部钙铝榴石含量明显高于边缘,一般可达25%~28%.许多石榴石含有单斜辉石包体,A12O3含量高达7.4%~11.2%,相应的契尔马克分子比例为12%~18%.这些成分特征指示了早期相对较高的变质压力.石榴石斑晶广泛发育后成合晶反应边,是Pl-Opx-Amp-Mt组合的放射状细粒交生体,邻接的单斜辉石和石榴石斑晶边缘与后成合晶组合近于反应平衡,单斜辉石Al2O3含量小于5%,石榴石边缘的钙铝榴石含量也大大低于核部.这些都显示了压力较低条件下石榴石和单斜辉石的分解.温度压力的计算结果揭示出高压麻粒岩的两类PT轨迹,它们早期的变质作用都表现出较高的压力(1.2~1.45GPa).一部分高压麻粒岩具有顺时针的PT轨迹,并显示升温减压和近等温减压过程.它们很可能形成于晚太古代某种型式的俯冲和碰撞构造过程.另一部分高压麻粒岩具有逆时针的PT轨迹,显示降温降压过程,并且早期变质温度高达1050C.它们很可能来自碰撞之前的岛弧下地壳底部.在碰撞阶段的后期,这些不同成因的高压麻粒岩都被卷入了与碰撞构造直接相关的桑干构造带,经历共同的构造抬升过程.桑干构造带可以认为是构造缝合带.  相似文献   

郭敬辉  翟明国 《岩石学报》1998,14(4):430-448
在华北克拉通桑干构造带中,分布有许多太古宙高压基性麻粒岩,呈大小不等的岩块产于强烈变形TTG片麻岩,二辉麻粒岩、混合岩和花岗岩中。高压麻粒岩富含石榴石斑晶,斑晶内部钙铝榴石含量明显高于边缘,一般可达25-28%,许多石榴石含有单斜辉石包体,Al2O3含量高达7.4-11.2%,相应的契尔马克分子比例为12-18%。这些成分特征指示了早期相对较主的变质能力。石榴石主昌一或全中晶反应边,是Pl-Opx  相似文献   

Gregurek  D.  Abart  R.  Hoinkes  G. 《Mineralogy and Petrology》1997,60(1-2):61-80
Summary The Koralpe crystalline complex and the Plankogel unit represent two lithologically distinct units within the Koralpe region of the southeastemmost Austroalpine crystalline basement. The Eoalpine P-T evolution of these two units is derived from new petrographical data. The Plankogel unit and the Koralpe crystalline complex show markedly different P-T evolutions during the early stages of the Eoalpine event. The rocks of the Koralpe crystalline complex experienced eclogite facies conditions with minimum pressures in the range of 15–16 kbar and temperatures in excess of 700°C. At the same time the Plankogel unit resided in a shallower environment at pressures of 10–11 kbar and temperatures of less than 600°C. The tectonic emplacement of the Plankogel unit into its present position on top of the Koralpe crystalline complex took place after the eclogite facies event in a relatively shallow crustal level. After their juxtaposition the Koralpe crystalline complex and the Plankogel unit were affected by a common amphibolite facies metamorphic overprint. The distinctly different P-T evolution during the early stages of the Eoalpine event and a common history at later stages imply that major tectonic processes were operative in this part of the Austroalpine crystalline basement during the Cretaceous. Such processes may have involved subduction of oceanic and continental lithosphere which may have lead to significant crustal shortening within the Austroalpine basement.
Unterschiedliche Eoalpine P-T Entwicklungen in der Südlichen Koralpe, Ostalpen
Zusammenfassung Das Koralpenkristallin und die Plankogelserie stellen zwei unterschiedliche lithologische Einheiten in der südlichen Koralpe des ostalpinen Kristallins dar. Die P-T Entwicklung dieser beiden Einheiten während der Eoalpinen Metamorphose wurde anhand neuer petrographischer Daten abgeleitet. Das Koralpenkristallin und die Plankogelserie zeigen deutlich unterschiedliche P-T Entwicklungen in einem frühen Stadium der Eoalpinen Metamorphose. Die Gesteine des Koralpenkristallins waren eklogitfaziellen Bedingungen mit Mindestdrucken im Bereich von 15 bis 16 kbar und Temperaturen von über 700°C ausgesetzt. Die Plankogelserie verweilte zur gleichen Zeit in einem relativ seichten Niveau bei Drucken von 10 bis 11 kbar und Temperaturen unterhalb 600°C. Die Platznahme der Plankogelserie in ihrer heutigen Position im tektonisch Hangenden des Koralpenkristallins erfolgte nach dem eklogitfaziellen Ereignis in einem relativ seichten Krustenniveau. Nach ihrer Vereinigung erfuhren die beiden Einheiten eine gemeinsame amphibolitfazielle Überprägung. Die markant unterschiedlichen P-T Entwicklungen in einem frühen Stadium der eoalpinen Orogenese und die gemeinsame Entwicklung in einem späteren Stadium können als Hinweis auf eine umfangreiche tektonische Aktivität in diesem Teil des ostalpinen Grundgebirges in kretazischer Zeit gewertet werden. Diese Tektonik bestand eventuell in einer Subduktion von ozeanischer und kontinentaler Lithosphäre, und kann zu einer signifikanten Krustenverkürzung im Ostalpinen Kristallin geführt haben.

With 7 Figures  相似文献   

PT conditions and prograde PT paths have beencalculated for amphibolite-grade pelites and amphibolites fromCordillera Darwin, Tierra del Fuego, Chile. Peak PT conditionsare nearly all within the kyanite stability field; temperaturesgenerally show an increase with increasing grade, but pressureshave a less consistent trend, possibly increasing slightly fromgarnet to kyanite grade. PT paths from pelites show heatingby 80–100C during loading of 0•2–3 kbar. Texturalanalysis and previous structural work indicate that this segmentof the path correlates with back-folding deformation. PTpaths from two Mg-rich garnet amphibolites suggest a decreasein pressure of as much as 3 kbar with 25–50C of heatingfrom the kyanite stability field to the sillimanite, and areconsistent with pervasive, minor development of fibrolitic sillimanitealong plagioclase grain boundaries. Together, the PTpath segments from pelites and amphibolites constitute a clockwisePT trajectory. The proposed clockwise PT paths are consistent with theinterpretation that Cordillera Darwin represents an extensionallyexhumed metamorphic core complex, in which loading during garnetgrowth in the pelitic rocks was succeeded by differential upliftduring garnet growth in magnesian amphibolites. * Present address: Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin 53706  相似文献   

One of the Pre-Siwalik foreland basin sedimentary units, the Dumri Formation, is tectonically covered by the Lesser Himalayan Crystalline nappe and the Kuncha-Naudanda thrust sheet. It is narrowly distributed in the eastern margin of the Karnali klippe along the NNE–SSW trending Chakure Fault. The whole sequence of the fluvial Dumri Formation attaining 1500 m in thickness is weakly metamorphosed to muscovite phyllite and foliated phyllitic sandstone. The metamorphic grade decreases stratigraphically downward and underlying Nummulitic limestone of the middle Eocene Bhainskati Formation is converted into a slaty limestone. No metamorphic mica is detected from the late Cretaceous to Paleocene Amile Formation below the Bhainskati Formation. These facts indicate that the Tansen Group has undergone inverted metamorphism.A 40Ar/39Ar plateau age of 25.69±0.13 Ma was obtained from garnetiferous biotite gneiss in the lower part of the crystalline nappe. Another 40Ar/39Ar age spectrum from muscovite phyllite of the Dumri Formation suggests that metamorphism occurred at 16–17 Ma. The origin of the inverted metamorphism limited to the uppermost part of the Lesser Himalayan autochthon can be attributed to heat from the hot crystalline nappe and shearing along the sole thrust of the Kuncha-Naudanda thrust sheet. The depositional age of the Dumri Formation is estimated to be 26–17 Ma.Provenance of the Dumri Formation is considered to be from the Naudanda Quartzite, the Kuncha Formation and the Tibetan Tethys sediments, because the sandstone contains orthoquartzite pebbles, phyllitic lithic fragments and a sparry calcite cement. The sedimentary facies indicates deposition by meandering rivers on flood-plains in the distal part of the foreland basin. No proximal facies, such as alluvial fan and pebbly braided river deposits, could be detected from the formation, though it is near the Main Central Thrust (MCT). The northern continuation of the foreland basin sediments must be concealed beneath the Higher Himalayan Crystalline. Judging from the present distribution of the Dumri Formation from the south of the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) to near the MCT and from the shortening of the Lesser Himalayan sediments by thrusts and folds, the width of the foreland basin where the Dumri Formation was deposited is estimated to have been more than 300 km.  相似文献   

Danba (丹巴) domal metamorphic terrain belongs to Songpan (松潘)-Ganze (甘孜) orogenic belt, where typical Barrovian and Buchan metamorphic zones are preserved. The former included chlorite, biotite, garnet, staurolite, kyanite and sillimanite zones, while the latter only developed silimanite+muscovite and sillimanite+K-feldspar zones. Integrated study has been carried on metamorphic reactions of garnet production and consumption, P-T paths and P-T-X-M phase relation and thermal tectonic model for Danba metamorphic zones. Petrological textures in thin sections show that garnet production and consumption in kyanite-sillimanite zone is mainly attributed to ChI+Ms+PI+Q=Grt+Bt+H2O and kyanite=sillimanite respectively. Based on mineral compositions, the geothermobarometry gives an average P, T condition of (4.9±0.3)×108 Pa, 543±30℃ for the first growth stage of the garnet and (5.8±0.3)±108 Pa, 534±29 ℃ for the second stage of garnet growth respectively. Anti-counter clockwise P-T paths were drawn using Gibbs method by NCMnKFMASH system for sample G98686 in the kyanite zone. The P-T-X-M modeling for the first mineral assemblages shows that the prediction is similar to the measured values in gossular, almandine and spessartine but mole fraction of pyrope and Fe/(Fe+Mg) deviated far from the contours; while that for the second mineral assemblages exhibits that the prediction is consistent with the measured value of pyrope, grossular content and Fe/(Fe+Mg) of garnet. A thermal tectonic model that there are at least three structure levels across the thrnst-decollement zones is presented according to the P-T paths, metamorphic grades and deformation styles for the staurolite-kyanite zone of the Barroviau type metamorphism, which will provide some constraints for the evolution of the nappe complex.  相似文献   

北淮阳东段变质构造地层的古构造环境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王果胜  马文璞  徐毅 《现代地质》2005,19(2):217-223
关于大别山北麓北淮阳东段原佛子岭岩群的古构造环境问题,存在着认识分歧,其主要原因是将形成构造背景与地质演化历史本不相同的不同构造地层单元混在了一起,不加区分地进行古构造环境分析。根据构造变形、岩相学、岩石地球化学等的综合研究,将原佛子岭岩群解体为被一重要的构造滑脱带所分隔的下部卢镇关构造混杂岩带和上部诸佛庵岩群。通过对新厘定的构造岩石地层单元分别进行沉积建造和岩石化学、地球化学特征的研究发现,下部卢镇关构造混杂岩带形成于被动大陆边缘环境,而上部诸佛庵岩群形成于华北板块南部活动大陆边缘环境。这意味着华北、扬子板块的古生代板块碰撞缝合带的位置应该位于诸佛庵岩群分布区域的南侧,而且板块俯冲-碰撞的极性表现为扬子板块向华北板块之下俯冲。  相似文献   

中国东部大别山超高压变质杂岩中的石英硬玉岩带   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
大别山的石英硬玉岩是大别山超高压变质杂岩中的重要成员,与大理岩和榴辉岩紧密共生,呈大小不等的构造透镜体产出在云母斜长片麻岩和含硬玉片麻岩中,分布在长约40km,宽约1km的带内。透镜体中心常为花岗变晶结构,边部有不同程度退变并面理化,向外围逐渐变为含硬玉片麻岩。岩石的主要矿物组成为硬玉、石英、石榴石、金红石。退变的石英硬玉岩中还有钠长石、霓石、霓辉石、榍石等。硬玉和石榴石中都有柯石英包体。硬玉的Jd端元组分为81.25%~90.27%。恢复的石英硬玉岩的原岩为硬砂岩,与大理岩伴生的榴辉岩的原岩为泥灰岩。因此,石英硬玉岩与共生的大理岩和榴辉岩都属于榴辉岩相变质的表壳岩系,它的成带分布、其中有柯石英的产出,进一步证明大陆地壳能够俯冲到100km左右深度并迅速折返地壳后使其中的高压标志保存完好。  相似文献   

庐山变质核杂岩发育的拆离带分为东、西两条,伸展拆离和韧性流变构造发育,且具有伸展对称性。西侧拆离带内断层岩序列完整,上部为一固态流变构造带,以主拆离带为分界形成一个伸展构造变形的垂向分层变形域,主拆离带处变形最强。东侧拆离带主要发育糜棱岩带和构造片岩(片麻岩)带,其他构造层未见出露,其伸展拆离构造是叠加和改造早期左行剪切构造发育的。东侧拆离带内矿物的显微变形特征估算变形温度为500~580℃和580~700℃,又利用黑云母Ti温度计得到613~698℃的变质温度。角闪石-斜长石地质温度计和角闪石全铝压力计计算西侧拆离带内斜长角闪片岩的变质温度为666~691℃,压力为0.65~0.75GPa,说明西侧拆离带形成时的温压条件较高,埋深较大,与东侧拆离带一样达到了高角闪岩相。通过锆石年代学的研究得到东侧拆离带的伸展年龄为138.9Ma,与西侧拆离带一致,伸展早于岩浆,推测庐山变质核杂岩的原始拆离带是西侧拆离带,东侧拆离带是在重力均衡调节产生的底辟、褶皱作用下形成的次级拆离带。  相似文献   

石榴子石为东疆哈尔里克变质带中的常见矿物。从外形上可分为两种 类型,一种是晶形发育较好的石榴子石,为断裂区域变质作用形成;另一种是破碎状、裂纹 发育的石榴子石,为早期热变质作用形成,呈残留状出现。二者在空间上共存。对于晶形较 好的石榴子石的化学成分研究表明,石榴子石发育生长环带,在晶体粒径与核部MnO的含量 之间存在着相关关系。其峰期MnO的含量反映了递增变质带变质温度变化的趋势。  相似文献   

The Curie point depth of continental crust can reflect the regional tectonic pattern and geothermal structures. Analysis of magnetism is an efficient way to obtain the Curie point depth on a regional scale. This study systematically investigated the Curie point depth of Sulu (苏鲁) ultrahigh pressure (UHP) metamorphic belt (33°40'N to 36°20'N and 118°E to 120°E, ca. 60 000 km2), eastern China using aeromagnetic data. The results show that the Curie point depth of the Sniu region varies from 18.5 to 27 kin. The shallowest Curie point depth (ca. 18.5 km) is located in Subei (苏北) subsidence, where the estimated temperature gradient value is about 31.35℃/kin, which is comparable with the measured value of 30℃/krn. In addition, a two-dimensional numerical solution of the heat conduction was used to calculate the temperature field to a depth of 30 km along the profile from Tancheng (郯城) to Lianshui (涟水) with a length of 139 km. The steady state model solved using the finite element method shows that the temperature around the Curie point depth is about 585.36℃, which is close to the Curie temperature (580 ℃) of magnetite at atmospheric pressure. These results provide new insights into the tectonic and continuous thermal structures of the Sulu UHP metamorphic belt.  相似文献   

Magmatic accretion is potentially an important mechanism inthe growth of the continental crust and the formation of granulites.In this study, the thermal evolution of a magmatic arc in responseto magmatic accretion is modeled using numerical solutions ofthe one-dimensional heat conduction equation. The initial andboundary conditions used in the model are constrained by geologicalobservations made in the Kohistan area, NW Himalayas. Takingconsideration of the preferred intrusion locations for basalticmagmas, we consider two plausible modes of magmatic accretion:the first involves the repeated intrusion of basalt at mid-crustaldepths (‘intraplate model’), and the second evaluatesthe simultaneous intrusion of basalt and picrite at mid-crustaldepths and the base of the crust respectively (‘double-platemodel’). The results of the double-plate model accountfor both the inferred metamorphic PT paths of the Kohistanmafic granulites and the continental geotherm determined frompeak PT conditions observed for granulite terranes. Thedouble-plate model may be applicable as a key growth processfor the production of thick mafic lower crust in magmatic arcs. KEY WORDS: thermal model; magmatic underplating; PT path; granulite; lower crust  相似文献   

The Southern Yenisey Range (Eastern Siberia) consists of thegranulite-facies Kanskiy complex bordered by the lower-gradeYeniseyskiy and Yukseevskiy complexes. Samples of metapeliteof the Kanskiy complex typically show characteristic garnet-formingreaction textures and near-isobaric cooling PT paths.An important new result of this study concerns the differencein shape of the PT paths from different parts of theKanskiy granulite complex: metapelites collected 8 km from theboundary with the Yeniseyskiy complex followed a linear pathwith dP/dT 0·006 kbar/°C; metapelites collected3 km from this boundary reveal a kinked PT path withan interval of burial cooling (dP/dT –0·006 kbar/°C).The difference in the shape of the PT paths is supportedby the chemical zoning of garnet studied in the second groupof samples. A mechanism of buoyant exhumation of granulite issuggested by comparison with the results of numerical modelling,which indicate that such a diversity of PT paths mayresult from a transient disturbance of the thermal structureby rapid differential movement of material from different crustallevels. To arrive at a correct tectonic interpretation, thewhole assemblage of interrelated PT paths of metamorphicrocks collected from different localities within the same complexmust be studied. KEY WORDS: crustal diapirism; exhumation; granulites; numerical modelling; PT path  相似文献   

Chemical variations along with changes in microstructure ofthe principal constituent minerals make it possible to identifyat least four equilibrium stages in the evolution of the Yangkougarnet peridotite in the Su-Lu ultrahigh-pressure metamorphicbelt, eastern China: Stage I—a primary garnet lherzolitestage represented by coarse-grained (a few millimeters size)porphyroclastic aluminous pyroxenes + chromian spinel ±garnet; Stage II—an ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) stage definedby fine-grained matrix phases (0·1–0·3 mmsize) of garnet + extremely low-Al orthopyroxene + high-Na clinopyroxene+ chromite; Stage III—a medium-pressure stage definedby fine-grained mineral aggregates (<0·1–0·2mm size) mainly composed of aluminous spinel + high-Al orthopyroxenein the matrix; Stage IV—an amphibolite- to greenschist-faciesstage defined by poikiloblastic amphibole. Orthopyroxene–clinopyroxenethermometry and an empirical spinel barometer give temperaturesof around 800–830°C and pressures of 1·2–2·9GPa for porphyroclasts of Stage I. Garnet–orthopyroxene,garnet–clinopyroxene and empirical spinel geothermobarometersgive relatively uniform PT conditions for the matrixgarnet–orthopyroxene–clinopyroxene–chromiteassemblage of Stage II (  相似文献   

The Dabie UHP metamorphic belt, central China,contains two contrasting types of mafic-ultramafic complex. The Bixiling peridotite in the southern Dabie terrane contains abundant garnet (21.1-32.2 vol% )and thus has high CaO + Al2O3 (9.81-15.9 wt% ).  相似文献   

There are obvious differences in the mineral assemblage and metamorphic P-T conditions between the eclogites from the northern and southern parts of the eastern Dabie Mountains. Those from the northern part of the mountains are developed in Alpine peridotite and gneiss. They have a mineral assemblage of garnet+diopside with no quartz, and were formed at temperatures of 600℃-740℃. Those from the southern part are developed in gneiss and marble. They consist of garnet+omphacite+less quartz and were metamorphosed at temperatures in the range of 650°-800℃. These differences suggest that the former may be formed during the metamorphism of the deep subducted oceanic crust, whereas the latter may be genetically related to the subduction of the continental crust in this area.  相似文献   

The Jurassic Mayari-Baracoa ophiolite belt and associated Cretaceous volcanic rocks form the Zaza zone of eastern Cuba. This zone has been traditionally considered allochthonous and overrides a passive continental margin, the Cuban foreland. The ophiolites consist of mantle tectonites and cumulates, overlain by a volcanicarc sequence including porphyritic basalts and andesitic lavas. These are, in turn, overlain by a sequence of tuffs and epiclastic sedimentary rocks. There are two ophiolitic massifs in the belt, the Mayari-Cristal Massif (MCM) and the Moa-Baracoa Massif (MBM). The MCM consists of harzburgites and dunites with abundant high-Cr podiform chromitites and dikes of gabbro and pyroxenite. The MBM, on the other hand, is composed of harzburgites with abundant high-Al podiform chromitites, cut by troctolite dikes. The two ophiolitic massifs have different REE and PGE patterns and contents. The mantle sequence in the MCM is more depleted than that in the MBM. We suggest that the MCM formed beneath a volcanic island arc and the MBM beneath a nascent spreading center in a back-arc basin. The two massifs form a paired ophiolite belt.  相似文献   

南苏鲁造山带的超高压变质岩及岩石化学研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在南苏鲁造山带核部,古老的表壳岩和花岗质侵人岩经历了三叠纪的超高压变质作用,在超高压变质岩石抬升过程中经历了强烈的角闪岩相退变质作用改造。据岩相学和岩石化学研究,可以区分出六大类典型超高压变质岩:榴辉岩、石榴石橄榄岩、石英硬玉岩、石榴石多硅白云母片岩、硬玉石英岩和石榴石绿辉石文石岩。这些岩石的角闪岩相退变质产物分别是斜长角闪岩、蛇纹岩、长英质片麻岩、长石石英云母片岩、石英岩和大理岩。地球化学研究揭示,榴辉岩的原岩很可能是形成在大陆内部构造环境的拉斑玄武岩,而石榴石橄榄岩可能是起源于亏损的残余地幔。石英硬玉岩原岩包括正变质的花岗岩和奥长花岗岩、副变质的酸性火山碎屑岩和长石石英砂岩。大面积分布的古老花岗岩很可能是形成在大陆或大陆边缘环境。长石石英云母片岩、石英岩和大理岩的原岩为沉积岩,与副变质的长英质片麻岩和基性火山岩—起构成了古老的表壳岩组合。双峰式的酸性和基性火山岩组合的存在也证明部分表壳岩是形成在大陆环境。因此,可以推测南苏鲁造山带核部的超高压变质岩原岩为形成在大陆板内环境的沉积岩—酸性和基性火山岩—花岗岩和奥长花岗岩建造。  相似文献   

西天山造山带中双变质带以新疆昭苏察汗乌苏一带较为典型,根据变质作用的不同,划分出绿片岩相绢云母-绿泥石带、绿片岩相蓝闪石带、角闪岩相黑云母-普通角闪石带、角闪岩相矽线石-铁铝榴石带等变质相带;按其变质作用以及构造变形程度分为上部层次脆性性构造层、中上部层次、深部层次3种构造层次。根据之间的相互叠加关系,确立了造山带内的岩石主要存在着3期以上构造变形特征;在主要的3期构造变形过程中见有相应的变质矿物,并根据生成的矿物组合与变形之间的相互关系,通过变质矿物先后生成关系与岩石的结构、构造建立了变质与变形序列关系,确立了变质与变形非简单一一对应,而是具有渗透叠加和循环往复的特点。  相似文献   

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