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随着GPS观测及数据处理技术的发展,GPS定位技术在地球动力学方面的应用越来广泛,本文介绍国内外利用GPS定位技术在地球动力学方面的应用现状,着重介绍了GPS精密定位技术在福建地壳形变监测方面的应用现状和取得的初步成果。  相似文献   

喜马拉雅东构造结位于印度与欧亚板块碰撞的前缘,是地壳缩短和构造旋转变形十分强烈的部位。本文收集东构造结及其周边区域大范围、长时段的最新GPS速度场资料,采用“二维张力样条”方法计算获得区域构造应变场,研究其现今地壳运动与构造变形特征。结果显示,高应变率区集中在喜马拉雅主逆冲断裂、实皆- 阿帕龙断裂、鲜水河- 小江断裂、东构造结的环形地区和印度东北部及缅甸西部的巴坎- 若开山脉地区,而在跨嘉黎断裂和红河断裂区域并无显著的应变。区域最大剪切应变率主要沿着实皆- 阿帕龙断裂、鲜水河- 小江断裂等构造带分布,区域最大面压缩率发生在阿萨姆东北部一带(N28°~29°、E95. 5°~96. 5°),最高量值为151. 8×10-9 a-1; 反映喜马拉雅东构造结的最强变形核心部位已经由南迦巴瓦峰地区向其东南方向发生了转移,移至位于阿萨姆东北部地区的喜马拉雅主边界逆冲断裂与阿帕龙断裂的交汇处。综合分析认为,喜马拉雅东构造结地区在印度板块强烈的楔入挤压作用下,大陆变形以地壳增厚为主,深部以黏塑性为特征的下地壳和上地幔物质的流动驱动着上覆脆性上地壳地块。  相似文献   

中国大陆现今构造应变率场及其动力学成因研究   总被引:47,自引:1,他引:47  
通过分析中国大陆地壳运动GPS速度场得到现今构造应变率场。结果显示在印度板块北向推挤作用下 ,青藏高原内部及其邻域形变场并不局限于少数大型走滑断裂 ,而是在大范围内广泛分布 ,各地区构造运动驱动机制也可能各有不同。藏南地区主应变率场呈均衡的约 2× 10 -8a-1南北向挤压和东西向拉张 ,显示印度板块下插造成的地壳增厚和岩石圈拆离可能形成上地壳与上地幔间形变解耦 ,地壳内部在南北向挤压及重力场作用下产生东向塑性流驱使上地壳产生东西向拉张。西藏中部羌塘地区主应变率场显示均衡的约 2× 10 -8a-1北北东向挤压和北西西向拉张 ,反映本地区一系列走向北东和北西的共轭剪切断裂的活动 ,可能源于南北向挤压和软流层内东向塑性流的驱动。柴达木盆地及周边地区主应变率场呈约 2× 10 -8a-1北东向压缩和约 (0 1)× 10 -8a-1北西向拉张 ,表明地壳增厚造成的地壳温度上升可能还不足以造成上下地壳的充分解耦 ,南北向的消减还未能有效地转换成东西向的拉张 ,形变以褶皱和逆冲断裂运动为主。当今青藏高原形变场的形成应是构造运动从南到北阶段性发展过程中地壳与上地幔介质性质差异造成驱动机制不同的结果。  相似文献   

结合大港测区GPS测量,阐述了GPS技术在监测点位置测量中应注意的一些问题及采取的措施。  相似文献   

适用于航空地球物理勘查的GPS及差分GPS段树岭,林锡如(地质矿产部航空物探遥感中心,北京100083)五年来,GPS在航空地球物理勘查中广为应用,并取得可喜的成效。飞越的勘查面积达50万平方公里。但是,由于SA干扰出现,使GPS定位精度下降。在大比...  相似文献   

介绍GPS技术在龙脖河龙矿区控制测量中的特点与应用效果,并结合工程实践总结了GPS技术在有色金属矿产地质勘查基础测绘中首次应用的体会。  相似文献   

在"中国地壳运动观测网络"已有站点的基础上,沿甘肃兰州至宁夏中卫一线布设了一条由12个站点构成的跨青藏高原东北缘断裂带的GPS测线网.该测线网与已有站点相互补充,构成了一条平均点距约22 km的密集GPS垮断裂剖面,为青藏高原东北缘海原断裂带及香山-天景山断裂带的现今走滑及逆冲运动状况进行更加精细的研究提供有效的约束.阐述该GPS测线网的站点布设情况、各现测组未必同步的"自由现测方式"、先进的GIPSY时软件.精确单点定位"数据处理方案,并对现洲结果进行分析.实测结果表明.这种方案能够在确保精度要求的前提下更加有效、灵活地实施GPS的地壳形变监测.  相似文献   

Deformation within the Earth's lithosphere is largely controlled by the rheology of the rock. Fracture and faulting are characterized by elastic rheologies with brittle mechanisms, while folding and flow are characterized by plastic and/or viscous rheologies due to ductile mechanisms. However, it has been recognized that deformation that resembles ductile behavior can be produced within the confines of the brittle lithosphere. Specific examples are folds that form in the shallow crust, steep hinges at subduction zones that are accompanied by seismicity, and large-scale deformation at plate boundaries. In these cases, the brittle lithosphere behaves elastically with fracture and faulting yet produces ductile behavior. In this paper, we attempt to simulate such ductile behavior in elastic materials using continuum damage mechanics. Engineers utilize damage mechanics to model the continuum deformation of brittle materials. We utilize a modified form of damage mechanics that represents a reduction in frictional strength of preexisting fractures and faults. We use this empirical approach to simulate the bending of the lithosphere under the application of a constant moment.We use numerical simulations to obtain elastostatic solutions for plate bending and where the longitudinal stress at a particular node exceeds a yield stress, we apply damage to reduce Young's modulus at the node. Damage is calculated at each time step by a power-law relationship of the ratio of the yield stress to the longitudinal stress and the yield strain to the longitudinal strain. This results in the relaxation of the material due to increasing damage. To test our method, we apply our damage rheology to an infinite plate deforming under a constant bending moment. We simulate a wide range of behaviors from slow relaxation to instantaneous failure, over timescales that span six orders of magnitude. Using this method, stress relaxation produces elastic-perfectly plastic behavior in cases where failure does not occur. For cases of failure, we observe a rapid increase in damage leading to failure, analogous to the acceleration of microcrack formation and acoustic emissions prior to failure. The changes in the rate of damage accumulation in failure cases are similar to the changes in b-values of acoustic emissions observed in triaxial compression tests of fractured rock and b-value changes prior to some large earthquakes. Thus continuum damage mechanics can simulate the phenomenon of ductile behavior due to brittle mechanisms as well as observations of laboratory experiments and seismicity.  相似文献   

Over the last decade there have been significant advances in our understanding of the stratigraphy, magmatism, deformation, metamorphism and timing of mineralisation, in the eastern Yilgarn Craton (EYC) of Western Australia. The integration of these disciplines has enabled a holistic review of the tectonic history of the EYC which favours a paraautochthonous tectonic model.  相似文献   

The Aegean region including western Turkey, mainland Greece, and the Hellenic Arc is the most seismological and geodynamical active domain in the Alpine Himalayan Belt. In this study, we processed 3 years of survey-mode GPS data and present the analysis of a combination of geodetic and seismological data around Izmir, which is the third most populated city in Turkey. The velocities obtained from 15 sites vary between 25 mm/yr and 28 mm/yr relative to the Eurasian plate. The power law exponent of earthquake size distribution (b-value) ranges from 0.8 to 2.8 in the Izmir region between 26.2°E and 27.2°E. The lowest b-value zones are found along Karaburun Fault (b = 0.8) and, between Seferihisar and Tuzla Faults (b = 0.8). A localized stress concentration is expected from numerical models of seismicity along geometrical locked fault patches. Therefore, areas with lowest b-values are considered to be the most likely location for a strong earthquake, a prediction that is confirmed by the 2005 Mw = 5.9 Seferihisar earthquake sequences, with epicentres located to the south of the Karaburun Fault. The north–south extension of the Izmir area is corroborated by extension rates up to 140 nanostrain/yr as obtained from our GPS data. We combined the 3-year GPS velocity field with the published velocity field to determine the strain rate pattern in the area. The spatial distribution of b-value reflects the normal background due to the tectonic framework and is corroborated by the geodetic data. b-Values correlate with strain pattern. This relationship suggests that decrease of b-values signifies accumulating strain.  相似文献   

The Hellenic plate boundary region, located in the collision zone between the Nubian/Arabian and Eurasian lithospheric plates, is one of the seismo-tectonically most active areas of Europe. During the last 15 years, GPS measurements have been used to determine the crustal motion in the area of Greece with the aim to better understand the geodynamical processes of this region. An extended reoccupation network covering whole Greece has been measured periodically in numerous GPS campaigns since the late eighties, and a continuous GPS network has been operated in the region of the Ionian Sea since 1995. In this paper, we present a new detailed high-quality solution of continuous and campaign-type measurements acquired between 1993 and 2003. During the GPS processing, a special effort was made to obtain consistent results with highest possible accuracies and reliabilities. Data of 54 mainly European IGS and EUREF sites were included in the GPS processing in order to obtain results which are internally consistent with the European kinematic field and order to allow for a regional interpretation. After an overview of the results of the IGS/EUREF sites, the results from more than 80 stations in Greece are presented in terms of velocities, time series, trajectories and strain rates. Previous geodetic, geological and seismological findings are generally confirmed and substantially refined. New important results include the observation of deformation zones to the north and to the south of the North Aegean Trough and in the West Hellenic arc region, arc-parallel extension of about 19 mm/yr along the Hellenic arc, and compression between the Ionian islands and the Greek mainland. Due to continuous long-term observations of 4–8 years, it was possible to extract height changes from the GPS time series. In Greece, we observe a differential subsidence of the order of 2 mm/yr between the northern and central Ionian islands across the Kefalonia fault zone. The differential subsidence of the central Ionian islands with respect to the northwestern Greek mainland amounts to 4 mm/yr.  相似文献   

Major porphyry Cu–Au and Cu–Mo deposits are distributed across almost 5000 km across central Eurasia, from the Urals Mountains in Russia in the west, to Inner Mongolia in north-eastern China. These deposits were formed during multiple magmatic episodes from the Ordovician to the Jurassic. They are associated with magmatic arcs within the extensive subduction–accretion complex of the Altaid and Transbaikal-Mongolian orogenic collages that developed from the late Neoproterozoic, through the Palaeozoic, to the Jurassic intracratonic extension. The arcs formed predominantly on the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean margin of the proto-Asian continent, but also within two back-arc basins. The development of the collages commenced when slivers of an older Proterozoic subduction complex were rifted from an existing cratonic mass and accreted to the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean margin of the combined Eastern Europe and Siberian cratons. Subduction of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean beneath the Karakum and Altai-Tarim microcontinents and the associated back-arc basin produced the overlapping late Neoproterozoic to early Palaeozoic Tuva-Mongol and Kipchak magmatic arcs. Contemporaneous intra-oceanic subduction within the back-arc basin from the Late Ordovician produced the parallel Urals-Zharma magmatic arc, and separated the main Khanty-Mansi back-arc basin from the inboard Sakmara marginal sea. By the Late Devonian, the Tuva-Mongol and Kipchak arcs had amalgamated to form the Kazakh-Mongol arc. By the mid Palaeozoic, the two principal cratonic elements, the Siberian and Eastern European cratons, had begun to rotate relative to each other, “drawing-in” the two sets of parallel arcs to form the Kazakh Orocline between the two cratons. During the Late Devonian to Early Carboniferous, the Palaeo-Pacific Ocean began subducting below the Siberian craton to form the Sayan-Transbaikal arc, which expanded by the Permian to become the Selanga-Gobi-Khanka arc. By the Middle to Late Permian, as the Kazakh Orocline continued to develop, both the Sakmara and Khanty-Mansi back-arc basins were closed and the collage of cratons and arcs were sutured by accretionary complexes. During the Permian and Triassic, the North China craton approached and docked with the continent, closing the Mongol-Okhotsk Sea, an embayment on the Palaeo-Pacific margin, to form the Mongolian Orocline. Subduction and arc-building activity on the Palaeo-Pacific Ocean margin continued to the mid Mesozoic as the Indosinian and Yanshanian orogens.Significant porphyry Cu–Au/Mo and Au–Cu deposits were formed during the Ordovician in the Kipchak arc (e.g., Bozshakol Cu–Au in Kazakhstan and Taldy Bulak porphyry Cu–Au in Kyrgyzstan); Silurian to Devonian in the Kazakh-Mongol arc (e.g., Nurkazgan Cu–Au in Kazakhstan and Taldy Bulak-Levoberezhny Au in Kyrgyzstan); Devonian in the Urals-Zharma arc (e.g., Yubileinoe Au–Cu in Russia); Devonian in the Kazakh-Mongol arc (e.g., Oyu Tolgoi Cu–Au, and Tsagaan Suvarga Cu–Au, in Mongolia); Carboniferous in the Kazakh-Mongol arc (e.g., Kharmagtai Au–Cu in Mongolia, Tuwu-Yandong Cu–Au in Xinjiang, China, Koksai Cu–Au, Kounrad Cu–Au and the Aktogai Group of Cu–Au deposits, in Kazakhstan); Carboniferous in the Valerianov-Beltau-Kurama arc (e.g., Kal’makyr–Dalnee Cu–Au in Uzbekistan; Benqala Cu–Au in Kazakhstan); Late Carboniferous to Permian in the Selanga-Gobi-Khanka arc (e.g., Duobaoshan Cu–Au in Inner Mongolia, China); Triassic in the Selanga-Gobi-Khanka arc; and Jurassic in the Selanga-Gobi-Khanka arc (e.g., Wunugetushan Cu–Mo and Jiguanshan Mo in Inner Mongolia, China). In addition to the tectonic, geologic and metallogenic setting and distribution of porphyry Cu–Au/Mo mineralisation within central Eurasia, the setting, geology, alteration and mineralisation at each of the deposits listed above is described and summarised in Table 1.  相似文献   

The seismicity and the associated seismic hazard in the central part of the Pannonian region is moderate, however the vulnerability is high, as three capital cities are located near the most active seismic zones. In our analysis two seismically active areas, the Central Pannonian and Mur-Mürz zones, have been considered in order to assess the style and rate of crustal deformation using Global Positioning System (GPS) and earthquake data.We processed data of continuous and campaign GPS measurements obtained during the years 1991–2007. Velocities relative to the stable Eurasia have been computed at HGRN, CEGRN and EPN GPS sites in and around the Pannonian basin. Uniform strain rates and relative displacements were calculated for the investigated regions. GPS data confirm the mostly left lateral strike slip character of the Mur-Mürz–Vienna basin fault system and suggest a contraction between the eastward moving Alpine-North Pannonian unit and the Carpathians.The computation of the seismic strain rate was based on the Kostrov summation. The averaged unit norm seismic moment tensor, which describes the characteristic style of deformation, has been obtained from the available focal mechanism solutions, whereas the annual seismic moment release showing the rate of the deformation was estimated using the catalogues of historical and recent earthquakes.Our analysis reveals that in the Central Pannonian zone the geodetic strain rate is significantly larger than the seismic strain rate. Based on the weakness of the lithosphere, the stress magnitudes and the regional features of seismicity, we suggest that the low value of the seismic/geodetic strain rate ratio can be attributed to the aseismic release of the prevailing compressive stress and not to an overdue major earthquake. In the Mur-Mürz zone, although the uncertainty of the seismic/geodetic strain rate ratio is high, the seismic part of the deformation seems to be notably larger than in the case of the Central Pannonian zone. These results reflect the different deformation mechanism, rheology and tectonic style of the investigated zones.  相似文献   

Data from the nation-wide GPS continuous tracking network that has been operated by the Geographical Survey Institute of Japan since April 1996 were used to study crustal deformation in the Japanese Islands. We first extracted site coordinate from daily SINEX files for the period from April 1, 1996 to February 24, 2001. Since raw time series of station coordinates include coseismic and postseismic displacements as well as seasonal variation, we model each time series as a combination of linear and trigonometric functions and jumps for episodic events. Estimated velocities were converted into a kinematic reference frame [Heki, K., 1996. Horizontal and vertical crustal movements from three-dimensional very long baseline interferometry kinematic reference frame: implication for reversal timescale revision. J. Geophys. Res., 101: 3187–3198.] to discuss the crustal deformation relative to the stable interior of the Eurasian plate. A Least-Squares Prediction technique has been used to segregate the signal and noise in horizontal as well as vertical velocities. Estimated horizontal signals (horizontal displacement rates) were then differentiated in space to calculate principal components of strain. Dilatations, maximum shear strains, and principal axes of strain clearly portray tectonic environments of the Japanese Islands. On the other hand, the interseismic vertical deformation field of the Japanese islands is derived for the same GPS data interval. The GPS vertical velocities are combined with 31 year tide gage records to estimate absolute vertical velocity. The results of vertical deformation show that (1) the existence of clear uplift of about 6 mm/yr in Shikoku and Kii Peninsula, whereas pattern of subsidence is observed in the coast of Kyushu district. This might reflect strong coupling between the Philippine Sea plate and overriding plate at the Nankai Trough and weak coupling off Kyushu, (2) no clear vertical deformation pattern exists along the Pacific coast of northeastern Japan. This might be due to the long distance between the plate boundary (Japan trench) and overriding plate where GPS sites are located, (3) significant uplift is observed in the southwestern part of Hokkaido and in northeastern Tohoku along the Japan Sea coast. This is possibly due to the viscoelastic rebound of the 1983 Japan Sea (Mw 7.7) and the 1993 Hokkaido–Nansei–Oki (Mw 7.8) earthquakes and/or associated with distributed compression of incipient subduction there. We then estimate the elastic deformation of the Japanese Islands caused by interseismic loading of the Pacific and Philippine Sea subduction plates. The elastic models account for most of the observed horizontal velocity field if the subduction movement of the Philippine Sea Plate is 100% locked and if that of the Pacific Plate is 70% locked. However, the best fit for vertical velocity ranges from 80% to 100% coupling factor in southwestern Japan and only 50% in northeastern Japan. Since horizontal data does not permit the separation of rigid plate motion and interplate coupling because horizontal velocities include both contributions, we used the vertical velocities to discriminate between them. So, we can say there is strong interplate coupling (80%–100%) over the Nankaido subduction zone, whereas it is about 50% only over the Kurile–Japan trench.  相似文献   

Lower Paleozoic volcanic members have been investigated by geological, petrographical and geochemical means in a traverse across the Ossa-Morena Zone (OMZ) in south-west Spain.The volcanism lasted from the Early Cambrian to the Early Ordovician, with a peak in the Middle Cambrian. The volcanism is bimodal, starting up with acidic and ending with basic compositions. From north to south, peralkaline rhyolites change to rhyolites, and strongly enriched alkali basalts change via transitional basalts to mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB-type basalts). The geological and magmatic evolution suggests an extensive Early Paleozoic rifting with its center along the southern boundary of the OMZ. Temporal, spatial and crustal aspects of the rifting event are presented in a geodynamic model.  相似文献   

Principal component analysis (PCA) was applied to the displacement field recorded at 147 GPS stations in the Kanto-Tokai district, Japan, for the period from January 1999 to February 2003. Some prominent geophysical events occurred during this period. Using PCA, we attempted to decompose the displacement field into some representative spatial modes and their corresponding temporal modes to quantitatively extract the primary geophysical events that have caused rapid crustal deformation in this region. The displacement field was roughly decomposed into modes corresponding to the following three major events: (1) The Miyake-Kozu volcanic event, which occurred in the region south of Tokyo in 2000. It included large-scale dyke intrusion and intensive earthquake swarm between the Miyakejima and Kozushima islands. (2) The Tokai slow-slip event, which is considered to have begun just after the Miyake-Kozu volcanic event and is ongoing as of November 2005. It occurred on the boundary between the subducting Philippine Sea Plate and the overriding Eurasian (Amurian) Plate in the Tokai district. (3) The Boso slow-slip event, which lasted for approximately 10 days in October 2002. It occurred on the boundary between the subducting Pacific Plate and the overriding North American Plate near the Boso Peninsula. In the decomposition process, we combined the mode-rotation technique with ordinary PCA. This is because PCA causes contamination between modes, i.e., a mode obtained with PCA is contaminated by other modes. For example, the first principal mode corresponding to the Miyake-Kozu volcanic event, which is by far the largest in magnitude, was clearly seen in many other modes. In order to remove such contamination, we applied the mode-rotation technique, in which the principal axes derived from PCA are rotated so as to minimize the correlation coefficients between different temporal modes for a time period in which some prominent change occurs. Combining the mode-rotation technique with PCA exhibited a better performance in separating the displacement field.  相似文献   

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