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Sleep disruption can lead to symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in children. Since periodic limb movement disorder and/or restless legs syndrome can cause sleep disruption, we assessed whether these two specific sleep disorders are likely to occur in children with ADHD. We asked a series of 69 consecutive parents of children with ADHD questions about the symptoms of periodic limb movement disorder. Based on a positive response to these periodic limb movement disorder queries, 27 children underwent all-night polysomnography. Eighteen children (aged 2 to 15 years) of the 27 (26% of the 69 children with ADHD) had 5 or more periodic leg movements in sleep per hour of sleep and had complaints of sleep disruption, thus fulfilling the criteria for periodic limb movement disorder. A comparably age- and sex-matched group of children referred to a sleep laboratory for sleep complaints but without ADHD showed only a 5% prevalence (2 of 38 subjects) of periodic leg movements in sleep (P=.017). Eight of the 18 children with ADHD and periodic limb movement disorder and one of the two control patients with periodic limb movement disorder had both a personal and parental history of restless legs syndrome symptomatology. This study further documents the occurrence of periodic limb movement disorder and restless legs syndrome in children and is the first large-scale study establishing a possible comorbidity between ADHD and periodic limb movement disorder. We propose that the sleep disruption associated with periodic limb movement disorder and restless legs syndrome and the motor restlessness of restless legs syndrome while awake could contribute to the inattention and hyperactivity seen in a subgroup of ADHD-diagnosed children.  相似文献   

Neuroleptic-induced akathisia is a clinically important neuropsychiatric syndrome with mainly subjectively experienced psychic symptoms on the one hand and well-observable motor signs on the other. There is no general consensus of opinion on the relative importance of these two aspects for diagnosing akathisia. Hence, differential diagnosis is difficult and in the absence of a biological marker it depends crucially on clinical judgement. Systematic investigation of 27 in-patients via a semistructural interview, a self-assessment scale (20 in-patients) and established akathisia rating scales (Hillside, Barnes, Prince Henry Hospital and Chouinard) revealed four characteristics of subjective experience in acute neuroleptic-induced akathisia: 1. perception of a foreign but nevertheless inner compulsion to move; 2. lack of control over motor behaviour; 3. feeling of inhibition of purposeful actions and 4. subjectively close or inseparable relationship between inner restlessness and restless movements. These features are strongly interrelated and correlate with severity of akathisia. They could be useful in differentiating akathisia from other states of restlessness. The results of this study are discussed in context of the literature on clinical phenomenology of akathisia. We propose a symptom-severity model of akathisia emphasizing psychodynamic aspects with considerable consequences for diagnosis and quantification of the disorder. The model points to the relevance of patient exploration for optimizing diagnostic reliability and should be taken into account when developing new and valid akathisia rating instruments.  相似文献   

Difficulty differentiating physiologic genu varum from early Blount's disease persists. Drennan's metaphyseal-diaphyseal (MD) angle remains the most consistently valuable radiographic parameter despite measurement error. Clinical risk factors also should be considered. All patients receiving orthoses for genu varum since 1985 were reviewed. The focus of the study was those patients with an MD angle of >16 degrees or between 9 and 16 degrees with a clinical risk factor for progression. Risk factors considered were ligamentous instability, obesity, asymmetry, and being female, black, or Hispanic. Thirty-eight patients with 60 tibiae were included. The success rate was 90%. Risk factors for failure (six cases) were instability, obesity, and delayed bracing. In cases with MD angles >16 degrees, the success rate was 86%. The results of orthotic treatment, restricted to patients meeting the stated parameters, represent improvement on the reported natural history.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that dopamine/serotonin (5-HT) imbalance, with relative enhancement of serotonergic activity, might be one of the possible pathophysiological mechanisms underlying neuroleptic-induced akathisia. On the basis of preclinical data, which imply that the partial 5-HT1A agonist buspirone possesses anti-5-HT activity, in the present open-label study we examined the putative antiakathitic effect of buspirone in 10 neuroleptic-treated patients with acute neuroleptic-induced akathisia. Buspirone (up to 30 mg/day in divided doses) was administered for a trial period of 4 days (first part of the study). No significant changes in neuroleptic-induced akathisia as rated using the Barnes Akathisia Scale were detected during buspirone treatment. Buspirone was effective in only two neuroleptic-induced akathisia patients and caused worsening of akathisia in the other two patients. According to the study design, eight buspirone non-responders were switched to the 5-HT2A/2C antagonist mianserin (15 mg/day) for the other 4 days of treatment (second part of the study). Seven mianserin-treated patients improved and five revealed complete disappearance of neuroleptic-induced akathisia. It seems that the 5-HT1A partial agonist buspirone is of limited value in the treatment of acute neuroleptic-induced akathisia. It contrast, it appears that low-dose mianserin is therapeutically effective in acute neuroleptic-induced akathisia.  相似文献   

We describe a rapid and specific differential amplification system which can detect five of the most common cystic fibrosis mutations from a single cell. In the first round of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), regions of exons 4, 10 and 11 of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene containing the mutations delta F508, G551D, R553X, G542X and 621+1G > T were co-amplified in a single multiplex PCR. To identify potential contamination, we included external amplification primers for the polymorphic human tyrosine hydroxylase (HUMTH01) locus as a fingerprint for the sample. In the second round of PCR, detection of any of the five mutations was achieved using the amplification refractory mutation system (ARMS) in two separate reactions, each containing nested amplification primers for either wild type or mutant sequence. A separate second round PCR for the fingerprinting was performed with nested HUMTH01 primers. Using this procedure we have successfully and accurately detected five cystic fibrosis mutations in 30 single cells with a failed amplification rate of 7% and a contamination rate of 4.6% and that PCR failure or possible contamination will also be easily detected. This procedure allows detection of the five most common point mutations and small deletions responsible for cystic fibrosis from a single cell in < 8 h which could be applicable to preimplantation diagnosis in human embryos.  相似文献   

We describe four patients who developed asymmetrical, rhythmic, stereotyped, and repetitive movements of the upper and lower limbs hours to days after infarction that involved the thalamus and/or basal ganglia. The movements appeared to occur spontaneously and were initially labeled as focal motor seizures, ballism, or tremor; they could however, be induced by passive movement of the limbs. The movements most commonly observed were scratching or rubbing movements of the hands that were of such persistence as to cause trauma to the skin; in the lower limbs, the heel was run up and down the bed sheet, often until it bled. The movements were part of a syndrome characterised initially by a reduced level of consciousness and followed by aspontaneity, usually with mutism and frontal release signs. One patient who had relatively preserved cognition and language repeated words or phrases again and again when encouraged to speak, but had no difficulty changing responses appropriately to different cues. In drawing, he overwrote each figure but could change the figure on command. The distinctive movement disorder in these patients was due to clonic perseveration. We suggest that clonic perseveration results from disconnection of prefrontal cortico-basal ganglia-thalamo-cortical loops that are important for the termination of motor plans. Clonic perseveration should be recognised as a movement disorder following thalamic lesions.  相似文献   

The following describes a case of rhythmic movement disorder successfully treated with hypnosis. Hypnosis and its use in sleep disorders are discussed, and it is hypothesized that hypnosis is an effective intervention in disorders that occur at the interface between waking and sleep.  相似文献   

Hot film anemometry, x-configuration probes were used in two experiments to evaluate their effectiveness at measurement of limb velocity. Data from tests with a probe attached to the end of a pendulum establish that the hot films measure velocity in the swing phase within 0.098 ms-1. The kinetic energy per unit mass of the pendulum was predicted within +/- 0.005 m2 s-2, from the measured velocity. In gait experiments with one human subject at speeds greater than 0.25 ms-1, the hot film anemometer and a video system predicted speeds within 0.083 ms-1. The hot film data are electronic signals that are easily stored and processed. The results from these experiments demonstrate that hot film anemometry is an effective and efficient method for direct measurement and analysis of the limb velocity.  相似文献   

We describe a rare case of pleomorphic type of malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) in the buttock that presented a systemic involvement. The case was of a 58-year-old woman presenting hepatic dysfunction and inflammatory reactions including fever, positive C-reactive protein (CRP), an elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate, and high levels of platelets and ferritin. The fever of 3 months duration subsided on the first postoperative day. The MFH resection also brought rapid normalization in CRP, platelets, and leukocytes. The local and systemic productions of cytokines induced by this tumor were evaluated. In vivo and in vitro production of interleukin (IL)-6, IL-1beta, and tumor necrosis factor alpha by tumor cells were measured using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Blood samples taken preoperatively, tumor tissues, and the primary culture medium showed extraordinarily high IL-6 levels. The plasma IL-6 level was normalized postoperatively. Immunohistochemistry showed the positivity of tumor cells for IL-6. The IL-6 produced by the tumor was concluded to have been responsible for the systemic illness.  相似文献   

K-TEA Comprehensive Reading scores of 34 elementary boys in either resource rooms or regular settings were compared. The boys were identified as learning disabled in reading. They were pretested at the beginning of the school year and posttested at the end. Treatment was one year of daily instruction in reading provided by six teachers in resource setting and six teachers in regular settings. K-TEA Reading Decoding and Reading Comprehension scores, separately compared in 2 x 2 repeated-measures analysis of variance, were not significantly different.  相似文献   

This study employed in vivo microdialysis in awake, freely-moving Sprague-Dawley rats to examine acetylcholine (ACh) release in the dorsal hippocampus at 14 days following lateral controlled cortical impact. Extracellular levels of ACh were measured prior to and after an intraperitoneal administration of scopolamine (1 mg/kg), which evokes ACh release by blocking autoreceptors. At 14 days post injury there were no differences in basal ACh levels. However, injury produced a significant reduction in scopolamine-evoked ACh release. The data suggest that cholinergic neurotransmission remains chronically compromised, and thus may contribute to previously documented post traumatic spatial memory deficits.  相似文献   

The authors describe 9 patients with bipolar affective disorder associated with cerebrovascular lesions. Eight had negative family histories of affective disorders and late age at onset (after age 40) of manic-depressive symptoms. Only one, with positive family history of affective disorders, developed mood swings before age 40. Clinical subtypes of bipolar disorder and patterns of affective cycling in these stroke patients resembled those previously reported in functional bipolar disorder. Five patients had concurrent hyperkinetic movement disorders, and one depressed patient presented with unilateral left-sided parkinsonism that disappeared during a manic switch. In most patients, bipolar affective disorder was associated with right hemisphere lesions that involved subcortical and midline structures. Findings suggest that damage to frontal-basal ganglia-thalamocortical circuits by subcortical vascular lesions may simultaneously provoke disorders of movement and mood regulation.  相似文献   

We investigated survival of patients with out-of-hospital cardiac arrest in Ljubljana according to the 'Utstein' style. Ljubljana consists of urban, suburban and semi-rural communities which encompass an area of 1615 km2 with 397306 residents. The area is served by a single response emergency medical system and local family practitioners. Between January 1, 1995 and December 31, 1997 cardiac arrest was confirmed in 966 patients. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation was attempted in 454 patients (47%). Collapse of presumed cardiac etiology (337 patients) was either bystander-witnessed (89%), un-witnessed (9%) or EMS personnel-witnessed (2%). Asystole was documented in 55%, ventricular fibrillation or tachycardia in 36% and other non-perfusing rhythms in 9% of these patients. Lay-bystander basic life support was performed in 19%. Nineteen patients (5.6%) survived to hospital discharge and 12 of them were independent in daily life. The survival of subgroups with bystanders-witnessed collapse and bystanders-witnessed ventricular fibrillation was 6.4 and 13%, respectively. Collapse of non-cardiac etiology (117 patients) was preceded by either respiratory failure (41), politrauma (22), circulatory shock (19), cerebrovascular incident (ten), intoxication (nine), strangulation (seven), electrocution (five) or drowning (four patients). Only five patients (4.2%) survived to hospital discharge. Hospital treatment of patients after successful initial cardiopulmonary resuscitation was associated with high mortality and required considerable resources.  相似文献   

Microknemometry, a novel non-invasive technique, allows the accurate measurements of the lower leg length in the conscious rat, not only daily but even in periods smaller than 24 hours. Its use revealed the presence of nonlinear growth increments (mini-growth spurts) with periods between 4 and 5 days, that presented a gradual decline in amplitude when the animals were getting older, and a maximal growth rate between 0600h and 0900h. A sexual dimorphic growth pattern could be established with females growing less and presenting spurts of lower amplitude and smaller duration than males. High doses of recombinant human Growth Hormone (rhGH) stimulated growth velocity in female rates, but did not show any effect on males. Neonatal Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) treatment reduced growth both in males and females. Growth hormone (GH) replacement therapy in MSG treated animals was capable of increasing growth velocity, from day 30 onwards. The recovery was partial in males and complete in females. In intact male rats growth blockade induced by fasting was not followed by a catch up effect after refeeding, although growth velocity tended to increase and a clear catch up effect on weight was detected. Male rats seemed to grow at a maximal speed over at least the first 60 days of life, that cannot be accelerated with GH treatment, whereas female rats did respond to exogenous GH.  相似文献   

One session of EMDR treatment for 4 41–46 yr old Black and 1 38-yr- old White male Vietnam combat veteran inpatients with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) resulted in marked decreases in distress associated with a severely troubling memory in 4 Ss. Ss had been asked to describe their most troubling memory of Vietnam, which they then visualized during the EMDR procedure. Two Ss sustained the feeling of relief. Three Ss reported alteration or diminution of the visual aspect of the memory, an experience they had not previously reported. Two Ss appeared to demonstrate new insight. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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