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Ba  Wulong  Du  Pengfei  Liu  Tie  Bao  Anming  Chen  Xi  Liu  Jiao  Qin  Chengxin 《地理学报(英文版)》2020,30(1):164-176

In the context of climate change and over-exploitation of water resources, water shortage and water pollution in arid regions have become major constraints to local sustainable development. In this study, we established a Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model for simulating non-point source (NPS) pollution in the irrigation area of the lower reaches of the Kaidu River Basin, based on spatial and attribute data (2010–2014). Four climate change scenarios (2040–2044) and two agricultural management scenarios were input into the SWAT model to quantify the effects of climate change and agricultural management on solvents and solutes of pollutants in the study area. The simulation results show that compared to the reference period (2010–2014), with a decline in streamflow from the Kaidu River, the average annual irrigation water consumption is expected to decrease by 3.84x108 m3 or 8.87% during the period of 2040–2044. Meanwhile, the average annual total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) in agricultural drainage canals will also increase by 10.50% and 30.06%, respectively. Through the implementation of agricultural management measures, the TN and TP in farmland drainage can be reduced by 14.49% and 16.03%, respectively, reaching 661.56 t and 12.99 t, accordingly, and the increasing water efficiency can save irrigation water consumption by 4.41 x108 m3 or 4.77%. The results indicate that although the water environment in the irrigation area in the lower reaches of the Kaidu River Basin is deteriorating, the situation can be improved by implementing appropriate agricultural production methods. The quantitative analysis results of NPS pollutants in the irrigation area under different scenarios provide a scientific basis for water environmental management in the Kaidu River Basin.


全球气候变化对黄河流域天然径流量影响的情景分析   总被引:23,自引:6,他引:23  
张光辉 《地理研究》2006,25(2):268-275
本文从干旱指数蒸发率函数出发,以HadCM3 GCM对降水和温度的模拟结果为基础,在IPCC不同发展情景下,分析了未来近100年内黄河流域天然径流量的变化趋势。研究结果表明,在不同气候变化情景下,多年平均年径流量的变化随着区域的不同而有显著差异,其变化幅度在-48.0%203.0%之间。全球气候变化引起的多年平均天然径流量的变化从东向西逐渐减小。就黄河流域而言,20062035年、20362065年、20662095年A2情景下(人口快速增长、经济发展缓慢)多年平均天然径流量的变化量分别为5.0%、11.7%、8.1%,B2情景下(强调社会技术创新)相应的变化分别为7.2%、-3.1%、2.6%。  相似文献   

在人类活动和气候变化的影响下,汾河入黄径流量锐减,加剧了山西省水资源短缺的现状,并引起生态环境的恶化,同时入黄径流量的减少致使黄河干流流量的减少,加剧了黄河中下游的水资源短缺。以汾河流域为研究区,采用水文变异诊断系统分析了汾河流域入黄控制站河津站1956-2012年的径流情势的变化情况,入黄径流有显著下降的趋势,并且在1971年左右发生了突变减少。然后采用多元分析方法,分析造成径流突变减少的影响因子,其径流受到降水量、潜在蒸散发量和人类活动引起的流域属性改变的影响。随后采用Budyko公式分析其敏感性,在相对较长的时间尺度上,气候变化对径流的影响比人类活动更加敏感。最后采用累计斜率法分析上述参数对径流的影响比率,得到径流量受降水量、潜在蒸散发量和流域属性的影响比率分别为16.29%、-4.86%和88.57%。  相似文献   

王莺  张强  王劲松  张雷 《中国沙漠》2017,37(1):175-185
土地利用和气候变化是流域水资源发生变化的重要原因。以洮河流域为研究区,通过模型率定得到适宜于洮河流域的分布式水文模型(SWAT),在综合考虑流域土地利用和气候变化特征的基础上构建多种情景模式,并对不同情景模式下的水文特征进行模拟,得到以下结论:(1)校准后的SWAT模型,R2ReEns分别达到0.83、-8%和0.68,说明该模型在洮河流域径流模拟中具有较好的适用性。(2)与1976-1995年相比,气候变化使流域产水量增加1.30 mm,土地利用变化使流域产水量减少0.77 mm。土地利用变化对水文特征的影响小于气候变化,但土地利用变化对流域管理的作用却是不可忽视的。从极端土地利用变化情景可知,与1985年土地利用情景相比,林地、草地和耕地情景中产水量分别变化了18.1%、-7.4%和-10.1%。从气候变化情景可知,当降水量不变,温度分别变化2 ℃、1 ℃、-1 ℃和-2 ℃时,流域产水量的变化量分别为-4.23%、-2.56%、3.08%和6.70%;当温度不变,降水量分别变化20%、10%、-10%和-20%时,流域产水量的变化量分别为56.32%、30.88%、-23.66%和-45.94%。(3)在土地利用和气候变化共同作用下,地表径流增加的区域主要位于下游的广河县、和政县和康乐县以及上游的碌曲县和夏河县等地,地表径流增加地区的面积约占流域总面积的39%。  相似文献   

新疆伊犁河流域气候变化(英文)   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, the monthly precipitation and temperature data collected at 7 stations in the Ili River Basin from 1961 to 2007 were analyzed by means of simple regression analysis, running mean, db6 wavelet function and Mann-Kendall test. This study revealed the characteristics of climate change and abrupt change points of precipitation and temperature during different time scales in the Ili River Basin within the past 50 years. The results showed that the precipitation increased from the mid-1980s until 2000 and has continued to increase at a smaller magnitude since 2000. Over the studied period, the precipitation increased significantly during the summer and winter months. The temperature increased greatly in the late 1980s, and has continued to show an increasing trend from the year 2000 to present. The temperature increases were most significant during the summer, autumn and winter months. In terms of different geographies, the temperature increase was significant during the winter in the plains and hilly regions; the increase was also significant during autumn in the intermontane basins. The climate change trends in the Ili River Basin were consistent with the changing trends of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the plateau monsoon.  相似文献   

黄河流域气候变化研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄河流域从西到东跨越多省,地形复杂,作为中国生态安全战略格局的重要组成部分,是中国气候变化敏感区和生态环境脆弱区.本文主要综述了在气候变暖背景下,黄河流域气候变化特征、影响以及成因和对策建议的最新研究进展:(1)近60年黄河流域气温呈上升趋势,平均升温速率为0.30℃/10a,上游升温速率最大,下游次之,冬季升温趋势最...  相似文献   

In this paper, the monthly precipitation and temperature data collected at 7 stations in the Ili River Basin from 1961 to 2007 were analyzed by means of simple regression analysis, running mean, db6 wavelet function and Mann-Kendall test. This study revealed the characteristics of climate change and abrupt change points of precipitation and temperature during different time scales in the Ili River Basin within the past 50 years. The results showed that the precipitation increased from the mid-1980s until 2000 and has continued to increase at a smaller magnitude since 2000. Over the studied period, the precipitation increased significantly during the summer and winter months. The temperature increased greatly in the late 1980s, and has continued to show an increasing trend from the year 2000 to present. The temperature increases were most significant during the summer, autumn and winter months. In terms of different geographies, the temperature increase was significant during the winter in the plains and hilly regions; the increase was also significant during autumn in the intermontane basins. The climate change trends in the Ili River Basin were consistent with the changing trends of the North Atlantic Oscillation and the plateau monsoon.  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐河流域气候变化的区域差异特征及突变分析   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:3  
利用乌鲁木齐河流域气象站的气温和降水资料,运用一元回归分析法和5年趋势滑动,进行了气候变化的趋势分析。结果表明:乌鲁木齐河流域的年平均气温在20世纪60-80年代偏低,90年代以后偏高,即80年代前呈下降趋势,90年代后呈上升趋势,并且秋、冬季升温幅度较大;60年代降水量最少,之后逐渐增多,2000年以来迅速增多;气温变化在空间上表现出上游气温低于下游,秋、冬季气候变暖明显早于春、夏季;降水变化的空间差异也明显。在此基础上,利用滑动T检验法、YAMAMOTO检验信噪比(SNR)、Mann-Kendall法、Cramer法和Pettitt法进行气候突变分析。结果表明:乌鲁木齐河流域气温降水突变不明显,不同方法检验的结果不太一致;春、夏季气温可能在1997年发生突变,而秋、冬季在80年代末90年代初发生突变。  相似文献   

This study presents a soil and water integrated model (SWIM) and associated statistical analyses for the Huaihe River Basin (HRB) based on daily meteorological, river runoff, and water resource data encompassing the period between 1959 and 2015. The aim of this research is to quantitatively analyze the rate of contribution of upstream runoff to that of the midstream as well as the influence of climate change and human activities in this section of the river. Our goal is to explain why extreme precipitation is concentrated in the upper reaches of the HRB while floods tend to occur frequently in the middle reaches of this river basin. Results show that the rate of contribution of precipitation to runoff in the upper reaches of the HRB is significantly higher than temperature. Data show that the maximum contribution rate of upstream runoff to that of the midstream can be as high as 2.23%, while the contribution of temperature is just 0.38%. In contrast, the rate of contribution of human activities to runoff is 87.20% in the middle reaches of the HRB, while that due to climate change is 12.80%. Frequent flood disasters therefore occur in the middle reaches of the HRB because of the combined effects of extreme precipitation in the upper reaches and human activities in the middle sections.  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration is one of the key components of hydrological processes. Assessing the impact of climate factors on evapotranspiration is helpful in understanding the impact of climate change on hydrological processes. In this paper, based on the daily meteorological data from 1960 to 2007 within and around the Aksu River Basin, reference evapotranspiration (RET) was estimated with the FAO Penman-Monteith method. The temporal and spatial variations of RET were analyzed by using ARCGIS and Mann-Kendall method. Multiple Regression Analysis was employed to attribute the effects of the variations of air temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, vapour pressure and wind speed on RET. The results showed that average annual RET in the eastern plain area of the Aksu River Basin was about 1100 mm, which was nearly twice as much as that in the western mountainous area. The trend of annual RET had significant spatial variability. Annual RET was reduced significantly in the southeastern oasis area and southwestern plain area and increased slightly in the mountain areas. The amplitude of the change of RET reached the highest in summer, contributing most of the annual change of RET. Except in some high elevation areas where relative humidity predominated the change of the RET, the variations of wind velocity predominated the changes of RET almost throughout the basin. Taking Kuqa and Ulugqat stations as an example, the variations of wind velocity accounted for more than 50% of the changes of RET.  相似文献   

气候和人类活动对黄河中游区间产流量变化的贡献率   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
王随继  李玲  颜明 《地理研究》2013,32(3):395-402
黄河中游产流量在过去几十年发生了明显减小的变化趋势,鉴于迄今有关气候及人类活动对该区产流量减小的影响比重仍存争议,本研究利用累积距平方法分析了研究区近60年来的产流量变化趋势,识别出1971年和1985年两个拐点年份,利用累积量斜率变化率分析方法(SCRCQ)估算了降水量和人类活动在产流量变化中的贡献率。与基准时期1950-1970年(TA)相比,在不考虑蒸散量影响的情况下,降水量和人类活动对黄河中游区间产流量变化的贡献率在1971-1985年(TB)分别为25.94%和74.06%,在1986-2009年(TC)分别为25.13%和74.87%;如果考虑蒸散量的影响,则人类活动的贡献率在TB和TC时期分别增大到91.74%和93.41%。显然,人类活动是该区间地表产流量减小的最重要影响因素。人类活动对黄河中游区间产流量变化的主要影响方式是拦蓄滞留,这些拦蓄滞留的水量大多数最终通过蒸散作用而从地表径流循环进入大气循环,即人类活动改变了部分水循环的途径。  相似文献   

Evapotranspiration is one of the key components of hydrological processes. Assessing the impact of climate factors on evapotranspiration is helpful in understanding the impact of climate change on hydrological processes. In this paper, based on the daily meteorological data from 1960 to 2007 within and around the Aksu River Basin, reference evapotranspiration (RET) was estimated with the FAO Penman-Monteith method. The temporal and spatial variations of RET were analyzed by using ARCGIS and Mann-Kendall met...  相似文献   

Studies indicate that the climate has experienced a dramatic change in the Heihe River Basin with scope of temperature rise reaching 0.5-1.1oC in the 1990s compared to the mean value of the period 1960-1990, precipitation increased 18.5 mm in the 1990s compared to the 1950s, and 6.5 mm in the 1990s compared to the mean value of the period 1960-1990, water resources decreased 2.6×108 m3 in the 1990s compared to the 1950s, and 0.4×108 m3 in the 1990s compared to the mean value of the period 1960-1990. These changes have exerted a greater effect on the local environment and socio-economy, and also made the condition worsening in water resources utilizations in the Heihe Rver Basin.  相似文献   

黑河流域气候变化对水资源的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
1IntroductionThe climate conditions of temperature and precipitation are of primary importance for arid region and a change of climate in the direction to warmer or colder, wetter or drier would have large water resources, biological and socio-economic consequences (Raino Heino, 1994; Guido V etal., 2001).Since last century, there has been a warming trend for global climate with greenhouse gases such as CO2 continually increasing. The trend got intensified particularly in the late 20th centu…  相似文献   

气候变化对淮河流域水资源及极端洪水事件的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用法国国家气象研究中心气候模型(Centre National de Recherches Météorologiques Climate Model, CNRM)典型代表性浓度路径(Representative Concentration Pathway, RCP)情景资料和可变下渗容量模型(Variable Infiltration Capacity Model,VIC),分析了淮河流域未来气温、降水、水资源及可能洪水的变化趋势。结果表明,淮河流域未来气温将持续升高,RCP2.6、RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下未来2021~2050年较基准期(1961~1990年)升幅分别约为1.13℃、1.10℃和1.35℃;流域降水可能呈现略微增加趋势,3种排放情景下2021~2050年降水较基准期将分别增加5.81%、8.26%和6.94%;VIC模型在淮河流域具有较好的适用性,能较好地模拟淮河流域的水文过程,在率定期和检验期,模型对王家坝站和蚌埠站模拟的水量相对误差都在5%以内,日径流过程的Nash-Sutcliffe模型效率系数(NSE)在0.70以上,月径流过程的NSE达到0.85以上。气候变化将导致淮河流域水文循环强度增加,流域水资源总体将可能呈增加趋势,王家坝站和蚌埠站断面洪水事件的发生可能性将增大。  相似文献   

气候与土地利用变化对汉江流域径流的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
作为联结大气圈和地圈的纽带,水文循环同时承受气候变化和土地利用/覆被变化(LUCC)的双重影响,然而大多数的水文响应研究主要关注未来气候变化对径流的影响,忽略了未来LUCC的作用。因此,本文的研究目的是评估未来气候变化和LUCC对径流的共同影响。首先采用2种全球气候模式(BCC-CSM1.1和BNU-ESM)输出,基于DBC降尺度模型得到未来气候变化情景;然后,利用CA-Markov模型预测未来LUCC情景;最后,通过设置不同的气候和LUCC情景组合,采用SWAT模型模拟汉江流域的未来径流过程,定量评估气候变化和LUCC对径流的影响。结果表明:①未来时期汉江流域的年降水量、日最高、最低气温相较于基准期(1966—2005年),在RCP 4.5和RCP 8.5浓度路径下,分别增加4.0%、1.8℃、1.6℃和3.7%、2.5℃、2.3℃;②2010—2050年间,流域内林地和建设用地的面积占比将分别增加2.8%和1.2%,而耕地和草地面积占比将分别减少1.5%和2.5%;③与单一气候变化或LUCC情景相比,气候变化和LUCC共同影响下的径流变化幅度最大,在RCP 4.5和RCP 8.5浓...  相似文献   

In this study,the characteristics and changing trends of temperature,precipitation,and runoff in the upper Yellow River basin up Tangnag station are analyzed by using hydrological and meteorological data in the past 50 years from observation stations in the basin.Further,in this study,the evolving trend of runoff in the future decades is forecasted in the basin based on the method of suppositional climate scenes combination.The results indicate temperature variation in the basin has an evident positive relation with global warming,and the precipitation variations are quite complicated in the basin because of differences of located geographic positions during the past 50 years.Runoff in the basin has been decreasing continually since the end of the 1980s because the mean temperature in the basin has been rising and precipitation in the main areas of runoff formation in the basin has been decreasing.Runoff will largely decrease if precipitation decreases and temperature rises continuously,whereas runoff will increase if temperature is invariable and precipitation increases largely;the increase magnitude of runoff may be more than that of precipitation because of the synchronously increasing supply of meltwater from snow,glacier,and frozen soils in future several decades.  相似文献   

气候变化对海河流域主要作物物候和产量影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
基于海河流域30 个气象站点1960-2009年的实测资料,分析该流域1960年以来农业气象指标的变化趋势,并利用VIP模型模拟分析大气CO2浓度增加、温度、降雨和日照时数变化对作物产量的影响。结果显示:冬季温度的显著上升使冬小麦种植北界在50年间向北移动大约70 km;在品种和灌溉条件不变的前提下,小麦产量平均每10年上升0.2%~3.4%,其中CO2浓度增加、温度、降雨及日照时数变化对其产量的影响分别为11.0%、0.7%、-0.2%和-6.5%;大气CO2浓度增加的产量正效应大于日照时数减少的负效应。气候变化使夏玉米产量呈下降趋势(0.6%~3.8%/10年),其中大气CO2浓度增加、温度、降雨及日照时数变化对其产量的影响分别为0.7%、-3.6%、-1.0%和-6.8%,温度上升和辐射下降是玉米产量下降的主要原因。研究结果可为气候变化影响的评估和适应性对策制定提供科学依据。  相似文献   

未来气候变化对淮河流域径流深的影响   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
本文运用多元回归方法,建立有关气候-径流深的数学模型,并用该模型预测在未来气候变化的15种可能情景下淮河三个代表子流域径流深的变化。结果表明:年径流深随年降水量的增加而增加,随年均温度的升高而减少;不同流域对各种气候变化的响应存在着明显的差异,反映出整个淮河流域不同自然地理条件的影响;不同季节的径流深对各种气候变化的响应也存在明显的差异,体现了季风气候对径流的影响。文章还特别关注了暖干天气组合下径流深的变化,提出这种极端气候情景对工农业生产和国民经济建设有着严重的负面影响  相似文献   

在实际调查基础上,利用遥感和地理信息系统技术,分析伊洛河流域伊河上游地区气候和土地利用变化对径流变化的影响。结果显示,在研究区域中,林地面积最大,1987-2008年,林地、库塘和建设用地面积持续增加,草地、河流和未利用地面积持续减少,耕地面积则先增加后减少。20世纪80年代以来,土地利用变化在不同阶段都使得年平均径流量减小;80-90年代,气候变化使得年平均径流量减小,而90年代到2000年以后,气候变化使得年平均径流量增加,这与90年代年平均降水量减少,而2000年以后年平均降水量增加密切相关。  相似文献   

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