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A 45-year-old woman with severe idiopathic marrow failure was prepared for marrow transplantation by administration of cyclophosphamide (cy) 50 mg/kg on each of four successive days. She then received an intravenous infusion of 20 X 10(9) nucleated marrow cells from an HL-A matched and mixed lymphocyte culture (MLC) non-reactive sister. There was evidence for minimal marrow recovery in 1-2 months and a second marrow infusion was carried out 69 days after the first without additional immunosuppression. There was a continued slow recovery of peripheral blood counts with complete reconstitution of erythropoiesis, return of the white blood cell count to between 3 and 4000/mm3, with 50% granulocytes, and platelets to 60--70,000/mm3, 11 months after the initial grafting attempt. Red cell antigens and gamma globulin allotypes were of recipient type. The MLC and the indirect cell mediated lympholysis (CML) test became positive possibly indicating cellular sensitization to non HL-A antigens. This report of a patient with severe marrow failure documents autologous recovery of marrow function after receiving a large dose of cy and allogeneic marrow. The implications of this are discussed.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cytogenetic abnormalities have been described in a few patients with otherwise typical severe aplastic anemia (SAA), and the possible clonal nature of this disease is a controversial issue. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Sixty-nine patients with acquired severe aplastic anemia underwent cytogenetic examination on bone marrow cells at the time of diagnosis (n = 34) and/or at least twice after immunosuppressive therapy (IS) (n = 35). RESULTS: We identified 2 major groups. Group A: 51 patients (74%) were normal and remained normal. Group B: 18 patients (26%) had at least one abnormal cytogenetic analysis. This second group could be further subdivided as follows: (B1) chromosomal abnormalities not present at first examination and acquired in the course of the disease (n = 7); (B2) clonal cytogenetic abnormalities present at first examination and persisting (n = 3); (B3) reversible cytogenetic abnormalities (n = 8). The most frequent abnormality was trisomy 8 (n = 8) followed by monosomy 7 (n = 2); 82% of patients are alive in group A and 61% in group B. Three patients developed acute leukemia, all from group B. This represents 4% of all patients or 17% of those with at least one abnormal cytogenetic test. CONCLUSIONS: Thus the majority of SAA patients have normal karyotypes in marrow cells at presentation and at follow-up. Patients with abnormal karyotypes exist and can be further subdivided into those with reversible and those with persistent abnormalities. The latter are at risk of developing myelodysplasia or acute leukemia.  相似文献   

We describe an unusual case of a renal abscess by Salmonella enteritidis in a 32-year-old man with severe aplastic anemia undergoing allogeneic stem cell transplantation. He was receiving immunosuppressive therapy with CsA and corticosteroids for chronic GVHD. He was not neutropenic and had no history of enterocolitis or cholelithiasis before the onset. Four months after the transplantation, he developed an abscess in the upper pole of his right kidney from which Salmonella enteritidis was isolated in culture. He was successfully treated with a combination of percutaneous drainage and washing the cyst through the catheter using piperacillin sodium-containing solution. The possibility of salmonellosis should be considered in the differential diagnosis of such patients.  相似文献   

A 54-year-old female, who had been treated for aplastic anemia by metenolone acetate since 1981, developed a sudden unconsciousness in September 1995. On admission, she was drowny, CT showed a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) in the right Sylvian fissure. Angiography demonstrated a complete occlusion of the superior sagittal sinus. The SAH was assumed to be originated from rupture of the right Sylvian vein, which was irregularly dilated on angiography. The dural sinus thrombosis was thought to be caused by a long term use of metenolone acetate, and it was discontinued. But her platelet count dropped due to the aggravation of aplastic anemia, and she developed repeated hemorrhagic infarction. An active anticoagulant therapy for the dural sinus thrombosis was thought to be inappropriate because she had the aplastic anemia and the hemorrhagic infarction recurred. We have successfully treated this case by mild anticoagulant therapy with nafamostat mesilate (Futhan).  相似文献   

A hypotensive effect of clonidine in non-narcotized intact and aorta baro-denervated rats is studied under conditions of minimization of stress actions (radiotelemetry) and under standard conditions of direct recording arterial pressure (AP). Direct AP recording is shown to determine an increase in background AP in baro-denervated rats, but not in control rats. An increase in background AP level under conditions of direct recording is not accompanied with decreasing hypotensive effect of clonidine in baro-denervated rats.  相似文献   

Clara cell protein (CC16) is an endogenous anti-inflammatory agent. It is produced mainly in the respiratory and urogenital tracts. CC16 has been quantified in serum, but not in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). The aim of this study was to examine CSF CC16 in relation to age, gender and serum CC16, and to examine CC16 levels in parturients. If CC16 levels are increased with age and during pregnancy, it may be responsible for the attenuation of inflammatory diseases such as multiple sclerosis during these conditions. CC16 was measured in CSF and serum taken just before Caesarean section (n=33) or just before an elective surgical procedure in females (n=52) or males (n=31). Fetal serum, amniotic fluid, and maternal urine were also sampled during Caesarean section. CC16 levels in CSF did not differ between parturients and an age and gender matched non-pregnant group, but was higher in male than in female patients. There was a significant and positive relationship between age and CSF CC16 levels and between serum and CSF CC16 levels. Fetal CC16 was significantly and positively correlated with amniotic fluid CC16. The present study suggests that CC16 found in CSF originates from passive diffusion from blood, and that CC16 found in amniotic fluid is derived from the fetal lung. During pregnancy, CC16 does not appear to contribute to alterations which occur in the progression of inflammatory disorders.  相似文献   

We reviewed the records and reevaluated 212 patients with aplastic anemia transplanted at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center (FHCRC) between 1970 and 1993 who survived >/=2 years and who have been followed for up to 26 years. Parameters analyzed included hematopoietic function, chronic graft-versus-host disease (GVHD), skin disease, cataracts, lung disease, skeletal problems, posttransplant malignancy, depression, pregnancy/fatherhood, and the return to work or school, as well as patient self-assessment of physical and psychosocial health, social interactions, memory and concentration, and overall severity of symptoms. Survival probabilities at 20 years were 89% for patients without (n = 125) and 69% for patients with chronic GVHD (n = 86) (the status was uncertain in 1 surviving patient). All patients had normal hematopoietic parameters. Skin problems occurred in 14%, cataracts in 12%, lung disease in 24%, and bone and joint problems in 18% of patients. Eleven patients (12%) developed a solid tumor malignancy and 19% of patients experienced depression. Chronic GVHD was the dominant risk factor for late complications. Seventeen patients died at 2.5 to 20.4 years posttransplant; 13 of these had chronic GVHD and related complications. At 2 years, 83% of patients had returned to school or work; the proportion increased to 90% by 20 years. At least half of the patients preserved or regained the ability to become pregnant or father children. Patients rated their quality of life as excellent and symptoms as minimal or mild. In conclusion, marrow transplantation in patients with aplastic anemia established long-term normal hematopoiesis. No new hematologic disorders occurred. The major cause of morbidity and mortality was chronic GVHD. However, the majority of patients who survived beyond 2 years returned to a fully functional life.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that peak magnitude strain gradients are spatially correlated with sites of bone formation. Ten adult male turkeys underwent functional isolation of the right radius and a subsequent 4-week exogenous loading regimen. Full field solutions of the engendered strains were obtained for each animal using animal-specific, orthotropic finite element models. Circumferential, radial, and longitudinal gradients of normal strain were calculated from these solutions. Site-specific bone formation within 24 equal angle pie sectors was determined by automated image analysis of microradiographs taken from the mid-diaphysis of the experimental radii. The loading regimen increased mean cortical area (+/-SE) by 32.3 +/- 10.5% (p = 0.01). Across animals, some periosteal bone formation was observed in every sector. The amount of periosteal new bone area contained within each sector was not uniform. Circumferential strain gradients (r2 = 0.36) were most strongly correlated with the observed periosteal bone formation. SED (a scalar measure of stress/strain magnitude with minimal relation to fluid flow) was poorly correlated with periosteal bone formation (r2 = 0.01). The combination of circumferential, radial, and longitudinal strain gradients accounted for over 60% of the periosteal new bone area (r2 = 0.63). These data indicate that strain gradients, which are readily determined given a knowledge of the bone's strain environment and geometry, may be used to predict specific locations of new bone formation stimulated by mechanical loading.  相似文献   

Matrix metalloproteinases have been shown to be important in tumour invasion and metastasis, and the use of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors in animal models has suggested that these agents may be useful in the control of malignant disease. This article reports the results of an early clinical trial of batimastat, one of the first generation of metalloproteinase inhibitors, in patients with malignant ascites. The drug was well absorbed via the intraperitoneal route and associated with few side-effects. Furthermore, a response to treatment was seen in about half the evaluable patients with advanced malignant disease. The results suggest that further research on the use of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors in patients with malignant disease is worthwhile.  相似文献   

Aplastic anaemia (AA) of the chronic type with severe cytopenia is very frequently a difficult therapeutic problem. Patients with granulocyte values below 0.5 G/l are threatened by infections, incl. sepsis possibly with a fatal outcome. If the pool of stem cells for granulocytes is not completely exhausted and can respond to growth factors, these patients can be treated either chronically and/or in risk situations (e.g. injury, surgery) with preparations of the type of a recombinant, granulocyte colony stimulating factor (rhG-CSF), or granulocyte and monocyte colony stimulating factor (rhGM-CSF). The authors present a review of diagnostic and therapeutic algorithms in patients with the AA syndrome and summarize their own experience with the preparation Neupogen Roche (rhG-CSF).  相似文献   

Umbilical cord blood (UCB) cells from HLA-matched donors are used as an alternative to bone marrow for allogeneic transplantation and reports of successful UCB transplantation in patients with severe aplastic anemia (SAA) are scarce. SAA was discovered in a 4-year-old girl in February 1990. Transfusion support started in August 1990 and standard treatments were unsuccessful. The birth of an HLA-compatible brother in October 1993 permitted the cryopreservation of UCB. In December 1994 UCB transplantation was decided upon. No toxicity occurred. G-CSF was started at day 28. WBC and PMN reached 0.5 x 10(9)/l at days 33 and 37. RBC and platelet transfusion independence were reached at days 50 and 52. Mixed chimerism was demonstrated in blood cells at 1.5, 4 and 6 months after UCBT by molecular biology (VNTR). FISH studies yielded similar results at 15 and 18 months. Twenty months after UCBT, molecular biology showed full donor chimerism. Clinical follow-up (last follow-up: 32 months post transplant) is unremarkable. We suggest that CY and ATG may be a suitable regimen for related HLA-compatible UCBT in patients with SAA. Residual recipient cells can disappear even very late after UCBT, permitting the establishment of complete donor chimerism.  相似文献   

Aplastic anemia is the rare hematologic complication of the antithyroid medication. We present here the case of 39-years old female who was treated with Thiamazole due to Graves disease. This and the others cases cited in the literature indicate that antithyroid drugs-induced aplastic anemia is characterised by severe clinical status and profound marrow hypoplasia or aplasia but good prognosis with short term recovering.  相似文献   

Bone marrow transplants for severe aplastic anemia were first performed in the 1970s. Transplant regimens, supportive care, and patient selection have changed substantially since then. Our objective was to determine the impact of these changes on transplant outcome. We studied 1,305 recipients of HLA-identical sibling transplants for aplastic anemia between 1976 and 1992, reported to the IBMTR by 179 centers. We compared survival of transplants performed in three intervals (1976 through 1980 [n = 186], 1981 through 1987 [n = 648], and 1988 through 1992 [n = 471]) using Cox proportional hazards regression. Five-year survival (+/-95% confidence interval) increased from 48% +/- 7% in the 1976-1980 cohort to 66% +/- 6% in the 1988-1992 cohort (P < .0001). Risks of graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) and interstitial pneumonia decreased over time, but the risk of graft failure did not. Higher long-term survival resulted primarily from decreased mortality in the first 3 months posttransplantation. Late mortality risks were low and changed little over the intervals studied. In multivariate analysis, changes in transplantation strategies accounted for most but not all of the improved outcome. Use of cyclosporine to prevent GVHD was the most important factor. Changes in patient selection did not seem to explain improved survival. Survival after HLA-identical sibling bone marrow transplantations for aplastic anemia has improved since 1976. Changes in GVHD prophylaxis account for much of this improvement. Other changes may also operate.  相似文献   

A 16-year-old patient with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia which had relapsed for the third time developed clinical signs and symptoms of septicemia during a period of neutropenia. The patient had signs of oral mucositis, and Stomatococcus mucilaginosus was isolated from blood cultures. The patient responded well to antibiotic therapy. The biochemical characteristics and antimicrobial susceptibility patterns of 68 other pharyngeal isolates of Stomatococcus mucilaginosus from immunocompromised patients are presented.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT) is the most common treatment for young patients with severe aplastic anemia (SAA). Late graft failure represents one of the possible unfavorable outcomes in this setting. Mixed chimerism might represent a risk factor for late graft failure. We examined this relationship by studying chimerism in long-term survivor SAA patients after allogeneic BMT. METHODS: We analyzed long-term hematopoietic chimerism in 15 patients who received BMTs for SAA: 9 with an irradiation-based conditioning regimen and 6 with ATG. We used a PCR method targeting VNTR loci. Sensitivity of the technique ranged between 0.5 and 1.5%. RESULTS: All patients conditioned with radiation-based schemes showed complete donor chimerism. Conversely, out of six patients who received cyclophosphamide and ATG as a conditioning regimen, only one of them had late graft failure (day +168). In this patient, durable mixed chimera status was first detected two months after BMT. INTERPRETATION AND CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that in long-term survivors of SAA after BMT there is almost always complete donor chimerism in both irradiated and ATG-conditioned recipients. Mixed chimerism might predict graft failure in these patients.  相似文献   

During January 1971--June 1975 we examined 195 patients with pancytopenia. The cause was bone marrow failure in 67.7% of cases (classic aplastic anaemia in 11.3%) hypersplenism in 7.7%, massive blood transfusions in 1.5%, severe infections in 9.7% (Gram-negative in 3%), and various other conditions in 7.8%. Records were insufficient for diagnosis in 5.6% of cases. Analysis of the 22 patients with aplastic anaemia showed no apparent aetiology in 16 (72.7%), previous phenylbutazone ingestion in 2, and Fanconi-type anaemia in 4 of 7 children. One-year survival was 73.7%, 2-year survival 71.4%, 3-year survival 63.6% and 4-year survival 57.1%. Marrow-investigation of the 21 available samples showed that 6 were acellular, 11 hypocellular and 4 normocellular. All patients received at least temporary therapy with anabolic steroids but its effectivity could not be satisfactorily assessed. Five patients died within 7 months and 5 patients went into remission, needing no further therapy. The initial haematological features of the 5 patients who died were not significantly different from those of the rest of the patients.  相似文献   

A 65-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital because of severe anemia. A skin biopsy was done in January 1994 and sarcoidosis was diagnosed. Diffuse reticular shadows were seen in both lung fields on a chest X-ray film and mediastinal lymph node swelling was seen on a chest CT scan. She was followed as an outpatient and was not treated. She suddenly experienced vertigo and general fatigue in March 1995. Laboratory findings on admission were as follows: Hb 6.2 g/dl, MCV 115.9 fl, Ret 198%, LDH 732 IU/L, I-Bil 1.9 mg/dl, and Coombs' test was positive. Autoimmune hemolytic anemia was diagnosed, and she was treated with prednisolone (1 mg/kg). As of the time of this writing, she has no relapse of hemolytic anemia though prednisolone was discontinued 6 months ago.  相似文献   

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