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名义上无水矿物中"水"的原位变温红外光谱研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨燕  夏群科  冯敏 《岩石学报》2011,27(2):566-578
名义上无水矿物(nominally anhydrous minerals, 简称NAMs, 如橄榄石、辉石、石榴石、长石等)中以缺陷形式存在的结构水的重要性已经被地球科学界广泛认同,并得到了越来越多的关注。由于对OH振动的高度敏感性,红外光谱方法被广泛用来测量NAMs中"水"的赋存状态、含量以及在晶体结构中的位置。随着傅立叶变换红外光谱仪的不断发展及分析技术的提高,以及红外附件的更新换代,出现了一些新的分析方法。原位变温红外光谱实验就是利用变温红外附件测量样品在不同温度下的红外光谱,通过研究不同温度下红外光谱图的峰形、峰位、峰数等参数的变化,了解温度改变过程中样品所发生的物理、化学变化,且具有实时监测的优点,因此广泛用于含水矿物和玻璃中OH和H2O的研究。主要包括含水矿物和玻璃的脱水机理及脱水动力学研究,OH和H2O的红外吸收系数的温度依赖性及不同温度下红外吸收系数的校正等方面。虽然原位变温红外光谱广泛应用于含水矿物和玻璃中水的研究,但是应用于名义上无水矿物还是刚刚起步。NAMs中的H是活动的,高温下H的赋存状态及其在晶体中的位置可能会不同于室温,而地质过程往往都在高温下进行,研究高温下NAMs中的水具有重要的地质学意义。因此,有必要利用原位变温红外光谱实时监测不同温度下NAMs中水的变化。有关NAMs中水的原位变温红外光谱实验早期工作只是观察不同温度下谱图参数的变化并给予一定的解释,以及用此法来确定NAMs中水的赋存状态。受含水矿物和玻璃的研究结果的启发,原位变温红外光谱实验目前也开始用来研究NAMs中水的脱水机理和扩散动力学。此外,利用原位变温红外光谱技术,通过研究不同温度下OH的积分吸收面积可探索NAMs中OH红外吸收系数温度依赖性;通过研究OH峰位随温度移动的幅度与某些化学成分的关系,可给出NAMs中OH的结合机理方面的有用信息。虽然近些年来已经开展了一些工作,取得了一些新的成果,但是总的说来还处在起步阶段,今后针对NAMs的研究重点应该集中在以下三个方面:(1)吸收系数温度依赖性的定量化,(2)脱水机理和动力学的扩展,(3) OH结合机理研究的深入。  相似文献   

利用变温红外光谱及偏振实验的结果,依据晶体化学理论及键长与振动频率的关系,从热膨胀速率这一新的角度探讨了单斜辉石中缺陷OH的结合机理。单斜辉石中OH的红外吸收峰主要有3组:3600~3620cm-1、3500~3540cm-1和3445~3465cm-1。第1组峰对应的的OH结合方式是Si4 O2- 1/2H2Al3 OH-,第3组峰对应的OH结合方式是H填充M2空位。第2组峰对应的OH结合方式复杂,可能和多个位置有关。第2和第3两组OH偶极的振动方向一致,都是M1和M2的共棱O2—O1,而第1组OH偶极的振动方向则是M2的O2—O3棱。  相似文献   

辉石中结构羟基变温行为的红外光谱初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
运用显微傅立叶变换红外光谱(Micro-FTIR)技术观察了辉石(单斜辉石和斜方辉石)中结构OH在原位连续加热、降温和阶段加热过程中的行为,从而更清楚地了解了缺陷氢在晶体结构中的位置及其结合机制。样品为安徽女山新生代玄武岩中的普通辉石巨晶和橄榄岩包体中的斜方辉石。温度从室温升到500℃,间隔100℃。实验结果表明,单斜辉石和斜方辉石的红外谱图随温度变化的趋势相同,即:OH的伸缩振动峰位都是随温度升高而向低波数移动,而且这种变化是可逆的;峰位的移动主要受H所取代的阳离子的位置或晶格空隙的热膨胀的影响。  相似文献   

Hydrogen diffusion in natural and synthetic orthopyroxene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 Hydrogen diffusion coefficients in natural orthopyroxenes and synthetic enstatite were determined by dehydration and hydration experiments at 700 and 900 °C. In natural Opx (approximately En90Fs10) small but significant differences in diffusivities along the three crystallographic axes were observed, [001] being the fastest direction, followed by [100] and [010]. Hydrogen diffusion in pure enstatite proved to be about 2 orders of magnitude slower and isotropic. The activation energy for hydrogen diffusion in pure enstatite was determined to be −295 (±55) kJmol−1, and −213 (±47) kJmol−1 for orthopyroxene from Kilbourne Hole. Long-term hydration experiments did not lead to saturation in hydrogen. Instead, after an initial increase in hydrogen concentration, a slow but continuing decrease could be observed in all cases. It is suggested that the investigated samples lose their ability to store hydrogen even when heated in a hydrogen atmosphere. This loss in storage ability can itself be described by a diffusion equation, its diffusion coefficients being more than 1 order of magnitude slower than the diffusion of hydrogen. Received: 22 February 2002 / Accepted: 18 October 2002  相似文献   

The OH site in topaz is investigated by IR spectroscopy depending on the OH concentration and temperature. The two OH bands that can be distinguished are due to the local ordering of F and OH in opposite sites of the crystal structure. The first typical sharp band stems from OH groups with fluorine in the opposite (=acceptor) site. The second band occurs as a shoulder on the low-energy wing and is related to two opposite OH groups. The degree of local OH–OH ordering depends on the OH concentration and, due to statistical F/OH distribution, can be predicted by probability calculations. The substitution of OH for F has a non-linear effect on the increase of the lattice parameters. An autocorrelation analysis of the IR spectra revealed two temperature-induced phase transitions. At −135°C, the local symmetry changes from P1 to Pbn21, although this change involves only the H atoms. The transition from Pbn21 to Pbnm at 160°C is caused by changes of the local F/OH ordering in the crystal structure.  相似文献   

The temperature induced structural evolution and thermoelastic behaviour of a natural (Pbca) orthopyroxene (Opx), with chemical formula M2(Mg0.856Ca0.025Fe2+ 0.119) M1(Mg0.957Fe2+ 0.011Fe3+ 0.016Cr0.011Al0.005)Al0.032Si1.968O6, from a suite of high pressure ultramafic nodules of mantle origin, have been investigated by in-situ neutron powder diffraction at several temperatures starting from 1,200°C down to 150°C. Unit-cell parameter variations as a function of T show no phase transition within this temperature range. The volume thermal expansion coefficient, α = V −1(∂V/∂T) P0, varies linearly with T. The axial thermal expansion coefficients, αj = l j−1(∂l j/∂T)P0, increase non-linearly with T. The principal Lagrangian unit-strain coefficients (ɛ//a, ɛ//b, ɛ//c), increase continuously with T. However, the orientation of the unit-strain ellipsoid appears to change with T. With decreasing T, the values of the unit-strain coefficients along the b and c axes tend to converge. The orientation at ΔT = 1,080°C is maintained down to the lowest temperature (150°C). The two non-equivalent tetrahedral chains, TA n OA3n and TB n OB3n , are kinked differently. At room-T, the TB n OB3n chain is more strongly kinked by about 23° than the TA n OA3n chain. With increasing T, the difference decreases by 3° for the TB n OB3n chain. The intersite cation exchange reaction between M1 and M2 (Mg2+ and Fe2+) shows a slight residual order at 1,200°C followed by reordering with decreasing temperature although seemingly not with a definite progressive trend. At the lowest temperature reached (150°C), reordering has occurred with the same value of partitioning coefficient K D as that before heating. The absence of the expected phase transition is most likely due to the presence of minor amounts of Fe3+, Al, Ca and Cr which must play a crucial role on the thermoelastic behaviour and phase stability fields in natural Opx, with consequent important petrologic and geological implications.  相似文献   

Olivine crystals from two mantle nodules in kimberlites (pipe Udachnaya and pipe Obnazennaya, Yakutiya, Siberia) were investigated using EMP, TEM, AEM and FTIR techniques to determine the mode of hydrogen occurrence in olivine. Olivine contains three types of nanometer-sized inclusions: “large” inclusions of hexagonal-like shape up to several hundred nm in size (1), lamellar defects (2) and small inclusions of hexagon-like shape up to several 10?nm in size (3). Lamellar defects and small inclusions are considered to be a “hydrous” olivine. All three types of inclusions contain OH? or water, but they are different with respect to their phase composition. In “large” inclusions (1) hydrous magnesium silicates, such as serpentine?+?talc (“kerolite”?) and 10-Å phase?+?talc were identified. Lamellar defects (2) and small inclusions (3) are depleted in Mg and Fe compared to the olivine matrix, while the silica content is the same as that of olivine. Modulations in the periodicity of the olivine structure are observed in SAED patterns and HREM images of (2) and (3). The superperiodicity can be referred to OH?-bearing point defect ordering in the olivine structure. If this is the case, the material of both lamellar defects and small inclusions can be assumed to be a “hydrous olivine” Mg2– x v x SiO4H2 x with a cation-deficient olivine crystal structure. Thus, both an extrinsic mode of hydrogen occurrence in olivine, such as nanometer-sized inclusions of OH?-bearing magnesium silicates, and an intrinsic mode of hydrogen incorporation into the olivine structure, such as “hydrous olivine” in itself, were found. The data obtained here show that the OH absorption bands observed in olivine spectra at 3704(3717) and 3683(3688) cm?1 can be unambiguously identified with serpentine; the band at 3677(3676) cm?1 can be associated with talc. The absorption bands observed at 3591 and 3660?cm?1 in olivine match those of the 10-Å phase at 3594, 3662 and 3666?cm?1.  相似文献   

In-situ IR measurements of OH species in quartz at high temperatures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The nature of OH species in natural clear quartz was investigated by means of in-situ IR measurements over the temperature range –185 to 1000 °C. Reversible thermal behavior of OH species was examined for a sample pre-heated to 1000 °C for 1 hour. At room temperature, the IR spectrum of the quartz sample examined includes an intense absorption peak at 3379 cm–1 which has been assigned to an OH stretching vibration associated with Al substituting for Si (OH(Al)). The major spectral changes of the OH(Al) bond involve a systematic shift of its peak position and a decrease in its integral absorbance with temperature. A quasi-linear increase of the peak position from –185 to 400 °C is interpreted to be due to the change in the vibrational frequency of OH(Al) with hydrogen bond (H bond) distance. At higher temperatures, the IR frequency shows only a slight change, indicating a small influence of the H bond. On the other hand, the gradual decrease of the integral absorbance of OH(Al) with temperature indicates a decrease of this defect’s molar absorptivity without any reduction in defect concentration. This is interpreted to result from a decrease in dipole moment of OH(Al) with temperature. A sudden shift of the vibrational frequency from 3396 to 3386 cm–1 between 550 and 560 °C and a constant value of the integral absorbance from 535 to 570 °C were considered to be related to the change in H bond distance during the structural transformation of α-quartz to its β-form. The local environment of OH(Al) begins to change at temperatures below 570 °C, where the crystallographic α–β transition occurs. Received: 18 February 1998/ Accepted: 10 July 1998  相似文献   

The molecular orbital and crystal field theories are compared and their applicabilities to bonding in silicates are discussed, A molecular orbital bonding model is favoured for orthopyroxene since bonding in both tetrahedral and non-tetrahedral sites within the crystal structure can be described and accommodated by the theory. It is suggested that Fe located in M2 sites has more electron delocalisation (or covalence) associated with it than Fe located in the M1 site. Order-disorder phenomena in orthopyroxene are discussed in relationship to Mueller's (1970) two-step exchange mechanism, whereby the first step corresponds to vacancy activation and the second step to exchange of Fe between an ‘octahedral’ site and a vacancy.  相似文献   

Thermodynamic properties of 32 dissolved thorium species and 9 thorium-bearing solid phases have been collected from the literature, critically evaluated and estimated where necessary for 25°C and 1 atm pressure. Although the data are incomplete, especially for thorium minerals and organic complexes, some tentative conclusions can be drawn. Dissolved thorium is almost invariably complexed in natural waters. For example, based on ligand concentrations typical of ground water (ΣCl = 10 ppm, ΣF = 0.3 ppm, ΣSO4 = 100 ppm, andΣPO4 = 0.1 ppm), the predominant thorium species are Th(SO4)02, ThF2+2, and Th(HPO4)20below pH ≈ 4.5; Th(HPO4)2?3 from about pH 4.5 to 7.5; and Th(OH)04 above pH 7.5. Based on stability constants for thorium citrate, oxalate and EDTA complexes, it seems likely that organic complexes predominate over inorganic complexes of thorium in organic-rich stream waters, swamp waters, soil horizons, and waterlogged recent sediments. The thorium dissolved in seawater is probably present in organic complexes and as Th(OH)04. The tendency for thorium to form strong complexes enhances its potential for transport in natural waters by many orders of magnitude below pH 7 in the case of inorganic complexing, and below about pH 8 when organic complexing is important. The existence of complexes in addition to those formed with hydroxyl, is apparent from the fact that measured dissolved thorium in fresh surface waters (pH values generally 5–8) usually ranges from about 0.01 to 1 ppb and in surface seawater (pH = 8.1) is about 0.00064 ppb. This may be contrasted with the computed solubility of thorianite in pure water which is only 0.00001 ppb Th as Th(OH)04 above pH 5. Although complexing increases the solubility of thorium-bearing heavy minerals below pH 8, maximum thorium concentrations in natural waters are probably limited in general by the paucity and slow solution rate of these minerals and by sorption processes, rather than by mineral-solution equilibria.  相似文献   

Retention behaviour of natural clayey materials at different temperatures   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The water retention capacity of geomaterials, and especially clayey soils, is sensitive to temperature changes as the physical mechanisms of retention, such as capillarity or adsorption, are affected by it. It is therefore a major issue to be able to define temperature-dependent behaviour of materials, especially for geo-energy and geo-environmental applications involving non-isothermal conditions. This paper presents results of experiments conducted on two representative materials: a hard clay (Opalinus clay) and a plastic clay (Boom clay), both of which have been considered as buffer materials for underground radioactive waste disposal, in Switzerland and Belgium, respectively. Two new devices were developed for this purpose to permit the analysis of water retention behaviour at different temperatures. The behaviour of these two materials at ambient (20 °C) and high temperature (80 °C) was observed and described through the evolution of the degree of saturation, the water content and the void ratio with respect to suction. It appears that the retention capability of the clays reduces significantly with an increase in temperature; on the other hand, the change in temperature had less of an effect on the total volume variation.  相似文献   

FTIR spectroscopy of OH in olivine: A new tool in kimberlite exploration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Our study of olivines from Canadian kimberlites shows that the application of FTIR spectroscopy significantly improves the reliability of olivine as a kimberlite indicator mineral (KIM). We have developed an algorithm that yields the water concentration and the normalized intensity of the OH IR absorption band at 3572 cm−1 from unpolished olivine grains of unknown thickness. For 80% of kimberlitic olivines these two parameters are significantly higher than those for olivines from non-kimberlitic magmas and consequently, olivines with water concentrations >60 ppm and a strong absorption band at 3572 cm−1 can be reliably classified as being kimberlitic.We have identified two major spectral features in the OH absorption bands of kimberlitic olivines that allow for a more detailed classification: (a) the presence of three types of high-requency OH absorption bands (Group 1A, 1B and 1C) and (b) the proportion of low-frequency OH absorption bands (Group 2) relative to high-frequency bands (Group 1). Comparison of our results with experimental studies suggests that differences within Group 1 OH absorption bands are due to different pressures of crystallization or hydrogenation. The three identified types of Group 1 OH absorption bands approximately correspond to high (P > 2 GPa, Group 1A), moderate (2-1 GPa, Group 1B), and low (<1 GPa, Group 1C) pressures of hydrogenation. Group 2 OH IR absorption bands in olivines with NiO > 3500 ppm are interpreted to reflect olivine-orthopyroxene equilibria and hence are indicative of xenocrystic olivine derived from lherzolitic or harzburgitic mantle sources. Interaction of xenocrystic olivine with hydrous kimberlitic melts with low silica activity likely will cause a gradual increase in Group 1 absorption bands. Therefore, FTIR spectra of olivine can be used to obtain qualitative estimates of the duration of interaction between mantle material and a kimberlitic melt.In addition to applications in kimberlite and diamond exploration, FTIR spectra of olivine phenocrysts, combined with mineral chemical data, may also provide insights into kimberlite evolution. Our data suggest that in some instances the ascent of kimberlitic magmas could have been interrupted at or near the Moho, followed by olivine crystallization and exsolution of aqueous fluids.  相似文献   

Barrerite, a zeolite with a stilbite-type framework, transforms on heating at 200–380° C and at 380–450° C into two new phases, called barrerite B and D respectively. After a few days barrerite B rehydrates to barrerite C. In the B and C heat-collapsed phases the aluminosilicate framework is interrupted by the statistical breaking of an oxygen bridge, giving rise to two partially occupied face-sharing tetrahedra. Near infrared (NIR) diffuse reflectance spectra show the absence of hydroxyls in natural barrerite and the presence of hydroxyls in its heat-collapsed phases. These results confirm the hypothesis that the fourth vertex of the tetrahedra generated from the breaking of the oxygen bridge is a hydroxyl. The presence of OH-bands in phase D suggests for this phase, as in the B and C phases, the presence of interrupted oxygen bridges.  相似文献   

Lattice defects along (100) planes in an orthopyroxene, En92.8-Fs7.0-Wo0.2, have been observed in the transmission electron microscope. From an analysis of the electron diffraction contrast at these defects it is proposed that the defects are regions of iron and possibly calcium enrichment. The defects are completely coherent with the lattice of the matrix and appear to be metastable or transition zones. They do not have any direct relationship with the spinodal decomposition proposed for the exsolution textures in some of the lunar pyroxenes of Apollo 11 and 12. Possible cationic ordering within these zones is discussed and the effects of such ordering on magnetic properties are considered.  相似文献   

A well-characterized suite of vesuvianite samples from the volcanic ejecta (skarn or syenites) from Latium (Italy) was studied by single-crystal, polarized radiation, Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and secondary-ion mass-spectrometry (SIMS). OH-stretching FTIR spectra consist of a rather well-defined triplet of broad bands at higher-frequency (3,700–3,300 cm–1) and a very broad composite absorption below 3,300 cm–1. Measurements with E//c or Ec show that all bands are strongly polarized with maximum absorption for E//c. They are in agreement with previous band assignments (Groat et al. Can Mineral 33:609, 1995) to the two O(11)–H(1) and O(10)–H(2) groups in the structure. Pleochroic measurements with changing direction of the E vector of the incident radiation show that the orientation of the O(11)–H(1) dipole is OHc~35°, in excellent agreement with the neutron data of Lager et al. (Can Mineral 37:763, 1999). A SIMS-based calibration curve at ~10% rel. accuracy has been worked out and used as reference for the quantitative analysis of H2O in vesuvianite by FTIR. Based on previous SIMS results for silicate minerals (Ottolini and Hawthorne in J Anal At Spectrom 16:1266, 2001; Ottolini et al. in Am Mineral 87:1477, 2002) the SiO2 and FeO content of the matrix were assumed as the major factors to be considered at a first approximation in the selection of the standards for H. The lack of vesuvianite standards for quantitative SIMS analysis of H2O has been here overcome by selecting low-silica elbaite crystals (Ottolini et al. in Am Mineral 87:1477, 2002). The resulting integrated molar absorption FTIR coefficient for vesuvianite is i=100.000±2.000 l mol–1 cm–2. SIMS data for Li, B, F, Sr, Y, Be, Ba REE, U and Th are also provided in the paper.  相似文献   

Kerogen samples were treated at temperatures and pressures up to 25–600°C and ~9 GPa, respectively. In situ micro-Raman spectroscopy was used to measure the systematic changes in the first-order Raman spectral features during the process of temperature or pressure increment. Three Raman bands, D1, D2, and G bands, were examined to characterize the structural and chemical changes of kerogen at high temperatures and pressures. We found that the wavenumbers of D1, D2 and G bands showed a linear variation with both temperature and pressure. Therefore, a correlation between R1 and R2 and the peak temperature in regionally metamorphosed rocks cannot be applied to this work. This result implies that the G band may serve as a temperature or pressure indicator during the promotion of maturation of kerogen. Kerogen possesses reversible properties in contrast with the natural samples recovered from the field suffered from prolonged thermal history during regional metamorphism.  相似文献   

徐薇  刘祥文  金振民 《地球科学》2006,31(6):830-838
超高压变质岩中名义上无水矿物(NAMs) 在板块俯冲过程中可以携带一部分地表水进入上地幔, 这些水储存于地球深部并对地幔动力学有着重要的影响.对中国大陆科学钻探主孔榴辉岩中的绿辉石和石榴石进行了详细的显微傅立叶变换红外光谱(Micro-FTIR) 分析, 结果显示所有绿辉石和石榴石颗粒都含有结构水, 其水含量范围分别在68~29μg/g和20~75μg/g.榴辉岩全岩的水含量为150~300μg/g.绿辉石和石榴石结构水含量的分布出现2种情况: (1) 颗粒内部的均一分布; (2) 不均匀分布, 表现为水含量从核部到幔部到边部随之增加或水含量核部、边部低而幔部高.电子探针结果表明水含量分布不均与矿物化学成分无直接关系.位错分布不均匀可能导致了颗粒内部结构水分布的不均匀.   相似文献   

 Contamination of groundwater by petroleum-hydrocarbons is a widespread environmental problem. Natural attenuation is a passive remedial approach to degrade and dissipate contaminants in soil and groundwater. In this study, a mass flux approach was used to calculate the contaminant mass reduction and field-scale decay rate at a gasoline spill site. The mass flux technique is accomplished using the differences in total contaminant mass flux across two cross sections of the contaminant plume. The mass flux calculation shows that up to 88% of the dissolved BTEX (benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene isomers) removal was observed by natural attenuation processes. The efficiency of intrinsic biodegradation was evaluated by the in situ tracer method. A first-order decay model was applied for the natural attenuation and intrinsic biodegradation rate calculation. Results reveal that intrinsic biodegradation process was the major cause of the BTEX reduction among the natural attenuation mechanisms, and iron reduction was the dominant biodegradation pattern within the plume. Approximately 87% of the BTEX removal was caused by intrinsic biodegradation processes. The calculated BTEX natural attenuation and intrinsic biodegradation rates were 0.24 and 0.16% l/day, respectively. Results suggest that natural attenuation mechanisms can effectively contain the plume, and the mass flux method is useful in assessing the efficiency of the natural attenuation. Received: 6 December 1999 · Accepted: 11 July 2000  相似文献   

The hydroxyl stretching frequencies of four phyllosilicates have been measured at high pressures and temperatures using an externally heated diamond-anvil cell and synchrotron infrared spectroscopy. Spectra were measured up to 26, 31, 21 and 8 GPa at room temperature for samples of talc, pyrophyllite, muscovite and 10-Å phase, respectively. Spectra were also measured in the range 273–500 K at ambient pressure for all samples and at 8–9 GPa for talc and pyrophyllite. The frequency of the Mg3OH band in talc increases with pressure due to the absence of hydrogen bonding. The different orientation of the hydroxyl group in pyrophyllite and muscovite leads to hydrogen bonding and a decrease in the frequency of the Al2OH band with pressure. 10-Å phase is approximately equivalent to talc with the addition of interlayer H2O. In a spectrum of a sample synthesised for 143 h, two hydroxyl stretching bands are clearly resolved on compression. One is the same as the Mg3OH band in talc, indicating the presence of intra-layer hydroxyl in a talc-like environment with no hydrogen bonding. The other, which separates from the talc-like band at 1 GPa, is associated with intra-layer hydroxyl that is hydrogen bonded to interlayer H2O. There are equivalent bands in high-pressure spectra of a sample of deuterated 10-Å phase, synthesised for 400 h. This sample shows a greater extent of hydrogen bonding at ambient pressure than the 143 h sample. For all of the phases studied, increasing temperature leads to a decrease in frequency for every hydroxyl stretching vibration, both at low and high pressures. The shifts in frequency with temperature are an order of magnitude greater than the shifts with pressure when normalised to previously measured structural parameters.  相似文献   

Geothermometric equations for spinel peridotites by Fujii (1976), Gasparik and Newton (1984), and Chatterjee, and Terhart (1985) based on the reaction enstatite (en)+spinel (sp)Mg–Tschermaks (mats)+forsterite (fo) were tested using a nearly isothermal suite of mantle xenoliths from the Eifel, West Germany. In spite of using activities of MgAl2O4, en, and mats to allow for the non-ideal solution behaviour of the constituent phases, temperatures calculated from these equations systematically change as a function of Cr/(Cr+AL+Fe3+) in spinel. We propose an improved version of the empirical geothermometer for spinel peridotites of Sachtleben and Seck (1981) derived from the evaluation of the solubilities of Ca and Al in orthopyroxene from more than 100 spinel peridotites from the Rhenish Volcanic Province. A least squares regression yielded a smooth correlation between

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