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A problem of optimal control of the temperature conditions of carbonaceous feedstock pyrolysis in a plug-flow reactor was formulated, and it was shown that the optimal temperature profile depends significantly on the ratio between the activation energies of the desired and side reactions and also on the type of the main pyrolysis reactions (consecutive, parallel, or consecutive-parallel).  相似文献   

A mathematical model of unsteady-state carbonaceous feedstock pyrolysis in a multichannel tubular reactor was proposed. It was shown that the conversion of feedstock being heated at periodically varying temperature can exceed the conversion on heating at constant temperature. The main design parameters of the multichannel reactor were determined.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of carbonaceous feedstock pyrolysis in a countercurrent tubular reactor was proposed. It was shown that the pyrolysis in a tubular reactor in which porous carbonaceous feedstock is heated in a countercurrent flow of a heated gas can be highly efficient.  相似文献   

A macrokinetic model of pyrolysis of carbonaceous feedstock in a tubular reactor was proposed. It was shown that, under unsteady-state conditions (at oscillating temperature of feedstock heating), higher conversions can be reached in comparison with steady-state conditions, which agrees with experimental data on flash pyrolysis of biomass in a tubular reactor during heating–cooling cycles.  相似文献   

A macrokinetic model of carbonaceous feedstock pyrolysis in a tubular reactor of variable cross section was constructed. It was shown that, to intensify the pyrolysis in such a tubular reactor, its diameter should vary depending on the viscosity of the reaction products.  相似文献   

In the stirred batch experiment, the Mn(II)-catalyzed bromate-saccharide reaction in aqueous H2SO4 or HClO4 solution exhibits damped oscillations in the concentrations of bromide and Mn(II) ions. Peculiar multiple oscillations are observed in the system with arabinose or ribose. The apparent second-order rate constants of the Mn(III)-saccharide reactions at 25°C are (0.659, 1.03, 1.76, 2.32, and 6.95) M−1 s−1 in 1.00 M H2SO4 and (4.69, 7.51, 10.2, 13.5, and 36.2) M−1 s−1 in (2.00–4.00) M HClO4 for (glucose, galactose, xylose, arabinose, and ribose), respectively. At 25°C, the observed pseudo-first-order rate constant of the Mn(III)-Br reaction is kobs = (0.2 ± 0.1) [Br] + (130 ± 5)[Br]2 + (2.6 ± 0.1) × 103[Br]3 + (1.2 ± 0.2) × 104[Br]4 s−1 and the rate constant of the Br2 Mn(II) reaction is less than 1 × 10−4 M−1 s−1. The second-order rate constants of the Br2-saccharide reactions are (3.65 ± 0.15, 11.0 ± 0.5, 4.05, 12.5 ± 0.7, and 2.62) × 10−4 M−1 s−1 at 25°C for glucose, galactose, xylose, arabinose, and ribose, respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper, thermogravimetry, TG, and pyrolysis are used for the thermochemical evaluation of the common reed (Pragmites australis) as a candidate biomass feedstock. The TG analysis indicated that the material loses 4% of its weight below 150 °C through dehydration. The main decomposition reaction occurs between 200 and 390 °C. The rate of weight loss, represented by the derivative thermogravimetric, DTG, signal indicated a multi-step reaction. Kinetic analysis helped in the resolution of the temperature ranges of the overlapping steps. The first step corresponds to the degradation of the hemi-cellulosic fraction and the second to the cellulosic fraction degradation. The TG and DTG signals of reed samples treated with increasing concentration of potassium carbonate (0.6–10 wt%) indicated a catalytic effect of the salt on reed decomposition. The temperature of maximum weight loss rate, DTGmax, exponentially decreased with increasing catalyst content, whilst the initial temperature of the decomposition decreased linearly. The pyrolysis studies were carried out in a Pyrex vertical reactor with sintered glass disc to hold the sample and to aid the fluidization with the nitrogen stream flowing upwards. The reactor was connected to a cyclone and condenser and a gas sampling device. Tar and char are collected and weighed. The gas chromatographic analysis of the evolved gases demonstrated the effect of pyrolysis temperature (400, 450, and 500 °C) on their composition. The temperature increase favors the yields of hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide and hydrogen at the expense of methanol and carbon dioxide. Similarly, reed samples treated with K2CO3 at 10 wt% were pyrolyzed and analyzed. Comparisons for the various parameters (yields, gas composition and carbon–hydrogen recovery) between the untreated and catalyzed reed conversion were also made.  相似文献   

In this work, the variations of the relaxation times are investigated above and below the glass transition temperature of a model amorphous polymer, the polycarbonate. Three different techniques (calorimetric, dielectric and thermostimulated currents) are used to achieve this goal. The relaxation time at the glass transition temperature was determined at the temperature dependence convergence of the relaxation times calculated with dynamic dielectric spectroscopy (DDS) for the liquid state and thermostimulated depolarisation currents (TSDC) for the vitreous state. We find a value of τ(Tg) = 110 s for PC samples. The knowledge of the temperature dependence, τ(T), and the value τ(Tg) enables to determine the glass-forming liquid fragility index, m. We find m = 178 ± 5.  相似文献   

Reaction probabilities as a function of total angular momentum (opacity functions) and the resulting reaction cross sections for the collision of open shell S((1)D) atoms with para-hydrogen have been calculated in the kinetic energy range 0.09-10 meV (1-120 K). The quantum mechanical hyperspherical reactive scattering method and quasi-classical trajectory and statistical quasi-classical trajectory approaches were used. Two different ab initio potential energy surfaces (PESs) have been considered. The widely used reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) PES by Ho et al. [T.-S. Ho, T. Hollebeek, H. Rabitz, S. D. Chao, R. T. Skodje, A. S. Zyubin, and A. M. Mebel, J. Chem. Phys 116, 4124 (2002)] and the recently published accurate double many-body expansion (DMBE)/complete basis set (CBS) PES by Song and Varandas [Y. Z. Song and A. J. C. Varandas, J. Chem. Phys. 130, 134317 (2009)]. The calculations at low collision energies reveal very different dynamical behaviors on the two PESs. The reactivity on the RKHS PES is found to be considerably larger than that on the DMBE/CBS PES as a result of larger reaction probabilities at low total (here also orbital) angular momentum values and to opacity functions which extend to significantly larger total angular momentum values. The observed differences have their origin in two major distinct topographic features. Although both PESs are essentially barrierless for equilibrium H-H distances, when the H-H bond is compressed the DMBE/CBS PES gives rise to a dynamical barrier which limits the reactivity of the system. This barrier is completely absent in the RHKS PES. In addition, the latter PES exhibits a van der Walls well in the entrance channel which reduces the height of the centrifugal barrier and is able to support resonances. As a result, a significant larger cross section is found on this PES, with marked oscillations attributable to shape resonances and/or to the opening of partial wave contributions. The comparison of the results on both PESs is illustrative of the wealth of the dynamics at low collision energy. It is also illuminating about the difficulties encountered in modeling an all-purpose global potential energy surface.  相似文献   

The reactivity of the carbonaceous surface overlayer formed on Pt/Al2O3 catalysts in n-hexane dehydrocyclization has been studied by high temperature Pyrolysis Gas Chromatography. This method can be used to characterize surface carbon overlayers formed on different catalysts in the course of hydrocarbon reactions.
, Pt/Al2O3 -, . , .

Comparative studies were made of (a) the residue and (b) the fraction volatile at pyrolysis temperature but involatile at ambient temperature, from polystyrene and poly(m-acetamidostyrene) degraded under identical conditions. Poly(m-acetamidostyrene) yields residues which become insoluble at temperatures greater than 250°C in solvents for the linear polymer. Crosslinking is accompanied by N-acyl bond scission and weight loss behaviour is molecular weight dependent. Possible routes to the formation of crosslinked residues are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

Poly(isoprene) (97% cis-1,4 and 3% 3,4) has been pyrolysed in a carrier stream of helium from 315 to 384°. The products were online identified and quantitatively analysed by an interfaced pyrolysis GC peak identification system. The first order rate constant for pyrolysis is 1.1 × 10?2 sec?1 at 384° with an overall activation energy of 41 kcal mol?1. The main products are isoprene and 1-methyl-4-isopropenyl cyclohexene. The dominant initiation process has been shown to be β chain scission leading to two allylic radicals. The former product is derived from an unzipping reaction, the latter together with 1.5-dimethyl-5-vinylcyclohexene are the main C10 products from the allylic radicals. All the other minor products can be account for by simple chain propagation reactions with or without intramolecular hydrogen transfers.  相似文献   

《Materials Chemistry》1981,6(1):35-54
The high temperature reduction processes for oxygen and water at the catodic interface with an oxygen ion conducting ceramic electrolyte have been reviewed.Different Investigators provided different interpretations for the rate limiting step of the overall reaction, but it seems clear that at temperatures around 1000°C the kinetics does not depend solely on the concentration polarization of the oxygen ion vacancies in the electrolyte, but also by the transport either of the parent or the intermediate species feeding the charge exchange process through the porous structure of metal cathodes.For oxide cathodes the kinetic parameters appear interesting as the reaction rates at these electrodes may be affected not only by the conductivity and transport properties through the electrode material but also by its catalytic activity for the water chemical equilibrium at the cathode surface. Further improvements in the water decomposition rates may be achieved by using oxides of suitable defective structure.The rate of the overall cathodic process is, at any rate, limited by the process of injection of free carriers in the electrolyte. This results in an irreversible alteration (blackening) of the electrolyte with a sharp decay of both the electrical conductivity characteristics and mechanical properties.  相似文献   

Pyrolysis of the complex (ato-N2)pentaammincobalt(III) perchlorate and the ligand 5-nitrotetrazole, and also of the initial complex aquapentaammincobalt(III) perchlorate was studied by the mass spectroscopy method. The leading oxidizer of ligands in the complexes is changed for the outer-sphere perchlorate ion at the pyrolysis temperature of ~250°C.  相似文献   

The effect of confinement on the kinetics of the surface hydrolysis of polystyrene-block-poly(tert-butyl acrylate) (PS(n)-b-PtBA(m)) thin films on oxidized silicon substrates in 3 M aqueous hydrochloric acid was systematically investigated. As shown by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and contact angle measurements, a skin layer of acid-sensitive PtBA is present on the surface of PS(n)-b-PtBA(m) films, consistent with the lower surface tension of PtBA compared to that of PS. The thickness of the skin layer was determined by angle-dependent XPS as approximately 8 nm for PS(690)-b-PtBA(1210). Tapping mode atomic force microscopy showed an increasing surface coverage of swollen poly(acrylic acid)-rich globules with increasing hydrolysis time. Using ex situ Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, the reaction kinetics was determined quantitatively as a function of temperature, polymer film thickness, thermal pretreatment of the films, and block copolymer composition. The initial stages of the hydrolysis can be described as a pseudo-first-order reaction under all conditions investigated. The corresponding rate constants were found to be 2 orders of magnitude lower than those reported for the hydrolysis of tert-butyl acetate in solution and depended linearly on the fraction of PtBA exposed at the surface. However, the polymer film thickness, thermal pretreatment of the films, block copolymer composition, and local composition did not affect the rate constants. The negative value of the activation entropy (DeltaS(298)++ = -103 J/mol K), determined according to the Arrhenius equation and transition state theory, indicates that the tightness of the transition state is more pronounced in the PS(n)-b-PtBA(m) film compared to reactions in solution. Thus, the spatial constraints due to the incorporation of the reactive ester groups in thin polymer films are responsible for the observed reduced reactivity.  相似文献   

It is shown that van der Waals interaction potential plays a crucial role in chemical reactions at low temperatures. By taking the Cl+HD reaction as an illustrative example, we demonstrate that quasibound states of the van der Waals potential preferentially undergo chemical reaction rather than vibrational predissociation. Prereaction occurs even when the wave functions of the quasibound states peak far out into the entrance channel, outside the region of the van der Waals well. It is found that chemical reaction dominates over nonreactive vibrational quenching in collisions of vibrationally excited HD molecules with ground state chlorine atoms at ultracold temperatures.  相似文献   

The pyrolytic conversion of allyltrimethylsilane to vinyltrimethylsilane is rate determined by a bimolecular reaction; the main initial unimolecular step is siliconallyl bond rupture.  相似文献   

We study the mechanism of proton transfer (PT) between the photoacid (8-hydroxy-1,3,6-pyrenetrisulfonic acid (HPTS)) and the base acetate in aqueous solution using femtosecond vibrational spectroscopy. By probing the vibrational resonances of the photoacid, the accepting base, and the hydrated proton we find that intermolecular PT in this model system involves the transfer of the proton across several water molecules linking the donor-acceptor pair by hydrogen bonds (H-bonds). We find that at high base concentration the rate of PT is not determined by the mutual diffusion of acid and base but rather by the rate of Grotthuss-like conduction of the proton between molecules. This long-range PT requires an activated solvent configuration to facilitate the charge transfer.  相似文献   

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