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An experimental investigation on the convective heat transfer and friction factor characteristics in the plain and dimpled tube under laminar flow with constant heat flux is carried out with distilled water and CuO/water nanofluids. For this, CuO nanoparticles with an average size of 15.3 nm were synthesized by sol–gel method. The nanoparticles are then dispersed in distilled water to form stable suspension of CuO/water nanofluid containing 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% volume concentration of nanoparticles. It is found that the experimental Nusselt numbers for 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% volume concentration of CuO nanoparticles are about 6, 9.9 and 12.6%, respectively higher than those obtained with distilled water in plain tube. However, the experimental Nusselt numbers for 0.1, 0.2 and 0.3% volume concentration of CuO nanoparticles are about 3.4, 6.8 and 12%, respectively higher than those obtained with distilled water in dimpled tube. The friction factor of CuO/water nanofluid is also increased due to the inclusion of nanoparticles and found to increase with nanoparticle volume concentration. The experimental results show that there exists a difference in the enhancement levels of Nusselt numbers obtained with nanofluids in plain tube and dimpled tube. Hence it is proposed that the mechanism of heat transfer enhancement obtained with nanofluids is due to particle migration from the core of fluid flow to tube wall.  相似文献   

Nanofluid is the term applied to a suspension of solid, nanometer-sized particles in conventional fluids; the most prominent features of such fluids include enhanced heat characteristics, such as convective heat transfer coefficient, in comparison to the base fluid without considerable alterations in physical and chemical properties. In this study, nanofluids of aluminum oxide and copper oxide were prepared in ethylene glycol separately. The effect of forced convective heat transfer coefficient in turbulent flow was calculated using a double pipe and plate heat exchangers. Furthermore, we calculated the forced convective heat transfer coefficient of the nanofluids using theoretical correlations in order to compare the results with the experimental data. We also evaluated the effects of particle concentration and operating temperature on the forced convective heat transfer coefficient of the nanofluids. The findings indicate considerable enhancement in convective heat transfer coefficient of the nanofluids as compared to the base fluid, ranging from 2% to 50%. Moreover, the results indicate that with increasing nanoparticles concentration and nanofluid temperature, the convective heat transfer coefficient of nanofluid increases. Our experiments revealed that in lower temperatures, the theoretical and experimental findings coincide; however, in higher temperatures and with increased concentrations of the nanoparticles in ethylene glycol, the two set of results tend to have growing discrepancies.  相似文献   

A numerical investigation of the mixed convection heat transfer from vertical helically coiled tubes in a cylindrical shell at various Reynolds and Rayleigh numbers, various coil‐to‐tube diameter ratios and non‐dimensional coil pitches was carried out. The particular difference in this study compared with other similar studies is the boundary conditions for the helical coil. Most studies focus on constant wall temperature or constant heat flux, whereas in this study it was a fluid‐to‐fluid heat exchanger. The purpose of this article is to assess the influence of the tube diameter, coil pitch and shell‐side mass flow rate on shell‐side heat transfer coefficient of the heat exchanger. Different characteristic lengths were used in the Nusselt number calculations to determine which length best fits the data and finally it has been shown that the normalized length of the shell‐side of the heat exchanger reasonably demonstrates the desired relation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experiments were carried out to compare pressure drop and heat transfer coefficients for a plain, microfin, and twisted-tape insert-tubes. The twisted-tape experiments include three different twist ratios each with two different widths. The data were taken at Reynolds numbers well in the laminar region. The heat transfer data were obtained in a single shell-and-tube heat exchanger where steam is used as a heat source to obtain a uniform wall temperature and the working fluid in the tube is oil. The twist ratio and the width of the tape seem to have a large effect on the performance of the twisted-tape insert. The results demonstrate that as the twist ratio decreases, the twisted-tape will give better heat transfer enhancement. The loose-fit (W=10.8 mm) is recommended to be used in the design of heat exchanger where low twist ratios (Y=5.4, and Y=3.6) and high pressure drop situations are expected since it is easier to install and remove for cleaning purposes. Other than these situations, the tight-fit tape gives a better performance over the loose-fit tape. For the microfin tube tested in this paper, the data shows a small increase in both heat transfer and pressure drop. This type of microfin tube is not recommended to be used in laminar flow conditions.  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of an experimental study that was carried out to determine turbulent friction and heat transfer characteristics of four spirally corrugated tubes, which have various geometrical parameters, with water and oil as the working fluids. Experiments were performed under conditions of Reynolds number varying from 6000 to 93,000 for water, and from 3200 to 19,000 for oil, respectively. The results show that the thermal performance of these tubes was superior compared to a smooth tube, but the heat transfer enhancements were not as large as the friction factor increases. Friction factors and heat transfer coefficient in these rough tubes were analyzed on the basis of momentum and heat transfer analogy, and the correlations obtained were compared with the present data and also the results of previous investigators. A mathematical model to evaluate the performance of spirally corrugated tube, which takes account of the large variation of fluid Prandtl number with temperature, was developed by the extension of previous work of Bergles and Webb. The results reported enable practical designs with standard products and optimization of tube geometry for specific conditions.  相似文献   

Differently from most previous studies, the heat transfer and friction characteristics of the pure refrigerant HFC-134a during evaporation inside a vertical corrugated tube are experimentally investigated. The double tube test sections are 0.5 m long with refrigerant flowing in the inner tube and heating water flowing in the annulus. The inner tubes are one smooth tube and two corrugated tubes, which are constructed from smooth copper tube of 8.7 mm inner diameter. The test runs are performed at evaporating temperatures of 10, 15, and 20 °C, heat fluxes of 20, 25, and 30 kW/m2, and mass fluxes of 200, 300, and 400 kg/m2 s. The quality of the refrigerant in the test section is calculated using the temperature and pressure obtained from the experiment. The pressure drop across the test section is measured directly by a differential pressure transducer. The effects of heat flux, mass flux, and evaporation temperature on the heat transfer coefficient and two-phase friction factor are also discussed. It is found that the percentage increases of the heat transfer coefficient and the two-phase friction factor of the corrugated tubes compared with those of the smooth tube are approximately 0-10% and 70-140%, respectively.  相似文献   

Microstructure heat exchangers have unique properties that make them useful for numerous scientific and industrial applications. The power transferred per unit volume is mainly a function of the distance between heat source and heat sink—the smaller this distance, the better the heat transfer. Another parameter governing for the heat transfer is the lateral characteristic dimension of the heat transfer structure; in the case of microchannels, this is the hydraulic diameter. Decreasing this characteristic dimension into the range of several 10s of micrometers leads to very high values for the heat transfer rate.

Another possible way of increasing the heat transfer rate of a heat exchanger is changing the flow regime. Microchannel devices usually operate within the laminar flow regime. By changing from microchannels to three dimensional structures, or to planar geometries with microcolumn arrays, a significant increase of the heat transfer rate can be achieved.

Microheat exchangers in the form of both microchannel devices (with different hydraulic diameters) and microcolumn array devices (with different microcolumn layouts) are presented and compared. Electrically heated microchannel devices are presented, and industrial applications are briefly described.  相似文献   

Secondary flow patterns, pressure drop and heat transfer in rib-roughened rectangular channels have been investigated. The aspect ratio of the channels is 1–8, and ribs are attached to the wide channel walls in order to set up swirling motions. The geometries tested consist of channels having cross ribs, parallel ribs, cross V-ribs, parallel V-ribs, and multiple V-ribs (Swirl Flow Tube). The flow patterns were investigated using smoke wire visualization and LDV measurements. The smoke wire experiments have been performed at Re=1100 and the LDV measurements at Re=3000 at periodic fully developed conditions. The heat transfer and pressure drop are described by j and f factors for Reynolds numbers from 500 to 15 000. The distributions of axial mean velocity and turbulent fluctuations are strongly influenced by the secondary flows. Large mean velocities and small fluctuations are found in regions where the secondary flow is directed towards a surface, while small mean velocities and large fluctuations are found in regions where the secondary flow is directed away from a surface. The Swirl Flow Tube provides a significant increase in the j factor at Reynolds numbers from 1000 to 2000, but unfortunately also an increase in the f factor. At higher Reynolds numbers, the j and f factors of the Swirl Flow Tube are of the same order of magnitude as for the other rib-roughened channels. It is found that the flow direction in a channel with parallel V-ribs has important influence on the j/f ratio. At Reynolds numbers above 4000, this channel provides the highest j/f ratio if the V-ribs are pointing upstream; while it provides the lowest j/f ratio of all rib configurations, if the V-ribs are pointing downstream.  相似文献   

Mini-channel heat sinks have relatively low Nusselt number due to small Reynolds number. For heat transfer enhancement purpose, a mini-channel radiator with cylinder disturbed flow was proposed. The disturbed flow was created by a circular cylinder placed horizontally in front of channels entrance. The performance of heat transfer and pressure drop with/without disturbed flow was studied experimentally. It was found that the friction factor of mini-channel flow was larger than that of the macro-channel flow due to larger surface roughness, and the pressure drop caused by cylinder disturbed flow was less than 5%. It also concluded that the average Nusselt number increases with augment of Reynolds and Prandtl number. The Nusselt number correlations as the function of the Reynolds and Prandtl number were given for evaluation the heat removal performance of similar heat radiators. There is an inflexion point in the empirical formulas when the channel length equals to the thermal entrance length. For the mini-channels heat radiators with disturbed flow, the inflexion Reynolds number is larger than that of without disturbed flow. Due to the flow pulsing caused by circular cylinder placed in front of channels entrance, the thermal entrance length increases. On the other hand, for both mini-channels with or without disturbed flow, the thermal resistance increases with the decrease of pressure drop.  相似文献   

In this paper, fully developed laminar flow convective heat transfer and friction factor characteristics of Al2O3/water nanofluid flowing through a uniformly heated horizontal tube with and without wire coil inserts is presented. For this purpose, Al2O3 nanoparticles of 43 nm size were synthesized, characterized and dispersed in distilled water to form stable suspension containing 0.1% volume concentration of nanoparticles. The Nusselt number in the fully developed region were measured and found to increase by 12.24% at Re = 2275 for plain tube with nanofluid compared to distilled water. Two wire coil inserts made of stainless steel with pitch ratios 2 and 3 were used which increased the Nusselt numbers by 15.91% and 21.53% respectively at Re = 2275 with nanofluid compared to distilled water. The better heat transfer performance of nanofluid with wire coil insert is attributed to the effects of dispersion or back-mixing which flattens the temperature distribution and make the temperature gradient between the fluid and wall steeper. The measured pressure loss with the use of nanofluids is almost equal to that of the distilled water. The empirical correlations developed for Nusselt number and friction factor in terms of Reynolds/Peclet number, pitch ratio and volume concentration fits with the experimental data within ±15%.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the interaction of peristalsis with heat transfer for the flow of a viscous fluid in a vertical porous annular region between two concentric tubes. Long wavelength approximation (that is, the wavelength of the peristaltic wave is large in comparison with the radius of the tube) is used to linearise the governing equations. Using the perturbation method, the solutions are obtained for the velocity and the temperature fields. Also, the closed form expressions are derived for the pressure-flow relationship and the heat transfer at the wall. The effect of pressure drop on flux is observed to be almost negligible for peristaltic waves of large amplitude; however, the mean flux is found to increase by 10-12% as the free convection parameter increases from 1 to 2. Also, the heat transfer at the wall is affected significantly by the amplitude of the peristaltic wave. This warrants further study on the effects of peristalsis on the flow and heat transfer characteristics.  相似文献   

Spirally fluted tubes are used extensively in the design of tubular heat exchangers. In previous investigations, results for tubes with flute depths e/Dvi < 0.2 were reported, with most correlations applicable for Re ≥ 5000. This paper presents the results of an experimental investigation of the heat transfer and pressure drop characteristics of spirally fluted tubes with the following tube and flow parameter ranges: flute depth e/Dvi = 0.1−0.4, flute pitch p/Dvi = 0.4−7.3, helix angle θ/90° = 0.3−0.65, Re = 500−80,000, and Pr = 2−7. The heat transfer coefficients inside the fluted tube were obtained from measured values of the overall heat transfer coefficient using a nonlinear regression scheme. The friction factor data obtained consisted of 507 data points. The proposed correlation for the friction factor predicts 96% of the database within ±20%. The heat transfer correlation for the range 500 ≤ Re ≤ 5000 predicts 76% of the database (178 data points) within ±20%, and the correlation for the higher Re range predicts 97% of the 342 data points within ±20%. Comparison of heat transfer and friction data show that these tubes are most effective in the laminar and transition flow regimes. The present results show that the increase of flute depth in the range considered does not improve heat transfer.  相似文献   

The naphthalene sublimation method was used to study the effects of span position of vortex generators (VGs) on local heat transfer on three-row flat tube bank fin. A dimensionless factor of the larger the better characteristics, JF, is used to screen the optimum span position of VGs. In order to get JF, the local heat transfer coefficient obtained in experiments and numerical method are used to obtain the heat transferred from the fin. A new parameter, named as staggered ratio, is introduced to consider the interactions of vortices generated by partial or full periodically staggered arrangement of VGs. The present results reveal that: VGs should be mounted as near as possible to the tube wall; the vortices generated by the upstream VGs converge at wake region of flat tube; the interactions of vortices with counter rotating direction do not effect Nusselt number (Nu) greatly on fin surface mounted with VGs, but reduce Nu greatly on the other fin surface; the real staggered ratio should include the effect of flow convergence; with increasing real staggered ratio, these interactions are intensified, and heat transfer performance decreases; for average Nu and friction factor (f), the effects of interactions of vortices are not significant, f has slightly smaller value when real staggered ratio is about 0.6 than that when VGs are in no staggered arrangement. A cross section area of flow passage [m2] - A mim minimum cross section area of flow passage [m2] - a width of flat tube [m] - b length of flat tube [m] - B pT lateral pitch of flat tube: B pT = S 1/T p - d h hydraulic diameter of flow channel [m] - D naph diffusion of naphthalene [m2/s] - f friction factor: f = pd h/(Lu 2 max/2) - h mass transfer coefficient [m/s] - H height of winglet type vortex generators [m] - j Colburn factor [–] - JF a dimensionless ratio, defined in Eq. (23) [–] - L streamwise length of fin [m] - L PVG longitudinal pitch of vortex generators divided by fin spacing: L pVG = l VG/T p - l VG pitch of in-line vortex generators [m] - m mass [kg] - m mass sublimation rate of naphthalene [kg/m2·s] - Nu Nusselt number: Nu = d h/ - P pressure of naphthalene vapor [Pa] - p non-dimensional pitch of in-line vortex generators: p = l VG/S 2 - Pr Prandtl number [–] - Q heat transfer rate [W] - R universal gas constant [m2/s2·K] - Re Reynolds number: Re = ·u max·d h/ - S 1 transversal pitch between flat tubes [m] - S 2 longitudinal pitch between flat tubes [m] - Sc Schmidt number [–] - Sh Sherwood number [–]: Sh = hd h/D naph - Sr staggered ratio [–]: Sr = (2Hsin – C)/(2Hsin) - T p fin spacing [m] - T temperature [K] - u max maximum velocity [m/s] - u average velocity of air [m/s] - V volume flow rate of air [m3/s] - x,y,z coordinates [m] - z sublimation depth[m] - heat transfer coefficient [W/m2·K] - heat conductivity [W/m·K] - viscosity [kg/m2·s] - density [kg/m3] - attack angle of vortex generator [°] - time interval for naphthalene sublimation [s] - fin thickness, distance between two VGs around the tube [m] - small interval - C distance between the stream direction centerlines of VGs - p pressure drop [Pa] - 0 without VG enhancement - 1, 2, I, II fin surface I, fin surface II, respectively - atm atmosphere - f fluid - fin fin - local local value - m average - naph naphthalene - n,b naphthalene at bulk flow - n,w naphthalene at wall - VG with VG enhancement - w wall or fin surface  相似文献   

Fully developed mixed convection of a nanofluid (water/Al2O3) has been studied numerically. Two-phase mixture model has been used to investigate the effects of nanoparticles mean diameter on the flow parameters. The calculated results demonstrate that the convection heat transfer coefficient significantly increases with decreasing the nanoparticles means diameter. However it does not significantly change the hydrodynamics parameters. Nanoparticles distribution at the tube cross section shows that the non-uniformity of the particles distribution augments when using larger nanoparticles and/or considering relatively high value of the Grashof numbers.  相似文献   

Flow condensation heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) and pressure drop of R22, propylene, propane, DME and isobutane are measured on a horizontal plain tube. The main test section in the experimental flow loop is made of a plain copper tube of 8.8 mm inner diameter and 530 mm length. The refrigerant is cooled by passing cold water through the annulus surrounding the test section. Tests are performed at a fixed refrigerant saturation temperature of 40 ± 0.2 °C with mass fluxes of 100, 200, and 300 kg/m2 s and heat flux of 7.3–7.7 kW/m2. The heat transfer and pressure drop data are obtained in the vapor quality range of 10–90%. Test results show that for a given mass flux the flow condensation HTCs of propylene, propane, DME and isobutane are higher than those of R22 by up to 46.8%, 53.3%, 93.5% and 61.6%, respectively. Also well-known correlations developed based upon conventional fluorocarbon refrigerants predict the present data within a mean deviation of 33%. Finally, the pressure drop increases as the mass flux and quality increase and isobutane shows the highest pressure drop due to its lowest vapor pressure among the fluids tested.  相似文献   

Uniform distribution of flow in tube bundle of shell and tube heat exchangers is an arbitrary assumption in conventional heat exchanger design. Nevertheless, in practice, flow maldistribution may be an inevitable occurrence which may have severe impacts on thermal and mechanical performance of heat exchangers i.e. fouling. The present models for flow maldistribution in the tube-side deal only with the maximum possible velocity deviation. Other flow maldistribution models propose and recommend the use of a probability distribution, e.g. Gaussian distribution. None of these, nevertheless, estimate quantitatively the number of tubes that suffer from flow maldistribution. This study presents a mathematical model for predicting gross flow maldistribution in the tube-side of a single-pass shell and tube heat exchanger. It can quantitatively estimate the magnitude of flow maldistribution and the number of tubes which have been affected. The validation of the resultant model has been confirmed when compared with similar study using computational fluid dynamics (CFD).  相似文献   

Fluid property effects on electrohydrodynamic (EHD) heat transfer enhancement were investigated. Heat transfer, pressure drop, electrical power requirements, and the transition between the viscous dominated and electrically dominated flow regimes as a function of fluid properties were examined using three cooling oils having widely varying physical properties. Low viscosity and low electrical conductivity gave the greatest heat transfer enhancement for a given electrical power input. The required electrical power to achieve a specified heat transfer enhancement was greater for working fluids that had a small charge relaxation time, defined as the ratio of the electrical permittivity to the electrical conductivity. These results correlate well with available experimental and analytical data. A theoretical prediction of the effect of fluid properties and forced flow rate on the onset of EHD enhancement was experimentally verified. The onset of significant EHD heat transfer enhancement occurs most readily in low viscosity liquids at low Reynolds number flows for a given electrical power input.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of an experimental study carried out with R-134a during flow boiling in a horizontal tube of 2.6 mm ID. The experimental tests included (i) heat fluxes in the range from 10 to 100 kW/m2, (ii) the refrigerant mass velocities set to the discrete values in the range of 240-930 kg/(m2 s) and (iii) saturation temperature of 12 and 22 °C. The study analyzed the heat transfer, through the local heat transfer coefficient along of flow, and pressure drop, under the variation of these different parameters. It was possible to observe the significant influence of heat flux in the heat transfer coefficient and mass velocity in the pressure drop, besides the effects of saturation temperature. In the low quality region, it was possible to observe a significant influence of heat flux on the heat transfer coefficient. In the high vapor quality region, for high mass velocities, this influence tended to vanish, and the coefficient decreased. The influence of mass velocity in the heat transfer coefficient was detected in most tests for a threshold value of vapor quality, which was higher as the heat flux increased. For higher heat flux the heat transfer coefficient was nearly independent of mass velocity. The frictional pressure drop increased with the increase in vapor quality and mass velocity. Predictive models for heat transfer coefficient in mini channels were evaluated and the calculated coefficient agreed well with measured data within a range 35% for saturation temperature of 22 °C. These results extend the ranges of heat fluxes and mass velocities beyond values available in literature, and add a substantial contribution to the comprehension of boiling heat transfer phenomena inside mini channels.  相似文献   

Water wall design is a key issue for supercritical Circulating Fluidized Bed (CFB) boiler. On account of the good heat transfer performance, rifled tube is applied in the water wall design of a 600 MW supercritical CFB boiler in China. In order to investigate the heat transfer and frictional characteristics of the rifled tube with vertical upward flow, an in-depth experiment was conducted in the range of pressure from 12 to 30 MPa, mass flux from 230 to 1200 kg/(m2 s), and inner wall heat flux from 130 to 720 kW/m2. The wall temperature distribution and pressure drop in the rifled tube were obtained in the experiment. The normal, enhanced and deteriorated heat transfer characteristics were also captured. In this paper, the effects of pressure, inner wall heat flux and mass flux on heat transfer characteristics are analyzed, the heat transfer mechanism and the frictional resistance performance are discussed, and the corresponding empirical correlations are presented. The experimental results show that the rifled tube can effectively prevent the occurrence of Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) and keep the tube wall temperature in a permissible range under the operating condition of supercritical CFB boiler.  相似文献   

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