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基于光滑质点流体动力学方法数值波浪水槽研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于光滑质点流体动力学(smoothed particle hydrodynamics,简称SPH)方法建立二维数值波浪水槽,利用推波板造波生成孤立波和不规则波,模拟结果跟实验值及解析解做了对比分析,结果令人满意.SPH数值水槽中生成的波浪具有明显的非线性,波浪能量沿程有所衰减,与物理水槽结果吻合良好.  相似文献   

In this paper we describe a 3D control-volume finite-element method to solve numerically the coupled partial differential equations (PDEs) governing geological processes involved in the evolution of sedimentary basins. These processes include sediment deposition and deformation, hydrocarbon generation, multiphase fluid flow, and heat transfer in deforming porous media.  相似文献   

应用经CSPM法和黎曼解修正后的光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)方法,建立了主动吸收无反射数值波浪水槽,研究波浪作用下多孔介质结构的水动力特性。流体运动控制方程采用N-S方程,多孔渗水结构内流体的运动控制方程考虑渗流力的影响。数值计算结果给出了水槽内不同位置测点的波面历时曲线和越浪量随时间变化曲线,并同试验结果和Philip Liu的数值计算结果进行了比较。并对一个波浪周期内斜坡堤多孔介质结构内外的速度场和压力分布进行了讨论分析。计算分析表明,数值计算波面较Philip Liu的计算结果与试验结果吻合更好。说明应用SPH方法建立的二维数学模型能够较好地模拟破碎波在多孔渗水斜坡上的爬坡和越浪。  相似文献   

In actual sea states, damage to offshore floating structures is usually caused by a few extreme waves or wave groups in an irregular wave train. Accurate simulation of the irregular wave trains can lay a solid foundation for understanding the local flow field and impact loads that would potentially cause such damage. This paper describes how the generation of a single extreme wave was investigated. Determination of the wave-maker motion for generating specified irregular wave trains is the key to this work. First, an experimental irregular wave train was decomposed into a certain number of small-amplitude waves. Fourier series expansion was performed to determine the amplitude and the initial phase angle of each wave component. Then a hydrodynamic transfer function was used to calculate the amplitude of the wave-maker motion associated with each wave component. Superposition was made on all the wave components to get the final wave-maker motion. During the numerical simulation, calculated horizontal velocity profiles of the extreme wave at different moments were analyzed and compared with experimental results, and a satisfactory agreement was obtained. In the simulation, VOF method was employed to capture the free surface, and a dissipation zone was used to deal with wave reflection.  相似文献   

任冰  高睿  金钊  王国玉  王永学 《海洋学报》2012,34(1):163-177
基于光滑粒子流体动力学(SPH)方法的二维数值波浪水槽模拟了规则波对透空式结构物的冲击作用。通过黎曼解和CSPM相结合的方法对连续方程和动量方程进行了修正。对造波边界采用虚粒子法模拟。提出了一种耦合计算方法来消除造波边界附近的压力波动现象,在结构物边界处设置了适合的冲击边界条件。应用修正的SPH模型模拟了规则波对浪溅区结构物的冲击作用,给出了结构物附近流场和压力场的变化特征,并应用物理模型试验结果对数值模型进行了验证。  相似文献   

Effects of high-order nonlinear interactions on unidirectional wave trains   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Numerical simulations of gravity waves with high-order nonlinearities in two-dimensional domain are performed by using the pseudo spectral method. High-order nonlinearities more than third order excite apparently chaotic evolutions of the Fourier energy in deep water random waves. The high-order nonlinearities increase kurtosis, wave height distribution and Hmax/H1/3 in deep water and decrease these wave statistics in shallow water. Moreover, they can generate a single extreme high wave with an outstanding crest height in deep water. High-order nonlinearities (more than third order) can be regarded as one cause of freak waves in deep water.  相似文献   

Incompressible SPH flow model for wave interactions with porous media   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper presents an Incompressible Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (ISPH) method to simulate wave interactions with a porous medium. The SPH method is a mesh free particle modeling approach that is capable of tracking the large deformation of free surfaces in an easy and accurate manner. The ISPH method employs a strict incompressible hydrodynamic formulation to solve the fluid pressure and the numerical solution is obtained by using a two-step semi-implicit scheme. The ISPH flow model solves the unsteady 2D Navier–Stokes (NS) equations for the flows outside the porous media and the NS type model equations for the flows inside the porous media. The presence of porous media is considered by including additional friction forces into the equations. The developed ISPH model is first validated by the solitary and regular waves damping over a porous bed and the solitary wave interacting with a submerged porous breakwater. The convergence of the method and the sensitivity of relevant model parameters are discussed. Then the model is applied to the breaking wave interacting with a breakwater covered with a layer of porous materials. The computational results demonstrate that the ISPH flow model could provide a promising simulation tool in coastal hydrodynamic applications.  相似文献   

X.T. Zhang  B.C. Khoo  J. Lou 《Ocean Engineering》2006,33(17-18):2310-2331
The problem of wave propagation in a fully nonlinear numerical wave tank is studied using desingularized boundary integral equation method coupled with mixed Eulerian–Lagrangian formulation. The present method is employed to solve the potential flow boundary value problem at each time step. The fourth-order predictor–corrector Adams–Bashforth–Moulton scheme is used for the time-stepping integration of the free surface boundary conditions. A damping layer near the end-wall of wave tank is added to absorb the outgoing waves with as little wave reflection back into the wave tank as possible. The saw-tooth instability is overcome via a five-point Chebyshev smoothing scheme. The model is applied to several wave propagations including solitary, irregular and random incident waves.  相似文献   

Based on the time-dependent mild slope equation including the effect of wave energy dissipation, an expression for the energy dissipation factor is derived in conjunction with the wave energy balance equation. The wave height of regular and irregular waves is numerically simulated by use of the parabolic mild slope equation considering the energy dissipation due to wave breaking. Comparison of numerical results with experimental data shows that the expression for the energy dissipation factor is reasonable. The effects of the wave breaking coefficient on the breaking point and the distribution of wave height after breaking are discussed through the study of a specific experimental topography.  相似文献   

In this study, a three-dimensional numerical model is used to study the wave interaction with a vertical rectangular pile. The model employs the large eddy simulation (LES) method to model the effect of small-scale turbulence. The velocity and vorticity fields around the pile are presented and discussed. The drag and inertial coefficients are calculated based on the numerical computation. The calculated coefficients are found to be in a reasonable range compared with the experimental data. Additional analyses are performed to assess the relative importance of drag and initial effects, which could be quantified by the force-related Keulegan and Carpenter (KC) number: KCf=UT/(4πL). Here U is the maximum fluid particle velocity, T the wave period and L the length of structure aligned with the wave propagation direction. For small KCf, the effective drag coefficient is proportional to 1/KCf, provided the wavelength is much longer than the structural length. When wavelength is comparable to the structure dimension, the effective drag coefficient would be reduced significantly due the cancellation of forces, which has been demonstrated by numerical results.  相似文献   

建立了求解一维全非线性Green-Naghdi水波方程的中心有限体积/有限差分混合数值格式。采用结构化网格对守恒形式的控制方程进行离散和积分,界面数值通量采用有限体积法计算,剩余项则采用中心有限差分格式求解。其中,采用中心迎风有限体积格式计算控制体界面数值通量,并结合界面变量的线性重构方法,使其在空间上具有四阶精度,通过引入静压重构技术和波浪破碎指标使模型具备处理海岸水-陆动边界及波浪破碎的能力。时间积分则采用具有总时间变差减小(Total Variation Diminishing,TVD)性质的三阶龙格-库塔法进行。应用该模型对孤立波在常水深和斜坡海岸上的传播过程及规则波跨越潜堤传播的实验进行了数值模型研究,数值计算同解析解及实验数据吻合良好。  相似文献   

吴亚楠  武贺  周庆伟  马勇 《海洋通报》2021,40(3):301-308
基于Boussinesq方程的MIKE21-BW模型,建立等水深、双突堤式的波浪数值港池,采用不同的波浪入射方向和双突堤口门宽度,分别对波浪经双突堤后的绕射情况进行模拟.根据《港口与航道水文规范》中的计算参数和突堤绕射系数结果,对BW模型进行率定和验证,结果表明二者吻合度较好,可以较好地描述港池的泊稳状况.在此基础上,...  相似文献   

S.R. Masterton  C. Swan   《Ocean Engineering》2008,35(8-9):763-773
This paper describes the calibration procedure adopted for the new 3D wave basin located in the Hydrodynamics Laboratory at Imperial College London. Unlike traditional calibrations, based on observations of regular wave trains, the method described herein uses a focused wave approach. Such waves, produced by the constructive interference of freely propagating wave components, have led to a number of recent advances in theoretical wave modelling in which it was essential to know the underlying linear components. In the context of a laboratory study, similar advantages can be realised provided the linear wave components generated by the wave paddles are well defined. This, in turn, can only be achieved if the calibration is sufficiently accurate. The current study provides a calibration based upon a realistic JONSWAP spectrum, describes the details of the methodology employed, and highlights how the application of focused wave techniques eliminates spurious calibration effects due to unwanted reflections from the boundaries of the basin. The final calibration is verified through the generation of test cases, involving linear and nonlinear, unidirectional and directionally spread waves. These confirm both the accuracy of the calibration and the suitability of the methods employed.  相似文献   

近岸波浪在刚性植被区域传播的数值模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于扩展型Boussinesq水波方程,建立了波浪在刚性植被覆盖的近岸海域传播的数值模型。通过在动量方程源项中引入拖曳阻力项考虑植被对波浪的衰减作用。控制方程采用有限差分和有限体积混合格式求解,模型稳定性强,具备间断捕捉能力,能有效模拟近岸区域波浪的传播变形、破碎和处理海岸动边界问题。利用所建立模型对典型物理模型实验进行模拟,计算结果与实验结果吻合良好,表明模型可用于波浪在刚性植被覆盖海域的数值计算。  相似文献   

基于高阶边界元的三维数值波浪港池   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
初步建立了一个基于高阶边界元的三维数值波浪港池,港池具有造波和消波功能。采用高阶边界元16节点四边形单元和基于二阶显式泰勒展开的混合欧拉-拉格朗日时间步进求解带自由表面的完全非线性势流方程。模型中对于影响数值精度的问题作了细致的处理。数值计算结果表明本港池可以用来模拟非线性波浪的传播,具有很高的数值精度和稳定性。  相似文献   

Linear and nonlinear irregular waves and forces in a numerical wave tank   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A time-domain higher-order boundary element scheme was utilized to simulate the linear and nonlinear irregular waves and diffractions due to a structure. Upon the second-order irregular waves with four Airy wave components being fed through the inflow boundary, the fully nonlinear boundary problem was solved in a time-marching scheme. The open boundary was modeled by combining an absorbing beach and the stretching technique. The proposed numerical scheme was verified by simulating the linear regular and irregular waves. The scheme was further applied to compute the linear and nonlinear irregular wave diffraction forces acting on a vertical truncated circular cylinder. The nonlinear results were also verified by checking the accuracy of the nonlinear simulation.  相似文献   

建立基于四阶完全非线性Boussinesq水波方程的二维波浪传播数值模型。采用Kennedy等提出的涡粘方法模拟波浪破碎。在矩形网格上对控制方程进行离散,采用高精度的数值格式对离散方程进行数值求解。对规则波在具有三维特征地形上的传播过程进行了数值模拟,通过数值模拟结果与实验结果的对比,对所建立的波浪传播模型进行了验证。同时,为了考察非线性对波浪传播的影响,给出和上述模型具有同阶色散性、变浅作用性能但仅具有二阶完全非线性特征的波浪模型的数值结果。通过对比两个模型的数值结果以及实验数据,讨论非线性在波浪传播过程中的作用。研究结果表明,所建立的Boussinesq水波方程在深水范围内不但具有较精确的色散性和变浅作用性能,而且具有四阶完全非线性特征,适合模拟波浪在近岸水域的非线性运动。  相似文献   

A two-dimensional numerical wave flume based on SA-MPLS method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A spatially adaptive(SA) two-dimensional(2-D) numerical wave flume is presented based on the quadtree mesh system,in which a new multiple particle level set(MPLS) method is proposed to solve the problem of interface tracking,in which common intersection may be traversed by multiple interfaces.By using the adaptive mesh technique and the MPLS method,mesh resolution is updated automatically with time according to flow characteristics in the modeling process with higher resolution around the free surface and the solid boundary and lower resolution in less important area.The model has good performance in saving computer memory and CPU time and is validated by computational examples of small amplitude wave,second-order Stokes wave and cnoidal wave.Computational results also indicate that standing wave and wave overtopping are also reasonably simulated by the model.  相似文献   

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