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Contrasting compositions and densities of fluid inclusions were revealed in siderite–barite intergrowths of the Dro?diak polymetallic vein hosted in Variscan basement of the Gemeric unit (Central European Carpathians). Primary two‐phase aqueous inclusions in siderite homogenized between 101 and 165 °C, total salinity ranged between 18 and 27 wt%, and CaCl2/(NaCl + CaCl2) weight ratios were fixed at 0.1–0.3. By contrast, mono‐ and two‐phase aqueous inclusions in barite exhibited total salinities between 2 and 22 wt%, and the CaCl2/NaCl ratios ranged from NaCl‐ to CaCl2‐dominated compositions. The aqueous inclusions in barite were closely associated with very high‐density (0.55–0.745 g cm?3) nitrogen inclusions, in some cases containing up to 16 mol.% CO2. Crystallization P–T conditions of siderite (175–210 °C, 1.2–1.7 kbar) constrained by the vertical oxygen isotope gradient along the studied vein, isochores of fluid inclusions and the K/Na exchange thermometer corresponded to minimal palaeodepths between 4.3 and 6.3 km, assuming lithostatic load and average crust density of 2.75 g cm?3. Maximum fluid pressure during barite crystallization attained 3.6–4.4 kbar at 200–300 °C, and the most dense nitrogen inclusions maintained without decrepitation the residual internal pressure of 2.2 kbar at 25 °C. Contrasting fluid compositions, increasing depths of burial (~4–14 km) and decreasing thermal gradients (~40–15 °C km?1) during initial mineralization stages of the Dro?diak vein reflect Alpine orogenic processes, rather than an incipient Permian rifting suggested in previous metallogenetic models. Siderite crystallized at rising P–T in a closed, rock‐buffered hydrothermal system developed in the Variscan basement during the north‐vergent Cretaceous thrusting and thickening of the Gemeric crustal wedge. Variable salinities of the barite‐hosted inclusions reflect a fluid mixing in open hydrothermal system, and re‐equilibration textures (lengths of decrepitation cracks proportional to fluid inclusion sizes) correspond to retrograde crystallization trajectory coincidental with transpression or unroofing. Maximum recorded fluid pressures indicate ~12‐km‐thick pile of imbricated nappe units accumulated over the Gemeric basement during the Cretaceous collision.  相似文献   

The complicated structural and rheologic properties of Western Carpathian lithosphere reflect the complex geodynamic history of the Carpathian orogen. Based on critical analysis of earlier models, new interpolation of existing geophysical data and results of integrated modelling, a new map of the lithosphere thickness for the Carpathian–Pannonian region has been constructed. The map allows for the distinction of a frontal orogen collision zone in the NE (from increased lithosphere thickness) as well as a zone of oblique collision with the Bohemian Massif in the West, where lithosphere is not significantly thickened. The MOHO discontinuity beneath the Western Carpathian hinterland (Danube and East Slovak Basins), as defined by deep reflection seismic profiling, is relatively shallow. This probably reflects recent crustal extension related to oblique collision between the European plate and the ALCAPA block and an increase of the asthenospheric updoming from the Middle Miocene onward.Crustal thickness reflects the combined effects of deep-seated orogenic processes and mantle thermal evolution beneath the Pannonian Basin system. In this study, we focus particularly the structures of: (1) the Late Alpine collision and Neogene back arc basin development, including deep-seated contacts between colliding plates, a zone of slab detachment, the compressional accretionary wedge of the Outer Western Carpathian Flysch Belt, and extensional structures produced by subduction rollback and asthenosphere upwelling; (2) Early Alpine structures related to Cretaceous thrust-stacking, including subhorizontal reflection packages (interpreted as multi-generational extensional structures), the underplated intra-Penninic (Oravic) continental ribbon, and ophiolite traces of the Meliatic oceanic suture; and (3) north-dipping reflectors interpreted as remnant Hercynian lithotectonic fragments with opposed vergency to the subducted Alpine units.  相似文献   

The combination of apatite fission track (FT) thermochronology from basement units and the FT age distributions of apatites in the Miocene intramontane sedimentary rocks allows describing the exhumation history of the central segment of the Southern Carpathians, Romania. Exhumation and cooling from the total track annealing temperature (>120°C) of the Cozia and Cibin massifs occurred in the Palaeocene–Early Eocene. Between the Eocene and Middle Miocene, there was a stagnation period concerning vertical displacement; the presently exposed part of the basement was buried in shallow depth. The present crests of the Cozia and Cibin Mountains were at temperatures around 80°C and 50°C, respectively. The second exhumation period occurred in Middle Miocene times. The magnitude of the Miocene vertical displacement is on the order of the present-day relief. The vertical apatite FT age distribution in the basement and the age clusters in the sedimentary rocks prove that the levels of the crests were already close to the surface in Palaeogene times. Therefore, the post-Palaeocene erosional removal from the crest zones is very limited.  相似文献   

塘古兹巴斯坳陷中生代地层缺失严重,中生代以来的构造发育、隆升过程,是该区构造-沉积演化的难点。裂变径迹低温热年代学技术是近年来用于沉积盆地热史研究的新技术,在地质热事件定年、地质体热演化历史、构造区隆升与剥蚀等方面应用十分广泛,在确定隆升过程及热历史上有其独到的优越性。本文通过塘参1井钻井岩心样品的裂变径迹实验和热演化史模拟,结合地层发育情况,揭示了塘古兹巴斯坳陷中-新生代存在5个冷却抬升-增温沉降旋回,即248~240Ma(早-中三叠世)、199~120Ma(三叠纪末-早白垩世)、72~55Ma(晚白垩世-古新世)、24~15Ma(晚渐新世-早中新世)和7.4~2.2Ma(中新世晚期-上新世)等5个抬升冷却期,期间为沉降沉积期。此5个冷却阶段的平均冷却速率的变化具有先增后降的过程,从三叠纪至中新世期,平均冷却速率逐渐增大;在早中新世达到最大为4.22℃/Myr;晚中新世至今,平均冷却速率逐渐减小。反映了中-新生代以来隆升最快的时期为喜马拉雅中期(24~15Ma)。持续最长时间的抬升表现在侏罗纪-早白垩世中期,塘古兹巴斯坳陷处于前缘隆起,未接受沉积,并使中上三叠统沉积地层遭受剥蚀。且塘古兹巴斯坳陷中古生代及晚古生代早期沉积地层,在早-中三叠世前经历了较高的古地温,致使磷灰石样品发生完全退火,锆石样品部分退火,不同于相邻的巴楚地区。塘古兹巴斯坳陷热演化过程中冷却(抬升)及增温(沉降)事件的发生时期,与古特提斯、新特提斯闭合及印度-亚洲碰撞的关键时刻相吻合,可作为青藏高原多阶段构造运动的响应。  相似文献   

新疆阿克苏地区前寒武纪蓝片岩构造—热演化史   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
阿克苏前寒武纪蓝片岩产于塔里木盆地西北缘的柯坪隆起区内。近二十年来,中外科学家对其展开了深入研究,并获得了许多新的同位素年龄资料,但是年龄测定大多偏重于确定蓝片岩的变质年龄,蓝片岩形成后的构造演化方面的研究尚显不足。为了讨论: 1.裂变径迹数据有没有记录到阿克苏蓝片岩形成后快速折返至地表的信息?2.阿克苏蓝片岩剥露以后是否经历过再次埋藏和剥露,再次埋藏的深度和剥露的时间?3.蓝片岩的构造热演化过程对大陆边缘不同构造事件的响应; 采集阿克苏地区前寒武纪蓝片岩带样品进行磷灰石裂变径迹测试,6个样品的年龄值介于107.5~62.5Ma之间,远小于高压变质年龄,径迹长度介于10.46~12.12μm。结合前人研究成果、本区地层序列和裂变径迹热史模拟结果,大致重建了蓝片岩的热史演化: 1.蓝片岩形成(872~862Ma)后快速折返至地表,可能在整个早震旦世一直遭受剥蚀,到晚震旦世才重新开始接受沉积埋藏; 2.晚震旦世地层基本保持连续,整个古生代也仅缺失中、上志留统,中、下石炭统。至古生代末,早震旦世和整个古生代地层厚度已近万米。蓝片岩完全退火,年龄被重置; 3.中生代晚期区内地层普遍开始隆升,裂变径迹时钟重新开始计时; 4.古新世开始有沉积作用发生,样品接受埋藏增温至部分退火带,随后可能由于印度-欧亚板块碰撞的远程效应,中新世地层重新开始隆升剥露。  相似文献   

A.S. Gaab  M. Jank  U. Poller  W. Todt 《Lithos》2006,87(3-4):261-275
Magmatic protoliths of Ordovician age have been identified in the metamorphic rocks of the Muráñ Gneiss Complex, Veporic Unit (Central Western Carpathians). Vapor digestion single zircon U–Pb dating yields an intrusion age of 464 ± 35 Ma (upper intercept) for the granite protolith. A lower intercept age of 88 ± 40 Ma records amphibolite-facies metamorphic overprint in the Cretaceous, during the Alpine orogeny. Geochemical and isotopic data suggest crustal origin of the orthogneiss. Ndinitial are between − 2.6 and − 5.0 and TDMNd between 1.3 and 1.5 Ga (two-step approach). 87Sr / 86Srinitial ratios vary between 0.7247 and 0.7120, and a steep REE pattern further constrains the crustal affinity of these rocks. Associated amphibolite bodies have Ndinitial values of 6.5, 87Sr / 86Srinitial ratio of 0.7017, and a flat REE pattern. They are interpreted as MORB derived metabasites. Whole-rock Pb isotope analyses define a linear array in a 206Pb / 204Pb vs. 207Pb / 204Pb diagram with an age of ca. 134 Ma, consistent with intense Alpine metamorphism and deformation.

These basement rocks of the Central Western Carpathians are interpreted as Ordovician magmatic rocks intruded at an active margin of Gondwana. They represent the eastern prolongation of Cambro–Ordovician units of the European Variscides, which were part of the peri-Gondwana superterrane and accreted to Laurussia during the Variscan orogeny. Variscan metamorphic overprint is not recorded by the isotopic data of the Muráñ Gneiss Complex. Alpine metamorphism is the most dominant overprint.  相似文献   

The Canavese Intracontinental Suture Zone (CISZ) within the Inner Western Alps represents the remnant of a long-lived minor subduction zone involving a narrow, thinned continental crust/oceanic lithosphere seaway between two continental domains of the Adria microplate (i.e., the Sesia Zone and the Ivrea-Verbano Zone). As opposed to many suture zones, the CISZ mostly escaped pervasive tectonic deformation and metamorphism, thus preserving the original stratigraphy and allowing the relationships between tectonics and sedimentation to be defined. Through detailed geological mapping (1:5000 scale), structural analysis, stratigraphic and petrographic observations, we document evidences for the late Paleozoic to late Cenozoic tectonic evolution of the CISZ, showing that it played a significant role in the context of the tectonic evolution of the Inner Western Alps region from the early to late Permian Pangea segmentation, to the Jurassic Tethyan rifting, and up to the subduction and collisional stages, forming the Western Alps. The site of localization/formation of the CISZ was not accidental but associated with the re-use of structures inherited from regional-scale wrench tectonics related to the segmentation of Pangea, and from the subsequent extensional tectonics related to the Mesozoic rifting, as documented by crosscutting relationships between stratigraphic unconformities and tectonic features. Our findings document that evidences derived from stratigraphy, facies indicators, and relationships between tectonics and sedimentation in the shallow crustal portions of suture zones, such in the CISZ, are important to better constrain the tectonic history of those metamorphic orogenic belts around the world in which evolutionary details are commonly complicated by high-strain deformation and metamorphic transformations.  相似文献   

Lateral variations in lithospheric strength have been adopted often in flexural modeling (both 2D and 3D) to better fit the observed basement deflections, typically supported by gravity data. This approach provides essentially a “snap-shot” of the role of lithosphere strength in determining the present day geometry.In contrast, we investigate and quantify the effects of a lateral change in lithospheric strength on the evolution of the foredeep in front of an advancing orogen. Transitions in lithospheric strength are common in the foreland of orogens and show large variations in the width of the transition zone and the strength difference. Former passive margins, for instance, will display strength changes distributed over several tens to hundreds of kilometers. Other transitions may originate from juxtaposition or accretion of pieces of lithosphere with different properties and may be characterized by a much smaller width than former passive margins.In our modeling, a constant load, representing an advancing orogenic belt, is displaced towards and across a transition from a weak to a strong plate in a 2D elastic thin plate model. The effect of different transition widths and strength contrasts on foredeep geometry and bending stress is investigated. Interference of flexural wavelengths across the transition affects foredeep geometry by causing rapid basin widening, oscillation of the bulge and volume increase. The bending stresses are found to concentrate and amplify around the strength transition. Large transition gradients, i.e. large strength contrast or small transition width, cause the highest rates of change.Basin widening caused by the orogenic load advancing towards the transition between the East European Craton and the Moesian Platform, appears to control the Sarmatian transgression over the East Carpathian foreland in Romania.  相似文献   

U‐Pb isotopic systems of zircons from the Boobina and Spinaway Porphyries from the Precambrian Pilbara Block of Western Australia indicate ages of 3307± 19 Ma and 2768 ± 16 Ma, respectively. The Boobina Porphyry intrudes upper members of the Archaean greenstones of the Warrawoona Group. The Spinaway Porphyry intrudes basal units of the unconformably overlying volcanics and sediments of the Mt Bruce Supergroup. The age of the Boobina Porphyry, together with previous zircon U‐Pb and whole rock Sm‐Nd age determinations on stratigraphically older units, indicate that early Archaean volcanism in the Pilbara took place between 3560 Ma and 3300 Ma. On the basis of the age determination of the Spinaway Porphyry, and the chronometric definition of 2500 Ma for the Archaean—Proterozoic boundary, by the International Subcommis‐sion on Precambrian Stratigraphy (James H. L. 1978, Precambrian Res. 7, 193–204), the lower units of the Mt Bruce Supergroup should now be assigned to the Archaean.  相似文献   

Twenty-four new zircon and apatite fission track ages from the Getic and Danubian nappes in the South Carpathians are discussed in the light of a compilation of published fission track data. A total of 101 fission track ages indicates that the Getic nappes are generally characterized by Cretaceous zircon and apatite fission track ages, indicating cooling to near-surface temperatures of these units immediately following Late Cretaceous orogeny.The age distribution of the Danubian nappes, presently outcropping in the Danubian window below the Getic nappes, depends on the position with respect to the Cerna-Jiu fault. Eocene and Oligocene zircon and apatite central ages from the part of the Danubian core complex situated southeast of this fault monitor mid-Tertiary tectonic exhumation in the footwall of the Getic detachment, while zircon fission track data from northwest of this fault indicate that slow cooling started during the Latest Cretaceous. The change from extension (Getic detachment) to strike-slip dominated tectonics along the curved Cerna-Jiu fault allowed for further exhumation on the concave side of this strike-slip fault, while exhumation ceased on the convex side. The available fission track data consistently indicate that the change to fast cooling associated with tectonic denudation by core complex formation did not occur before Late Eocene times, i.e. long after the cessation of Late Cretaceous thrusting.Core complex formation in the Danubian window is related to a larger-scale scenario that is characterized by the NNW-directed translation, followed by a 90° clockwise rotation of the Tisza-Dacia “block” due to roll-back of the Carpathian embayment. This led to a complex pattern of strain partitioning within the Tisza-Dacia “block” adjacent to the western tip of the rigid Moesian platform. Our results suggest that the invasion of these southernmost parts of Tisza-Dacia started before the Late Eocene, i.e. significantly before the onset of Miocene-age rollback and associated extension in the Pannonian basin.  相似文献   

本文包括中国大陆科学钻(CCSD)主孔(MH)0~5000m和先导孔(PP2)0~1000m的磷灰石裂变径迹分折结果,先导孔PP2的裂变径迹表观年龄变化范围为79.5±5.1~50.4±6.2Ma,主孔的裂变径迹表观年龄变化范围为98.6±17.0~2.9±2.0Ma,主孔在4200m以下,磷灰石样品中实际上已不存在自发裂变径迹,表明裂变径迹时钟已经“置零”。实验资料表明,裂变径迹表观年龄值随样品深度的增加而逐渐减少,直到一定深度,即达到磷灰石的裂变径迹封闭温度(~120℃)以后,年龄值为零。根据主孔0~2000m和先导孔0~1000m的裂变径迹年龄剖面,作为一级近似,计算出超高压变质岩体在90~30Ma期间,平均隆升速度为~35m/Ma。对主孔测定了9个样品的约束径迹(Confined track)长度,样品约束径迹平均长度的变化范围约为13.1~7.4μm,总的变化趋势是:约束径迹平均长度随样品深度的增加而逐渐减少。样品的约束径迹长度分布都具有双峰型特征。根据裂变径迹年龄和约束径迹长度的资料,应用计算机模拟得到了样品的时间-温度(t-T)轨迹。结果表明,岩体从早白垩世(~120Ma)快速冷却以后,在晚白垩世和始新世又经历了两次加热作用,始新世末岩体所达到的温度大约是80℃,随后岩体则一直上升和缓慢冷却到现今所处的位置。在最后~30Ma岩体的平均隆升速度为~53m/Ma。  相似文献   

The Late Tertiary shallow subduction of the Cocos ridge under the Caribbean plate controlled the evolution of the Cordillera de Talamanca in southeast Costa Rica, which is a mountain range that consists mainly of granitoids formed in a volcanic arc setting. Fission track thermochronology using zircon and apatite, as well as 40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Sr age data of amphibole and biotite in granitoid rocks constrain the thermal history of the Cordillera de Talamanca and the age of onset of subduction of the Cocos ridge. Shallow intrusion of granitoid melts resulted in fast and isobaric cooling. A weighted mean zircon fission track age (13 analyses) and Rb–Sr biotite ages of about 10 Ma suggest rapid cooling and give minimum ages for granitoid emplacement. In some cases 40Ar–39Ar and Rb–Sr apparent ages of amphibole and biotite are younger than the zircon fission track ages, which can be attributed to partial resetting by hydrothermal alteration. Apatite fission track ages range from 4.8 to 1.7 Ma but show no correlation with the 3090-m elevation span over which they were sampled. The apatite ages seem to indicate rapid exhumation caused by tectonic and isostatic processes. The combination of the apatite fission track ages with subduction parameters of the Cocos plate such as subduction angle, plate convergence rate and distance of the Cordillera de Talamanca to the trench implies that the Cocos ridge entered the Middle America Trench between 5.5 and 3.5 Ma.  相似文献   

The main terrains involved in the Cretaceous–Tertiary tectonism in the South Carpathians segment of the European Alpine orogen are the Getic–Supragetic and Danubian continental crust fragments separated by the Severin oceanic crust-floored basin. During the Early–Middle Cretaceous times the Danubian microplate acted initially as a foreland unit strongly involved in the South Carpathians nappe stacking. Multistage folding/thrusting events, uplift/erosion and extensional stages and the development of associated sedimentary basins characterize the South Carpathians during Cretaceous to Tertiary convergence and collision events. The main Cretaceous tectogenetic events responsible for contraction and crustal thickening processes in the South Carpathians are Mid-Cretaceous (“Austrian phase”) and Latest Cretaceous (“Laramide” or “Getic phase”) in age. The architecture of the South Carpathians suggests polyphase tectonic evolution and mountain building and includes from top to bottom: the Getic–Supragetic basement/cover nappes, the Severin and Arjana cover nappes, and Danubian basement/cover nappes, all tectonically overriding the Moesian Platform. The Severin nappe complex (including Obarsia and Severin nappes) with Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous ophiolites and turbidites is squeezed between the Danubian and Getic–Supragetic basement nappes as a result of successive thrusting of dismembered units during the inferred Mid- to Late Cretaceous subduction/collision followed by tectonic inversion processes.

Early Cretaceous thick-skinned tectonics was replaced by thin-skinned tectonics in Late Cretaceous. Thus, the former Middle Cretaceous “Austrian” nappe stack and its Albian–Lower Senonian cover got incorporated in the intra-Senonian “Laramide/Getic” stacking of the Getic–Supragetic/Severin/Arjana nappes onto the Danubian nappe duplex. The two contraction events are separated by an extensional tectonic phase in the upper plate recorded by the intrusion of the “Banatitic” magmas (84–73 Ma). The overthrusting of the entire South Carpathian Cretaceous nappe stack onto the fold/thrust foredeep units and to the Moesian Platform took place in the Late Miocene (intra-Sarmatian) times and was followed by extensional events and sedimentary basin formation.  相似文献   

The Phanerozoic cooling history of the Western Australian Shield has been investigated using apatite fission track (AFT) thermochronology. AFT ages from the northern part of the Archaean Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, primarily range between 200 and 280 Ma, with mean confined horizontal track lengths varying between 11.5 and 14.3 μm. Time–temperature modelling of the AFT data together with geological information suggest the onset of a regional cooling episode in the Late Carboniferous/Early Permian, which continued into Late Jurassic/Early Cretaceous time. Present-day heat flow measurements on the Western Australian Shield fall in the range of 40–50 mW m−2. If the present day geothermal gradient of  18 ± 2 °C km−1 is representative of average Phanerozoic gradients, then this implies a minimum of  50 °C of Late Palaeozoic to Mesozoic cooling. Assuming that cooling resulted from denudation, the data suggest the removal of at least 3 km of rock section from the northern Yilgarn Craton over this interval. The Perth Basin, located west of the Yilgarn Craton, contains up to 15 km of mostly Permian to Lower Cretaceous clastic sediment. However, published U–Pb data of detrital zircons from Permian and Lower Triassic basin strata show relatively few or no grains of Archaean age. This suggests that the recorded cooling can probably be attributed to the removal of a sedimentary cover rather than by denudation of material from the underlying craton itself. The onset of cooling is linked to tectonism related to either the waning stages of the Alice Springs Orogeny or to the early stages of Gondwana breakup.  相似文献   

Petrological and geochronological investigations were carried out on metamorphic rocks of the Veporic unit (Inner Western Carpathians) in northern Hungary. K/Ar and Ar/Ar data on micas and amphibole show only Alpine ages (mostly in the range of 87-95 Ma) in this basement unit. Thermobarometric calculations yield lower amphibolite facies peak conditions (ca. 550냴 °C and 9ǃ kbar) for the Eoalpine metamorphic event. Complex evolution of gneissic rocks is reflected by the presence of discontinuously zoned garnets, the cores of which may represent relics of a pre-Alpine (presumably Variscan) thermal event. Zircon fission track (FT) data in the narrow range of 75-77.5 Ma indicate that this portion of the Veporic unit was emplaced to shallow crustal levels already during the Senonian time. The relative minor difference between zircon FT and K/Ar or Ar/Ar ages suggests very rapid cooling during the Late Cretaceous, most probably related to the extensional unroofing of the Veporic core complex. The obtained cooling ages do not support previous models of Tertiary uplift and exhumation of the Veporic unit along the Hurbanovo-Diósjeni Line.  相似文献   

库鲁克塔格隆起位于塔里木盆地北缘,广泛出露前寒武基底岩石。辛格尔村附近出露的太古宙杂岩,包括灰色片麻岩、角闪岩、片岩、混合岩和大理岩。新元古代地层出露在库鲁克塔格隆起西部的兴地、西山口、辛格尔和杀马山附近,不整合在古元古代和中元古代的片麻岩、角闪岩和片岩之上,并被早古生代的地层不整合。因此,该地区是了解塔里木盆地前寒武基底热演化史的理想地区。本研究的目的是为了探索:①塔里木基底岩石最初于何时剥露于地表?②塔里木基底剥露以后是否经历过再次埋藏和剥露?③塔里木基底岩石构造热演化过程对大陆边缘不同构造事件的响应。为了获取塔里木北缘剥露史和冷却过程信息,我们开展了裂变经迹的研究。含磷灰石的样品采自库鲁克塔格隆起的兴地断裂两侧。样品池年龄介于146.0±13.4和67.6±6.7Ma之间,平均经迹长度介于.11.79±0.14和13.89±0.27μm之间。根据样品年龄和样品所处的构造位置,样品可以分为3组。A组样品包括F2、F3、F4、F5和F8,裂变经迹表观年龄约100~110Ma,通常位于未遭断层变形的地区。B组样品包括F7、D和F10,裂变经迹表观年龄小于80Ma,构造上位于断层上盘并靠近断层。c组样品F11具有最大的裂变经迹表观年龄146.0±13.4Ma。热模拟表明,库鲁克塔格地区的隆升剥露作用可以划分为四期,分别是早侏罗世晚期(180Ma)、晚侏罗世-早白垩世(144~118Ma)、晚白垩世早期(94~82Ma)和新生代晚期(约10Ma)。裂变经迹记录的库鲁克塔格多阶段隆升作用,是对亚洲南缘多期地体碰撞增生的响应。  相似文献   

滇西临沧花岗岩基冷却的热年代学分析   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
为利用热年代学方法重建临沧花岗岩基的冷却历史,测定了6块花岗岩样品的锆石U-Pb年龄、黑云母Rb-Sr等时线年龄、黑云母和钾长石的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar年龄以及锆石和磷灰石的裂变径迹数据。分析表明,自结晶以来,岩基主体经历了较复杂的热演化,在两个基本阶段即早期快速冷却阶段和晚期缓慢冷却阶段上叠加了短周期的热扰动,从中—晚三叠世到早侏罗世末,冷却速率可以达到6℃~13℃/Ma,中侏罗世冷却缓慢,晚侏罗世到早白垩世早期,岩基快速冷却,平均速率达到5℃/Ma,早白垩世晚期到喜山运动前,为缓慢冷却阶段,平均速率仅为0.5℃/Ma,喜山运动后,受印藏碰撞的影响,岩基经历了两期冷却事件,早期冷却速率为5℃~10℃/Ma,晚期即5Ma以来冷却速率明显增大,特别是近3Ma以来的冷却速率达到16℃~20℃/Ma;早白垩世侵入的岩体(如样品S57),在侵入后快速冷却,晚白垩世以后与岩基主体同步冷却;宕基东倒糜棱岩带不是形成于150Ma,而可能是早期陆陆碰撞造山时推覆冲断的产物;自晚白垩世以来,岩基地区的总剥蚀厚度可达5000m左右,其中印藏碰撞引起的剥蚀可达3500m左右。  相似文献   

西太平洋中段位于欧亚板块、太平洋板块和印度洋板块的交汇处,是全球沟弧盆体系最为发育的地区,主要发育弧后盆地、弧前盆地和陆架边缘盆地。文中通过综合研究西太平洋中段17个盆地的大地构造背景、盆地的形成与演化和沉积特征后认为:(1)各类盆地的构造-沉积演化均经历4个期次。弧前盆地和弧后盆地的构造-沉积演化可分为俯冲期(K2-E)、盆地发育期((N -N3)、沉降期(N4-N5)和挤压期(N2-Q):俯冲期发育火山岩和变质岩基底,局部为海相碎屑岩;盆地发育期以海相沉积为主,伴有火山活动,局部发育陆相沉积;沉降期以海相和三角洲相沉积为主;挤压期以三角洲相和海相沉积为主,局部发育河湖相沉积。陆架边缘盆地的构造-沉积演化也分为4期,分别为前裂陷期(K2-E1)、裂陷期(E2-(E3)、拗陷期(E32-N3)和沉降期(N4-Q):前裂陷期和裂陷期主要发育冲积扇—河流—湖泊沉积体系,火山活动强烈;拗陷期沉积环境由陆相向海陆过渡相演化;沉降期以海相和海陆过渡相沉积为主。(2)不同类型盆地的构造-沉积演化特征各不相同:弧前盆地构造以挤压和板块俯冲为主,平均沉积厚度为3.6,km,总体由海陆过渡相向陆相演化;弧后盆地构造受板块俯冲后撤和弧后洋壳扩张作用控制,平均沉积厚度为4.8,km,总体由海相向海陆过渡相演化;陆架边缘盆地构造呈下断上拗双层结构,平均沉积厚度超过10,km,总体由陆相演化为海相。  相似文献   

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