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Providing quantitative microzonation results that can be taken into account in urban land-use plans is a challenging task that requires collaborative efforts between the seismological and engineering communities. In this study, starting from the results obtained by extensive geophysical and seismological investigations, we propose and apply an approach to the Gubbio basin (Italy) that can be easily implemented for cases of moderate-to-low ground motion and that takes into account not only simple 1D, but also more complicated 3D effects.  相似文献   

断层破裂面倾角变化对断陷盆地强地面运动的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
地震事件中,断层破裂面的倾角大小直接影响到地表强地震动的分布状态,尤其在断陷盆地中,强地面运动特征还可能受到盆地结构及盆地内多条围限断层的影响.本文模拟了银川断陷盆地内的活动断层——银川隐伏断层南段发生Mw6.5特征地震时,断层破裂面倾角在30°~85°范围内变化时引起的强地面运动,探讨了断层破裂面倾角变化对盆地内强地面运动分布特征和强度的影响.结果表明:破裂面倾角较缓时,银川盆地内的强地面运动分布区域不仅仅决定于发震断层的产状,同时还受到断层上盘距离最近的芦花台断层的影响,致使强地面运动集中于两条断层所围限的区域;随着发震断层破裂面的倾角逐渐增大,强地面运动以发震断层产状的影响为主,强震集中区向发震断层靠近并分布于发震断层上盘,且沿断层走向方向出现了强度不同的地震动反射区;尤其是发震断层破裂面倾角接近垂直时,受银川盆地"西陡东缓"结构和盆地西边界贺兰山东麓断裂反射作用的影响,竖向地震动反射区强度在远离发震断层的西北方向明显增大,致使芦花台断层附近区域与银川断层南段上盘区域成为地震发生时可能遭受震害最严重的地区.本文探讨结果提醒我们在类似区域的活动断层附近进行建(构)筑规划和地震工程设计时,有必要考虑发震断层破裂面倾角大小和盆地内其它断层构造的共同影响,综合评价潜在地震对盆地内近断层地表及各类建(构)筑物的危害性.  相似文献   

Effect of tilt on strong motion data processing   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
In the near-field of an earthquake the effects of the rotational components of ground motion may not be negligible compared to the effects of translational motions. Analyses of the equations of motion of horizontal and vertical pendulums show that horizontal sensors are sensitive not only to translational motion but also to tilts. Ignoring this tilt sensitivity may produce unreliable results, especially in calculations of permanent displacements and long-period calculations. In contrast to horizontal sensors, vertical sensors do not have these limitations, since they are less sensitive to tilts. In general, only six-component systems measuring rotations and accelerations, or three-component systems similar to systems used in inertial navigation assuring purely translational motion of accelerometers can be used to calculate residual displacements.  相似文献   

Site characterizations for the Iranian strong motion network   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Twenty-six sites of the Iranian strong motion network, having provided numerous records of good quality, were selected for a site effect study with the objective of obtaining a reliable site categorization for later statistical work on Iranian strong motion data. For each site, superficial Vp and Vs profiles were measured with refraction techniques, microtremor recordings were obtained and analysed with the H/V technique and the available three-component accelerograms by the receiver function technique. The aggregation of these results allows the proposition of a four-class categorization based on the H/V spectral ratio of strong ground motions, which demonstrate a satisfactory correlation with the S-wave velocity profile. Iran has a particular geological and meteorological situation compared to other seismic countries such as Japan or California, a mountainous country with dry weather conditions and a low water table in most areas. These conditions result in a relatively small number of sites with low frequency amplification, while many sites exhibit moderate amplifications in the intermediate and high frequency range.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the advances in strong motion recording since the early 1930s, based mostly on the experiences in the United States. A particular emphasis is placed on the amplitude and spatial resolution of recording, which both must be ‘adequate’ to capture the nature of strong earthquake ground motion and response of structures. The first strong motion accelerographs had optical recording system, dynamic range of about 50 dB and useful life longer than 30 years. Digital strong motion accelerographs started to become available in the late 1970s. Their dynamic range has been increasing progressively, and at present is about 135 dB. Most models have had useful life shorter than 5–10 years. One benefit from a high dynamic range is early trigger and anticipated ability to compute permanent displacements. Another benefit is higher sensitivity and hence a possibility to record smaller amplitude motions (aftershocks, smaller local earthquakes and distant large earthquakes), which would augment significantly the strong motion databases. The present trend of upgrading existing and adding new stations with high dynamic range accelerographs has lead to deployment of relatively small number of new stations (the new high dynamic range digital instruments are 2–3 times more expensive than the old analog instruments or new digital instruments with dynamic range of 60 dB or less). Consequently, the spatial resolution of recording, both of ground motion and structural response, has increased only slowly during the past 20 years, by at most a factor of two. A major (and necessary) future increase in the spatial resolution of recording will require orders of magnitude larger funding, for purchase of new instruments, their maintenance, and for data retrieval, processing, management and dissemination. This will become possible only with an order of magnitude cheaper and ‘maintenance-free’ strong motion accelerographs. In view of the rapid growth of computer technology this does not seem to be (and should not be) out of our reach.  相似文献   




Seismic hazard assessment based on urban active faults can provide scientific bases for city planning and projectconstruction,while numerical simulation of strong ground motion is an important method for seismic hazard pre-diction and assessment.A 3-D physical model in conformity with real strata configuration of(mainly)the Quater-nary is a prerequisite to ensure the reliability of the simulation results.In this paper,we give a detailed account ofthe technical scheme and process for creating a 3-D physical model in Kunming basin.The data used are synthe-sized from seismogeological data,borehole data,topographic data,digital elevation mode(DEM)data,seismicexploration results and wave velocity measurements.Stratigraphic division is based mainly on shear wave velocity,with strata sequence taken into consideration.The model construction is finally accomplished with ArcGIS andmany relevant programming techniques via layer-by-layer stacking(in depth direction)of the adjacent mediuminterfaces(meshes).Meanwhile,a database of 3-D physical models is set up,which provides model data and pa-rameters for strong ground motion simulation.Some processing methods and significant issues are also addressedin the paper in accordance with different types of exploration and experimental data.  相似文献   

2013年6月2日台湾南投地震强地面运动模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2013年6月2日台湾省南投县发生一次里氏6.5级地震,这次地震是最近几年内发生的最大的一次地震,台湾大部分地区以及中国大陆东南沿海城市均有明显震感.为了更深入的理解此次地震的地震波能量传播过程以及强地面运动过程,本文采用三维有限差分方法对此次地震的强地面运动过程进行了模拟.结果显示,台湾中央山脉起伏的地形对此次地震的强地面运动分布特征具有较大的影响,出现了比较明显的地形放大效应;此外,台湾的平原和盆地中的沉积层也对地震波有较强的放大效应.  相似文献   

近断层强地震动场预测   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
以1997年4月11日新疆伽师地震(Mw6.1)为例,详细介绍了近断层强地震动场的预测方法.首先,用有限断层震源建模方法建立了该次地震的震源模型;然后,基于动力学拐角频率的地震动随机模拟方法,模拟了该次地震仅有主震加速度记录、且位于巨厚土层上的三个台站的加速度时程,并用实际地震记录进行了验证.在此基础上,基于预测的近断层77个节点的加速度时程的峰值绘制了该次地震的加速度场.结果表明,上述方法模拟的加速度时程在0.5 Hz以上的高频段是可行的、实用的;预测的近断层加速度场具有非常明显的上盘效应.地表最大加速度的范围与断层面上最大凹凸体位置相对应,说明与断层面上凹凸体相对应的地面上的建(构)筑物将会遭受到较为严重的震害.  相似文献   

Determination of noise spectra from strong motion data recorded in Greece   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A large number of strong ground motions inGreece have been recorded by analogaccelerographs. The processing of analogstrong motion recordings and conversion toa digital form introduces noise in thesignal, due to the digitization andprocessing whichsignificantly affects the record. In thepresent paper a unified processing anddetermination of digitization andprocessing noise for the Greek strongmotion records is presented. Moreover,appropriate relations are proposed for thelower cut-off frequency with respect tothe epicentral distance and earthquakemagnitude for record filtering.  相似文献   


北京地区历史上发生多次破坏性地震.在未来50年超越概率10%的中国地震烈度区划中,北京地区烈度为Ⅷ度.北京邻区强震对北京地震烈度的影响已经有一些研究.然而,如果北京地区的断裂发生强震,其地震烈度将有多大?又是如何分布?这是防震减灾所关注的问题.北京活断层研究表明,黄庄—高丽营等断裂具有第四纪分段活动特征.本文首先用有限元方法对北京地区活动地震断裂地震安全度进行评估,确定了黄庄—高丽营断裂(北段)是其中地震安全度相对最低的断裂;然后在此断裂上设定一个MS7.2的情景地震,使用可以考虑真实起伏地形影响的任意曲线网格有限差分方法模拟了这个设定地震在北京地区引起的强地面运动特征和烈度分布细节.强地面运动模拟结果表明,峰值速度PGV>0.7 m·s-1的区域集中在沿断裂东侧的8~9 km宽的条带内,最大值达1 m·s-1;烈度分布显示断裂周围20 km内大都超过Ⅷ度.本文结果可为防震减灾提供参考依据.


局部山体地形对强地面运动的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
王铭锋  郑傲  章文波 《地球物理学报》2017,60(12):4655-4670



运用经验格林函数法模拟了2008年5月12日汶川8.0级大地震的近场强地面运动.拟合过程中,首先参考其他学者反演结果给出的滑动量分布的特征,确定强震动生成区的大致范围;然后利用Somerville等(1999)提出的地震矩与凹凸体面积间的经验关系式确定强震动生成区(SMGA)细小划分的初值,继而利用遗传优化算法确定以上两者的最优值及其他震源参数.数值模拟波形同实际地震观测记录在时间域和频率域分别进行了比较,结果显示,在所选取的18个观测台中,多数台站的数值模拟结果同实际观测结果符合得很好,特别是大于1 Hz的高频部分.我们发现断层面上有5个强震动生成区,其中两个的位置与其他学者反演的滑动量集中分布区相一致,但强震动生成区规模和上升时间比Somerville等(1999)获得的定标率外延的估计值要小.  相似文献   

We studied the long-period ground motions in the Osaka sedimentary basin, Japan, which contains a 1- to 3-km thickness of sediments and is the site of many buildings or construction structures with long-natural period. We simulated the broadband ground motions likely to be produced by the hypothetical Nankai earthquake: the earthquake expected to give rise to the most severe long-period ground motion within the basin. For the simulation, we constructed multiscale heterogeneous source models based on the Central Disaster Management Council of Japan (CDMC) source model and adopted a hybrid computation method in which long-period motion and short-period motion are computed using a 3-D finite difference method and the stochastic Green’s function method, respectively. In computing long-period motions, we used a 3-D structure model of the crust and the Osaka sedimentary basin. The ground motions are estimated to have peak velocities of 50–90 cm/s, prolonged durations exceeding 300 s, and long predominant periods of 5–10 s in the area with great thickness of sediments. The predominant periods are in agreement with an approximate evaluation by 4 H/V s where H and V s are the thickness of the sediment and the average S wave velocity, respectively.  相似文献   

In 2001, we installed 11 new accelerometers in the lake-bed zone of Mexico City, which, together with the existing stations, form a 3D array of small aperture, with 15 surface and six borehole stations. This new array recorded the 10/08/2001 Guerrero event (M=6.1) and the 01/22/2003 Colima (M=7.6) event. The analysis of these two events showed that, for periods longer than 2.5 s, the dominant wavefield is composed of a fundamental mode of surface waves arriving from the epicenter and diffracted surface waves generated at the southern boundary of the Mexican Volcanic Belt. For periods shorter than 2.5 s, the resonance of the superficial clay layer becomes predominant. The wavefield consists in a superposition of diffracted waves propagating from the western part of the valley. Our results show that the ground motion is strongly amplified by the soft clay layer but its duration is controlled by the incident wavefield.  相似文献   

Turkey was struck by two major events on August 17th and November 12th, 1999. Named Kocaeli (Mw=7.4) and Düzce (Mw=7.2) earthquakes, respectively, the two earthquakes provided the most extensive strong ground motion data set ever recorded in Turkey. The strong motion stations operated by the General Directorate of Disaster Affairs, the Kandilli Observatory and Earthquake Research Institute of Bogazici University and Istanbul Technical University have produced at least 27 strong motion records for the Kocaeli earthquake within 200 km of the fault. Kocaeli earthquake has generated six motions within 20 km of the fault adding significantly to the near-field database of ground motions for Mw>=7.0 strike–slip earthquakes. The paper discusses available strong motion data, studies their attenuation characteristics, analyses time domain, as well as spectral properties such as spectral accelerations with special emphasis on fault normal and fault parallel components and the elastic attenuation parameter, kappa. A simulation of the Kocaeli earthquake using code FINSIM is also presented.  相似文献   

The recent 1997 Umbria-Marche, Central Italy, earthquake sequence allowed us to model recorded ground motions using a method developed by Beresnev and Atkinson [Bull Seism Soc Am 87 (1997) 67–84; Seism Res Lett, 69 (1998) 27–32; Bull Seism Soc Am 88 (1998) 1392–1401]. The method generalizes the stochastic ground-motion simulation technique, developed for point sources, to the case of finite faults. It subdivides the fault plane into subfaults and assumes each subfault to be a point source with a ω2 spectrum. Geometric spreading and regional anelastic attenuation are included in the model. The data include horizontal acceleration recordings from the SSN and ENEL databases of the 1997 Umbria-Marche events on 26 September, at 00:33 GMT, with Mw=5.7, and at 09:40 GMT, with Mw=6.0; and on 14 October at 15:23 GMT, with Mw=5.6. The strong motion simulations are performed using model parameters based on the results of previous studies, and adjusting the subfault size to calibrate the simulation model against recorded ground motions. Local site response is considered to account for observed amplification effects at specific recording sites (e.g. Nocera Umbra). A good agreement is found between the simulated response spectra and the recorded data, concluding that this method reproduces the salient ground-motion characteristics at different distances and azimuths.  相似文献   

During the two mainshocks of September 26, 1997 inthe Umbria-Marche border a strong-motion accelerographrecorded peak ground accelerations as large as 0.6 g,approximately, in the town of Nocera Umbra, atdistances of 10 to 15 km from the epicentres. Thisvalue is significantly larger than expected on thebasis of the usual regressions with magnitude anddistance. A broad-band amplification up to a factor of10 was consistently estimated in previous papers,using both weak and strong motion data recorded at theaccelerograph site during local moderate earthquakes.To study the cause of this amplification we deployedsix seismologic stations across the tectonic contactbetween the Ceno-Mesozoic limestone and the Mesozoicmarly sandstone where the accelerograph is installed.Seismograms of 21 shallow aftershocks in the magnituderange from 2.2 to 4.0 and a subcrustal Mw = 5.3event are analysed. Regardless of epicentre location,waveforms show a large complexity in an approximately200 m wide band adjacent to the tectonic contact. Thisis interpreted as the effect of trapped waves in thehighly fractured, lower velocity materials within thefault zone.  相似文献   

The city of Catania (Italy) in the South-Eastern Sicily has been affected in past times by several destroying earthquakes with high values of estimated magnitude. The seismogenic area to the south of Volcano Etna, known as Iblean Area, is placed between the African and the Euro-Asiatic plates on the west of the Ibleo-Maltese escarpment, to the south of the Graben of the Sicilian channel and on the east of the overlapping front of Gela. Basing on the seismic history of Catania, the following earthquake scenarios have been considered: the “Val di Noto” earthquake of January 11, 1693 (with intensity X-XI on MCS scale, magnitude MW=7.41 and epicentral distance of about 13 km); the “Etna” earthquake of February 20, 1818 (with intensity IX on MCS scale, magnitude MW=6.23 and epicentral distance of about 10 km). The soil response analysis at the surface, in terms of time history and response spectra, has been obtained by 1-D equivalent linear models for about 1200 borings location available in the data-bank of the central area of Catania of about 50 km2, using deterministic design scenario earthquakes as input at the conventional bedrock.Seismic microzoning maps of the city of Catania have been obtained in terms of different peak ground acceleration at the surface and in terms of amplification ratios for given values of frequency.  相似文献   




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