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为研究鸡传染性支气管炎病毒(IBV) ZZ2004株引起鸡生长缓慢的发病机理,本实验将100只7日龄SPF雏鸡平均分为两组.实验组经口服病毒进行感染,对照组口服生理盐水,通过临床检查、病理学检查及超微病变观察进行研究.病理解剖学检查表明,实验组鸡各肠段有不同程度卡他性出血性炎性变化.病理组织学显示,小肠绒毛变短,上皮细胞脱落,固有层内炎性细胞增多.扫描电镜观察表明,肠绒毛的游离端常断裂,固有层裸露,在肠上皮细胞之间有大量杯状细胞的开口,并见大块状的分泌物渗出.透射电镜检查显示,残存的肠上皮细胞的微绒毛严重破坏;粗面内质网脱颗粒,滑面内质网明显扩张,呈囊状或泡状,在内质网中出现大量病毒颗粒;核周隙扩张,在核质中能够检出成熟的病毒颗粒.本研究结果表明:IBV ZZ2004株可以在肠上皮细胞中增殖,引起肠的吸收上皮和肠绒毛的一系列退行性病变,从而导致感染鸡代谢障碍,生长缓慢.  相似文献   

用胰蛋白酶处理发病鸡的粪便和肠内容物,接种Marcl45细胞.盲传数代后.从山东不同地区发生流行性腹泻的鸡群中分离到1株病毒,并对分离病毒的生物学特性和理化特性进行了部分研究。结果表明病毒粒子呈轮状、大小为70~80nm;其病毒基因组的电泳图谱为5:1:3:2;病毒的TCID50为10^-4-19/0.1mL,能被轮状病毒阳性血清所中和;病毒对氯仿、乙醚有抵抗力;对pH3.0处理60min稳定;50℃ 30min能使其感染力下降10^2;1mol/L MgCl2不能增强其对50℃ 60min的抵抗力。接种2周龄SPF鸡.24h后陆续发病,表现为持续性水样腹泻;剖检可见病鸡脱水、小肠内有大量的液体和气泡、肠黏膜变薄;组织学变化表现为肠绒毛坏死、脱落.绒毛平均长度减少而隐窝深度增加,固有层中淋巴细胞浸润。其临床症状及病理组织学变化与自然发病相同。因此确定发生在山东鸡流行性腹泻的病原为A群轮状病毒,该研究为轮状病毒感染的防制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

两头禁食初乳的新生山羊羔实验感染副轮状病毒(B组轮状病毒)后12小时发病,36小时死于严重腹泻。病理学特征为小肠中后段肠绒毛明显萎缩变短,被复上皮脱落,固有膜萎陷和轻度炎性反应。超微结构还有肠细胞基底膜裸露与缺损,残留的肠细胞微绒毛丧失,扩张的内质网池内有病毒颗粒,胞浆内偶见病毒前体(病毒蛋白)。  相似文献   

用胰蛋白酶处理发病鸡的粪便和肠内容物,接种Marc145细胞,盲传数代后,从山东不同地区发生流行性腹泻的鸡群中分离到轮状病毒,并对分离的轮状病毒的生物学特性和理化特性进行了部分研究。结果表明病毒粒子的形态呈车轮状、大小为70-80nm;其病毒基因组的电泳图谱为5:1:3:2;病毒在Marc145细胞上传到第9代时的TCID50为10^-4.62/0.1mL;该分离株病毒对氯仿、乙醚有抵抗力;对pH3.0处理60min稳定;50℃ 30min能使其感染力下降10^2;1mol/L MgCl2不能增强其对50℃ 60min的抵抗力。动物回归试验中接种两周龄SPF鸡,24h后陆续发病,表现为持续性水样腹泻,与自然发病相同;剖检可见病鸡脱水、小肠内有大量的液体和气泡、肠粘膜变薄;组织学变化为肠绒毛上皮坏死、脱落,绒毛平均长度减少而隐窝深度增加,固有层中淋巴细胞浸润。其临床症状及病理组织学变化与自然发病相同。因此确定发生在山东鸡流行件腹泻的病原为轮状病毒.  相似文献   

40只2日龄四川白鹅口服感染雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎病毒,在不同阶段解剖发病和死亡雏鹅,电镜观察组织器官的病理变化发展规律,接种后第2天,十二指肠绒毛顶部上皮细胞发生坏死、脱落。随着感染时间延长,上皮细胞的坏死、脱落迅速向绒毛基部发展,并伴随固有膜炎性细胞浸润和坏死,病变向着空肠段发展,进一步发展为纤维素性坏死性肠炎,于小肠中后段形成假膜包裹肠内容物的栓塞物或直接由纤维素性渗出物与地不死肠粘膜混合凝固形成栓塞物阻塞肠腔,使外观膨大,肺充血和出血,肾充血、出血及肾小管上皮细胞变性。部分病例肝颗粒变性、脂肪变性,后期部分病例气管、腺胃上皮细胞脱落,早期部分病例心充血和出血,食道、胰腺及脑正常,电镜下可观察到小肠上皮细胞核畸形、固缩、核仁消失、核膜模糊和胞核崩解;胞浆严重空化,形成含有很多病毒粒子的“封入体”;粗面内质网扩张呈囊状,其上的核蛋白体严重脱落;线粒体外膜破裂或嵴断裂及空化,部分受到损害的线凿全充满大量的病毒粒子;形成肠道栓子的外层假膜有大量的病毒粒子、细菌以及坏死的肠上皮细胞,肝脏细胞粗面内质网严重扩张及部分线粒体肿胀、脊断裂;而心肌细胞粗面内质网的轻度扩张及胞核畸形。本文还对雏鹅新型病毒性肠炎与小鹅瘟的病理变化进行了比较分析。  相似文献   

犬细小病毒病的病理学观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对2例萨摩耶犬的犬细小病毒自然感染病例进行了临床观察、病理剖检及病理组织学观察,结果显示2病例均以犬细小病毒肠炎综合征为主要特征。表现为食欲废绝,排番茄酱样粪便,肠道黏膜坏死,覆以红黄色黏糊状物;镜检肠绒毛缩短,肠黏膜上皮细胞坏死或脱落,肠腺萎缩,肠腺细胞核内可见包涵体,胞浆呈玻璃样变;心肌纤维萎缩,粗细不均,肌纤维间较松散,有少量出血,炎症变化不明显。  相似文献   

用鹌鹑源火鸡隐孢子虫(Cryptos poridium meleagridis)卵囊分别感染昆明系小白鼠和固始雏鸡,用透射电镜和扫描电镜观察比较了C.meleagridis在两种试验动物体内的内生发育虫体超微结构和致病性的差异。利用扫描电镜观察发现,鹌鹑源火鸡隐孢子虫(C.meleagridis)在小白鼠和雏鸡体内的寄生部位有较大差异,在小白鼠体内寄生于十二指肠,但在雏鸡体内主要寄生于回肠;C.meleagridis深嵌于小白鼠肠微绒毛丛内,微绒毛较为完整;但在雏鸡回肠,C.meleagridis似黏附在肠黏膜表面,微绒毛脱落明显,对雏鸡致病性明显比对小白鼠的致病性强。利用透射电镜在两种试验动物的样品中均观察到不同发育阶段的滋养体、裂殖体和大配子体以及正在孢子化的卵囊。滋养体和裂殖体在发育过程中可明显见到粗面内质网结构,裂殖生殖中期阶段粗面内质网尤其发达;小白鼠体内的C.meleagridis虫体与肠黏膜接触处形成一凹陷,寄生部位较深,而在雏鸡体内无此现象。此外,利用透射和扫描电镜均观察到虫体寄生部位周围微绒毛密度高而且也比其它部位长。形成这些差异的原因有待于进一步探讨。  相似文献   

<正>1病因1.1细菌感染沙门氏菌、产气夹膜梭菌等感染可刺激、损伤鸡肠道黏膜,引发炎症,并使鸡肠蠕动加快,消化液分泌增多而消化不良。1.2病毒感染感染病毒也是引起鸡肠毒综合征的诱因,如呼肠弧病毒可引起肠炎,影响鸡的消化吸收。1.3小肠球虫感染小肠球虫主要寄生于鸡的肠黏膜上皮细胞,当小肠球虫大量繁殖时,会导致鸡肠黏膜增厚、水肿,严重脱落,甚至出  相似文献   

对一起自然感染鸡球虫病例进行病理解剖,取病鸡盲肠黏膜刮取物涂片镜检,结果发现大量球虫卵囊,采集病死鸡盲肠组织,用10%的中性福尔马林固定,石蜡包埋,HE染色,进行病理组织学分析。结果显示,虫体主要寄生于肠绒毛上皮细胞内,大量的肠绒毛遭到破坏、断裂和脱落,呈纤维素性—坏死性肠炎病变。  相似文献   

正对于畜禽养殖而言,最为重要的是保证畜禽的健康,以此为基础才能保证畜禽场的经济效益。在鸡养殖中,鸡肠炎、肠毒综合症都是较为常见的疾病,本文明确鸡肠炎、肠毒综合症发病的病因,进而提出鸡群肠炎、肠毒综合症的治疗及预防策略。1 鸡群肠炎、肠毒综合症的发病原因1.1 小肠球虫发生感染在肠黏膜上皮细胞中寄生有小肠球虫,在小肠球虫大量繁殖的过程中,必定会使肠黏膜出现水肿、增厚的情况,严重甚至出现出血、脱落等病变,鸡群此时对饲料也无法完全  相似文献   

Pregnant goats were inoculated intravenously or in uterine arteries with Brucella abortus, and tissues from the uterus and placenta were examined by electron microscopy. Identification of B. abortus in placentae was with antibody-coated colloidal gold. B. abortus was first seen in phagosomes of erythrophagocytic trophoblasts and in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of chorioallantoic trophoblasts. Subsequently, trophoblast necrosis and ulceration of chorioallantoic membranes were present. Coincidently, B. abortus was present in the lumen of placental capillaries. In late stages of infection, placental vasculitis was present, and placentomal trophoblasts were separated from maternal syncytial epithelium. In lesions with vasculitis, large numbers of B. abortus were in connective tissue of chorionic villi. Within the placentome, trophoblasts that lined chorionic villi contained no intracellular bacteria and were separated from B. abortus by intact basement membranes. These results suggest that bacteremic B. abortus is endocytosed by erythrophagocytic trophoblasts and that B. abortus replicates in the rough endoplasmic reticulum of chorioallantoic trophoblasts. Replication of brucellae in trophoblastic rough endoplasmic reticulum is unique; we believe that B. abortus may utilize endoplasmic reticulum for synthesis and glycosylation of bacterial membrane proteins or that B. abortus catabolizes trophoblast secretory proteins.  相似文献   

近年来,内质网应激参与动物炎症性肠病发病机制的研究引起了广泛关注,未折叠或错误折叠的蛋白质在内质网腔中过量积累而引发内质网应激,持续的内质网应激则会导致动物肠黏膜屏障损伤并诱发肠道炎症。本文就内质网应激发生机制、未折叠蛋白质反应及内质网应激与肠道炎症互作机制进行了综述,旨在为防治动物肠道炎症提出新的治疗策略。  相似文献   

贵州省首次暴发山羊痘的诊断研究   总被引:36,自引:4,他引:32  
山羊痘于 2 0 0 2年 1 0月在贵州省首次流行并被确诊。本次疫病以皮肤、呼吸道及消化道粘膜发生痘疹为主要特征 ;取病料经绒毛尿囊膜接种鸡胚传代 ,F2 绒毛尿囊膜明显增厚 ,在接种部位形成明显的痘斑。经病理组织学检查 ,患病皮肤在光学显微镜下可见细胞浆内出现嗜酸性包涵体。电子显微镜观察到典型的痘病毒粒子 ,细菌学检查阴性。为此 ,这次暴发流行的疫病确诊为山羊痘  相似文献   

Neonatal gnotobiotic dogs orally inoculated with canine rotavirus had ultrastructural changes limited to the jejunal and ileal regions of the small intestine. Early scanning electron microscopic findings consisted of swollen villus epithelial cells, denuded foci on intestinal villi, and slight to moderate villus atrophy. Later changes were slight villus atrophy with no denuded intestinal villi. Transmission electron microscopic changes in villus epithelial cells from 12 to 48 hours post-inoculation included: rotavirus particles associated with intracytoplasmic vacuoles near the terminal web and apical tubules; viral particles in dilated cisternae of rough endoplasmic reticulum; and moderate numbers of necrotic cells having no microvilli, swollen mitochondria, membrane-bound lipid-like material in the cytoplasm, clumped chromatin around the periphery of the nucleus, and disruption of the cytoplasmic membrane. In jejunum and ileum at 72 to 154 hours post-inoculation, there were fewer necrotic villus epithelial cells and fewer virus particles. In addition, the ultrastructural morphology of the majority of the villus epithelial cells was similar to crypt epithelium. These studies showed that rotavirus infected the villus epithelial cells with subsequent propagation of the rotavirus and destruction of villus epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Subcellular biochemical features of a naturally occurring enteropathy in the dog resembling chronic tropical sprue in human beings were examined. Affected dogs had reduced xylose absorption and low concentrations of serum folate, RBC folate, and serum vitamin B12. Histologic examination of peroral jejunal biopsy specimens revealed villous atrophy and a variable infiltration of lymphocytes and plasma cells in the lamina propria. Biochemical assessment of the principal subcellular organelles was achieved by the assay of specific marker enzymes in homogenized jejunal biopsy specimens and in the gradient fractions after isopyknic centrifugation on continuous sucrose-density gradients. Activities of brush-border marker enzymes were reduced. However, there was no change in the equilibrium density of this organelle, indicating that these quantitative brush-border changes were not accompanied by an alteration in the composition of the microvillous membrane. Activities of lysosomal enzymes were increased, and there was evidence of enhanced lysosomal fragility and a proliferation of the endoplasmic reticulum. These findings were consistent with an impairment of the functional capacity of the small intestinal mucosa and implicated lysosomes and the endoplasmic reticulum in the disease process.  相似文献   

The morphology of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) and closely associated Bruch's membrane and choriocapillaris was investigated by light and transmission electron microscopy in the camel (Camelus dromedarius). The study showed that RPE is composed of a single layer of hexanocuboidal cells that were joined laterally by a series of apically located tight junctions. In addition, adjacent from internal side of cell membrane at the level of tight junctions, an undefined structure which resembled the myofibrillar organization of skeletal muscles in appearance was located. These cells displayed numerous short basal infoldings and abundant thin apical processes which enclosed the rod outer segments. The epithelial cell nuclei were large, vesicular and eccentrically located. Within the epithelial cells, smooth endoplasmic reticulum was very abundant, while rough endoplasmic reticulum was present only in small amounts. Polysomes were also numerous and the mitochondria often displayed a ring-shaped structure. Lipofuscin granules were plentiful in all locations. Bruch's membrane (complexus basalis) was typically pentalaminate throughout the retina. The endothelium of the choriocapillaris facing Bruch's membrane was extremely thin and heavily fenestrated. These fenestrations displayed typical single-layered diaphragm as noted in most species.  相似文献   

为探讨鸭疫里默氏菌的可能致病机制,本试验采用显微镜观察鸭疫里默氏菌感染后鸭盲肠组织的形态结构变化,并对肠黏膜厚度、肠绒毛高度及隐窝深度进行测量和统计,采用实时荧光定量PCR法检测鸭疫里默氏菌感染后盲肠组织中TLR4信号通路相关基因的表达变化。病理学观察结果显示,鸭疫里默氏菌感染后肠道结构有明显的损伤,表现为肠绒毛脱落、淤血、出血、淋巴细胞浸润和淋巴细胞增生;统计结果表明,2 d时,鸭疫里默氏菌感染组的肠黏膜厚度(383.58 μm)显著低于对照组(643.39 μm)(P<0.05);2和5 d时,感染组的肠绒毛高度(173.04和168.68 μm)均显著低于对照组(355.79和276.54 μm)(P<0.05);9 d时,鸭疫里默氏菌感染组的绒毛高度/隐窝深度的比值(3.42)显著低于对照组(5.34)(P<0.05)。实时荧光定量PCR结果显示,鸭疫里默氏菌感染后2和5 d,TLR4信号通路相关基因TLR4、MD2、MyD88、TRAF6、NFB、IL-4和IL-8 mRNA的表达量上调。说明鸭疫里默氏菌感染可导致盲肠的肠黏膜组织物理损伤和炎性病变,且TLR4信号通路参与了该炎性反应过程。  相似文献   

Corynebacterium renal strain 115 with numerous pili became attached in vivo to the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder of mice 10 to 30 times more frequently than did that of C renale American Type Culture Collection 19412, which showed few pili. Antipili serum-treated C renale strain 115 was not recovered from the membrane in as large amounts as was untreated bacteria. Antisomatic serum-treated strain 115, on the other hand, was recovered from the membrane in amounts similar to untreated bacteria. Untreated organisms became attached to the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder more effectively than did the antipili serum-treated bacteria, as seen on scanning electron micrographs. It may be concluded that C renale strain 115 attaches itself to the mucous membrane of the urinary bladder om mice by the pili.  相似文献   

The fine structure of the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE), Bruch's membrane and choriocapillaris in the ostrich (Struthio camelus) was investigated by using light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. In this species, the RPE consisted of a single layer of low columnar cells. The epithelial cells were joined laterally by two type junctions, zonulae occludentes and zonulae adherentes located in the midregion of the cells. These cells displayed numerous deep basal infoldings and thick extensive apical processes, which enclosed the outer segments of the rods. The epithelial cell nuclei were large, vesicular and located basally within the epithelial cells. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum was very abundant, while rough endoplasmic reticulum was scarce. Mitochondria of various shapes were abundant basally while polysomes were plentiful and widespread. In the light-adapted state melanosomes were located in the apical region and in apical processes of the epithelial cells. Myeloid bodies were large, numerous and often showed ribosomes on their outer surface. Bruch's membrane (complexus basalis) was typical pentalaminate throughout the retina, as noted in the majority of other vertebrates. The endothelium of the choriocapillaris facing Bruch's membrane was extremely thin but only moderately fenestrated. Some of the fenestrations displayed a double-layered diaphragm while the majority showed the more typical single-layered diaphragm noted in most species.  相似文献   

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