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Biofilms are surface-associated groups of microbial cells that are embedded in an extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM is a network of biopolymers, mainly polysaccharides, proteins, and nucleic acids. ECM proteins serve a variety of structural roles and often form amyloid-like fibers. Despite the extensive study of the formation of amyloid fibers from their constituent subunits in humans, much less is known about the assembly of bacterial functional amyloid-like precursors into fibers. Using dynamic light scattering, atomic force microscopy, circular dichroism, and infrared spectroscopy, we show that our unique purification method of a Bacillus subtilis major matrix protein component results in stable oligomers that retain their native α-helical structure. The stability of these oligomers enabled us to control the external conditions that triggered their aggregation. In particular, we show that stretched fibers are formed on a hydrophobic surface, whereas plaque-like aggregates are formed in solution under acidic pH conditions. TasA is also shown to change conformation upon aggregation and gain some β-sheet structure. Our studies of the aggregation of a bacterial matrix protein from its subunits shed new light on assembly processes of the ECM within bacterial biofilms.  相似文献   

Human peroxidasin 1 (hsPxd01) is a multidomain heme peroxidase that uses bromide as a cofactor for the formation of sulfilimine cross-links. The latter confers critical structural reinforcement to collagen IV scaffolds. Here, hsPxd01 and various truncated variants lacking nonenzymatic domains were recombinantly expressed in HEK cell lines. The N-glycosylation site occupancy and disulfide pattern, the oligomeric structure, and unfolding pathway are reported. The homotrimeric iron protein contains a covalently bound ferric high spin heme per subunit with a standard reduction potential of the Fe(III)/Fe(II) couple of −233 ± 5 mV at pH 7.0. Despite sequence homology at the active site and biophysical properties similar to human peroxidases, the catalytic efficiency of bromide oxidation (kcat/KMapp) of full-length hsPxd01 is rather low but increased upon truncation. This is discussed with respect to its structure and proposed biosynthetic function in collagen IV cross-linking.  相似文献   

Mineralized matrix formation is a well orchestrated event requiring several players. Glucose-regulated protein-78 (GRP-78) is an endoplasmic reticulum chaperone protein that has been implicated in functional roles ranging from involvement in cancer biology to serving as a receptor for viruses. In the present study we explored the role of GRP-78 in mineralized matrix formation. Differential expression of GRP-78 mRNA and protein was observed upon in vitro differentiation of primary mouse calvarial cells. An interesting observation was that GRP-78 was identified in the secretome of these cells and in the bone matrix, suggesting an extracellular function during matrix formation. In vitro nucleation experiments under physiological concentrations of calcium and phosphate ions indicated that GRP-78 can induce the formation of calcium phosphate polymorphs by itself, when bound to immobilized type I collagen and on demineralized collagen wafers. We provide evidence that GRP-78 can bind to DMP1 and type I collagen independent of each other in a simulated extracellular environment. Furthermore, we demonstrate the cell surface localization of GRP-78 and provide evidence that it functions as a receptor for DMP1 endocytosis in pre-osteoblasts and primary calvarial cells. Overall, this study represents a paradigm shift in the biological function of GRP-78.  相似文献   

Mutations in the human TGFBI gene encoding TGFBIp have been linked to protein deposits in the cornea leading to visual impairment. The protein consists of an N-terminal Cys-rich EMI domain and four consecutive fasciclin 1 (FAS1) domains. We have compared the stabilities of wild-type (WT) human TGFBIp and six mutants known to produce phenotypically distinct deposits in the cornea. Amino acid substitutions in the first FAS1 (FAS1-1) domain (R124H, R124L, and R124C) did not alter the stability. However, substitutions within the fourth FAS1 (FAS1-4) domain (A546T, R555Q, and R555W) affected the overall stability of intact TGFBIp revealing the following stability ranking R555W>WT>R555Q>A546T. Significantly, the stability ranking of the isolated FAS1-4 domains mirrored the behavior of the intact protein. In addition, it was linked to the aggregation propensity as the least stable mutant (A546T) forms amyloid fibrils while the more stable variants generate non-amyloid amorphous deposits in vivo. Significantly, the data suggested that both an increase and a decrease in the stability of FAS1-4 may unleash a disease mechanism. In contrast, amino acid substitutions in FAS1-1 did not affect the stability of the intact TGFBIp suggesting that molecular the mechanism of disease differs depending on the FAS1 domain carrying the mutation.  相似文献   

The heavy chain (HC) subunits of the bikunin proteins are covalently attached to a single chondroitin sulfate (CS) chain originating from bikunin and can be transferred to different hyaluronan (HA) molecules by TSG-6/HC2. In the present study, we demonstrate that HCs transferred to HA may function as HC donors in subsequent transfer reactions, and we show that the CS of bikunin may serve as an HC acceptor, analogous to HA. Our data suggest that TSG-6/HC2 link HCs randomly on the CS chain of bikunin, in contrast to the ordered attachment observed during the biosynthesis. Moreover, the results show that the transfer activity is indifferent to the new HC position, and the relocated HCs are thus prone to further TSG-6/HC2-induced transfer reactions. The data suggest that HCs may be transferred directly from HA to HA without the involvement of the bikunin CS chain. The results demonstrate reversibility of the interactions between HCs and glycosaminoglycans and suggest that a dynamic shuffling of the HCs occur in vivo.  相似文献   

A large body of evidence supports the involvement of heparan sulfate (HS) proteoglycans in physiological processes such as development and diseases including cancer and neurodegenerative disorders. The role of HS emerges from its ability to interact and regulate the activity of a vast number of extracellular proteins including growth factors and extracellular matrix components. A global view on how protein-HS interactions influence the extracellular proteome and, consequently, cell function is currently lacking. Here, we systematically investigate the functional and structural properties that characterize HS-interacting proteins and the network they form. We collected 435 human proteins interacting with HS or the structurally related heparin by integrating literature-derived and affinity proteomics data. We used this data set to identify the topological features that distinguish the heparin/HS-interacting network from the rest of the extracellular proteome and to analyze the enrichment of gene ontology terms, pathways, and domain families in heparin/HS-binding proteins. Our analysis revealed that heparin/HS-binding proteins form a highly interconnected network, which is functionally linked to physiological and pathological processes that are characteristic of higher organisms. Therefore, we then investigated the existence of a correlation between the expansion of domain families characteristic of the heparin/HS interactome and the increase in biological complexity in the metazoan lineage. A strong positive correlation between the expansion of the heparin/HS interactome and biosynthetic machinery and organism complexity emerged. The evolutionary role of HS was reinforced by the presence of a rudimentary HS biosynthetic machinery in a unicellular organism at the root of the metazoan lineage.  相似文献   

Elastin is a self-assembling protein of the extracellular matrix that provides tissues with elastic extensibility and recoil. The monomeric precursor, tropoelastin, is highly hydrophobic yet remains substantially disordered and flexible in solution, due in large part to a high combined threshold of proline and glycine residues within hydrophobic sequences. In fact, proline-poor elastin-like sequences are known to form amyloid-like fibrils, rich in β-structure, from solution. On this basis, it is clear that hydrophobic elastin sequences are in general optimized to avoid an amyloid fate. However, a small number of hydrophobic domains near the C terminus of tropoelastin are substantially depleted of proline residues. Here we investigated the specific contribution of proline number and spacing to the structure and self-assembly propensities of elastin-like polypeptides. Increasing the spacing between proline residues significantly decreased the ability of polypeptides to reversibly self-associate. Real-time imaging of the assembly process revealed the presence of smaller colloidal droplets that displayed enhanced propensity to cluster into dense networks. Structural characterization showed that these aggregates were enriched in β-structure but unable to bind thioflavin-T. These data strongly support a model where proline-poor regions of the elastin monomer provide a unique contribution to assembly and suggest a role for localized β-sheet in mediating self-assembly interactions.  相似文献   

Dentin matrix protein 1 (DMP1), an acidic protein important to the formation of bone and dentin, primarily exists as the processed NH2-terminal and COOH-terminal fragments in the extracellular matrix of the two tissues. Previous in vitro studies showed that the substitution of residue Asp213 by Ala213 (D213A) at a cleavage site blocked the processing of mouse DMP1 in cells. In this study, we generated transgenic mice expressing mutant D213A-DMP1 (WT/D213A-Tg mice) to test the hypothesis that the proteolytic processing of DMP1 is an activation step essential to osteogenesis. By crossbreeding WT/D213A-Tg mice with Dmp1 knock-out (Dmp1-KO) mice, we obtained mice expressing D213A-DMP1 in a Dmp1-KO background; these mice will be referred to as “Dmp1-KO/D213A-Tg” mice. Biochemical, radiological, and morphological approaches were used to characterize the skeletal phenotypes of Dmp1-KO/D213A-Tg mice compared with wild-type mice, Dmp1-KO mice, and Dmp1-KO mice expressing the normal Dmp1 transgene. Protein chemistry analyses showed that DMP1 was barely cleaved in the bone of the Dmp1-KO/D213A-Tg mice, indicating that D213A substitution effectively blocked the proteolytic processing of DMP1 in vivo. While the expression of the normal Dmp1 transgene completely rescued the phenotypic skeletal changes of the Dmp1-KO mice, the expression of the mutant D213A-Dmp1 transgene failed to do so. These results indicate that the full-length form of DMP1 is an inactive precursor and its proteolytic processing is an activation step essential to the biological functions of this protein in osteogenesis.  相似文献   

In this study, one- and two-dimensional NMR experiments are applied to uniformly (15)N-enriched synthetic elastin, a recombinant human tropoelastin that has been cross-linked to form an elastic hydrogel. Hydrated elastin is characterized by large segments that undergo "liquid-like" motions that limit the efficiency of cross-polarization. The refocused insensitive nuclei enhanced by polarization transfer experiment is used to target these extensive, mobile regions of this protein. Numerous peaks are detected in the backbone amide region of the protein, and their chemical shifts indicate the completely unstructured, "random coil" model for elastin is unlikely. Instead, more evidence is gathered that supports a characteristic ensemble of conformations in this rubber-like protein.  相似文献   

Extracellular short fibulins, fibulin-3, -4, and -5, are components of the elastic fiber/microfibril system and are implicated in the formation and homeostasis of elastic tissues. In this study, we report new structural and functional properties of the short fibulins. Full-length human short fibulins were recombinantly expressed in human embryonic kidney cells and purified by immobilized metal ion affinity chromatography. All three fibulins showed various levels of degradation after the purification procedure. N-terminal sequencing revealed that all three fibulins are highly susceptible to proteolysis within the N-terminal linker region of the first calcium-binding epidermal growth factor domain. Proteolytic susceptibility of the linker correlated with its length. Exposure of these fibulins to matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-1, -2, -3, -7, -9, and -12 resulted in similar proteolytic fragments with MMP-7 and -12 being the most potent proteases. Fibulin-3 proteolysis was almost completely inhibited in cell culture by the addition of 25 μm doxycycline (a broad spectrum MMP inhibitor). Reducible fibulin-4 dimerization and multimerization were consistently observed by SDS-PAGE, Western blotting, and mass spectrometry. Atomic force microscopy identified monomers, dimers, and multimers in purified fibulin-4 preparations with sizes of ∼10–15, ∼20–25, and ∼30–50 nm, respectively. All short fibulins strongly adhered to human fibroblasts and smooth muscle cells. Although only fibulin-5 has an RGD integrin binding site, all short fibulins adhere at a similar level to the respective cells. Solid phase binding assays detected strong calcium-dependent binding of the short fibulins to immobilized heparin, suggesting that these fibulins may bind cell surface-located heparan sulfate.  相似文献   

We examined the interaction of ECM1 (extracellular matrix protein 1) using yeast two-hybrid screening and identified the type II transmembrane protein, PLSCR1 (phospholipid scramblase 1), as a binding partner. This interaction was then confirmed by in vitro and in vivo co-immunoprecipitation experiments, and additional pull-down experiments with GST-tagged ECM1a fragments localized this interaction to occur within the tandem repeat region of ECM1a. Furthermore, immunohistochemical staining revealed a partial overlap of ECM1 and PLSCR1 in human skin at the basal epidermal cell layer. Moreover, in human skin equivalents, both proteins are expressed at the basal membrane in a dermal fibroblast-dependent manner. Next, immunogold electron microscopy of ultrathin human skin sections showed that ECM1 and PLSCR1 co-localize in the extracellular matrix, and using antibodies against ECM1 or PLSCR1 cross-linked to magnetic immunobeads, we were able to demonstrate PLSCR1-ECM1 interaction in human skin extracts. Furthermore, whereas ECM1 is secreted by the endoplasmic/Golgi-dependent pathway, PLSCR1 release from HaCaT keratinocytes occurs via a lipid raft-dependent mechanism, and is deposited in the extracellular matrix. In summary, we here demonstrate that PLSCR1 interacts with the tandem repeat region of ECM1a in the dermal epidermal junction zone of human skin and provide for the first time experimental evidence that PLSCR1 is secreted by an unconventional secretion pathway. These data suggest that PLSCR1 is a multifunctional protein that can function both inside and outside of the cell and together with ECM1 may play a regulatory role in human skin.  相似文献   

Identification and clearance of apoptotic cells prevents the release of harmful cell contents thereby suppressing inflammation and autoimmune reactions. Highly conserved annexins may modulate the phagocytic cell removal by acting as bridging molecules to phosphatidylserine, a characteristic phagocytosis signal of dying cells. In this study five members of the structurally and functionally related annexin family were characterized for their capacity to interact with phosphatidylserine and dying cells. The results showed that AnxA3, AnxA4, AnxA13, and the already described interaction partner AnxA5 can bind to phosphatidylserine and apoptotic cells, whereas AnxA8 lacks this ability. Sequence alignment experiments located the essential amino residues for the recognition of surface exposed phosphatidylserine within the calcium binding motifs common to all annexins. These amino acid residues were missing in the evolutionary young AnxA8 and when they were reintroduced by site directed mutagenesis AnxA8 gains the capability to interact with phosphatidylserine containing liposomes and apoptotic cells. By defining the evolutionary conserved amino acid residues mediating phosphatidylserine binding of annexins we show that the recognition of dying cells represent a common feature of most annexins. Hence, the individual annexin repertoire bound to the cell surface of dying cells may fulfil opsonin-like function in cell death recognition.  相似文献   

Magnesium is widely used to control calcium carbonate deposition in the shell of pearl oysters. Matrix proteins in the shell are responsible for nucleation and growth of calcium carbonate crystals. However, there is no direct evidence supporting a connection between matrix proteins and magnesium. Here, we identified a novel acidic matrix protein named PfN44 that affected aragonite formation in the shell of the pearl oyster Pinctada fucata. Using immunogold labeling assays, we found PfN44 in both the nacreous and prismatic layers. In shell repair, PfN44 was repressed, whereas other matrix proteins were up-regulated. Disturbing the function of PfN44 by RNAi led to the deposition of porous nacreous tablets with overgrowth of crystals in the nacreous layer. By in vitro circular dichroism spectra and fluorescence quenching, we found that PfN44 bound to both calcium and magnesium with a stronger affinity for magnesium. During in vitro calcium carbonate crystallization and calcification of amorphous calcium carbonate, PfN44 regulated the magnesium content of crystalline carbonate polymorphs and stabilized magnesium calcite to inhibit aragonite deposition. Taken together, our results suggested that by stabilizing magnesium calcite to inhibit aragonite deposition, PfN44 participated in P. fucata shell formation. These observations extend our understanding of the connections between matrix proteins and magnesium.  相似文献   

Myocilin is a protein found in the trabecular meshwork extracellular matrix tissue of the eye that plays a role in regulating intraocular pressure. Both wild-type and certain myocilin variants containing mutations in the olfactomedin (OLF) domain are linked to the optic neuropathy glaucoma. Because calcium ions are important biological cofactors that play numerous roles in extracellular matrix proteins, we examined the calcium binding properties of the myocilin OLF domain (myoc-OLF). Our study reveals an unprecedented high affinity calcium binding site within myoc-OLF. The calcium ion remains bound to wild-type OLF at neutral and acidic pH. A glaucoma-causing OLF variant, myoc-OLF(D380A), is calcium-depleted. Key differences in secondary and tertiary structure between myoc-OLF(D380A) and wild-type myoc-OLF, as well as limited access to chelators, indicate that the calcium binding site is largely buried in the interior of the protein. Analysis of six conserved aspartate or glutamate residues and an additional 18 disease-causing variants revealed two other candidate residues that may be involved in calcium coordination. Our finding expands our knowledge of calcium binding in extracellular matrix proteins; provides new clues into domain structure, function, and pathogenesis for myocilin; and offers insights into highly conserved, biomedically relevant OLF domains.  相似文献   

利用鳍条提取样品总DNA初探   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
梁利群  孙孝文 《生物技术》1994,4(1):45-46,18
本文报告了从鱼类鳍条中抽提基因组DNA的方法,并对所得DNA样品做了电泳、紫外分光光度分析,SouthernBlot等分子杂交实验,均证明这个方法是简便的取样方法,又能完整地保存实验鱼类。  相似文献   

The synthesis of proteoglycans involves steps that regulate both protein and glycosaminoglycan (GAG) synthesis, but it is unclear whether these two pathways are regulated by the same or different signaling pathways. We therefore investigated signaling pathways involved in platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF)-mediated increases in versican core protein and GAG chain synthesis in arterial smooth muscle cells (ASMCs). PDGF treatment of ASMCs resulted in increased versican core protein synthesis and elongation of GAG chains attached to the versican core protein. The effects of PDGF on versican mRNA were blocked by inhibiting either protein kinase C (PKC) or the ERK pathways, whereas the GAG elongation effect of PDGF was blocked by PKC inhibition but not by ERK inhibition. Interestingly, blocking protein synthesis in the presence of cycloheximide abolished the PDGF effect, but not in the presence of xyloside, indicating that GAG synthesis that results from PKC activation is independent from de novo protein synthesis. PDGF also stimulated an increase in the chondroitin-6-sulfate to chondroitin-4-sulfate ratio of GAG chains on versican, and this effect was blocked by PKC inhibitors. These data show that PKC activation is sufficient to cause GAG chain elongation, but both PKC and ERK activation are required for versican mRNA core protein expression. These results indicate that different signaling pathways control different aspects of PDGF-stimulated versican biosynthesis by ASMCs. These data will be useful in designing strategies to interfere with the synthesis of this proteoglycan in various disease states.  相似文献   

PRELP is a 58-kDa proteoglycan found in a variety of extracellular matrices, including cartilage and at several basement membranes. In rheumatoid arthritis (RA), the cartilage tissue is destroyed and fragmented molecules, including PRELP, are released into the synovial fluid where they may interact with components of the complement system. In a previous study, PRELP was found to interact with the complement inhibitor C4b-binding protein, which was suggested to locally down-regulate complement activation in joints during RA. Here we show that PRELP directly inhibits all pathways of complement by binding C9 and thereby prevents the formation of the membrane attack complex (MAC). PRELP does not interfere with the interaction between C9 and already formed C5b-8, but inhibits C9 polymerization thereby preventing formation of the lytic pore. The alternative pathway is moreover inhibited already at the level of C3-convertase formation due to an interaction between PRELP and C3. This suggests that PRELP may down-regulate complement attack at basement membranes and on damaged cartilage and therefore limit pathological complement activation in inflammatory disease such as RA. The net outcome of PRELP-mediated complement inhibition will highly depend on the local concentration of other complement modulating molecules as well as on the local concentration of available complement proteins.  相似文献   

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