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Meteorological drought during the southwest monsoon season and for the northeast monsoon season over five meteorological subdivisions of India for the period 1901–2015 has been examined using district and all India standardized precipitation index (SPI). Whenever all India southwest monsoon rainfall was less than ?10% or below normal, for those years all India SPI was found as ?1 or less. Composite analysis of SPI for the below normal years, viz., less than ?15% and ?20% of normal rainfall years indicate that during those years more than 30% of country’s area was under drought condition, whenever all India southwest monsoon rainfall was –15% or less than normal. Trend analysis of monthly SPI for the monsoon months identified the districts experiencing significant increase in drought occurrences. Significant positive correlation has been found with the meteorological drought over most of the districts of central, northern and peninsular India, while negative correlation was seen over the districts of eastern India with NINO 3.4 SST. For the first time, meteorological drought analysis over districts and its association with equatorial pacific SST and probability analysis has been done for the northeast monsoon over the affected regions of south peninsular India. Temporal correlation of all India southwest monsoon SPI and south peninsular India northeast monsoon SPI has been done with the global SST to identify the teleconnection of drought in India with global parameters.  相似文献   

District-wide drought climatology over India for the southwest monsoon season (June–September) has been examined using two simple drought indices; Percent of Normal Precipitation (PNP) and Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). The season drought indices were computed using long times series (1901–2003) of southwest monsoon season rainfall data of 458 districts over the country. Identification of all India (nation-wide) drought incidences using both PNP and SPI yielded nearly similar results. However, the district-wide climatology based on PNP was biased by the aridity of the region. Whereas district-wide drought climatology based on SPI was not biased by aridity. This study shows that SPI is a better drought index than PNP for the district-wide drought monitoring over the country. SPI is also suitable for examining break and active events in the southwest monsoon rainfall over the country. The trend analysis of district-wide season (June–September) SPI series showed significant negative trends over several districts from Chattisgarh, Bihar, Kerala, Jharkhand, Assam and Meghalaya, Uttaranchal, east Madhya Pradesh, Vidarbha etc., Whereas significant positive trends in the SPI series were observed over several districts from west Uttar Pradesh, west Madhya Pradesh, South & north Interior Karnataka, Konkan and Goa, Madhya Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, East Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Gujarat etc.  相似文献   

吕大炜  张奥聪  张之辉  高远  王东东  刘海燕  徐锦程  王洛静  田兴 《地质论评》2022,68(4):2022082014-2022082014
古土壤是地质历史时期气候变化的重要记录者,通过古土壤记录的信息,可以定性和定量重建深时古环境和古气候,为认识地质历史时期的各种地质事件提供依据。前人大多对特定区域展开古土壤研究,对全球性古土壤数据的整理和古气候、古环境研究相对较少。基于古土壤的干湿情况对古气候环境的指示作用,我们按照植物根迹、根系结构与根化石、黏土矿物以及古土壤的结构构造等依据,将前人报道的古生代(410~255 Ma)古土壤分为干旱古土壤和湿润古土壤两种类型。将古土壤干湿特征与其他气候敏感性沉积物进行对照,显示为干旱古土壤分布与钙质结核以及蒸发岩等指示干旱气候带的敏感性沉积物分布一致,湿润古土壤分布与高岭石、煤以及铝土矿等指示湿润气候带的敏感性沉积物分布一致。干旱古土壤大都分布在晚古生代中低纬度干旱地区;湿润古土壤大都分布在晚古生代赤道附近及中纬度湿润地区。通过以上分析认为,古土壤干湿特征可以作为一个新的气候敏感指标指示古气候环境,进而作为划分气候带的有力依据。  相似文献   

张善凯  冷先伦  盛谦  李彪  周永强 《岩土力学》2019,40(11):4279-4288
为研究卢氏膨胀岩的胀缩特性,开展了干湿循环作用下膨胀岩的胀缩特性试验研究,并在膨胀岩经历干湿循环后利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和氮吸附试验(NA),从微观的角度分析了膨胀岩吸水膨胀失水收缩的现象,并解释了胀缩特性改变的原因。研究结果表明:卢氏膨胀岩膨胀率随干湿循环次数增加而增大,绝对膨胀率增加25%;收缩曲线出现明显的“收缩拐点”,一般在收缩总时间的20%时出现,这时膨胀岩失水状态由自由水的散失转变为结合水的散失;在膨胀岩第1次胀缩过程中出现裂缝,裂缝为贯通状;在之后的胀缩过程中出现的裂缝较浅且随干湿循环次数的增加裂缝发育逐渐稳定;在干湿循环次数达到6~8次后,卢氏膨胀岩胀缩率达到稳定值,绝对膨胀率稳定在17%,绝对收缩率稳定在9%;微观方面随干湿循环次数的增加,膨胀岩的微观结构中黏土颗粒聚集形态由紧密状态转变为松散状态。此外,试样的孔隙特征随干湿循环次数的增加表现出孔隙总体积逐渐增大、孔径逐渐减小、比表面积逐渐增大的规律。  相似文献   

古土壤是地质历史时期气候变化的重要记录者,通过古土壤记录的信息,可以定性和定量重建深时古环境和古气候,为认识地质历史时期的各种地质事件提供依据。前人大多对特定区域展开古土壤研究,对全球性古土壤数据的整理和古气候、古环境研究相对较少。基于古土壤的干湿情况对古气候环境的指示作用,我们按照植物根迹、根系结构与根化石、黏土矿物以及古土壤的结构构造等依据,将前人报道的古生代(410~255 Ma)古土壤分为干旱古土壤和湿润古土壤两种类型。将古土壤干湿特征与其他气候敏感性沉积物进行对照,显示为干旱古土壤分布与钙质结核以及蒸发岩等指示干旱气候带的敏感性沉积物分布一致,湿润古土壤分布与高岭石、煤以及铝土矿等指示湿润气候带的敏感性沉积物分布一致。干旱古土壤大都分布在晚古生代中低纬度干旱地区;湿润古土壤大都分布在晚古生代赤道附近及中纬度湿润地区。通过以上分析认为,古土壤干湿特征可以作为一个新的气候敏感指标指示古气候环境,进而作为划分气候带的有力依据。  相似文献   




Environmental characteristics of the coral reef-seagrass ecosystem of selected Lakshadweep Islands (India) were assessed with a view to understanding the future climate change scenario in the region. Images obtained from the Indian remote sensing satellite (IRS P6) were used to identify the different zones such as the corals, the seagrass and the sandy region. The pH (7.6–8.6) of sediment was relatively high in the coral reef compared to the seagrass area, possibly indicating a climate shift-induced coral bleaching. The water quality and sediment texture generally showed marked intra- and inter-island variations illustrating that these coral reef ecosystems are highly vulnerable to climate change brought about by increased human interventions. Future research should therefore explore the habitat and resource connections, to predict their restoring capabilities for a sustainable exploitation. With an alarming increase in the population and associated developmental activities, the island ecosystems are expected to respond severely to the climate change, which may eventually lead to mass mortality of corals due to bleaching.  相似文献   

Drought is a natural phenomenon posing severe implications for soil, groundwater and agricultural yield. It has been recognized as one of the most pervasive global change drivers to affect the soil. Soil being a weakly renewable resource takes a long time to form, but it takes no time to degrade. However, the response of soil to drought conditions as soil loss is not manifested in the existing literature. Thus, this study makes a concerted effort to analyze the relationship between drought conditions and soil erosion in the middle sub-basin of the Godavari River in India. MODIS remote sensing data was utilized for driving drought indices during 2000–2019. Firstly, we constricted Temperature condition index (TCI) and Vegetation Condition Index (VCI) from Land Surface Temperature (LST) and Enhanced Vegetation Index (EVI) derived from MODIS data. TCI and VCI were then integrated to determine the Vegetation Health Index (VHI). Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation (RUSLE) was utilized for estimating soil loss. The relationship between drought condition and vegetation was ascertained using the Pearson correlation. Most of the northern and southern watersheds experienced severe drought condition in the sub-basin during 2000–2019. The mean frequency of the drought occurrence was 7.95 months. The average soil erosion in the sub-basin was estimated to be 9.88 t ha?1 year?1. A positive relationship was observed between drought indices and soil erosion values (r value being 0.35). However, wide variations were observed in the distribution of spatial correlation. Among various factors, the slope length and steepness were found to be the main drivers of soil erosion in the sub-basin. Thus, the study calls for policy measures to lessen the impact of drought and soil erosion.  相似文献   

The temporal and spatial variability of the various meteorological parameters over India and its different subregions is high. The Indian subcontinent is surrounded by the complex Himalayan topography in north and the vast oceans in the east, west and south. Such distributions have dominant influence over its climate and thus make the study more complex and challenging. In the present study, the climatology and interannual variability of basic meteorological fields over India and its six homogeneous monsoon subregions (as defined by Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology (IITM) for all the four meteorological seasons) are analysed using the Regional Climate Model Version 3 (RegCM3). A 22-year (1980–2001) simulation with RegCM3 is carried out to develop such understanding. The National Centre for Environmental Prediction/National Centre for Atmospheric Research, US (NCEP-NCAR) reanalysis 2 (NNRP2) is used as the initial and lateral boundary conditions. The main seasonal features and their variability are represented in model simulation. The temporal variation of precipitation, i.e., the mean annual cycle, is captured over complete India and its homogenous monsoon subregions. The model captured the contribution of seasonal precipitation to the total annual precipitation over India. The model showed variation in the precipitation contribution for some subregions to the total and seasonal precipitation over India. The correlation coefficient (CC) and difference between the coefficient of variation between model fields and the corresponding observations in percentage (COV) is calculated and compared. In most of the cases, the model could represent the magnitude but not the variability. The model processes are found to be more important than in the corresponding observations defining the variability. The model performs quite well over India in capturing the climatology and the meteorological process. The model shows good skills over the relevant subregions during a season.  相似文献   

为研究酸雨作用下红砂岩干湿循环崩解特性,在室内配制pH值分别为4.7、5.3、6.0、7.0的溶液以模拟雨水,对恩施红砂岩开展干湿循环条件下的崩解试验,获得了崩解颗粒含量、崩解率与干湿循环次数、溶液pH值关系。结果表明:溶液pH值越低,试样崩解速率越快,完全崩解所需干湿循环次数越少;试样崩解曲线具有明显的阶段性,可分为前期缓慢崩解阶段、中期快速崩解阶段、后期缓慢崩解阶段;对红砂岩进行X射线衍射试验,获得其矿物成分及含量。在此基础上,探讨了酸溶液对红砂岩崩解特性影响机理,主要原因是红砂岩中碳酸钙与盐酸的化学反应导致孔隙、裂隙形成、扩展并贯通;崩解曲线具有阶段性,是由于干湿循环的不同阶段岩块表面积变化所导致。  相似文献   

Orogenic movements and sub-tropical climate have rendered the slopes of the Himalayan region intensely deformed and weathered. As a result, the incidences of slope failure are quite common all along the Himalayan region. The Lesser Himalayan terrane is particularly vulnerable to mass-movements owing to geological fragility, and many parts of it are bearing a high-risk of associated disaster owing to the high population density. An important step towards mitigation of such disasters is the monitoring of slope movement. Towards this, the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) technique can be applied. In the present study, the PSI technique is employed in Lesser Himalayan town of Nainital in Uttarakhand state of India to decipher and monitor slope movements. A total of 15 multi-date ENVISAT ASAR satellite images, acquired during August 2008 to August 2010 period, were subjected to PSI, which revealed a continuous creep movement along the hillslopes located towards the eastern side of the Nainital lake. The higher reaches of the hill seem to be experiencing accelerated creep of \({\sim }21\) mm/year, which decreases downslope to \({\sim }5\) mm/year. Based on spatial pattern of varying PSI Mean LOS Velocity (MLV) values, high (H), moderate (M), low (L) and very low (S) creeping zones have been delineated in the hillslopes. Given the long history of mass movements and continuously increasing anthropogenic activities in Nainital, these results call for immediate measures to avert any future disaster in the town.  相似文献   

Samanta  M.  Punetha  P.  Sarkar  S.  Dwivedi  A.  Sharma  M. 《Natural Hazards》2019,96(1):225-246
Natural Hazards - The present paper assesses the slope stability of the Tungnath Temple at Rudraprayag District, in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, and suggests the remedial measures. The...  相似文献   

艾比湖区域地表水水化学特征干湿季变化及其控制因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李瑞  张飞  高宇潇  周梅  王东芳  李晓航 《冰川冻土》2016,38(5):1394-1403
对2014年艾比湖区域的地表水进行观测和取样,综合运用多元统计、Piper阴阳离子三角图、Gibbs图等方法,对艾比湖区域干湿季地表水化学特征及控制因素进行了分析.结果表明:在湿季5月,Na+和Cl-是占绝对优势的离子,分别占阳离子和阴离子总量的70.34%和52.97%,其次是Mg2+和SO42-;在干季10月,Na+和Cl-是占绝对优势的离子,分别占阳离子和阴离子总量的70.57%和66.48%,其次是Mg2+和SO42-.进而判断出在湿季,艾比湖区域地表水水化学类型为以碳酸盐岩石和蒸发岩来源为主的HCO3--Ca2+-Na+型;而在干季,艾比湖区域地表水水化学类型为以碳酸盐岩石和蒸发岩来源为主的HCO3--Ca2+型.此外,探讨了离子控制的因素.就自然因素而言,在干湿季,艾比湖区域地表水化学离子组成受岩石风化作用和蒸发结晶作用的共同影响,大气降水的输入作用十分微弱.就人为因素而言,根据相关研究,干湿季人为活动中的主要因素是人口和地区生产总值,说明该区域受到人为活动的影响.本研究为我国干旱地区对于河水水化学变化、水质特征、水质保护都具有重要的意义.  相似文献   

River Vrishabhavathy, a tributary of Cauvery River was studied for 12 physico-chemical parameters at four sites over a distance of 50 km for a period of 2 years (1999–2001) at monthly intervals. Water was faintly alkaline, with pH showing negative correlation with temperature. The dissolved oxygen content increased downstream with negative correlation to biological oxygen demand (BOD), chemical oxygen demand (COD) and turbidity. Bicarbonate alkalinity was very low compared with carbonate alkalinity. Carbonate alkalinity, total hardness, total dissolved solids, total suspended solids, electrical conductivity, BOD and COD decreased downstream, with an upward trend in the middle reaches due to the introduction of raw sewage. The seasonal and yearly trends are also discussed. The river is a sewer collector undergoing self-purification.  相似文献   

干湿循环条件下固化污泥的物理稳定性研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
李磊  朱伟  林城  大木宜章 《岩土力学》2009,30(10):3001-3004
针对采用水泥和膨润土为固化材料处理的污水厂污泥为研究对象,采用干湿循环试验测量了在水分强烈变化下固化体的质量、体积、含水率及强度等参数的变化情况,进而评价固化污泥的干湿耐久性。结果表明,水泥的掺入是提高固化体干湿耐久性的主要因素,但要达到一定的掺入量才能发挥作用。膨润土对固化体的干湿耐久性影响呈现两面性,适当地掺入膨润土有利于干湿耐久性的形成,而过多地掺入膨润土反而不利于干湿耐久性的形成。在水泥掺入质量比小于或等于0.4时,干湿循环后固化体相对控制样强度明显提高,但体积显著减小,而水泥掺入质量比大于0.4时,干湿循环后固化体相对控制样强度有所下降而体积基本不变。  相似文献   

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