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Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-poly(styrenesulfonate)/expanded graphite films were cast as thin films with different expanded graphite contents at room temperature. The thermoelectric properties of the composites were investigated as a function of the graphite concentration. The electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient were measured as a function of the graphite concentration. The electrical conductivity and power factor show similar trends with a sharp increase at around 55 wt% of expanded graphite content. The Seebeck coefficient does not show a significant dependence with the graphite content. SEM and TEM images indicate a nearly homogenous distribution of the filler in the matrix. The initial thermal stability is not modified with the filler.  相似文献   

将合成的导电聚(3,4-乙撑二氧噻吩)-聚对苯乙烯磺酸(PEDOT-PSS)与聚乙烯醇(PVA)共混, 通过湿法纺丝, 得到了电导率较高、力学性能良好、可进行机织的PEDOT-PSS/PVA复合导电纤维, 研究了牵伸倍率对纤维导电性能、结构、热性能和力学性能的影响。结果表明: 随着牵伸倍率的增加, PEDOT-PSS/PVA复合导电纤维表面的微纤数量增加, 结晶性能、热稳定性及力学性能均有所提高; 当PEDOT-PSS/PVA复合导电纤维的牵伸倍率为4.0时, 其断裂强度、伸长率和初始模量分别为6.74 cN/dtex、5.95%和42.43 cN/dtex, 电导率可达到34.5 S/cm, 具有良好的应用性能。  相似文献   

Newly commercialized PEDOT:PSS products CLEVIOS PH1000 and FE-T, among the most conducting of polymers, show unexpectedly higher Seebeck coefficients than older CLEVIOS P products that were studied by other groups in the past, leading to promising thermoelectric (TE) power factors around 47 μW/m K(2) and 30 μW/m K(2) respectively. By incorporating both n and p type Bi(2)Te(3) ball milled powders into these PEDOT:PSS products, power factor enhancements for both p and n polymer composite materials are achieved. The contact resistance between Bi(2)Te(3) and PEDOT is identified as the limiting factor for further TE property improvement. These composites can be used for all-solution-processed TE devices on flexible substrates as a new fabrication option.  相似文献   

电子封装用SiCp/Al复合材料的组织与性能   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文选用粒径为20μm和60μm的SiC混合颗粒,采用挤压铸造方法制备了体积分数为70%的SiCp/LD11(Al-12%Si)复合材料.材料组织致密,颗粒分布均匀.复合材料具有低膨胀、高导热的特性和十分优异的力学性能,并且可以通过退火处理进一步降低其热膨胀系数.采用化学镀方法,在复合材料表面涂覆镍层,以其做为底座的二极管满足器件的可靠性测试要求.  相似文献   

Ba0.6Sr0.4TiO3/Mg0.9Zn0.1O (BST/MZO) ceramic composites with different MZO contents were prepared by traditional ceramic process. The crystal structure, fracture surface morphology, and dielectric properties were systematically investigated. The results show that the BST/MZO ceramic composites possess diphase structure, dense, and uniform morphology. The composites have relatively low dielectric loss (in the order of 10−3) at microwave frequency. The ceramics all retain substantial tunability (more than 20% at 8 kV/mm DC field) and excellent dielectric strength (more than 19.5 kV/mm). The BST-50 wt% MZO sample has the optimal FOM value (about 256) and should be a better candidate for tunable microwave applications.  相似文献   

In this study, blend fibers composed of poly(vinyl alcohol) and poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) were prepared via wet-spinning technology. Ethylene glycol (EG) vapor annealing was employed to improve the electrical conductivity and tensile properties of blend fibers. The effects of EG vapor annealing on structures and properties of blend fibers were investigated in detail by analyzing the changes in chemical constituent and structure, molecular structure, surface morphology, surface chemical composition, electrical conductivity, and tensile properties. FTIR spectroscopy indicates that EG vapor annealing does not change the chemical constituent and structure of blend fibers. Raman spectroscopy shows that vapor annealing leads to conformational changes of PEDOT chains from benzoid structure to quinoid structure. AFM and SEM images show that surface morphology of blend fibers become smoother after vapor annealing. XPS measurement shows that EG vapor annealing induces significant phase separation between PEDOT and PSS, forming an enriched PSS layer on the surface of blend fibers, thus leading to a thinner insulating PSS layer between PEDOT grains. This conformational change is beneficial to improve the electrical conductivity of blend fibers. The resultant blend fiber reached conductivity up to 20.4 S cm?1. The mechanical properties of blend fibers were also improved by EG vapor annealing, with the Young’s modulus and tensile strength increasing from 3.6 GPa and 112 MPa to 4.4 GPa and 132.7 MPa, respectively.  相似文献   

热电转换技术能将大量的废弃热能转换为电能以重新利用,是一种绿色能源转换技术,可以有效提高能源利用效率,缓解煤炭、石油等主要化石类能源过度开采、使用带来的能源危机及环境污染问题,因此受到科研工作者的广泛关注,是近年来的研究热点。基于此,本文以电子型导电高聚物中机能较优的聚(3, 4-乙烯二氧噻吩)(PEDOT)作为研究主体,通过化学原位氧化聚合将多壁碳纳米管(MWCNT)复合到载体中得到MWCNT/PEDOT复合材料。利用XRD、拉曼、TEM及正电子湮没寿命(PAL)等方法对MWCNT/PEDOT复合材料的形貌和微观结构进行了系统研究,研究表明:当MWCNT含量高于24.9wt%时,复合材料中出现MWCNT团聚现象,其分散性变差。同时,MWCNT/PEDOT复合材料的热电性能测试结果显示,未掺杂PEDOT的电导率仅为7.5 S·m?1,而MWCNT含量为30.1wt%时,该复合材料的电导率高达566.59 S·m?1,提高近76倍。同时,30.1wt%MWCNT/PEDOT的功率因子(814.3×10?4 μW·(m·K2)?1)相对于未掺杂PEDOT(14.5×10?4 μW·(m·K2)?1)提高约56倍,这主要是由于PEDOT分子链与MWCNT掺杂物间π-π相互作用及MWCNT的高导电性。随着MWCNT含量的增加,PAL测试结果中第一寿命成分τ1(即正电子在材料中湮没的第一寿命成分)的下降证实了该复合材料中MWCNT与PEDOT间界面变小或者界面间相互作用减弱,导致其热导率相对于未掺杂PEDOT有一定的上升,但远远低于功率因子的升高。最终,该MWCNT/PEDOT复合材料的热电优值(即热电材料ZT值)由0.015×10?4升至0.45×10?4,增加了约30倍。结果表明:掺杂的高电导率MWCNT能够极大地提高PEDOT类电子型导电聚合物的热电性能。   相似文献   

环保型电子封装用Sip/Al复合材料性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究电子封装用Sip/Al复合材料热物理及力学性能,利用挤压铸造方法制备了体积分数为65%的Sip/LD11(Al-12%Si)可回收环保型复合材料.采用TEM观察、膨胀仪、激光导热综合测试仪以及万能电子拉伸试验机等设备及技术对复合材料进行研究.结果表明:Sip/LD11复合材料组织致密,材料中未观察到孔洞和缺陷;20~50℃时复合材料的热膨胀系数为8.1×10-6/℃,并随着温度的升高而增加,退火处理能够降低复合材料的热膨胀系数;Sip/LD11复合材料铸造状态和热处理状态的热导率分别为132.9、160.1 W/m·℃,复合材料的弯曲强度和比模量较高;可以采用化学镀方法在复合材料表面涂覆Ni层,镀层结合强度良好,是一种优异的电子封装用复合材料.  相似文献   

聚3, 4-乙烯二氧噻吩(PEDOT)因其具有柔性可拉伸、生物相容性高、导电及功函数可调控等优势在柔性可穿戴电子器件中显示出广阔的应用前景。近年来,随着资源危机的日益凸显,针对PEDOT:聚苯乙烯磺酸(PSS)体系,研究开发高效绿色可持续的生物质基掺杂剂,已引起相关研发人员的高度关注。本研究首次报道了采用生物质芳香弱酸?没食子酸(GA,pKa为4.41)掺杂制备高性能PEDOT导电膜的新途径。GA独特的邻多酚羟基结构创造了稳定的GA-PSSH双氢键,使得GA-PSSH的分子结合能显著高于GA的石油基强酸异构体(2, 4, 6-三羟基苯甲酸,pKa=1.68)与PSSH的分子结合能。GA掺杂不仅可实现PEDOT-PSS的高效相分离,而且优化了PEDOT分子链的构象、聚集结构的形貌及其排列方向。这赋予GA具有很高的掺杂效率,当GA掺杂量为1.2%时,PEDOT导电膜的电导率可提升三个数量级,达到1050 S/cm,导电性能达到已报道的生物质基掺杂剂的最高水平,且掺杂效率明显优于其它生物质基掺杂剂及其石油基强酸异构体。   相似文献   

We demonstrate the fabrication of poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) nanogratings by a dehydration-assisted nanoimprint lithographic technique. Dehydration of PEDOT:PSS increases its cohesion to protect the nanostructures formed by nanoimprinting during demolding, resulting in the formation of high quality nanogratings of 60?nm in height, 70?nm in width and 70?nm in spacing (aspect ratio of 0.86). PEDOT:PSS nanogratings are used as hole transport and an electron blocking layer in blended poly(3-hexylthiophene-2,5-diyl) (P3HT):[6,6]-penyl-C61-butyric-acid-methyl-ester (PCBM) organic photovoltaic devices (OPV), showing enhancement of photocurrent and power efficiency in comparison to OPV devices with non-patterned PEDOT:PSS films.  相似文献   

In this paper, we report on the high electrical storage capacity of composite electrodes made from nanoscale activated carbon combined with either poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) or PEDOT doped with multiple dopants such as ammonium persulfate (APS) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). The composites were fabricated by electropolymerization of the conducting polymers (PEDOT:PSS, doped PEDOT) onto the nanoscale activated carbon backbone, wherein the nanoscale activated carbon was produced by ball-milling followed by chemical and thermal treatments. Activated carbon/PEDOT:PSS yielded capacitance values of 640 F g?1 and 26 mF cm?2, while activated carbon/doped PEDOT yielded capacitances of 1183 F g?1 and 42 mF cm?2 at 10 mV s?1. This is more than five times the storage capacity previously reported for activated carbon–PEDOT composites. Further, use of multiple dopants in PEDOT improved the storage performance of the composite electrode well over that of PEDOT:PSS. The composite electrodes were characterized for their electrochemical behaviour, structural and morphological details and electronic conductivity and showed promise as high-performance energy storage systems.  相似文献   

选用柔性高分子材料聚偏氟乙烯(PVDF)作为基体,纳米钛酸钡陶瓷(BaTiO3)作为填充相,采用简单的溶液共混以及流延工艺制备BaTiO3/PVDF薄膜。通过SEM观察了复合材料体系的微观结构,研究了BaTiO3/PVDF介电复合材料的介电性能。把所制备的BaTiO3/PVDF复合材料薄膜(70mm×30mm×25μm...  相似文献   

Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) was studied as the back contact of Cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar cells and was compared with conventional Cu-based back contact. A series of PEDOT:PSS aqueous solutions with different conductivities were spin coated onto the glass/SnO2:F/SnO2/CdS/CdTe structures as back contact, and the PEDOT:PSS conductivity dependence of device performance was studied. It was found that PEDOT:PSS back contact with higher conductivity produces devices with lower series resistance and higher shunt resistance, leading to higher fill factor and higher device efficiencies. As the conductivity of PEDOT:PSS increased from 0.03 to 0.24 S/cm, the efficiency of the solar cell increased from 2.7 to 5.1 %. Methanol cleaning also played an important role in increasing the device performance. The efficiency of our best device with PEDOT:PSS back contact has reached 9.1 %, approaching those with conventional Cu/Au back contact (12.5 %).  相似文献   

通过原位自由基溶液聚合法制备了聚(3,4-乙撑二氧噻吩):聚苯乙烯磺酸盐(PEDOT:PSS)/聚(丙烯酰胺-甲基丙烯酸)(P(AAM-MAA))导电水凝胶.采用FTIR、Raman、TGA和SEM分别表征了PEDOT:PSS/P(AAM-MAA)的组成与形貌,测定了PEDOT:PSS/P(AAM-MAA)的透光率、电...  相似文献   

用硅烷偶联剂γ-甲基丙烯酰氧基丙基三甲氧基硅烷(KH550)对纳米TiO2进行改性, 将不同比例的聚乙烯醇(17-88与17-99)相混合制成胶液, 再采用直接共混法制备了纳米TiO2/聚乙烯醇(PVA)复合材料, 并流延成膜。通过自制透水仪、 扫描电镜、 热失重分析、 拉伸强度、 耐水性能以及透明性对纳米TiO2/PVA复合膜进行表征, 探讨不同含量的PVA 17-88对复合膜的性能影响。结果表明, PVA 17-88的质量分数为30%, 纳米TiO2 /PVA膜厚度控制在25~30 μm, 透水量较大, 拉伸强度达到28.72 MPa, 耐水性能最佳。   相似文献   

Liu  Guoqiang  Chen  Xiao  Liu  Congcong  Jiang  Qinglin  Jiang  Fengxing  An  Jianyu  Xu  Jingkun  Liu  Peipei 《Journal of Materials Science》2021,56(26):14632-14643

Wearable energy storage device nowadays gains great interest due to sharply increased demand for highly flexible, stretchable and embedded electronics, where fiber-based supercapacitor (FSC) is a competitive counterpart. The poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonic acid)/ polyaniline (PEDOT:PSS/PANi) fiber has been prepared via an accessible technique of one-dimensional (1D) self-assembly. Nevertheless, PSS as the main cross-linking matrix may lead to more hopping sites for charge carriers, lessening the continuous electrically conductive path. Herein, PEDOT:PSS/PANi fiber was treated with dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to remove the insulative PSS chains. Coupling high electroactivity of PANi and high conductivity of PEDOT, the optimized DMSO-PEDOT:PSS/PANi fiber displays enhanced electrochemical properties with a high specific capacitance (Cs) of 367.7 F g?1 at 0.5 A g?1 and good rate capability. Moreover, a symmetric FSC based on the DMSO-P4P6 fiber exhibits a high energy density of 42.4 Wh kg?1 at a power density of 302.3 W kg?1.

Graphical abstract

PEDOT: PSS/PANi fibers are prepared via a simple technique of one-dimensional (1D) self-assembly, and the PEDOT: PSS/PANi fiber exhibits superior flexibility, electrical conductivity, and electrochemical properties.


Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics - The highly transparent and conductive poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly (styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS)/Ag nanowires (NWs) composite...  相似文献   

In this work, we report a methanol-facilitated approach to directly use aqueous Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):Poly(styrene sulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS) in the silver/epoxy composites for preparation of highly electrically conductive adhesives (ECAs) and an investigation of the interaction between PEDOT:PSS nano-gels and silver microflakes. PEDOT:PSS nano-gel (18?<?d?<?30 nm) aqueous dispersion is immiscible with epoxy resin and difficult to incorporate into the conventional silver-filled ECAs. To overcome this challenge, we used methanol to facilitate the dispersion of PEDOT:PSS and silver microflake in epoxy resin. The synergetic interactions between PEDOT:PSS and silver and the effect of methanol were investigated using dynamic light scattering (DLS), atomic force microscopy, Kelvin probe force microscopy, and scanning electron microscope. When PEDOT:PSS was exposed to methanol, its morphology changed from coil to coil/linear structure; the contact potential difference between silver microflake and PEDOT:PSS increased from 9.47 to 22.56 mV, showing an increased conductivity between PEDOT:PSS and silver microflake. It was found that the introduction of a small amount of PEDOT:PSS (0.1 wt%) to the conventional ECA with 60 wt% silver microflake remarkably improved the electrical conductivity from 104 to 386 S/cm. A significantly high conductivity of 2526 S/cm was achieved by further increasing the PEDOT:PSS concentration to 1 wt%. The impact of PEDOT:PSS on the adhesive bonding strength towards copper substrate was also examined; the bonding strength slightly decreased when <?1 wt% PEDOT:PSS was used, but abruptly dropped when PEDOT:PSS content was further increased beyond 1 wt%. The incorporation of the optimal 1 wt% PEDOT:PSS into conventional ECAs with 60% silver microflake greatly increased the electrical conductivities by 25 times with limited impact on the shear strength. The results provide insights to the synergetic interplay of conductive polymer and metallic fillers, and might have profound technical implications on the development of advanced conductive composites.  相似文献   

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