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High affinity binding of [3H] cocaine to rat liver microsomes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[3H]Cocaine bound reversibly, with high affinity (KD 2.3 +/- 1.1 nM) and stereospecificity to rat liver microsomes. Little binding was detected in the lysosomal, mitochondrial and nuclear fractions. The binding kinetics were slow (T1/2 for association, 6 min and for dissociation 17 min), and the kinetically calculated KD was 2 nM. Induction of mixed function oxidases by phenobarbital did not produce significant change in [3H]cocaine binding. On the other hand, chronic administration of cocaine reduced [3H]cocaine binding drastically. Neither treatment affected the affinity of the liver binding protein for cocaine. Microsomes from mouse and human livers had less cocaine-binding protein and lower affinity for cocaine than those from rat liver. Binding of [3H]cocaine to rat liver microsomes was insensitive to monovalent cations and greater than 10 fold less sensitive to biogenic amines than the cocaine receptor in rat striatum. However, the liver protein had higher affinity for cocaine and metabolites except for norcocaine. Amine uptake inhibitors displaced [3H]cocaine binding to liver with a different rank order of potency than their displacement of [3H]cocaine binding to striatum. This high affinity [3H]cocaine binding protein in liver is not likely to be a monooxygenase, but may have a role in cocaine-induced hepatotoxicity.  相似文献   

[3H]Neurotensin (NT) was found to bind specifically and with high affinity to crude membranes prepared from rat uterus. Scatchard analysis of saturation binding studies indicated that [3H]NT apparently binds to two sites (high affinity Kd 0.5 nM; low affinity Kd 9 nM) with the density of high affinity sites (41 fmoles/mg prot.) being about one-third that of the low affinity sites (100 fmoles/mg prot.). In competition studies, NT and various fragments inhibited [3H]NT binding with the following potencies (IC50): NT 8–13 (0.4 nM), NT 1–13 (4 nM), NT 9–13 (130 nM), NT 1–11, NT 1–8 (>100 μM). Quantitatively similar results were obtained using brain tissue. These findings raise the possibility of a role for NT in uterine function.  相似文献   

It is known that quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB) binds specifically and with high affinity to the cholinergic muscarinic receptor and that behaves as a potent antagonist of this receptor.

We have analysed -[3H]QNB binding to rat CNS membranes after the administration of the convulsant 3-mercaptopropionic acid (MP) (150 mg·kg−1, i.p.). The studies were done in rats killed at two stages: during and after seizures. No changes in [3H]QNB binding to hippocampus and cerebral cortex membranes were found. [3H]QNB binding increased about 40 and 80% in striatum and cerebellum membranes, respectively. The changes were observed both in seizure and postseizures states. The study was extended to the assay of [3H]QNB binding kinetic constants in the anatomical areas modified by the convulsant. The analysis of the saturation curves indicated an increase in the binding affinity but no change in the number of binding sites. Hill number values were near the unit suggesting a non-cooperative interaction between the ligand and the receptor, and the labelling of a homogeneous population of receptor sites.

The results suggest the participation of some cholinergic pathways in the development and maintenance of MP-induced seizures.  相似文献   

Striatal-quinolinic acid lesions have been used as a model for the pathology seen in Huntington's disease. Seven days following a unilateral injection of 100 nmol of quinolinic acid into the rat caudate-putamen (striatum), a large increase in the binding of [3H]WIN 35,428 to the lesioned caudate putamen was seen when compared to the unlesioned side. Binding in other brain regions was unchanged. These data indicate that there is an increase in dopaminergic uptake sites in the lesioned caudate-putamen and suggest a target for further study in Huntington's disease.  相似文献   

The serotonin (5-HT) transporter from calf striatum cerebral membranes was solubilized with digitonin and characterized by gel exclusion chromatography. [3H]Imipramine and [3H]paroxetine were utilized as markers for labeling it.3H-imipramine labels a high- and a low-affinity site on striaturn membranes, whereas it binds to a single high-affinity site on the solubilized fraction. [3H]Paroxetine binds with the same affinity to a single site on both membranes and solubilized preparations. After gel exclusion chromatography of the solubilizate both [3H]imipramine and [3H]paroxetine bind on an identical fraction of 205 kDa molecular weight, with a similar maximum number of binding sites (Bmax). Our results suggest that both3H-imipramine and [3H]paroxetine bind to a common site on the 5-HT transporter.  相似文献   

The relationship of [3H]imipramine recognition sites and serotonergic function was investigated by simultaneously determining the desipramine-defined and sodium-dependent components of [3H]imipramine binding and the serotonin levels and uptake in hippocampus of rats without and with selective lesion of serotonergic neurons with 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine. In control rats, the desipramine-defined [3H]imipramine binding to hippocampal membranes showed a high affinity (Kd = 2 nM) and low affinity (Kd = 31 nM) component. In contrast, the Scatchard analysis of sodium-dependent binding revealed a single class of sites of high affinity (Kd = 1.5 nM). Displacement of sodium-dependent [3H]imipramine binding by cold imipramine resulted in a steep curve best fitted to a one-site model. Sodium-dependent binding of [3H]imipramine at 4 nM concentration represented only about 38% of desipramine-defined binding. 5,7-Dihydroxytryptamine treatment resulted in marked reduction of hippocampal serotonin concentration and uptake without any changes in norepinephrine levels. Virtually only the low affinity component of desipramine-defined [3H]imipramine binding was detected by Scatchard analysis in 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine lesioned rats. The desipramine-defined "specific" [3H]imipramine binding in hippocampi of lesioned rats was decreased by 46%, whereas the sodium-dependent binding was only 18% of that seen in controls. Desipramine-defined specific binding in absence of sodium was not altered by lesion to serotonergic neurons. The results suggest that desipramine-defined specific [3H]imipramine binding may not be appropriate for studying the role of imipramine sites in relation to serotonin neuronal uptake and that determination of sodium-dependent binding components of both [3H]imipramine binding and serotonin uptake should be used in future studies.  相似文献   

The site of cocaine binding on the dopamine transporter (DAT) was investigated using the photoactivatable irreversible cocaine analog [125I]3beta-(p-chlorophenyl)tropane-2beta-carboxylic acid, 4'-azido-3'-iodophenylethyl ester ([125I]RTI 82). The incorporation site of this compound was mapped to transmembrane domains (TMs) 4-6 using epitope-specific immunoprecipitation of trypsin fragments and further localized using cyanogen bromide (CNBr), which hydrolyzes proteins on the C-terminal side of methionine residues. CNBr hydrolysis of [125I]RTI 82-labeled rat striatal and expressed human DATs produced fragments of approximately 5-10 kDa consistent with labeling between Met(271/272) or Met(290) in TM5 to Met(370/371) in TM7. To further define the incorporation site, substitution mutations were made that removed endogenous methionines and inserted exogenous methionines in combinations that would generate labeled CNBr fragments of distinct masses depending on the labeling site. The results obtained were consistent with the presence of TM6 but not TMs 4, 5, or 7 in the labeled fragments, with additional support for these conclusions obtained by epitope-specific immunoprecipitation and secondary digestion of CNBr fragments with endoproteinase Lys-C. The final localization of [125I]RTI 82 incorporation to rat DAT Met(290)-Lys(336) and human DAT I291M to R344M provides positive evidence for the proximity of cocaine binding to TM6. Residues in and near DAT TM6 regulate transport and transport-dependent conformational states, and TM6 forms part of the substrate permeation pathway in the homologous Aquifex aeolicus leucine transporter. Cocaine binding near TM6 may thus overlap the dopamine translocation pathway and function to inhibit TM6 structural rearrangements necessary for transport.  相似文献   

Although much is known about the effects of Na+, K+, and Cl- on the functional activity of the neuronal dopamine transporter, little information is available on their role in the initial event in dopamine uptake, i.e., the recognition step. This was addressed here by studying the inhibition by dopamine of the binding of [3H]WIN 35,428 [2beta-carbomethoxy-3beta-(4-fluorophenyl)[3H]tropane], a phenyltropane analogue of cocaine, to the cloned human dopamine transporter expressed in HEK-293 cells. The decrease in the affinity of dopamine (or WIN 35,428) binding affinity with increasing [K+] could be fitted to a competitive model involving an inhibitory cation site (1) overlapping with the dopamine (or WIN 35,428) domain. The K+ IC50 for inhibiting dopamine or WIN 35,428 binding increased linearly with [Na+], indicating a K(D,Na+) of 30-44 mM and a K(D,K+) of 13-16 mM for this cation site. A second Na+ site (2), distal from the WIN 35,428 domain but linked by positive allosterism, was indicated by model fitting of the WIN 35,428 binding affinities as a function of [Na+]. No strong evidence for this second site was obtained for dopamine binding in the absence or presence of low (20 mM) Cl- and could not be acquired for high [Cl-] because of the lack of a suitable substitute ion for Na+. The K(D) but not Bmax of [3H]WIN 35,428 binding increased as a function of the [K+]/[Na+] ratio regardless of total [Cl-] or ion tonicity. A similar plot was obtained for the Ki of dopamine binding, with Cl- at > or = 140 mM decreasing the Ki. At 290 mM Cl- and 300 mM Na+ the potency of K+ in inhibiting dopamine binding was enhanced as compared with the absence of Cl- in contrast to the lack of effect of Cl- up to 140 mM (Na up to 150 mM). The results indicate that Cl- at its extracellular level enhances dopamine binding through a mechanism not involving site 1. The observed correspondence between the WIN 35,428 and dopamine domains in their inclusion of the inhibitory cation site explains why many of the previously reported interrelated effects of Na+ and K+ on the binding site of radiolabeled blockers to the dopamine transporter are applicable to dopamine uptake in which dopamine recognition is the first step.  相似文献   

1. The effects of chronic administration of antidepressants on dopamine-related [3H]SCH 23390 and [3H]spiperone binding to rat striatal membranes were assessed. 2. The monoamine oxidase inhibitors phenelzine (5 or 10 mg kg-1/day) and tranylcypromine (1 mg kg-1/day) and the tricyclic desipramine (10 mg kg-1/day) were administered for 28 days by constant subcutaneous infusion using Alzet (2ML4) osmotic minipumps. 3. These treatments did not alter Kd estimates for either [3H]SCH 23390 or [3H]spiperone binding sites. The monoamine oxidase inhibitors induced a decrease in the Bmax values for both [3H]SCH 23990 and [3H]spiperone binding sites. Desipramine induced a decrease in the Bmax value for [3H]SCH 23390 binding but had no effect on the Bmax value for [3H]spiperone binding.  相似文献   

Purification of L-[3H]nicotine eliminates low affinity binding   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Some studies of L-[3H]nicotine binding to rodent and human brain tissue have detected two binding sites as evidenced by nonlinear Scatchard plots. Evidence presented here indicates that the low affinity binding site is not stereospecific, is not inhibited by low concentrations of cholinergic agonists and is probably due to breakdown products of nicotine since purification of the L-[3H]nicotine eliminates the low affinity site.  相似文献   

Previous work from this laboratory showed the ability of neurotensin to inhibit synaptosomal membrane Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity, the effect being blocked by SR 48692, a non-peptidic antagonist for high affinity neurotensin receptor (NTS1) [López Ordieres and Rodríguez de Lores Arnaiz 2000; 2001]. To further study neurotensin interaction with Na(+), K(+)-ATPase, peptide effect on high affinity [(3)H]-ouabain binding was studied in cerebral cortex membranes. It was observed that neurotensin modified binding in a dose-dependent manner, leading to 80% decrease with 1 × 10(-4)M concentration. On the other hand, the single addition of 1 × 10(-6)M, 1 × 10(-5)M and 1 × 10(-4)M SR 48692 (Sanofi-Aventis, U.S., Inc.) decreased [(3)H]-ouabain binding (in %) to 87 ± 16; 74 ± 16 and 34 ± 17, respectively. Simultaneous addition of neurotensin and SR 48692 led to additive or synergic effects. Partial NTS2 agonist levocabastine inhibited [(3)H]-ouabain binding likewise. Saturation assays followed by Scatchard analyses showed that neurotensin increased K(d) value whereas failed to modify B(max) value, indicating a competitive type interaction of the peptide at Na(+), K(+)-ATPase ouabain site. At variance, SR 48692 decreased B(max) value whereas it did not modify K(d) value. [(3)H]-ouabain binding was also studied in cerebral cortex membranes obtained from rats injected i. p. 30 min earlier with 100 μg and 250 μg/kg SR 48692. It was observed that the 250 μg/kg SR 48692 dose led to 19% decrease in basal [(3)H]-ouabain binding. After SR 48692 treatments, addition of 1 × 10(-6)M led to additive or synergic effect. Results suggested that [(3)H]-ouabain binding inhibition by neurotensin hardly involves NTS1 receptor.  相似文献   

R Weizman  M Carmi  S Tyano  A Apter  M Rehavi 《Life sciences》1986,38(13):1235-1242
High affinity [3H]imipramine binding and [3H]serotonin uptake to platelets were investigated in 17 anorexic females aged 15-18 years as compared to 15 healthy females of similar ages. A significant decrease in the density of [3H]imipramine binding sites was observed in anorexics as compared to controls (368 +/- 40 vs 517 +/- 38 fmoles/mg protein, p less than 0.01). No alteration in Kd values or in the kinetic parameters of serotonin uptake (Vmax, Km) were noted. The fact that the decrease in imipramine binding is not accompanied by a parallel reduction in serotonin uptake might indicate that anorexia nervosa is not ultimately related to major depression and that the imipramine binding site is not identical to the serotonin uptake site.  相似文献   

The dopamine transporter (DAT), a member of the neurotransmitter:sodium symporter family, mediates the reuptake of dopamine at the synaptic cleft. DAT is the primary target for psychostimulants such as cocaine and amphetamine. We previously demonstrated that cocaine binding and dopamine transport alter the accessibility of Cys342 in the third intracellular loop (IL3). To study the conformational changes associated with the functional mechanism of the transporter, we made cysteine substitution mutants, one at a time, from Phe332 to Ser351 in IL3 of the background DAT construct, X7C, in which 7 endogenous cysteines were mutated. The accessibility of the 20 engineered cysteines to polar charged sulfhydryl reagents was studied in the absence and presence of cocaine or dopamine. Of the 11 positions that reacted with methanethiosulfonate ethyl ammonium, as evidenced by inhibition of ligand binding, 5 were protected against this inhibition by cocaine and dopamine (S333C, S334C, N336C, M342C and T349C), indicating that reagent accessibility is affected by conformational changes associated with inhibitor and substrate binding. In some of the cysteine mutants, transport activity is disrupted, but can be rescued by the presence of zinc, most likely because the distribution between inward- and outward-facing conformations is restored by zinc binding. The experimental data were interpreted in the context of molecular models of DAT in both the inward- and outward-facing conformations. Differences in the solvent accessible surface area for individual IL3 residues calculated for these states correlate well with the experimental accessibility data, and suggest that protection by ligand binding results from the stabilization of the outward-facing configuration. Changes in the residue interaction networks observed from the molecular dynamics simulations also revealed the critical roles of several positions during the conformational transitions. We conclude that the IL3 region of DAT undergoes significant conformational changes in transitions necessary for both cocaine binding and substrate transport.  相似文献   

Cocaine inhibits both [3H]dopamine and [3H]serotonin uptake in rat striatum and nucleus accumbens. In a chopped tissue slice preparation, the inhibition curve for [3H]dopamine uptake is biphasic, suggesting two components of uptake, whereas the curve for [3H]serotonin uptake is steep and apparently monophasic. In synaptosomal preparations, both curves are monophasic. Monensin, a sodium ionophore, inhibits uptake but does not change the shape of the cocaine inhibition curve in synaptosomes, suggesting that the biphasic inhibition curves in slices are not likely due to differential sodium gradients across the slices. In tissue slices, only the component which is more sensitive to inhibition by cocaine and related drugs is inhibitable by nicotine. This suggests that the two components of dopamine uptake in tissue slices may be differentially regulated.  相似文献   

The influence of prior incubation on [3H]tryptamine binding was investigated in rat brain synaptic plasma membranes. A 55 min preincubation of the membranes at 37 degrees C induced an approx. 2.4-fold increase in the specific binding of [3H]ligand to the subsequently washed preparations and this phenomenon was quite temperature-dependent. On the other hand, the proportion of nonspecific binding sites was significantly decreased by 70% of the original sites within 20 min of the start of preincubation. Pargyline, ascorbic acid, EGTA, metal ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+) and guanine nucleotides, included in the preincubation buffer, were all inactive on the stimulation of [3H]tryptamine binding, while the pretreatment of membranes with glutaraldehyde antagonized the augmentation of this binding. Furthermore, it was revealed that the Scatchard plot of the [3H]tryptamine binding preincubated at 0 degree C conformed to a straight line (KD = 33.1 nM, Bmax = 543 fmoles/mg protein), whereas a curvilinear Scatchard plot was obtained at 37 degrees C preincubation. Nonlinear regression analysis of the latter resulted in apparent KD (nM) & Bmax (fmoles/mg protein) values of 0.45 & 102.7 and 33.7 & 603.4 for the high and low affinity sites, respectively. All these observations lead to the inference that the preincubation-induced increase in [3H]tryptamine binding (i.e., nearly high affinity proportion of sites) may occur as a result of temperature-sensitive interconvertible conformational changes.  相似文献   

It has been argued that agonist ligands for dopamine D(2/3) receptors recognize a privileged subset of the receptors in living striatum, those which are functionally coupled to intracellular G-proteins. In support of this claim, the D(2/3) agonist [(3)H]-N-propylnorapomorphine ([(3)H]NPA) proved to be more vulnerable to competition from endogenous dopamine than was the antagonist ligand [(11)C]raclopride, measured ex vivo in mouse striatum, and subsequently in multi-tracer PET studies of analogous design. Based on these results, we predicted that prolonged dopamine depletion would result in a preferential increase in agonist binding, and a lesser competition from residual dopamine to the agonist binding. To test this hypothesis we used autoradiography to measure [(3)H]NPA and [(3)H]raclopride binding sites in hemi-parkinsonian rats with unilateral 6-OHDA lesions, with and without amphetamine challenge. Unilateral lesions were associated with a more distinct increase in [(3)H]NPA binding ex vivo than was seen for [(3)H]raclopride binding in vitro. Furthermore, this preferential asymmetry in [(3)H]NPA binding was more pronounced in amphetamine treated rats. We consequently predict that agonist ligands should likewise be fitter than antagonists for detecting responses to denervation in positron emission tomography studies of idiopathic Parkinson's disease. Agonist binding increases in vivo are likely to reflect the composite of a sensitization-like phenomenon, and relatively less competition from endogenous dopamine, as seen in the lesioned side of 6-OHDA induced hemi-parkinsonism.  相似文献   

(±)-[3H]Epinephrine and (?)-[3H]norepinephrine bind saturably to calf cerebral cortex membranes under appropriate incubation conditions in a fashion indicating that they label α-noradrenergic receptors. Binding of the two [3H]catecholamines is saturable with dissociation constants of 20–30 nM. Binding is stereoselective with (?)-norepinephrine displaying about twenty times greater affinity than (+)-norepinephrine. The relative potencies of catecholamines in competing for these binding sites parallels their relative pharmacologic effects at α-noradrenergic receptors in numerous tissues. Thus, (?)-epinephrine is 2–3 times more potent than (?)-norepinephrine and 500 times more potent than (?)-isoproterenol. Binding is inhibited by low concentrations of the α-antagonists phentolamine and phenoxybenzamine but not by the β-antagonist propranolol.  相似文献   

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