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有向网络下非线性多智能体系统的协调跟踪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马广富  梅杰 《控制与决策》2011,26(12):1861-1864
基于一致性理论,在有向拓扑结构下研究非线性多智能体系统的协调跟踪控制问题.考虑智能体动力学模型为一般且仅满足Lipschitz条件的非线性系统,在仅有部分跟随智能体能获取领航智能体信息的情形下,当领航智能体与跟随智能体之间的拓扑结构具有有向生成树,即存在领航智能体到所有跟随智能体的有向路径时,所设计的分布式控制律可实现所有跟随智能体对领航智能体的跟踪,并指出该拓扑结构是系统实现跟踪的一个必要条件.最后,仿真实验验证了所设计控制算法的有效性.  相似文献   

非线性离散时间系统的最优终端迭代学习控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
仅利用系统的终端输出误差而不是整个输出轨迹,提出了一种最优终端迭代学习控制方法.控制信号可直接通过终点的误差信息进行更新.主要创新点在于控制器的设计和分析只利用系统量测的I/O数据而不需要关于系统模型的任何信息,并可实现沿迭代轴的单调收敛.在此意义上,所提出的控制器是数据驱动的无模型控制方法.严格的数学分析和仿真结果均表明了所提出方法的适用性和有效性.  相似文献   

In this paper, we consider the global robust output regulation problem for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with nonlinear exosystems. By employing the internal model approach, we show that this problem boils down to a global robust stabilization problem of a time-varying nonlinear system in lower triangular form, the solution of which will lead to the solution of the global robust output regulation problem. An example shows the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

The security control problem for a class of unknown nonlinear systems is considered in this paper. For the nonlinear system running in the network environment, the measurement channel is subjected to hybrid attacks. Intermittent denial of service attacks and false data injection attacks are modeled as the hybrid attacks. According to the characteristics of the repetitive system, a resilient iterative learning control (ILC) algorithm under hybrid attacks is devised. Subsequently, the stability of the system is proved by mathematical derivation and theoretical analysis in the sense of mathematical expectation. The theoretical analysis results indicate that the resilient ILC algorithm can ensure the stability of the system, and the tracking error converges with the increased number of iterations. Finally, the validity of the algorithm is illustrated by numerical simulation and mobile robot simulation.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the intermittent fault estimation problem for a class of nonlinear time‐delay systems with measurement noise. The time delays are assumed to occur in state vector, nonlinear term as well as output vector, thus reflecting the time delays influence in reality more closely. The aim of the problem is to estimate the intermittent fault by using iterative learning scheme, with the property of index, hence attenuating the influence from measurement noise. Different from existing fault estimating schemes, the state error information and fault estimating information in the previous iteration are used in the current iteration to improve the estimating results. The stability and convergence of iterative learning observer and uniform boundedness of dynamic error system are achieved by using Lyapunov function and optimal function design. Simultaneously, an improved sufficient condition for the existence of such an estimator is established in terms of the linear matrix inequality by the Schur complements and Young relations. Furthermore, the results are both suited for the systems with time‐varying delay and the systems with constant delay. Finally, two numerical examples are proposed to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, and a comparability example is presented to demonstrate its superiority. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于观测器的受扰非线性系统近似最优跟踪控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究一类受扰非线性系统的最优输出跟踪控制问题.给出了有限时域最优输出跟踪控制律的近似设计算法.首先将求解受扰非线性系统最优跟踪控制问题转换为求解状态向量与伴随向量耦合的非线性两点边值问题,然后利用逐次逼近方法构造序列将其转化为求解两个解耦的线性微分方程序列问题.通过迭代求解伴随向量的序列,可得到由解析的线性前馈-反馈控制部分和伴随向量的极限形式的非线性补偿部分组成的最优输出跟踪控制律.利用参考输入降维观测器和扰动降维观测器,解决了前馈控制的物理可实现问题.最后仿真结果表明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

This article focuses on global fuzzy consensus control of unknown second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems based on adaptive iterative learning scheme. In order to achieve global consensus, a replacement idea is introduced, where fuzzy systems are used as feedforward compensators to model unknown nonlinear dynamics relying on tracking signals. Considering that the network communication is distributed, a kind of hybrid control protocol is designed to avoid the complete dependence on the tracking signals. In addition, considering the complexity of the external environment, this article extends the above distributed protocol to the case of unknown control directions to study global consensus. Finally, the feasibility of the proposed protocols is verified by Matlab numerical simulations.  相似文献   

本文讨论一类非线性系统的全局鲁棒输出调节问题.假定被控非线性系统的系统输入方向未知,且产生参考或扰动信号的外部系统含未知参数,这为控制律的设计带来了挑战.文章使用自适应控制方法和内模原理,解决了一类相对阶为1的非线性输出反馈系统的输出调节问题,并将结果应用于处理Lorenz系统的渐近跟踪问题.  相似文献   

一类未知非线性系统的智能迭代学习控制   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
从自适应的角度设计迭代学习控制,将神经网络引入迭代学习控制中。学习控制与自适应控制相结合,使得对网络权值的学习和跟踪控制同时进行,克服 了经典迭代学习控制的一些缺陷。基于Lyapunov直接方法,证明了整个控制系统的稳定并实现了任意精度的跟踪。实例仿真结果说明了算法 的有效性及其所具有的优点。  相似文献   

针对非线性时变系统的迭代学习控制问题提出了一种开闭环PID型迭代学习控制律,并证明了系统满足收敛条件时,具有开闭环PID型迭代学习律的一类非线性时变系统在动态过程存在干扰的情况下控制算法的鲁棒性问题.分析表明,系统在状态干扰、输出干扰和初态干扰有界的情况下跟踪误差有界收敛,在所有干扰渐近重复的情况下可以完全地跟踪给定的期望轨迹.  相似文献   

针对非线性连续系统难以跟踪时变轨迹的问题,本文首先通过系统变换引入新的状态变量从而将非线性系统的最优跟踪问题转化为一般非线性时不变系统的最优控制问题,并基于近似动态规划算法(ADP)获得近似最优值函数与最优控制策略.为有效地实现该算法,本文利用评价网与执行网来估计值函数及相应的控制策略,并且在线更新二者.为了消除神经网络近似过程中产生的误差,本文在设计控制器时增加一个鲁棒项;并且通过Lyapunov稳定性定理来证明本文提出的控制策略可保证系统跟踪误差渐近收敛到零,同时也验证在较小的误差范围内,该控制策略能够接近于最优控制策略.最后给出两个时变跟踪轨迹实例来证明该方法的可行性与有效性.  相似文献   

讨论非线性非最小相位系统实现完全跟踪的迭代学习控制方法, 适于在有限作业区间上重复运行的受控系统. 在控制器设计时, 通过输出重定义以使非最小相位系统的零动态变成渐近稳定特性. 分别采用部分限幅和完全限幅两种学习算法设计控制器, 理论分析表明两种算法能够保证学习系统中所有变量的有界性和跟踪误差在整个作业区间上渐近收敛于零. 数值仿真验证了两种迭代学习控制系统的跟踪性能.  相似文献   

This article deals with the problem of iterative learning control algorithm for a class of nonlinear parabolic distributed parameter systems (DPSs) with iteration‐varying desired trajectories. Here, the variation of the desired trajectories in the iteration domain is described by a high‐order internal model. According to the characteristics of the systems, the high‐order internal model‐based P‐type learning algorithm is constructed for such nonlinear DPSs, and furthermore, the corresponding convergence theorem of the presented algorithm is established. It is shown that the output trajectory can converge to the desired trajectory in the sense of (L2,λ) ‐norm along the iteration axis within arbitrarily small error. Finally, a simulation example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

对于非线性迭代学习控制问题,提出基于延拓法和修正Newton法的具有全局收敛性的迭代学习控制新方法.由于一般的Newton型迭代学习控制律都是局部收敛的,在实际应用中有很大局限性.为拓宽收敛范围,该方法将延拓法引入迭代学习控制问题,提出基于同伦延拓的新的Newton型迭代学习控制律,使得初始控制可以较为任意的选择.新的迭代学习控制算法将求解过程分成N个子问题,每个子问题由换列修正Newton法利用简单的递推公式解出.本文给出算法收敛的充分条件,证明了算法的全局收敛性.该算法对于非线性系统迭代学习控制具有全局收敛和计算简单的优点.  相似文献   

针对具有随机链路丢包、通信带宽受限以及模型未知的非线性多智能体一致性问题, 提出一种事件驱动的分布式无模型迭代学习控制策略. 首先建立系统的事件驱动决策机制, 给出基于输出信息的通信触发条件, 当该条件满足时触发事件, 各智能体间进行通信, 不满足条件时则不通信, 从而能够有效减少智能体间的大量通信和能量耗散. 其次, 使用伪偏导数将非线性系统沿迭代轴动态线性化, 借助邻居在前一步事件触发时的输出信息设计随机链路丢包补偿机制, 再结合事件驱动通信机制设计分布式控制协议. 在此基础上, 使用压缩映射原理分析算法收敛性能, 仿真结果表明随着迭代次数的增加, 事件触发间隔变大, 所有的智能体将完成对期望轨迹的跟踪.  相似文献   

This paper studies the leader-following consensus problem for a class of second-order nonlinear multi-agent systems subject to linearly parameterized uncertainty and disturbance. The problem is solved by integrating the adaptive control technique and the adaptive distributed observer method. The design procedure is illustrated by an example with a group of Van der Pol oscillators as the followers and a harmonic system as the leader.  相似文献   

陈华东  蒋平 《控制与决策》2002,17(Z1):715-718
针对一类单输入单输出不确定非线性重复跟踪系统,提出一种基于完全未知高频反馈增益的自适应迭代学习控制.与普通迭代学习控制需要学习增益稳定性前提条件不同,自适应迭代学习控制通过不断修改Nussbaum形式的高频学习增益达到收敛.经证明当迭代次数i→∞时,重复跟踪误差可一致收敛到任意小界δ.仿真结果表明了该控制方法的有效性.  相似文献   

A novel distributed command governor (CG) supervision strategy relying on iterative optimization procedure is presented for multi‐agent interconnected linear systems subject to pointwise‐in‐time set‐membership coordination constraints. Unlike non‐iterative distributed CG schemes, here all agents undertake several optimization iterations and data exchange before arriving to the optimal solution. As a result, these methods are able to achieve Pareto‐optimal solutions not only in steady‐state conditions as the ones based on non‐iterative optimization procedures but also during transients and are not hampered by the presence of undesirable Nash‐equilibria or deadlock situations. The main properties of the method are fully investigated and in particular its optimality, stability, and feasibility properties rigorously proved. A final example is presented where the proposed distributed solution is contrasted with existing centralized and distributed non‐iterative CG solutions. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multiple uncertainties/noises, frequently exist in a plant, usually require multiple compensation techniques, which renders feedback controllers highly dynamic and nonlinear. This motivates us to search for a compact design scheme of compensation to reduce the complexity of controllers. In this paper, global output-feedback stabilisation is investigated for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems with unknown unmeasured states-dependent growth and input matching uncertainty. To solve the problem, a compact scheme is proposed to design a global adaptive output-feedback controller, which combines the technique of dynamic gain and extended state observer together. Particularly, only one dynamic gain, rather than two dynamic gains, is introduced to deal with the unknown polynomial-of-output growth rate, which makes our controller to have lower dynamics than those in the related works. Moreover, the input matching uncertainty is asymptotically estimated by the extended state observer, and thus its effect is well counteracted. It is shown that, under the designed controller, the system states globally converge to zero. A simulation example on non-zero set-point regulation demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

针对于具有初始状态不确定性的非线性时不变系统,采用矩形脉冲信号补偿传统的比例微分型一阶和二阶迭代学习控制律.在Lebesgue-p范数度量跟踪误差意义下,利用卷积的推广的Young不等式分析学习控制律的跟踪性能.分析表明,在适当选取比例学习增益,微分学习增益和非线性状态函数的Lipschitz常数以保证收敛因子小于1的前提下,渐近跟踪误差是由初始状态不确定性引起的,而且可通过调节补偿因子予以消减.数值仿真验证了补偿策略的有效性和理论分析的正确性.  相似文献   

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