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The nonhydrolyzable carbon (NHC) and black carbon (BC) in three contaminated soils and seven sediments from the Pearl River Delta and Estuary, China, were isolated upon treatments with an acid hydrolysis method and with a combustion method at 375 degrees C, respectively, and their sorption isotherms for phenanthrene (Phen) were established. It was found that NHC is chemically and structurally different from the biopolymer and humic substances and consists mainly of aliphatic and aromatic carbon using elemental analysis, 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (13C NMR), and Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR). All the sorption isotherms are nonlinear and are well fitted by the Freundlich model. The single-point organic carbon-normalized distribution coefficient (K(oc)) measured for the isolated NHC is 1.3-7.7 times higher than that for the bulk samples at the same aqueous concentration of Phen. The NHC fractions play a dominant role to the overall sorption in the bulk samples. The bulk soils and their NHC fractions have lower sorption capacity than the bulk sediments and their NHC fractions, relating to the different source of organic matter between soils and sediments. The Phen sorption capacity in the NHC samples is related significantlyto H/C ratios and aliphatic carbon, but negatively to aromatic carbon, demonstrating the important role of aliphatic carbon to the Phen sorption and the fate in the investigated soils and sediments.  相似文献   

To better understand sorption, separation methods are needed to enrich soils and sediments in one or more types of carbonaceous materials (CM), especially in fine grain materials where physical separation is not possible. We evaluated a series of chemical and thermal treatment methods by applying them to four different CMs prepared in our laboratory: a humic acid (HA), a char, a soot, and a heat-treated soot (HN-soot). Before and after each treatment step, CM properties were evaluated including aqueous phase sorption with trichloroethene (TCE). Results indicate that treatment with hydrofluoric (HF) and hydrochloric acid (HCI) to remove silicate minerals, and with trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) to remove easily hydrolyzable organic matter, has relatively little effect on the humic acid mass (<19% change) and TCE sorption to this material. Subsequent treatment with NaOH to extract fulvic and humic acids results in almost complete removal of the humic acid mass (>92%) and has little to no effect on the masses of the char and two soots (<8% change) and TCE sorption to these materials. Treatment with acid dichromate to remove kerogen and humin also has little effect on masses of the char and soots (<16% change), but TCE sorption to these materials is significantly altered (by >10x in some cases), and there is strong evidence of surface oxidation based on X-ray photoelectron and diffuse reflectance Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy results. The last step, thermal treatment, which targets char removal, also destroys >96% of the soots pretreated with acid dichromate. However, when thermal treatment is applied to the original soots, <32% of these materials are destroyed. Thermal oxidation also affects sorption to one of the soots (by approximately 2x at low concentration), and surface oxidation is evident. These results suggest that treatment with HCl, HCl/HF, TFA, and NaOH can be applied to soils and sediments to obtain CM enrichment fractions for sorption evaluation, but that acid dichromate and heat treatment may not be appropriate for these purposes.  相似文献   

The kinetics of Ni sorption to two Delaware agricultural soils were studied to quantitatively assess the relative importance of Ni adsorption on soil organic matter (SOM) and the formation of Ni layered double hydroxide (Ni-LDH) precipitates using both experimental studies and kinetic modeling. Batch sorption kinetic experiments were conducted with both soils at pH 6.0, 7.0, and 7.5 from 24 h up to 1 month. Time-resolved Ni speciation in soils was determined by X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) during the kinetic experiments. A kinetics model was developed to describe Ni kinetic reactions under various reaction conditions and time scales, which integrated Ni adsorption on SOM with Ni-LDH precipitation in soils. The soil Ni speciation (adsorbed phases and Ni-LDH) calculated using the kinetics model was consistent with that obtained through XAS analysis during the sorption processes. Under our experimental conditions, both modeling and XAS results demonstrated that Ni adsorption on SOM was dominant in the short term and the formation of Ni-LDH precipitates accounted for the long-term Ni sequestration in soils, and, more interestingly, that the adsorbed Ni may slowly transfer to Ni-LDH phases with longer reaction times.  相似文献   

The sorption behavior of four hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) (i.e., phenanthrene, naphthalene, lindane, and 1-naphthol) by three types of polymers namely polyethylene (PE), polystyrene (PS), and polyphenyleneoxide (PPO) was examined in this work. The organic carbon content-normalized sorption coefficients (K(oc)) of phenanthrene, lindane, and naphthalene by PEs of same composition but distinct physical makeup of domains increased with their crystallinity reduction (from 58.7 to 25.5%), suggesting that mobility and abundance of rubbery domains in polymers regulated HOC sorption. Cross-linking in styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer (PS2) created substantial surface area and porosity, thus, K(oc) values of phenanthrene, lindane, naphthalene, and 1-naphthol by PS2 were as high as 274.8, 212.3, 27.4, and 1.5 times of those by the linear polystyrene (PS1). The K(oc) values of lindane, naphthalene, and 1-naphthol by polar PPO were approximately 1-3 orders of magnitude higher than those by PS1, and PPO had comparable sorption for phenanthrene but higher sorption for naphthalene and 1-naphthol than PS2. This can be a result that a portion of O-containing moieties in PPO were masked in the interior part, while leaving the hydrophobic domains exposed outside, therefore demonstrating the great influence of the spatial arrangement of domains in polymers on HOC sorption.  相似文献   

Natural Organic Matter (NOM) is a major sorbent for organic pollutants in soils and sediments. While sorption under oxic conditions has been well investigated, possible changes in the sorption capacity of a given NOM induced by reduction have not yet been studied. Reduction of quinones to hydroquinones, the major redox active moieties in NOM, increases the number of H-donor moieties and thus may affect sorption. This work compares the sorption of four nonionic organic pollutants of different polarities (naphthalene, acetophenone, quinoline, and 2-naphthol), and of the organocation paraquat to unreduced and electrochemically reduced Leonardite Humic Acid (LHA). The redox states of reduced and unreduced LHA in all sorption experiments were stable, as demonstrated by a spectrophotometric 2,6-dichlorophenol indophenol reduction assay. The sorption isotherms of the nonionic pollutants were highly linear, while paraquat sorption was strongly concentration dependent. LHA reduction did not result in significant changes in the sorption of all tested compounds, not even of the cationic paraquat at pH 7, 9, and 11. This work provides the first evidence that changes in NOM redox state do not largely affect organic pollutant sorption, suggesting that current sorption models are applicable both to unreduced and to reduced soil and sediment NOM.  相似文献   

Natural organic matter (NOM) hydration is found to change activity-based sorption of test organic compounds by as much as 2-3 orders of magnitude, depending on the compound and the specific NOM sorbent. This is demonstrated for sorption on humin, humic acid, and the NOM source material. Hydration assistance in organic compound sorption correlates with the ability of the sorbate to interact strongly with hydrated sorbents, demonstrating the important role of noncovalent polar links in organizing the sorbent structure. Differences in hydration effect between the sorbents are caused mainly by differences in compound-sorbent interactions in the dry state. For a given compound, hydration of the sorbent tends to equalize the sorption capability of the three sorbents. No correlation was found between the strength of sorbate-sorbent interactions or the type of sorbate functional groups and the extent of sorption nonlinearity. Sorption nonlinearity compared over the same sorbed concentration range is greater on the original NOM than on either of the two extracted fractions. In elucidating sorption mechanisms on hydrated NOM, it is important to explicitly consider the participation of water molecules in organic compound interactions in the NOM phase.  相似文献   

The effect of soil organic status on copper impact was investigated by means of a microcosm study carried out on a vineyard soil that had been amended with varying types of organic matter during a previous long-term field experiment. Soil microcosms were contaminated at 250 mg Cu kg(-1) and incubated for 35 days. Copper distribution and dynamics were assessed in the solid matrix by a sequential extraction procedure and in the soil solution by measuring total and free exchangeable copper concentrations. Copper bioavailability was also measured with a whole-cell biosensor. Modifications of microbial communities were assessed by means of biomass-C measurements and characterization of genetic structure using ARISA (automated-ribosomal-intergenic-spacer-analysis). The results showed that copper distribution, speciation, and bioavailability are strongly different between organically amended and nonamended soils. Surprisingly, in solution, bioavailable copper correlated with total copper but not with free copper. Similarly the observed differential copper impact on micro-organisms suggested that organic matter controlled copper toxicity. Bacterial-ARISA modifications also correlated with the estimated metal bioavailability and corresponded to the enrichment of the Actinobacteria. Contrarily, biomass-C and fungal-ARISA measurements did not relate trivially to copper speciation and bioavailability, suggesting that the specific composition of the indigenous-soil communities controls its sensitivity to this metal.  相似文献   

The acid-base properties of humic acids (HAs) are known to significantly affect the acid-base buffering capacity of soils, thus having a marked influence on the speciation of cations in the soil solid and liquid phases. Detailed information on the proton binding behavior of humic-like acids (HALs) from organic amendments and humic acids (HAs) from amended soils is, therefore, of intrinsic interest for the evaluation of the agronomic efficacy and environmental impact of soil amendment. In this work, the acid-base properties of HLAs isolated from sewage sludge (SS) and municipal solid waste compost (MSWC), and HAs isolated from soils amended with either SS or MSWC and the corresponding nonamended control soils were investigated by potentiometric titrations at various ionic strengths (0.01, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.3 M) over the pH range from 3.5 to 10.5. The nonideal competitive adsorption (NICA)-Donnan model that describes proton binding by two classes of binding sites with low and high proton affinity, i.e., carboxylic- and phenolic-type groups, was fit to titration data, and a set of fitting parameters was obtained for each HLA and HA sample. The NICA-Donnan model successfully described the shapes of the titration curves, and highlighted substantial differences in site density and proton-binding affinity between the HLAs and HAs examined. With respect to the nonamended control soil HAs, SS-HLA and MSWC-HLA were characterized by smaller carboxylic-type and phenolic-type group contents, larger affinities for proton binding by the carboxylic-type groups, and smaller affinities for proton binding by the phenolic-type groups. Amendment with SS and MSWC determined a number of modifications in soil HAs, including decrease of acidic functional group contents, slight increase of proton affinity of carboxylic-type groups, and slight decrease of the affinities for proton binding by phenolic-type groups. These effects were more evident in the HA fraction from the SS-amended soil than in the HA fraction from the MSWC-amended soil. Thus, both organic amendments examined can be a considered as a valuable source of organic matter for soil. However, MSWC appears to be an amendment of greater quality producing a smaller impact than SS on proton-binding behavior of soil HA.  相似文献   

The competitive sorption of trichloroethene (TCE) and tetrachloroethene (PCE) was investigated in three natural solids, two polymers, and four zeolites. Competition was observed in natural solids with high contents of recalcitrant organic carbon, in the glassy polymer, and in zeolites with strongly and moderately hydrophobic micropores of large (7.5 x 10 A) and small pore widths (approximately 5.4 A), respectively. Isotherm results and recalcitrant OC% values for natural solids indicate that the extent of competition between TCE and PCE is related to the amount of hard organic carbon. Gas adsorption results and the variability in C/H values suggest that natural organic matter contains micropores with varying width and polarity. Isotherm results for zeolites indicate that competition between TCE and PCE increases with increasing hydrophobicity and decreasing micropore width. We suggest that competition between volatile organic contaminants in the subsurface is controlled by competition for hydrophobic micropores in hard organic matter and that smaller more hydrophobic micropores result in stronger competition.  相似文献   

Subcritical water treatment was used to effect rapid compositional and functional changes to peat organic matter that mimic those of the natural diagenesis process. Elemental, solid state 13C NMR, FTIR, and calorimetry analyses all indicated that the organic matter of the artificially aged peat was chemically similar to that of geologically mature coal kerogens. This paper extends the work of the previous paper in this series, which investigated the effects of subcritical water treatment of humic topsoil on subsequent phenanthrene sorption and desorption equilibria. As opposed to the previous study, however, changes in sorptive reactivity herein were unequivocally related to changes in organic matter rather than other soil constituents, and organic matter functional changes due to the simulated diagenesis were more accurately characterized. Phenanthrene sorption capacity and isotherm nonlinearity both increased with increasing degrees of artificial aging, supporting the viewpoint that hydrophobic organic contaminant sorption equilibrium properties can be directly related to the degree of diagenesis of geosorbent organic matter. In addition, this work investigated effects of subcritical water treatment of a geologically mature, kerogen-containing shale sample. In contrast to the peat, the functional characteristics of the shale were unchanged by this treatment, and subsequent phenanthrene sorption equilibria were altered far less.  相似文献   

The sorption of phenanthrene was examined in humic acids (HAs) from different sources: a compost, a peat soil, and a mineral soil. Sub-samples of each HA were subjected to bleaching or hydrolysis to remove predetermined chemical groups from their structures. Bleaching successfully removed a large percentage of rigid, aromatic moieties, whereas hydrolysis removed the mobile, carbohydrate components. Phenanthrene sorption by all HAs was nonlinear (N < 1). However, the phenanthrene isotherms of the bleached HAs were more linear than those of the untreated HAs, whereas the removal of the carbohydrate components by hydrolysis produced more nonlinear isotherms. The introduction of pyrene to the phenanthrene sorption system yielded more linear isotherms for all the HAs, indicative of competitive sorption. Proton spin-spin (1H T2) relaxation determined by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) was used to identify separate rigid (condensed) and flexible (expanded) 1H populations and to determine their distribution. These 1H domains were highly sensitive to temperature and correlated well with reported glass transition temperatures for HAs. In combination with the chemical treatments, sorption, and spectroscopic data, we were able to observe some significant relationships among chemical groups, sorption behavior, and structural characteristics.  相似文献   

The complexation of iron(III) to soil organic matter is important for the binding of trace metals in natural environments because of competition effects. In this study, we used extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) spectroscopy to characterize the binding mode for iron(III) in two soil samples from organic mor layers, one of which was also treated with iron(III). In most cases the EXAFS spectra had three significant contributions, inner-core Fe-O/N interactions at about 2.02(2) A, Fe-C interactions in the second scattering shell at 3.00(4) A, and a mean Fe-Fe distance at 3.37(3) A. One untreated sample showed features typical for iron (hydr)oxides; however, after treatment of iron(III) the EXAFS spectrum was dominated by organically complexed iron. The presence of a Fe-Fe distance in all samples showed that the major part of the organically complexed iron was hydrolyzed, most likely in a mixture of complexes with an inner core of (O5Fe)2O and (O5Fe)3O. These results were used to constrain a model for metal-humic complexation, the Stockholm Humic Model (SHM). The model was able to describe iron(III) binding verywell at low pH considering only one dimeric iron(III)-humic complex. The competition effect on trace metals was also well described.  相似文献   

Effect of acylation with saturated fatty acids on surface functional properties of tofu whey-derived peptides was investigated. Tofu whey (TW) and soy proteins (7S, 11S, and acid-precipitated soy protein [APP]) were hydrolyzed by Protease M 'Amano' G, and resulting peptide mixtures were acylated with esterified fatty acids of different chain length (6C to 18C) to form a covalent linkage between the carboxyl group of fatty acid and the free amino groups of peptide. Acylation significantly (P < 0.05) increased emulsifying properties of 7S, 11S, and APP peptides independent of fatty acid chain length. Acylation decreased water binding capacity although oil binding capacity of acylated tofu whey ultra filtered fraction (UFTW < 3 kDa), 7S- and 11S-peptides were improved compared to native peptides. 7S peptides acylated with long chain fatty acids had shown significant higher surface hydrophobicity as in contrast with acylated UFTW < 3 kDa and APP peptides. Fluorescence spectra studies revealed structural conformation of acylated soy peptides as compared to native peptides. This study shows that chemical modification with fatty acids can further affect functional properties of soy proteins.  相似文献   

A new method for studying sorption with diesel and hexane sootwas developed, tested, and applied. A commercial silica-based chromatography medium was used as an inert inorganic carrier for immobilization (entrapment) of soot particles and their aggregates, thus creating a combined sorbent for sorption of hydrophobic organic chemicals (HOCs). After precombustion to remove potential organic carbon contaminants, the silica particles and soot samples were mixed under dry conditions that allowed the soot to be incorporated within the pore structure of the much larger (> 180 microm) carrier particles. Unincorporated soot was removed by multiple rinses with Milli-Q water. Sorption rate and equilibrium experiments were conducted, using phenanthrene as a probe HOC. Strong nonlinear sorption of phenanthrene was observed, in agreement with results previously obtained using air-bridge and flocculation-based methods. Batch kinetic studies suggested that 60 d of prewetting is required to obtain full water saturation, as perhaps needed for proper assessment of phenanthrene uptake rate by soot in aqueous systems. Forthe determination of equilibrium phenanthrene sorption, however, 1-d prewetting is sufficient so long as final equilibration is for at least 60 d. The new method is a practical approach to sorption measurement that may prove especially useful for study of strongly sorbing chemicals.  相似文献   

The solubility and sorption by five soils of 8:2 fluorotelomer alcohol (FTOH) were measured from water and cosolvent/ water solutions. Aqueous solubility and soil-water distribution coefficients (Kd,w, L kg(-1)) were extrapolated from cosolvent data using a log-linear cosolvency model and compared to direct aqueous measurements. Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization was employed to analyze the 8:2 FTOH in solutions and soil extracts. The cosolvent-extrapolated water solubility is 0.224 mg L(-1), in good agreement with the measured value of 0.194 mg L(-1). All sorption isotherms were generally linear regardless of cosolvent composition or soil organic carbon (OC) content. Kd,w values extrapolated from cosolvent data were similar but consistently higher than those measured in aqueous solutions. The latter was hypothesized to be due to dissolved OC (DOC) in the aqueous slurries. An average log KDOC of 5.30 was estimated and supported by DOC and Kd,w measurements at two soil-water ratios. Sorption appeared to be driven by hydrophobic partitioning with a log KOC value of 4.13 +/- 0.16. Irreversible sorption was also observed and appeared to be related to OC content, with the extraction efficiency reduced from 85% to 45% with increasing contact time from 3 to 72 h for the highest OC soil.  相似文献   

The sorption of iodide was reduced when soil was dried before equilibration with an iodide solution. With undried soils, sorption continued for > 48 h, maximum sorption occurred at pH values < 5 but a secondary sorption peak occurred at pH 8.5 to 9.0, particularly with a soil containing a high level of organic matter. Temperature had only a small effect on sorption over the range 10 to 35 °C. Maximum values for the sorption of iodide by two surface soils (0 to 10cm) at pH 6.6 to 6.8, assessed with a soil: solution ratio of 1:10, an equilibrium time of 40 h and at room temperature, were 25 and 6 fig I/g soil, respectively. The amounts of iodide sorbed by these soils, and by soils taken from successive 10 cm layers to a depth of 40 cm at the same two sites, were closely related to the contents of organic matter in the soils but not to contents of iron or aluminium oxides or of clay. Treatment of the surface soils with hydrogen peroxide to destroy organic matter greatly reduced the sorption of iodide at the pH of about 5.5 that resulted from the treatment. The removal of iron and aluminium oxides with Tamm reagent also resulted in a marked reduction in sorption at pH < 5. The results indicate that sorption was due in part to soil organic matter and in part to iron and/or aluminium oxides. At pH > 6, organic matter appeared to be the major sorbing constituent but under more acid conditions the oxides appeared to be increasingly important.  相似文献   

施用有机酸对烟草生理特性及烟叶化学成分的影响   总被引:30,自引:1,他引:29  
本试验选用4种有机酸进行烟草灌根,研究了施用有机酸对烟草生理特性和烟叶化学成分的影响。结果表明,用有机酸灌根明显提高了烟叶蔗糖转化酶(INV)活性和谷氨酸合成酶(GOGAT)活性(除柠檬酸处理外),促进了烟叶的碳氮代谢过程。苹果酸处理和乳酸处理还可以显著提高根系活力和根系ATPase活性,促进根系的发育,增加根系干重。4种有机酸处理都可以提高烤后烟叶内有机酸和还原糖的含量,其中苹果酸处理和乳酸处理较有利于烟叶品质的改善。   相似文献   

The effects of polyvalent metal cations on pyrene binding to hydrophobic acid and neutral fractions (HoA and HoN, respectively) of dissolved organic matter (DOM) were elucidated. The DOM was isolated from sewage sludge; pyrene binding was estimated from fluorescence measurements. Isotherms of pyrene binding to both fractions were nonlinear. Pyrene binding was higher for HoN due to the combined effect of greater hydrophobicity, aromaticity and the large molecular size of this fraction relative to HoA. The complexation of HoA with Cu2+, Al3+, and Fe3+ increased the binding of pyrene only when the HoA was equilibrated with polyvalent cations before pyrene was added. The maximal increase in pyrene binding to HoA was 56%, 64%, and 118% when pre-equilibrated with Cu2+, Fe3+, and Al3+, respectively. Pyrene binding to HoN was not affected by the presence of metal cations. HoA complexation with metal cations increased the apparent molecular size of this fraction. We suggest that the presence of metal cations induces the formation of pseudomicelles, which are more efficient in binding pyrene than the low-molecular-weight components. Our results demonstrate that HoA and HoN components can significantly affect the transport of organic contaminants in soils irrigated with treated wastewater or amended with sewage sludge.  相似文献   

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