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A two-dimensional {31P} spin-echo-difference constant-time [13C, 1H]-HMQC experiment (2D {31P}-sedct-[13C, 1H]-HMQC) is introduced for measurements of 3JC4′P and 3JH3′P scalar couplings in large 13C-labeled nucleic acids and in DNA–protein complexes. This experiment makes use of the fact that 1H–13C multiple-quantum coherences in macromolecules relax more slowly than the corresponding 13C single-quantum coherences. 3JC4′P and 3JH3′P are related via Karplus-type functions with the phosphodiester torsion angles β and ε, respectively, and their experimental assessment therefore contributes to further improved quality of NMR solution structures. Data are presented for a uniformly 13C, 15N-labeled 14-base-pair DNA duplex, both free in solution and in a 17-kDa protein–DNA complex.  相似文献   

Since the introduction of RDCs in high-resolution NMR studies of macromolecules, there is a growing interest in the development of accurate, and sensitive methods for determining coupling constants. Most methods for extracting these couplings are based on the measurement of the splitting between multiplet components in J-coupled spectra. However, these methods are often unreliable since undesired multiple-bond couplings can considerably broaden the multiplet components and consequently make accurate determination of their position difficult. To demonstrate one approach to this problem, G-BIRD(r) decoupled TROSY sequences are proposed for the measurement of 1JNH and 1JNC′ coupling constants. Resolved or unresolved splittings due to remote protons are removed by a G-BIRD(r) module employed during t1 and as a result, spectra with narrow, well-resolved peaks are obtained from which heteronuclear one-bond couplings can be accurately measured. Moreover, introduction of a spin-state-selective α/β-filter in the TROSY sequence allows the separation of the 1JNC′ doublet components into two subspectra which contain the same number of peaks as the regular TROSY spectrum. The 1JNC′ couplings are obtained from the displacement between the corresponding peaks in the subspectra.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the behavior of multipartite global entanglement and average bipartite concurrence for the sign of quantum phase transitions in the frustrated J 1J 2 model by using exact diagonalization technique for a chain of 12 qubits. It is found that although the magnitude of two classes of the measures show opposite trends the absolute value of their derivatives show similar structure near critical points.  相似文献   

Two new two- or three-dimensional NMR methods for measuring 3hJC′N and 2hJC′H coupling constants across hydrogen bonds in proteins are presented. They are tailored to suit the size of the TROSY effect, i.e., the degree of interference between dipolar and chemical shift anisotropy relaxation mechanisms. The methods edit 2D or 3D spectra into two separate subspectra corresponding to the two possible spin states of the 1HN spin during evolution of 13CO coherences. This allows 2hJC′H to be measured in an E.COSY-type way while 3hJC′N can be measured in the so-called quantitative way provided a reference spectrum is also recorded. A demonstration of the new methods is shown for the 15N,13C-labeled protein chymotrypsin inhibitor 2.  相似文献   

In this work the feasibility of measuring neuronal-glial metabolism in rat brain in vivo using co-infusion of [1,6-13C2]glucose and [1,2-13C2]acetate was investigated. Time courses of 13C spectra were measured in vivo while infusing both 13C-labeled substrates simultaneously. Individual 13C isotopomers (singlets and multiplets observed in 13C spectra) were quantified automatically using LCModel. The distinct 13C spectral pattern observed in glutamate and glutamine directly reflected the fact that glucose was metabolized primarily in the neuronal compartment and acetate in the glial compartment. Time courses of concentration of singly and multiply-labeled isotopomers of glutamate and glutamine were obtained with a temporal resolution of 11 min. Although dynamic metabolic modeling of these 13C isotopomer data will require further work and is not reported here, we expect that these new data will allow more precise determination of metabolic rates as is currently possible when using either glucose or acetate as the sole 13C-labeled substrate.  相似文献   

The improper ferroelastic phase letovicite (NH4)3H(SO4)2 has been studied by 1H MAS NMR as well as by static 14N NMR experiments in the temperature range of 296–425 K. The 1H MAS NMR resonance from ammonium protons can be well distinguished from that of acidic protons. A third resonance appears just below the phase transition temperature which is due to the acidic protons in the paraelastic phase. The lowering of the second moment M2 for the ammonium protons takes place in the same temperature range as the formation of domain boundaries, while the signals of the acidic protons suffer a line narrowing in the area of Tc. The static 14N NMR spectra confirm the temperature of the motional changes of the ammonium tetrahedra. Two-dimensional 1H NOESY spectra indicate a chemical exchange between ammonium protons and the acidic protons of the paraphase.  相似文献   

Diels-Alder adducts of 1,4-diphenyl-1,3-cyclopentadiene and maleic anhydride were investigated by recording the 1H and 13C{1H} NMR spectra of three isomeric diphenylbicyclo[2.2.1]hept-5-ene endo and exo 2,3-dianhydrides. the spectra were recorded in CD2Cl2 and analysed completely. the effect of the endo and exo configuration of the anhydride ring on the chemical shifts of the bridgehead phenyl protons is discussed. the ortho protons of the exo isomers resonate at higher field than those of the endo isomer, and the resonance pattern of the aromatic protons is narrower in the exo than the endo anhydride. the aromatic regions of the spectra are compared with the same regions of the 1H NMR spectra of the earlier investigated addition products of 1,4-di-p-tolyl-1,3-cyclopentadiene and 1-phenyl-4-p-tolyl-1,3-cyclopentadiene with maleic anhydride. Chemical shifts of the bridge protons are explained on the basis of X-ray data of the compounds and MacroModel calculations on the minimum energy conformations.  相似文献   

13C NMR and 2D (H,H and H,C COSY) spectra of selected examples of sugar (5H-1,2,4-triazino[5,6-b]-indol-3-yl) hydrazones, peracetylated sugar-1-acetyl -1- (5-acetyl-1,2,4-triazino[5,6-b]indol-3-yl)hydrazones, and 10-acetyl-3-(per-0-acetylalditol-1-yl)-1,2,4-triazolo[4′, 3′:2,3][1,2,4]triazino[5,6-b]indole have been reported. The conformation of the latter C-nucleoside analogues have been determined by analysis of their 1H NMR spectra. The D-galacto, D-manno and L-arabino isomers are preponderantly existing in the planar zigzag arrangement of carbon atoms.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of [C(NH2)3]3Sb2Br9 was determined at 143 K: monoclinic, space group C2/c, Z = 4, a = 15.695 (3), b = 9.039(2), c = 18.364(3) Å, β = 96.94(1)°. The structure consists of two crystallographically independent guanidinium ions and two-dimensional corrugated sheets of (Sb2Br9 3?) n , in which SbBr6 octahedra are connected through three bridging Br atoms each other. One of the cations situates in a cavity of the (Sb2Br9 3?) n layer with statistical disorder, while the other situates between the layers without disorder. Three 81Br NQR resonance lines were assignable to terminal Br atoms, while only one line was found for two inequivalent bridging Br atoms. All the 81Br NQR resonance lines were subjected to fade-out at low temperatures. The temperature dependence curve of 1H NMR T 1 showed well defined two minima, which were explained by postulating the C3 reorientations of two types of cations with very different activation energies. The DTA (DSC) measurement revealed a phase transition of a first-order type at 444 K.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of [C(NH2)3]2HgBr4 has been determined at room temperature: monoclinic, space group C2/c, with a = 10.035(2), b = 11.164(2), c = 13.358(3) Å, β = 111.67(3)°, and Z = 4. The crystal consists of planar [C(NH2)3]+ and distorted tetrahedral [HgBr4]2? ions. The Hg atom is located on a two-fold axis such that two sets of inequivalent Br atoms exist in an [HgBr4]2? ion. In accordance with the crystal structure, two 81Br NQR lines widely separated in frequency were observed between 77 and ca. 380 K. [C(NH2)3]2HgI4 yielded four 127I NQR lines ascribable to m = ±1/2 ? ±3/2 transitions, indicating that its crystal structure is different from the bromide complex. The 1H NMR T 1 measurements showed a single minimum for the bromide but two minima for the iodide. The analyses based on the C3 reorientations of the planar [C(NH2)3]+ ions gave the activation energies of 29.8 kJ mol?1 for the bromide, and 30.2 and 40.0 kJ mol?1 for the iodide.  相似文献   

Recent ultrafast techniques enable 2D NMR spectra to be obtained in a single scan. A modification of the detection scheme involved in this technique is proposed, permitting the achievement of 2D 1H J-resolved spectra in 500 ms. The detection gradient echoes are substituted by spin echoes to obtain spectra where the coupling constants are encoded along the direct nu2 domain. The use of this new J-resolved detection block after continuous phase-encoding excitation schemes is discussed in terms of resolution and sensitivity. J-resolved spectra obtained on cinnamic acid and 3-ethyl bromopropionate are presented, revealing the expected 2D J-patterns with coupling constants as small as 2 Hz.  相似文献   

The magnitudes and orientations of the 15N chemical shift tensor of [1-15N]-2′-deoxyguanosine were determined from a polycrystalline sample using the two-dimensional PISEMA experiment. The magnitudes of the principal values of the 15N chemical shift tensor of the N1 nitrogen of [1-15N]-2′-deoxyguanosine were found to be ς11 = 54 ppm, ς22 = 148 ppm, and ς33 = 201 ppm with respect to (15NH4)2SO4 in aqueous solution. Comparisons of experimental and simulated two-dimensional powder pattern spectra show that ς33N is approximately collinear with the N–H bond. The tensor orientation of ς33N for N1 of [1-15N]-2′-deoxyguanosine is similar to the values obtained for the side chain residues of 15Nε1-tryptophan and 15Nπ-histidine even though the magnitudes differ significantly.  相似文献   


The 300.13 MHz 1H NMR spectra of the methylated and protonated 6(9)-methylbenzo[b][1,x] naphthyridines (x=5, 6, 7, 8) (5-methylazaacridines) were collected at 298 K in deuterated dimethyl sulfoxide and chloroform, respectively. The methylation and protonation sites were assigned by comparisons of these data with those of the free bases. The results were compared with similar data for related heterocycles and showed that both methylation and protonation occur at the nitrogen in the outer pyrido ring in all four series.

The hydration site in some 2-and 3-azaacridines was determined by specific line broadening in their 1H NMR spectra to be the same nitrogen as that involved in methylation and protonation. Variable temperature 1H NMR demonstrated that the specific line broadening results from some changes of 14N quadrupolar relaxation produced by the slow chemical exchange between unhydrated and hydrated species. Deuterium exchange experiments indicated that the direct spin-spin interaction of a water proton and the protons alpha to the hydrated nitrogen may also have some contribution.  相似文献   

The 1H and 13C NMR spectra of sugar (5-methyl [1, 2, 4]-triazino [5, 6-b] indol-3-yl) hydrazones (1), per-0-acetyl aldehydo sugar 1-acetyl-1-(5-methyl [1, 2, 4] triazino [5, 6-b]-indol-3-yl) hydrazones (2), l- (penta-0-acetyl-pentitol-1-yl)-10-methyl [l, 2, 4] triazolo [3′, 4′:3, 4] [l, 2, 4] triazino [5, 6-b]-indoles (3) have been investigated. The 2 D NMR (H, C COSY) spectrum of 2a has been studied.  相似文献   

谌晓洪  王玲  朱正和  罗顺忠 《物理学报》2007,56(8):4467-4476
用密度泛函理论(DFT)方法在6-311++G(d,p)水平上对Al2O3X(X=H, D, T)分子较低能量的几何构型进行了优化. 计算结果表明该分子有两个可能基态, 即Al2O3X(X=H,D,T)(2A′)Cs和Al2O3X 关键词: 2O3X(X=H;D;T)分子团簇')" href="#">Al2O3X(X=H;D;T)分子团簇 热力学函数 氢同位素效应 吉布斯自由能改变  相似文献   

The electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectral data (the g factors and hyperfine structure constants) and d–d transition spectra for the tetragonal Mo5+ centre in [Mo6O19][N(C4H9)4]3 salt are theoretically investigated from the complete diagonalization method (CDM) for a 4d1 ion in tetragonally compressed octahedron. The theoretical results are in good agreement with the experimental data. The dependency of the g factors of the ground state on the R(MoO bond length) has been studied. It is shown that the g factors varied with the R approximately in a linear way.  相似文献   

Three resistant starches (RSs), namely fibre of potatoes (FP), wrinkle pea starch (WPS), and high amylose maize starch (HAMS) with different dietary fibre contents, were supplemented in adults to evaluate their effects on urinary nitrogen and ammonia excretion as well as on faecal nitrogen excretion by means of lactose-[15N2]ureide (15N-LU) degradation. Twenty subjects received a regular diet either without or with the supplementation of FP, WPS, and HAMS in a randomized order. After administration of 15N-LU, urine and faeces were collected over 48 and 72 h, respectively, whereas blood was collected after 6 h. The 15N-abundances were measured by isotope ratio mass spectrometry. In comparison to the dry run, supplementation with RS significantly lowered renal 15N-excretion (dry run: 43.2?%, FP: 34.6?%, WPS: 37.9?%, HAMS: 36.4?%) as well as the corresponding 15NH3-excretion (dry run: 0.08?%, FP: 0.06?%, HAMS: 0.05?%), clearly indicating a reduced colonic nitrogen generation at high dietary fibre intake.  相似文献   

Wide-line proton NMR studies on polycrystalline tetramethylammonium tetrachlorozincate have been carried out at high hydrostatic pressures up to 15 kbar in the temperature range 77-300 K and at ambient pressure down to 4.2 K. A second-moment transition is observed to occur starting around 161 K, the temperature for the V-VI phase transition. This transition temperature is seen to have a negative pressure coefficient up to 2 kbar, beyond which it changes sign. At 77 K the second moment decreases to 4 kbar and then increases again as a function of pressure. The results are explained in terms of the dynamics of the N(CH3)4 groups.  相似文献   

运用微观相场法研究Ni75Al5.3V19.7合金沉淀过程中L12结构和D022结构反位缺陷发现:在沉淀初期,L12结构反位缺陷AlNi,VNi,NiAl,D022结构反位缺陷VNi,AlNi关键词: 微观相场 反位缺陷 L12结构')" href="#">L12结构 D022结构')" href="#">D022结构  相似文献   

One of the major product from the photodimerization of 2-[2-(2-methyl-phenyl)ethenyl)]naphtho[2. 1-b]furan (1) is a new fused cyclobutane-naphthofuran derivative, 6-(2-methylphenyl)-1-[2-(2-methylphenyl)ethenyl]-7-(2-naphtho-[2,1-b]furyl)-3-[2,1]naphtho-2-oxabicyclo[3.2.0]hept-3-ene (2). Its 1H and 13C NMR spectra were fully assigned by the application of COSY, LR COSY, NOESY, APT and HETCOR experiments in deuterated chloroform, acetone and benzene solutions.  相似文献   

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