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In this paper, we consider an asynchronous bidirectional communication system over flat fading channels in which the two source nodes are not perfectly synchronized. A low complexity pilot aided timing estimation and resynchronization scheme is proposed to combat the fractional asynchronous delay between the two source nodes. In the proposed scheme, cyclic prefixed single carrier block transmission is implemented at the two sources and frequency domain orthogonal pilots are transmitted to the relay simultaneously. After timing and channel estimation at the relay, a fractionally spaced frequency domain equalizer is employed at the relay to resynchronize the received mixed signals. With the proposed resynchronization scheme, the data detection at the two sources is the same as in a perfect synchronized system, because the two asynchronous signals are already resynchronized at the relay node. Simulation results show that the performance gap between the proposed scheme and the perfect synchronized system is within 1 dB when there are four antennas at the relay. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

双向中继协同通信系统的两用户节点通过中继节点相互交换信息,显示了其在频谱效率上的优势。在系统装备多天线的情况下,为进一步改善误比特率性能,论文提出一种基于格规约算法的用户联合预编码与检测算法。该算法通过一次复数域格规约处理来提高信道增益矩阵的正交性,预编码和检测算法联合应用处理后的矩阵,中继节点仅需要对接收信号进行求模运算和放大转发,算法的复杂度主要集中在两用户节点上。仿真结果显示:相比于传统的预编码和检测算法,用户联合预编码与检测算法在计算复杂度仅增加了对信道增益矩阵一次格规约计算的前提下,可显著降低系统的误比特率,提高分集增益,具有工程实用价值。  相似文献   

文章提出了基于Jing-Hassibi的合作分集协议和Rajan-Rajan的普通非正交放大传送(GNAF)协议的完全分集分布空时编码,重点讨论了部分信道状态信息中继信道中的分布空时编码设计.  相似文献   

该文研究不对称双向中继信道下的被动式再生中继选择问题。首先,通过理论分析给出了传统3节点网络的可达速率域。然后,在瑞利衰落信道环境下,理论推导了系统中断概率的闭合表达式。接着,利用系统业务知识和信道状态信息,提出一种改进型的最大最小中继选择准则。进一步,研究中继端叠加信号的功率分配,提出了两种功率分配因子选择算法,并对所提算法进行了理论分析。仿真结果表明:通过被动式再生中继选择和功率分配可以显著提高系统的中断性能,在信道不对称情况下性能优势明显。  相似文献   

We investigate the problem of broadcast routing in energy constrained stationary wireless ad hoc networks with an aim to maximizing the network lifetime measured as the number of successive broadcast sessions that can be supported. We propose an energy-aware spanning tree construction scheme supporting a broadcast request, considering three different signal transmission schemes in the physical layer: (a) point-to-point, (b) point-to-multipoint, and (c) multipoint-to-point. First we present a centralized algorithm that requires global topology information. Next, we extend this to design an approximate distributed algorithm, assuming the availability of k-hop neighborhood information at each node, with k as a parameter. We prove that the centralized scheme has time complexity polynomial in the number of nodes and the distributed scheme has a message complexity that is linear in the number of nodes. Results of numerical experiments demonstrate significant improvement in network lifetime following our centralized scheme compared to existing prominent non-cooperative broadcasting schemes proposed to solve the same lifetime maximization problem in wireless ad hoc networks. Due to lack of global topology information, the distributed solution does not produce as much advantage as the centralized solution. However, we demonstrate that with increasing value of k, the performance of the distributed scheme also improves significantly.  相似文献   

This paper proposes new transmission schemes for the delivery of satellite services. In the proposed scenarios, mobile terminals are allowed to forward the signal received from the satellite. This scheme provides spatial diversity just like MIMO transmission schemes. Moreover, the coverage area is extended because masked terminals have an additional opportunity to get the service from neighboring terminals. We use the paradigm of cooperative communications to compare the advantages and limitations of several scenarios in hybrid terrestrial/satellite systems. In particular, we study the following basic transmission scheme: in a first time slot, the satellite sends its signal and, in a second time slot, mobile terrestrial terminals are relaying the satellite signal. An analysis framework is proposed and applied to this cooperation scenario at the destination terminal. The framework is modeling the cooperation process and clearly separates the control part from the data user part. The paper outlines the importance of the control part by evaluating the relay selection policy on a basic hybrid satellite/ad hoc system. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

基于分层几何单反射原理的连续时间时变矢量信道模型   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
提出了一种适用于智能天线技术的新的基于分层几何单反射原理的连续时间时变矢量信道传播模型。在此基础上,直接从矢量信道冲击响应出发,得到了宽带连续时间无线信道数学模型,通过改变几何参数,可以仿真具有任意衰落特性的无线信道。*  相似文献   

蜂窝移动通信中一种分级紧致的动态信道分配方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文提出一种分级紧致的动态信道分配(CCDCA)方案。文中首先根据信道使用情况与业务量的关系,将小区分成“冷态”和“热态”,并给出了相应的阈值,然后在对“热态”的处理过程中利用“冷态”的先验信息,对不同状态的小区给出了不同的紧致措施。该方案还能保证小区间有较小的服务偏差,提高了整个系统的服务质量。文中还根据冷、热态的特点构造了一个二维马尔科夫链模型,计算出了模型的主要参数;其思想可用于分析多种信道分配问题。仿真结果证明CCDCA方案有较小的呼阻率和较高的频谱利用率。  相似文献   

本文对多天线双向中继放大转发方案进行了研究。首先,基于最小化均方误差的准则,通过对上行链路和下行链路进行联合优化,推导出了相应的中继优化方法,该优化方法能够实现最优的链路可靠性。然后,基于该优化方法,利用部分信道状态信息和信道统计信息,针对固定中继和移动中继两种不同的通信场景,分别设计了不同参数控制下的鲁棒性实现。理论分析和计算机仿真都表明所提方案具有明显的性能增益。   相似文献   

远距离短波通信过程复杂,接收信号相位、幅度都发生剧烈变化。为提高远距离短波 通信性能,采用本土多台站构成宏分集,结合最大比合并方法性能最优和解码后合并方法实 现简单的优点,对两种方法进行折衷,提出了一种基于信道信息修正的解码后合并方法,并 对其性能进行理论分析和仿真实现。仿真结果表明,在误码率为10-4时,修 正后的解码后合并法比传统择多判决的方法提高了2 dB,当接收台站数大于5时,该修 正算法性能优于等增益法接近最大比法。该方法易于实现,为实际通信中合并方法的选择提 供了有效参考。  相似文献   

This letter investigates the joint effects of imperfect channel state information and co‐channel interferences on a two‐hop fixed gain amplify‐and‐forward (AF) relay network with beamforming. Specifically, the analytical expressions of the outage probability and the average symbol error rate for the AF relaying are derived. Moreover, the asymptotic analysis at high signal‐to‐noise ratio is also presented to reveal the diversity order and array gain of the considered AF relay system. Finally, computer simulations are given to confirm the validity of the analytical results. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with channel modelling for satellite personal communications and with the associated problem of performance evaluation. Channel characteristics for personal communications tend to differ from those traditionally accepted for vehicular communications. In this paper we report on modelling aspects for both wideband and narrowband personal communications. Then we consider performance evaluation for low-altitude earth orbit (LEO) satellite systems in terms of bit error probability and outage probability. To evaluate the outage probability for LEO systems, a tight and simple upper bound is finally provided. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

低轨卫星通信中基于公平性的信道借用策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄飞  许辉  吴诗其 《通信学报》2006,27(8):10-17
首先建立了LEO卫星移动模型和用户多媒体业务量模型,然后通过计算机仿真,分析了各种信道分配策略在LEO卫星多媒体通信中的性能,提出了信道借用切换策略(CBS),仿真结果表明其能很好地满足LEO卫星多媒体业务的服务质量(QoS),同时也提高了系统的信道利用率,最后讨论了3种不同信道借用策略的公平性和系统性能。  相似文献   

Recently, cooperative relaying techniques have been integrated into spectrum‐sharing systems in an effort to yield higher spectral efficiency. Many investigations on such systems have assumed that the channel state information between the secondary transmitter and primary receiver used to calculate the maximum allowable transmit secondary user transmit power to limit the interference is known to be perfect. However, because of feedback delay from the primary receiver or the time‐varying properties of the channel, the channel information may be outdated, which is an important scenario to cognitive radio systems. In this paper, we investigate the impact of outdated channel state information for relay selection on the performance of partial relay selection with amplify and forward in underlay spectrum‐sharing systems. We begin by deriving a closed‐form expression for the outage probability of the secondary network in a Rayleigh fading channel along with peak received interference power constraint and maximum allowable secondary user transmit power. We also provide a closed‐form expression for the average bit‐error rate of the underlying system. Moreover, we present asymptotic expressions for both the outage probability and average bit‐error rate in the high signal‐to‐noise ratio regime that reveal practical insights on the achievable diversity gain. Finally, we confirm our results through comparisons with computer simulations. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, we consider an amplify-and-forward two-way multi-relay system for wireless communication and investigate the effect of channel estimation error on the error rate performance. With the derivation of effective signal-to-noise ratio at the transceiver and its probability density function, we can get approximate expression for average bit error rate. Simulation results are performed to verify the analytical results.  相似文献   

大尺度衰落环境不仅具有较长的信道延时特征,而且具有明显大于LTE调制带宽的系统交换延迟。当基于相邻小区基站进行虚拟天线联合处理,并对多个接收簇进行组播协作通信时,必须考虑两类延时带来的延时误差。此时,每个接收簇由多个单天线接收节点构成,簇内节点接收相同的信息流,不同簇间信息流不同。文中研究了发射天线之间存在交换同步延迟的情况下的信道估计性能,评估了系统整体性能,并在此基础上提出了一种波束成型的优化设计方案。仿真及部分算法分析表明,新算法可通过对每个接收节点的信号与干扰加噪声比(SINR)进行优化来提升整体系统性能,可在实际大尺度LTE工作环境下获得更好的系统性能。  相似文献   

Co‐channel interference is recognized as one of the major factors that limits the capacity and link quality of a wireless communications system. An appropriate understanding of the statistical behavior of the co‐channel interference is therefore required when analyzing and designing techniques that mitigate its undesired effects. The total co‐channel interference in a wireless communications system is usually modeled as the sum of lognormally distributed signals, and is generally assumed to be itself lognormally distributed. Based on this assumption, several methods for estimating the moments of the resulting lognormal distribution have been proposed. The accuracy of these methods has been studied in previous works, under the assumption of having all summand signals (individual interference signals) identically distributed. Such an assumption rarely holds in practical cases of emerging wireless communications systems, where co‐channel interference may stem from far‐away macrocells and nearby transmitters, causing the interference signals to have different moments. In this paper we present an analysis of the accuracy of two popular methods for computing the moments of a sum of lognormal random variables, namely Wilkinson's method and Schwartz and Yeh's method, for the general case when the summands have different mean values and standard deviations in decibel units. We show that Schwartz and Yeh's method provides better accuracy than Wilkinson's method and is virtually invariant with the difference of the mean values and standard deviations of the summands. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

针对信道不确定性影响、用户信息泄露和能效提升等问题,该文提出一种基于不完美信道状态信息的可重构智能反射面(RIS)多输入单输出系统鲁棒资源分配算法。首先,考虑能量收集最小接收功率约束、合法用户最小保密速率约束、基站最大发射功率约束及RIS相移约束,基于有界信道不确定性,建立一个联合优化基站主动波束、能量波束、RIS相移矩阵的多变量耦合非线性资源分配问题。然后,利用Dinkelbach,S-procedure和交替优化方法,将原非凸问题转换成确定性凸优化问题,并提出一种基于连续凸近似的交替优化算法。仿真结果表明,与传统非鲁棒算法对比,所提算法具有较低的中断概率。  相似文献   

This paper considers multiaccess control for the uplink in orthogonal frequency division multiple access wireless networks. To avoid the extensive information exchange associated with centralized approaches, we formulate the decentralized access control problem with the contention power constraint as a Bayesian game, mapping time‐varying channel state information into contention strategies. By exploiting the problem structure, a strategy where users access the channels with probability one if the observed channel gain is above a predetermined threshold is shown to be optimal. It is also shown that the energy consumption of the threshold strategy will not exceed that of randomized strategies. The game is then equivalently reformulated as one of finding the threshold value in a distributed manner, and the existence and uniqueness of Bayesian Nash equilibria is established. A distributed algorithm based on Lagrange duality is proposed to approach the unique equilibrium, and the algorithm is shown to be globally stable. In a homogeneous system, the performance loss of the proposed scheme is proved to be bounded compared with a centralized channel allocation scheme. Contrary to other proposals, our method allows for heterogeneous channel state information and achieves a comparable throughput with reduced power. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The last decade has been characterized by an increasing demand of higher throughput and more reliable communication links for supporting multimedia applications. To this aim, the focus has been toward both broadband and broadcast solutions providing multimedia services to mobile users. In order to exploit such advanced services, ubiquitous and efficient mobile connections are required: satellite communications (SatCom), able to cover low density populated areas and to fill terrestrial coverage gaps, are a viable solution, as long as capacity is properly optimized. Waveform adaptation can be considered as one of the reference approaches for increasing the throughput and the reliability in wireless communication links. However, the large round trip time and user mobility in SatCom scenarios represent a serious challenge that limits the effectiveness of transmission parameters adaptation. In this paper, we focus on a novel state‐driven adaptive coding and modulation approach aiming to predict the most suitable modulation and coding scheme for each communication state, based on channel state estimation and a Markov propagation model. The paper introduces the concept of state estimation decision reliability and transmission reliability. Different from other approaches, the state‐driven algorithm allows to increase the system reliability by lowering the outage probability in the selected scenarios. The effectiveness of the proposed approach has been validated by resorting to numerical results after a careful parameter optimization. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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