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The High Performance Light Water Reactor (HPLWR), how the European Supercritical Water Cooled Reactor is called, is a pressure vessel type reactor operated with supercritical water at 25 MPa feedwater pressure and 500 °C average core outlet temperature. It is designed and analyzed by a European consortium of 10 partners and 3 active supporters from 8 Euratom member states in the second phase of the HPLWR project. Most emphasis has been laid on a core with a thermal neutron spectrum, consisting of small fuel assemblies in boxes with 40 fuel pins each and a central water box to improve the neutron moderation despite the low coolant density. Peak cladding temperatures of the fuel rods have been minimized by heating up the coolant in three steps with intermediate coolant mixing. The containment design with its safety and residual heat removal systems is based on the latest boiling water reactor concept, but with different passive high pressure coolant injection systems to cause a forced convection through the core. The design concept of the steam cycle is indicating the envisaged efficiency increase to around 44%. Moreover, it provides the constraints to design the components of the balance of the plant. The project is accompanied by numerical studies of heat transfer of supercritical water in fuel assemblies and by material tests of candidate cladding alloys, performed by the consortium and supported by additional tests of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission. Besides the scientific and technical progress, the HPLWR project turned out to be most successful in training the young generation of nuclear engineers in the technologies of light water reactors. More than 20 bachelor or master theses and more than 10 doctoral theses on HPLWR technologies have been submitted at partner organizations of this consortium since the start of this project.  相似文献   

Investigations on the thermal-hydraulic behavior in the SCWR fuel assembly have obtained a significant attention in the international SCWR community. However, there is still a lack of understanding of the heat transfer behavior of supercritical fluids. In this paper, the numerical analysis is carried out to study the thermal-hydraulic behaviour in vertical sub-channels cooled by supercritical water. Remarkable differences in characteristics of secondary flow are found, especially in square lattice, between the upward flow and downward flow. The turbulence mixing across sub-channel gap for downward flow is much stronger than that for upward flow in wide lattice when the bulk temperature is lower than pseudo-critical point temperature. For downward flow, heat transfer deterioration phenomenon is suppressed with respect to the case of upward flow at the same conditions.  相似文献   

The concept of a high temperature fast reactor cooled by supercritical water (SCFR-H) was developed for achieving high thermal efficiency and a compact reactor system. The core characteristics were obtained from single channel thermal-hydraulic analysis. Thus, it is necessary to carry out subchannel analysis to estimate the effect of local power peaking and cross flows. For this purpose, a subchannel analysis code is developed. It is verified by comparing the results with experimental data of High Conversion Pressurized Water Reactor (HCPWR). Sensitivities of the outlet coolant and cladding temperature to the subchannel flow area and local power peaking are high. One of the reasons is that the ratio of the coolant flow rate of SCFR-H to the power is smaller than that of LWR. Another reason is that, temperature of supercritical water is more sensitive to the enthalpy change above 450°C. The outlet coolant temperature distribution can be flattened by reducing the area of the peripheral subchannels and by enhancing the mixing between the subchannels.  相似文献   

An axial fuel shuffling strategy is proposed based on the mechanism of the nuclear fission traveling wave and implemented numerically in the calculation for a supercritical water cooled fast reactor (SCWFR). The ERANOS code is adopted to perform the neutronics and burn-up calculations, and the calculation scheme for axial fuel shuffling and coolant density coupling are set up. The parametric studies of a typical PWR with Th-U and U-Pu (235U instead of 239Pu) conversions by burn-up and keff calculations indicate that the breeding effects only exist in configurations with very low water content and the conversion or breeding becomes worse as the initial enrichment is increasing. The shuffling calculations for the 1-D SCWFR model described in this paper brought about some interesting results for a certain range of water content. The results indicate that the non-enriched fresh fuel is not possible for both Th-U and U-Pu conversions. As could be expected due to the η-values of the main fissile isotopes 233U and (235U, 239Pu), respectively, the Th-U conversion needs a lower enrichment, and results in a slightly higher burn-up than the U-Pu conversion. The asymptotic power density distribution of the Th-U conversion is broader and lower than that of the U-Pu conversion. By reducing the water volume fraction, an increased burn-up can be achieved with correspondingly reduced fuel shuffling speed and reduced initial enrichment. Furthermore, the steady state calculations for the asymptotic state show that the Th-U conversion is superior to the U-Pu one concerning SCWFR safety aspects, where the absolute value of the Doppler constant is larger and the coolant feedback is negative for the Th-U conversion, while the coolant feedback is positive for the U-Pu one.  相似文献   

Three pass core design proposal for a high performance light water reactor   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper describes a novel core concept for a nuclear reactor cooled with supercritical water, in which the coolant is heated up from 280 °C at the reactor inlet to 500 °C at the outlet in four steps: a first heat-up step is provided by heat transfer from fuel assemblies to the moderator water in gaps and moderator boxes, a second step is foreseen in a central “evaporator” and two further steps in a first and a second superheater surrounding it. The coolant flow scheme includes upward and downward flow through the core with intermediate mixing in chambers above and below the core to eliminate hot streaks. A preliminary single channel analysis, concentrating on an average flow channel and on the hottest one only, indicates that such core design can match the limits of cladding materials available today. Even though the resultant pressure drop of the coolant will be higher than usual, it is expected that the assembly boxes can be designed with acceptable deformations.  相似文献   

In this study, a numerical investigation of heat transfer deterioration (HTD) in supercritical water flowing through vertical tube is performed by using six low-Reynolds number turbulence models. All low-Reynolds models can be extended to reproduce the effect of buoyancy force on heat transfer and show the occurrence of localized HTD. However, most kε models seriously over-predict the deterioration and do not reproduce the subsequent recovery of heat transfer. The V2F and SST models perform better than other models in predicting the onset of deterioration due to strong buoyancy force. The SST model is able to quantitatively reproduce the two heat transfer deterioration phenomena with low mass flux which have been found in the present study.  相似文献   

Experimental investigations of heat transfer at prototypical conditions of supercritical water cooled reactors (SCWRs) are strongly limited due to their huge technical and financial efforts required. One of the possible solutions is the application of model fluids, which have much lower critical pressure and critical temperature. Model fluid technique has been widely applied in the thermal-hydraulic studies of nuclear engineering. In spite of growing activities of heat transfer at supercritical conditions using model fluids, there does still not exist any reliable fluid-to-fluid scaling methods, to transfer the test data in model fluids directly to the conditions of prototype fluid. This paper presents a fluid-to-fluid scaling method for heat transfer in circular tubes cooled with supercritical fluids. Based on conservation equations and boundary conditions, one set of dimensionless numbers and the requirements of a complete scaling are determined. Scaling of pressure and temperature ensures the similarity of thermo-physical properties of various fluids. A new dimensionless number, presenting the product of the so-called pseudo Boiling number, Reynolds number and Prandtl number, is applied to scale heat flux. The distortion approach is used to scale mass flux. The scaling of heat transfer coefficient is based on Nusselt number. In addition, a new approach is introduced to validate the scaling law. The validation results show good feasibility and reasonable accuracy of the proposed scaling law. Assessment of scaling factors of various parameters indicates the high feasibility of Freon-134a as model fluid for SC water. Some guidelines can be derived for the future experimental investigations on heat transfer at supercritical pressures using model fluid techniques.  相似文献   

It is important to understand the heat transfer deterioration (HTD) phenomenon for specifying cladding temperature limits in the fuel assembly design of supercritical water-cooled reactor (SCWR). In this study, a numerical investigation of heat transfer in supercritical water flowing through vertical tube with high mass flux and high heat flux is performed by using six low-Reynolds number turbulence models. The capabilities of the addressed models in predicting the observed phenomena of experimental study are shortly analyzed. Mechanisms of the effect of flow structures and fluid properties on heat transfer deterioration phenomenon are also discussed. Numerical results have shown that the turbulence is significantly suppressed when the large-property-variation region spreads to the buffer layer near the wall region, resulting in heat transfer deterioration phenomenon. The property variations of dynamic viscosity and specific heat capacity in supercritical water can impair the deterioration in heat transfer, while the decrease of thermal conductivity contributes to the deterioration.  相似文献   

《Annals of Nuclear Energy》1999,26(16):1423-1436
A high-temperature large fast reactor cooled by supercritical water (SCFR-H) is designed for assessing its technical feasibility and potential economical improvement. The coolant system is once-through, direct cycle where whole core coolant flows to the turbine. The goal is to achieve the high coolant outlet temperature over 500°C. We study the reactors with blankets cooled by ascending and descending flow. SCFR-H adopts a radial heterogeneous core with zirconium-hydride layers between the driver core and the blankets for making coolant void reactivity negative. The coolant outlet temperature of the core with blankets cooled by ascending flow is low, 467°C. The reasons are as follows: (1) the power swing due to the accumulation of fissile material in the inner blankets with burn-up, and (2) local power peak in the assemblies due to the zirconium-hydride layers. The difference in the outlet coolant temperature is more enhanced than the low temperature core where outlet temperature is approximately 400°C. The reason is that the coolant temperature is more sensitive to the enthalpy change than near the pseudo critical temperature, 385°C at 25 MPa. Thus, we design the core with blankets cooled by descending flow to obtain high coolant outlet temperature. The coolant outlet temperature becomes 537°C, which is 70°C higher than that of the core with ascending blanket flow. The thermal efficiency is improved from 43.2 to 44.6%. The coolant mass flow rate per electric power decreases by 14%. This will reduce the size of the balance of plant (BOP) system. The power of the reactor is high (1565 MWe) and the void reactivity is negative.  相似文献   

A natural circulation evaluation methodology has been developed to insure safety of a sodium cooled fast reactor (SFR) of 1500 MWe adopting a natural circulation decay heat removal system (NC-DHRS). The methodology consists of a one-dimensional safety analysis which can be applied to safety evaluation for SFR licensing taking into account the temperature flattening effect due to buoyancy force in the core, and a three-dimensional fluid flow analysis which can evaluate thermal-hydraulics for local convection and thermal stratification in the primary system and DHRSs. The one-dimensional safety analysis method and the three-dimensional fluid flow analysis method have been validated using the test results of a water test apparatus and a sodium test loop for some typical transient events selected from the design basis events of the SFR. Finally, it has been confirmed that a good agreement between the test results and analysis results has been obtained, and reliability of each method has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

提出了一种新型的超临界水堆概念设计:混合能谱超临界水堆,它包括慢谱区和快谱区两部分.其慢谱区燃料组件采用双排燃料组件,快谱区采用简单的正方形栅元燃料组件.慢谱区与快谱区的燃料组件都采用同向流动方式来简化堆芯设计.慢谱区的冷却剂出口温度远低于整个堆芯的出口温度,这大大降低了慢谱区包壳的温度峰值.此外,由于快谱区冷却剂密度很小,流速很高,故可采用较大的栅元结构,这有效地降低了包壳周向局部传热不均匀性.所以混合堆在充分继承慢谱、快谱堆芯优点的基础上,弥补两者的不足.  相似文献   

The heat transfer coefficient is very low at bulk temperatures higher than the pseudo-critical point,because the supercritical pressure leads to a vapor-like fluid.In this paper,the heat transfer downstream an obstacle-bearing vertical tube is simulated by the CFD code of Fluent 6.1,using an adaptive grid in the supercritical condition.The reliable results are obtained by the RNG k-ε model using the enhanced wall treatment.The blockage ratio and local temperature of obstacle affect greatly the heat transfer enhancement,and the resultant influence region and decay trend are compared with the existing equations.  相似文献   

超临界水氧化技术是处理废树脂的途径之一,能够快速、有效处理核电站产生的含放射性核素的废离子交换树脂。本文提出了一种新型的超临界水氧化反应器,并采用计算流体动力学方法,建立了以多孔介质模型为基础的树脂颗粒非均相反应与均相反应耦合的反应器模型,对其中的流动、换热及化学反应过程进行了数值模拟研究。结果表明,各工况下有机物均完全转化为二氧化碳,各工况均能满足生产要求;随加热功率增加,反应物料出口温度、流域最高温度、压降与出口速度均逐渐增加。  相似文献   

Fuel breeding is one of the essential performances for a self-sustaining reactor system which can maintains the fuel sustainability while the reactor produces energy and consumes the fissile materials during operation. Thorium cycle shows some advantageous on higher breeding characteristics in thermal neutron spectrum region as shown in the Shippingport reactor and molten salt breeder reactor (MSBR) project. In the present study, the feasibility of large and small water cooled thorium breeder reactors is investigated under equilibrium conditions where the reactors are fueled by 233U–Th oxide and they adopts light water coolant as moderator. The key properties such as required enrichment, breeding capability, and initial fissile inventory are evaluated. The conversion ratio and fissile inventory ratio (FIR) are used for evaluating breeding performance. The results show the feasibility of breeding for small and large reactors. The breeding performance increases with increasing power output and lower power density. The small reactor may achieve the breeding condition when the fuel pellets' power density of about 22.5 W/cm3 and burnup of about 20 GWd/t.  相似文献   

给出了无量纲分析法与频域法相结合的稳定性分析方法的详细描述,并定义了影响稳定性的关键无量纲数。针对垂直加热通道内超临界水进行了密度波稳定性分析,并建立了稳定性边界。对系统入口阻力因数、出口阻力因数、摩擦因数、进出口压降和流动方向等进行了参数敏感性分析,结果表明高的入口阻力因数有利于系统的稳定,但高的出口阻力因数和高的摩擦因数不利于系统的稳定,系统进出口压差对系统的稳定性影响较小,向上流动比向下流动更有利于系统的稳定。计算结果对超临界水堆的堆芯和系统设计具有指导性作用。  相似文献   

The Battery Omnibus Reactor Integral System (BORIS) is being developed as a multipurpose integral fast reactor at the Seoul National University. This paper focuses on developing design methodology for optimizing geometry of the liquid metal cooled reactor vessel assembly. The key design parameters and constraints are chosen considering technical specifications such as thermal limits and manufacturing difficulties. The evolution strategy is adopted in optimizing the geometry. Two objective functions are selected based upon economic and thermohydraulic reasons. Optimization is carried out in the following steps. First, selected design values are supplied to the momentum integral model code to evaluate steady-state mass flow rate and coolant temperature distribution of the reactor vessel assembly utilizing the thermodynamic boundary condition on heat exchanger calculated by the thermodynamics code. Second, the objective function values are calculated and compared against the previous results. The steps are repeated until an optimum value is obtained. Results of the improved design of the reactor vessel assembly are presented and their characteristics are discussed.  相似文献   

An innovative Direct Residual Heat Removal System (DRHRS) is proposed for Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) in this paper. The new designed parallel DRHRS is different from traditional Passive Residual Heat Removal System (PRHRS), which is connected to steam generation. The thermal hydraulic transient analysis of the new designed DRHRS for CPR1000 has been carried out using the widely accepted safety analysis software RELAP5. The new designed DRHRS is directly connected to the primary loop, which consists of three independent parallel loops, three intermediate cooling circuits and an air loop. The transient behaviors of passive safety system are studied, and design parameter sensitivity analysis is carried out. Results show that during Station Black_Out (SBO) accident, natural circulations are established stably in passive safety system so that core decay is continuously removed from primary loop. And the new designed DRHRS has the capability of removing residual heat to the atmosphere without any external energy input at different surrounding environmental temperature. In emergency, the DRHRS directly remove core decay heat from reactor outlet, and efficiency of residual heat removal is improved. Moreover, reactor power plant maintains safe even if double-ended rupture of a single tube during SBO accident occurs. Thus, the designed DRHRS has great significance for increasing the degree of inherent safety features of CPR1000.  相似文献   

中国实验快堆泵支承冷却系统温度场分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国实验快堆一回路泵支承套筒是承重设备,位于高温的热钠池中.为了限制套筒和套简内部冷钠腔室的钠温度,维持主泵正常工作温度,设置钠泵支承冷却通道.利用计算流体动力学技术(CFD),对泵支承冷却系统进行三维模拟,通过对泵支承冷却系统冷却流道和支承结构的数值传热分析,得到了该系统的温度场分布情况,验证了泵支承冷却系统的冷却能力.  相似文献   

During operation of nuclear power reactors, reactivity initiated accidents can take place such as a control rod drop. If this occurs, the reactivity increases significantly and leads to an enhancement in power, fuel temperature and damage of reactor eventually. Exact assessment of these accidents depends on the hydrodynamic information. In this research, it is tried to simulate the unsteady flow field around the control rod for a pressurized water reactor power plant. In order to simulate the flow field around the control rod inside the guide tube, averaged Navier–Stokes equations accompanied by the layering dynamic mesh strategy have been used. The information exchange between the two computational stationary and moving grids, the computational grid around the control rod and the grid next to the guide tube, has been taken place through the interface. It was concluded that the time duration of control rod to reach the bottom of the core depends on the leakage. It was also observed that the velocity and acceleration of the control rod would be reduced by decreasing leakage flow rate and in certain leakages, the acceleration of the control rod approaches zero due to equilibrium conditions. During this research, a correlation based on the achieved data was proposed which would provide useful information on the relation between the leakage and the time for control rod to reach the bottom of the core.  相似文献   

Power generation systems such as steam turbine cycle, helium turbine cycle and supercritical CO2 (S-CO2) turbine cycle are examined for the prototype nuclear fusion reactor. Their achievable cycle thermal efficiencies are revealed to be 40%, 34% and 42% levels for the heat source outlet coolant temperature of 480 °C, respectively, if no other restriction is imposed. In the current technology, however, low temperature divertor heat source is included. In this actual case, the steam turbine system and the S-CO2 turbine system were compared in the light of cycle efficiency and plant cost. The values of cycle efficiency were 37.7% and 36.4% for the steam cycle and S-CO2 cycle, respectively. The construction cost was estimated by means of component volume. The volume became 16,590 m3 and 7240 m3 for the steam turbine system and S-CO2 turbine system, respectively. In addition, separation of permeated tritium from the coolant is much easier in S-CO2 than in H2O. Therefore, the S-CO2 turbine system is recommended to the fusion reactor system than the steam turbine system.  相似文献   

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