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This paper addresses a two-machine no-wait job shop problem with makespan minimisation. It is well known that this problem is strongly NP-hard. A divide-and-conquer approach (DC for short) is adopted to calculate the optimal timetable of a given sequence. It decomposes the given sequences into several independent parts and conquers them separately. A timetable enhancing method is introduced to further improve the timetable obtained by DC. It constructs a set of flow shop type jobs based on the result from DC and calculates the best timetable for these newly constructed jobs by the well-known Gilmore and Gomory method (GG for short). An efficient greedy search is proposed by integrating DC with GG to search for the best sequence. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm can find the optimal solutions for 96% of the randomly generated test instances on average.  相似文献   

We extend the classical no-wait two-machine flow shop scheduling problem to the case where job-processing times are controllable through the allocation of a common, limited and nonrenewable resource. Our objective is to simultaneously determine the sequence of the jobs and the resource allocation for each job on both machines in order to minimize the makespan. By using the equivalent load method to obtain the optimal resource allocation on a series-parallel graph, we reduce the problem to a sequencing one and show that it is equivalent to a new special case of the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP). We prove that although the reduced problem forms a subclass of the TSP on permuted Monge matrices, it is still strongly NP-hard. We provide an approximation result and present three special cases which are polynomially solvable. We have also tested two different subtour-patching heuristics in large-scale computational experiments on randomly generated instances of the problem. Both heuristics produced close-to-optimal solutions in most cases.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the scheduling of a no-wait two-machine flow shop considering anticipatory sequence-dependent setup time and a probable rework for both machines to minimise mean completion time (MCT). To tackle the problem, a robust meta-heuristic algorithm, namely the adapted imperialist competitive algorithm (AICA), has been proposed and is compared with two common and popular meta-heuristic algorithms (i.e. genetic algorithm (GA) and population-based simulated annealing (PBSA)). In this study, we have adapted a traditional imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) with some considerable changes. First of all, a revolution procedure is added to the algorithm for imperialists similar to colonies. Furthermore, the revolution is only performed when the new solution is better than the previous solution, and chief among them for preservation of premature convergence, the concept of global war is applied. However, the performance of AICA is sensitive to the choice of the best parameter values. Thus, to obtain optimal performance, a comprehensive calibration methodology called response surface methodology is employed to obtain the best combination of parameter values. In order to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of proposed algorithms, several test problems are generated and the results obtained from algorithms are then compared in terms of relative percentage deviation. Computational experiments indicate that AICA outperforms GA and PBSA in the MCT performance measure, and GA outperforms the others in terms of computational time.  相似文献   

This paper considers the no-wait flow shop scheduling problem with due date constraints. In the no-wait flow shop problem, waiting time is not allowed between successive operations of jobs. Moreover, a due date is associated with the completion of each job. The considered objective function is makespan. This problem is proved to be strongly NP-Hard. In this paper, a particle swarm optimisation (PSO) is developed to deal with the problem. Moreover, the effect of some dispatching rules for generating initial solutions are studied. A Taguchi-based design of experience approach has been followed to determine the effect of the different values of the parameters on the performance of the algorithm. To evaluate the performance of the proposed PSO, a large number of benchmark problems are selected from the literature and solved with different due date and penalty settings. Computational results confirm that the proposed PSO is efficient and competitive; the developed framework is able to improve many of the best-known solutions of the test problems available in the literature.  相似文献   

A popular measure used in service systems is that of total absolute deviation of job completion times (TADC). It is relevant to settings where the objective is to balance the level of service provided to different customers. During the last decade, TADC has been studied in various machine settings, and under various assumptions on the job processing times. In this note, we study TADC on a two-machine no-wait proportionate flow shop, i.e. a flow shop with machine-independent processing times, and with no buffer between the machines. A very surprising and unique result is introduced: a simple index policy (the well-known largest processing time (LPT) first sequence) is shown to be optimal for instances of no more than seven jobs. This property does not hold for larger instances. We show that for instances of eight and nine jobs, there are exactly two schedules which are candidates for optimality. For the 10-job instance, the number of candidates increases. This uncommon behaviour of the optimal solution and, consequently, the complexity of the problem studied here, remain open questions, and are challenging topics for future research.  相似文献   

A fast local neighbourhood search (FLNS) algorithm is proposed in this paper to minimise the total flow time in the no-wait flow shop scheduling problem, which is known to be NP-hard for more than two machines. In this work, an unscheduled job sequence is constructed firstly according to the total processing time and standard deviation of jobs on the machines. This job sequence is undergone an initial optimisation using basic neighbourhood search algorithm. Then, an innovative local neighbourhood search scheme is designed to search for the partial neighbourhood in each iterative processing and calculate the neighbourhood solution with an objective increment method. This not only improves the solution quality significantly, but also speeds up the convergence of the solution of the algorithm. Moreover, a probabilistic acceptance criterion is adopted to help our method escape from the local optima. Based on Taillard’s benchmarks, the experimental results show that the proposed FLNS algorithm is superior to major existing algorithms (IHA, IBHLS, GA-VNS and DHS) in terms of both quality and robustness, and can provide best upper bounds. The in-depth statistical analysis demonstrates that the promising performance of our proposed algorithm is also statistically significant.  相似文献   

This article addresses a two-machine flow shop scheduling problem where jobs are released intermittently and outsourcing is allowed. The first operations of outsourced jobs are processed by the first subcontractor, they are transported in batches to the second subcontractor for processing their second operations, and finally they are transported back to the manufacturer. The objective is to select a subset of jobs to be outsourced, to schedule both the in-house and the outsourced jobs, and to determine a transportation plan for the outsourced jobs so as to minimize the sum of the makespan and the outsourcing and transportation costs. Two mathematical models of the problem and several necessary optimality conditions are presented. A solution approach is then proposed by incorporating the dominance properties with an ant colony algorithm. Finally, computational experiments are conducted to evaluate the performance of the models and solution approach.  相似文献   

In this paper, we contemplate the problem of scheduling a set of n jobs in a no-wait flexible flow shop manufacturing system with sequence dependent setup times to minimising the maximum completion time. With respect to NP-hardness of the considered problem, there seems to be no avoiding application of metaheuristic approaches to achieve near-optimal solutions for this problem. For this reason, three novel metaheuristic algorithms, namely population based simulated annealing (PBSA), adapted imperialist competitive algorithm (AICA) and hybridisation of adapted imperialist competitive algorithm and population based simulated annealing (AICA?+?PBSA), are developed to solve the addressed problem. Because of the sensitivity of our proposed algorithm to parameter's values, we employed the Taguchi method as an optimisation technique to extensively tune different parameters of our algorithm to enhance solutions accuracy. These proposed algorithms were coded and tested on randomly generated instances, then to validate the effectiveness of them computational results are examined in terms of relative percentage deviation. Moreover, some sensitive analyses are carried out for appraising the behaviour of algorithms versus different conditions. The computational evaluations manifestly support the high performance of our proposed novel hybrid algorithm against other algorithms which were applied in literature for related production scheduling problems.  相似文献   

We consider a two-machine permutation flow shop scheduling problem to minimise the total electricity cost of processing jobs under time-of-use electricity tariffs. We formulate the problem as a mixed integer linear programming, then we design two heuristic algorithms based on Johnson’s rule and dynamic programming method, respectively. In particular, we show how to find an optimal schedule using dynamic programming when the processing sequence is fixed. In addition, we propose an iterated local search algorithm to solve the problem with problem-tailored procedures and move operators, and test the computational performance of these methods on randomly generated instances.  相似文献   

With the rapid development of computer technology and related softwares for mathematical models, mathematical modelling of scheduling problems is receiving growing attention from researchers. In this work, the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with unrelated parallel machines (HFSP-UPM) with the objective aimed to minimise the makespan is studied. According to the characteristics of the HFSP-UPM, eight mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models are formulated in order to obtain optimal solutions based on different modelling ideas. Then, these models are extended to solve HFSP-UPM with sequence-dependent setup times (HFSP-UPM-SDST), no-wait HFSP-UPM (HFSP-UPM-NW) and HFSP-UPM with blocking (HFSP-UPM-B). All the proposed models and the existing model are detailedly compared and evaluated under three aspects namely modelling process, size complexity and computational complexity. Numerical experiments show that MILP models dependent on diverse modelling ideas perform very differently. The model developed based on stage precedence is the best one and should be given preference in future applications. In addition, the proposed models of HFSP-UPM-NW and HFSP-UPM-B improve several best known solutions for the test instances in the existing literature.  相似文献   

Preventive maintenance and rush orders are related. Although preventive maintenance is essential for maximising equipment reliability, it can substantially slow the manufacturing process. Rush order rescheduling involves similar conflicts. Scheduling maintains the robustness of the production schedule, but rush orders require rescheduling. Although preventive maintenance and rush orders are essential manufacturing processes, research on the integration of these functions is insufficient. Unlike recent work that analyses preventive maintenance or rush orders as separate functions, this study proposes an integrated model that analyses both preventive maintenance and rush orders in a two-machine flow shop. The model is then evaluated using two different rescheduling methods. Non-parametric analysis of the models revealed that these two rescheduling methods differ significantly under integrated maintenance and rush order situations.  相似文献   

The flow shop problem as a typical manufacturing challenge has gained wide attention in academic fields. This article considers a bi-criteria no-wait flow shop scheduling problem (FSSP) in which weighted mean completion time and weighted mean tardiness are to be minimized simultaneously. Since a FSSP has been proved to be NP-hard in a strong sense, a new multi-objective scatter search (MOSS) is designed for finding the locally Pareto-optimal frontier of the problem. To prove the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, various test problems are solved and the reliability of the proposed algorithm, based on some comparison metrics, is compared with a distinguished multi-objective genetic algorithm (GA), i.e. SPEA-II. The computational results show that the proposed MOSS performs better than the above GA, especially for the large-sized problems.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of scheduling, on a two-machine flow shop, a set of unit-time operations subject to the constraints that some conflicting jobs cannot be scheduled simultaneously on different machines. In the context of our study, these conflicts are modelled by general graphs. The problem of minimising the maximum completion time (makespan) is known to be NP-hard in the strong sense. We propose a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model. Then, we develop a branch and bound algorithm based on new lower and upper bound procedures. We further provide a computer simulation to measure the performance of the proposed approaches. The computational results show that the branch and bound algorithm outperforms the MILP model and can solve instances of size up to 20,000 jobs.  相似文献   

We consider a two-machine no-wait permutation flow shop common due date assignment scheduling problem where the processing time of a job is given as a function of its position in the sequence and its amount of resource allocated to this job. The common due date (CON) assignment method means that all the jobs are given a common due date. We need to make a decision on the common due date, resource allocation and the sequence of jobs to minimise total earliness, tardiness, common due date cost and total resource cost. We show that the problem remains polynomially solvable under the proposed model.  相似文献   

In this work we study a flow shop scheduling problem in which jobs are not allowed to wait between machines, a situation commonly referred to as no-wait. The criterion is to minimise a weighted sum of makespan and maximum lateness. A dominance relation for the case of three machines is presented and evaluated using experimental designs. Several heuristics and local search methods are proposed for the general m-machine case. The local search methods are based on genetic algorithms and iterated greedy procedures. An extensive computational analysis is conducted where it is shown that the proposed methods outperform existing heuristics and metaheuristics in all tested scenarios by a considerable margin and under identical CPU times.  相似文献   

This paper considers a two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem with dedicated machines at stage 2. The objective is to minimise the makespan. There is one machine at stage 1 and two machines at stage 2. Each job must be processed on the single machine at stage 1 and, depending upon the job type, the job is processed on either of the two machines at stage 2. We first introduce this special type of the two-stage hybrid flow shop scheduling problem and present some preliminary results. We then present a counter example to the known complexity proof of Riane et al. [Riane, F., Artiba, A. and Elmaghraby, S.E., 2002. Sequencing a hybrid two-stage flowshop with dedicated machines. International Journal of Production Research, 40, 4353–4380.] Finally, we re-establish the complexity of the problem.  相似文献   

Classical scheduling problem assumes that machines are available during the scheduling horizon. This assumption may be justified in some situations but it does not apply if maintenance requirements, machine breakdowns or other availability constraints have to be considered. In this paper, we treat a two-machine job shop scheduling problem with one availability constraint on each machine to minimise the maximum completion time (makespan). The unavailability periods are known in advance and the processing of an operation cannot be interrupted by an unavailability period (non-preemptive case). We present in our approach properties dealing with permutation dominance and the optimality of Jackson's rule under availability constraints. In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed approach, we develop two mixed integer linear programming models and two schemes for a branch and bound method to solve the tackled problem. Computational results validate the proposed approach and prove the efficiency of the developed methods.  相似文献   

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