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Recruitment of single motor units (SMUs) of the masseter muscle was studied using macro representation (MacroRep) as the indicator of motor unit size. When subjects followed a slow isometric force ramp, units were usually recruited in order of MacroRep size. However, pooling the data from repeated ramps in the same subject resulted in a weak relationship between MacroRep size and force recruitment threshold, probably due to marked variations in the relative contributions of the jaw muscles, and varying levels of cocontraction, in the development of total bite force in each ramp. The force recruitment thresholds of individual SMUs showed marked variability, but recruitment threshold stability was improved when expressed as a percentage of maximum surface electromyographic (SEMG) activity in the ipsilateral masseter. Therefore the SEMG recruitment threshold was concluded to be a more stable and accurate indicator of the SMU's position in the recruitment hierarchy in a given muscle. It was concluded that SMUs in masseter are recruited according to the size principle, and that when investigating recruitment in jaw muscles, SEMG recruitment threshold should be used in preference to force recruitment threshold.  相似文献   

Isometric hindlimb contractions were induced in anaesthetised dogs by stimulation of appropriate spinal ventral roots. During such contractions there were appreciable reflex systemic pressor responses accompanied by small increases in heart rate. The heart rate responses during contractions were small because the primary cardioacceleratory reflexes from muscle were partly masked during contractions by opposing baroreceptor-cardiodepressor reflexes.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the maximal isometric plantarflexion moment as a function of the triceps surae's length. As the gastrocnemius are bi-articular actuators, their respective lengths were modified by variations of the ankle and knee joints angles. The mechanical results agreed ones previously published in the literature. The maximal and minimal isometric moments were attained at maximal lengthening and shortening of the gastrocnemius respectively. The gastrocnemius electromyographic (EMG) activities showed paradoxal results. Their EMG activities decreased with their lengthening when this was induced by ankle joint angle variations. Inversely, their EMG activities increased with their lengthening when this was induced by knee joint angle variations. These results allowed the authors to hypothesize the existence of specific recruitment of neuro-muscular compartments of the gastrocnemius with knee extension.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the functional interrelationship between synergistic muscle activities during low-level fatiguing contractions. Six human subjects performed static and dynamic contractions at an ankle joint angle of 110 degrees plantar flexion and within the range of 90-110 degrees (anatomic position = 90 degrees) under constant load (10% maximal voluntary contraction) for 210 min. Surface electromyogram records from lateral gastrocnemius (LG), medial gastrocnemius (MG), and soleus (Sol) muscles showed high and silent activities alternately in the three muscles and a complementary and alternate activity between muscles in the time course. In the second half of all exercise times, the number of changes in activity increased significantly (P < 0.05) in each muscle. The ratios of active to silent periods of electromyogram activity were significantly higher (P < 0.05) in MG (4.5 +/- 2.2) and Sol (4.3 +/- 2.8) than in the LG (0.4 +/- 0.1), but no significant differences were observed between MG and Sol. These results suggest that the relative activation of synergistic motor pools are not constant during a low-level fatiguing task.  相似文献   

Isometric contractions were generated on the left hindlimb muscles from adult cats (n = 11) anesthetized with alpha-chloralose (75 mg/kg) to determine whether immunoreactive substance P (irSP) was released from either the right periaqueductal grey (PAG) or ventrolateral medulla (VLM), sites shown to be involved with the integration of the muscle pressor response. The release of immunoreactive SP was measured using SP antibody-coated microelectrodes that were inserted into the PAG or the VLM during periods of rest, fatiguing isometric contractions and post-contraction. Mean arterial pressure increased by 78 +/- 11 mmHg during the contractions. There was a release of irSP from sites in the medulla during the contractions compared to the non-contraction periods but none was detected from the PAG in response to muscle stimulation. These results provide further evidence that SP-like substances may be involved with the central integration of the muscle pressor response.  相似文献   

Repetitive isometric tetanic contractions (1/s) of the canine gastrocnemius-plantaris muscle were studied either at optimal length (Lo) or short length (Ls; approximately 0.9 . Lo), to determine the effects of initial length on mechanical and metabolic performance in situ. Respective averages of mechanical and metabolic variables were (Lo vs. Ls, all P < 0.05) passive tension (preload) = 55 vs. 6 g/g, maximal active tetanic tension (Po) = 544 vs. 174 (0.38 . Po) g/g, maximal blood flow (Q) = 2.0 vs. 1.4 ml . min-1 . g-1, and maximal oxygen uptake (VO2) = 12 vs. 9 micromol . min-1 . g-1. Tension at Lo decreased to 0.64 . Po over 20 min of repetitive contractions, demonstrating fatigue; there were no significant changes in tension at Ls. In separate muscles contracting at Lo, Q was set to that measured at Ls (1.1 ml . min-1 . g-1), resulting in decreased VO2 (7 micromol . min-1 . g-1), and rapid fatigue, to 0.44 . Po. These data demonstrate that 1) muscles at Lo have higher Q and VO2 values than those at Ls; 2) fatigue occurs at Lo with high VO2, adjusting metabolic demand (tension output) to match supply; and 3) the lack of fatigue at Ls with lower tension, Q, and VO2 suggests adequate matching of metabolic demand, set low by short muscle length, with supply optimized by low preload. These differences in tension and VO2 between Lo and Ls groups indicate that muscles contracting isometrically at initial lengths shorter than Lo are working under submaximal conditions.  相似文献   

Oleic acid (OA) injection, lung lavage, and endotoxin infusion are three commonly used methods to induce experimental lung injury. The dynamics of lung collapse and recruitment in these models have not been studied, although knowledge of this is desirable to establish ventilatory techniques that keep the lungs open. We measured lung density by computed tomography during breath-holding procedures. Lung injury was induced with OA, lung lavage, or endotoxin in groups of six mechanically ventilated pigs. After a stabilization period, repetitive computed tomography scans of the same slice were obtained during prolonged expirations with and without positive end-expiratory pressure and during prolonged inspirations after 5 and 30 s of expiration. Lung collapse and recruitment occurred mainly within the first 4 s of breath-holding procedures in all three lung injury models, and some collapse and recruitment occurred even within 0.6 s. OA-injured lungs were significantly more unstable than lungs injured by bronchoalveolar lavage or endotoxin infusion. In this experimental setting, expiration times <0.6 s are required to avoid cyclic alveolar collapse during mechanical ventilation without extrinsic positive end-expiratory pressure.  相似文献   

1. The contractile properties of the motor units of the masseter and temporal muscles of human subjects were studied during voluntary isometric contractions, using a method previously employed to examine units of a small hand muscle. 2. Over the range of forces studied (0-6 kg), the units of both muscles were recruited in an orderly fashion, with a nearly linear relationship between the voluntary force at which units were recruited and their measured twitch tensions. 3. The range of contraction times (25-90 msec) was similar to that observed for the hand muscle. In some subjects it seemed that small units, recruited at low forces, exhibited shorter contraction times.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To investigate the response of choroidal blood flow in the foveal region of the human eye to increases in mean perfusion pressure (PPm = mean ophthalmic artery pressure - intraocular pressure; IOP) induced by isometric exercises. METHODS: Using laser-Doppler flowmetry, changes in velocity (ChBVel), number (ChBVol), and flux (ChBF) of red blood cells in the choroidal vascular system in the foveal region of the fundus were measured in both eyes of 11 normal subjects (ages 18 to 57 years) during isometric exercises. RESULTS: During 90 seconds of squatting, PPm increased by an average of 67%, from 46 to 77 mm Hg. This resulted in a significant increase of 12% in ChBFm (the mean of ChBF during the heart cycle), mainly caused by an increase in ChBVelm. A further increase in PPm to a value approximately 85% above baseline resulted in a 40% increase in ChBFm. A significant negative correlation was found between the changes in ChBVelm and ChBVolm, during squatting. CONCLUSIONS: Previous studies have demonstrated that during isometric exercise, blood pressures in the ophthalmic and brachial arteries rise in parallel. These observations and the current results indicate that an increase in PPm up to 67% induces an increase in choroidal vascular resistance that limits the increase in choroidal blood flow to approximately 12%. This regulatory process fails when PPm is further increased.  相似文献   

The role of intramuscular metabolite changes in the adaptations following isometric strength training was examined by comparing the effect of short, intermittent contractions (IC) and longer, continuous (CC) contractions. In a parallel study, the changes in phosphate metabolites and pH were examined during the two protocols using whole-body nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMRS). Seven subjects trained three time per week for 14 weeks. The right leg was trained using four sets of ten contractions, each lasting 3 s with a 2-s rest period between each contraction and 2 min between each set. The left leg was trained using four 30-s contractions with a 1-min rest period between each. Both protocols involved isometric contractions at 70% of a maximum voluntary isometric contraction (MVC). The MVC, length:tension and force:velocity relationships and cross-sectional area (CSA) of each leg were measured before and after training. The increase in isometric strength was significantly greater (P = 0.041) for the CC leg (median 54.7%; P = 0.022) than for IC (31.5%; P = 0.022). There were no significant differences between the two protocols for changes in the length:tension or force:velocity relationships. There were significant increases in muscle CSA for the CC leg only. NMRS demonstrated that the changes in phosphate metabolites and pH were greater for the CC protocol. These findings suggest that factors related to the greater metabolite changes during CC training results in greater increases in isometric strength and muscle CSA.  相似文献   

We studied 60 motor units from abductor pollicis brevis, first dorsal interosseous, and abductor digiti minimus muscles in 18 patients with upper motor neuron lesions. Both fractional process parameters and serial correlation coefficients were estimated. The results suggest that both serial correlation coefficients and fractional process parameters can be used to objectively document upper motor neuron disorders in stroke patients. However, each of them may be more sensitive to distinct central motor regulatory mechanisms.  相似文献   

1. Cross-correlation analysis has been used to quantify the responses of cat soleus tendon organs to repetitive twitch contractions of: (a) different motor units within the muscle, (b) single motor units at different muscle lengths, and (c) single motor units when the pulse-train pattern of stimulation delivered to the motor unit axon was altered. 2. Ib afferents were observed which responded to each of several hundred successive motor unit twitches with identical numbers of spikes and with relatively invariant latencies. 3. The present results show that tendon organs are sensitive to subtle alterations in motor unit twitch wave form and amplitude, and that this sensitivity is reflected in the precise timings of their afferent discharge. 4. Examination of these tendon organ responses indicates that the forces produced by single motor units couples to the receptor capsule are well above threshold. Calculations based on these results, and earlier soleus motor unit and muscle fibre data, suggest that the absolute force threshold for tendon organs may be as little as 4 mg, which is less than the estimated minimum twitch force generated by individual soleus muscle fibres. 5. Considering the number of tendon organs in a muscle, and the likelihood that every motor unit is connected with at least one receptor, the sensitivity of tendon organs ensures that every twitch of every motor unit will be reflected in the population of afferent signals projecting to the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Ten females (25-50 years of age) performed isometric shoulder flexions, holding the right arm straight and in a horizontal position. The subjects were able to see the rectified surface electromyogram (EMG) from either one of two electrode pairs above the upper trapezius muscle and were instructed to keep its amplitude constant for 15 min while gradually unloading the arm against a support. The EMG electrodes were placed at positions representing a "cranial" and a "caudal" region of the muscle suggested previously to possess different functional properties. During the two contractions, recordings were made of: (1) EMG root mean square-amplitude and zero crossing (ZC) frequency from both electrode pairs on the trapezius as well as from the anterior part of the deltoideus, (2) supportive force, (3) heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), and (4) perceived fatigue. The median responses during the cranial isoelectric contraction were small as compared to those reported previously in the literature: changes in exerted glenohumeral torque and ZC rate of the isoelectric EMG signal of -2.81% x min(-1) (P = 0.003) and 0.03% x min(-1) (P = 0.54), respectively, and increases in HR and MAP of 0.14 beats x min(-2) (P = 0.10) and 0.06 mmHg x min(-1) (P = 0.33), respectively. During the contraction with constant caudal EMG amplitude, the corresponding median responses were -2.51% x min(-1) (torque), 0.01% x min(-1) (ZC rate), 0.31 beats x min(-2) (HR), and 0.93 mmHg x min(-1) (MAP); P = 0.001, 0.69, 0.005, and 0.003, respectively. Considerable deviations from the "isoelectric" target amplitude were common for both contractions. Individuals differed markedly in response, and three distinct subgroups of subjects were identified using cluster analysis. These groups are suggested to represent different motor control scenarios, including differential engagement of subdivisions of the upper trapezius, alternating motor unit recruitment and, in one group, a gradual transition towards a greater involvement of type II motor units. The results indicate that prolonged low-level contractions of the shoulder muscles may in general be accomplished with a moderate metabolic stress, but also that neuromuscular adaptation strategies differ significantly between individuals. These results may help to explain why occupational shoulder-neck loads of long duration cause musculoskeletal disorders in some subjects but not in others.  相似文献   

In order to find a parameter or parameters that can be attributed to movements performed with maximal subjective effort, EEG recordings and force measurements were taken in connection with isometric muscle contractions performed with 80% of the subjective maximal force (IMC80) or with maximal subjective effort (IMC100). Criteria based on EEG recordings and force measurements have been considered as indicators for maximal subjective effort in a given movement. The following criteria were selected: A. If the mean spectral theta amplitude across the parieto-occipital area decreases from IMC80 to IMC100 then the isometric contraction is taken to be performed with maximal effort; B. If the obtained force values can be fitted to a switch function and if the achieved forces are only a predetermined percentage lower than the maximal force value obtained over all trials then this isometric contraction is accepted to be performed with maximal effort. 18 out of 24 cases fulfill the EEG criterion whereas the criterion for force measurements is fulfilled in 16 out of 24 trials. The comparison between the results obtained by means of the EEG criterion and by means of criterion for force measurement shows that the results are in agreement in 22 out of 24 cases (p < .001). The high correspondence of the assessments allows us to suspect that both criteria specify the same phenomenon, namely the performance of a motor task with maximal subjective effort.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The influence of rectal contractions on urination was examined using multichannel urodynamic study. METHODS: We reviewed a total of 246 consecutive urodynamic studies. Each study consisted of a uroflow measurement and multi-channel urodynamic study, evaluating total vesical pressure, abdominal (rectal) pressure, subtracted detrusor pressure and perianal electromyography. Rectal contractions were defined as periodic fluctuations over 5 cmH2O in abdominal pressure detected by a rectal balloon catheter. No relationship of these contractions with cough and breathing was observed. RESULTS: Of the 246 patients, 17 (6.9%) had a positive study for rectal contractions. The patients, who had positive rectal contractions, averaged 70-year-old were older than negative subjects averaged 62-year-old. In multichannel urodynamics, the flow rate was significantly decreased, and electromyographic activity was increased at the moment of each rectal contractions. CONCLUSIONS: The rectal contractions are not artifactual and may be regarded as one of causes responsible for urinary difficulty in the elderly.  相似文献   

In the majority of cases, carcinoma of the thyroid presents as a cold nodule by radioiodine and Tc-99m sodium pertechnetate scintigraphy. Whereas the presence of a hot nodule usually implies a benign entity, it does not provide complete assurance against thyroid malignancy. Presented is a rare case of metastatic pure papillary thyroid carcinoma appearing as a hot nodule on Tc-99m sodium pertechnetate and I-123 sodium iodide scintigraphy. The implications of such a case, its management, and review of the pertinent literature are discussed.  相似文献   

Antibodies to DNA are believed to play an important role in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). High affinity IgG antibodies which show marked specificity for double stranded DNA (dsDNA) are particularly closely linked to the occurrence and severity of tissue damage. Sequence analysis of mouse and human monoclonal antibodies has previously suggested that mutations in the complementarity determining regions (CDRs) play a major role in determining these binding properties. In many cases such mutations increase the overall number of basic residues in the CDRs. To further elucidate the role played by such mutations it is important to develop methods of expressing cloned autoantibody cDNA in the form of functional whole immunoglobulin molecules. We describe a system in which autoantibody VH and VL cDNA from monoclonal human anti-DNA antibodies, B3 and WRI176 were cloned into separate vectors which allowed their expression as whole heavy and whole light chains respectively. By cotransfecting mammalian cells with pairs of heavy and light chain vectors it was possible to produce whole IgG molecules from each of the four possible VH/VL combinations. Only antibody produced by homologous VH and VL pairs bound DNA, suggesting that in these autoantibodies both chains are important in conferring this property.  相似文献   

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