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A survey of all women between the ages of 15-50 who underwent laparotomy at the Women's Hospital, Liverpool, from January 1970 to December 1974, was performed to identify etiological factors in ectopic pregnancy. There were 49 ectopic pregnancies during this peirod. The majority of patients were 30-35 years of age (20), 16 were in the 25-29 group. 63.3% had a previous viable pregnancy, 16.3% had a previous abortion, and 3 patients had a previous ectopic pregnancy. The major sysmptoms were vaginal bleeding followed by abdominal pain. Only 16.3% gave a history of previous pelvic infection. However, 53.5% were found to have evidence of previous pelvic infection. 4 patients. Results indicate that pelvic inflammatory disease is still the greatest cause of ectopic pregancy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of pregnancy on disease progression and survival in women infected with HIV by a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis. METHODS: Appropriate publications were identified using electronic and hand searching of relevant journals from 1983 to 1996. Studies were included in the review if they were cohort studies, either prospective or retrospective, or case-control studies which investigated disease progression of pregnant women infected with HIV and included a control group of non-pregnant women infected with HIV for comparison. Methodological quality was assessed for each study. Data were extracted for predetermined outcome measures. Sensitivity analyses were performed to explore the association between pregnancy and disease progression for the following study characteristics: clinical setting (developed or developing countries), methodological quality (high or poor) and whether studies had controlled for potential confounding. RESULTS: Seven studies, all prospective cohorts, were eligible to be included in the review. The summary odds ratio for the risk of an adverse maternal outcome related to HIV infection and pregnancy were as follows: death 1.8 (85% CI 0.99-3.3); HIV disease progression 1.41 (95% CI 0.85-2.33); progression to an AIDS-defining illness 1.63 (95% CI 1.00-2.67) and fall of CD4 cell count to below 200 x 10(6)/L 0.73 (95% CI 0.17-3.06). Sensitivity analyses showed that HIV progression in pregnancy was significantly more common in a developing country setting (odds ratio 3.71, 95% CI 1.82-7.75) than in developed countries (odds ratio 0.55, 95% 0.27-1.11) and also significantly more common in high quality studies when compared to low quality ones, odds ratios 3.71 (95% CI 1.82-7.57) and 0.55 (95% CI 0.27-1.11), respectively. However, there appears to be less progression of HIV disease and progression to AIDS when studies attempted to control for confounding by matching or restriction techniques, although this was not statistically significant in either case. CONCLUSIONS: The findings of this review have implications for women infected with HIV who are pregnant or are considering a pregnancy. There does appear to be an association between adverse maternal outcomes and pregnancy in women infected with HIV, although this association is not strong. The relation may be due to the result of bias including residual confounding. Further large scale observational studies with long term follow up are required before this issue can be fully resolved.  相似文献   

Eleven neonates ranging in gestational age from 34 to 40 weeks presented with gastric necrosis. The 4 full-term neonates showed sudden-onset hemorrage and "coffee-ground" vomiting; in the 7 premature babies the initial clinical finding was abdominal distention. The criteria for diagnosis were: perinatal distress in prematures and transient neonatal respiratory distress in full-term babies. Radiographic evidence of gastric distention was typical and preceded clinical signs of hematemesis and gastric perforation. Surgery was performed in 8 patients; 3 received medical treatment. At surgery 1 total and 3 subtotal gastrectomies and 4 segmental gastric resections were performed. Three of these patients died post-operatively as a consequence of multiorgan failure; a second look was necessary in one patient 1 week after surgery because of prepyloric perforation due to ulcers. Biopsy specimens taken from the site of perforation demonstrated extensive necrosis; ulceration was disseminated in the surrounding gastric mucosa; no signs of phlogosis were detected. The diagnosis, treatment, and physiopathologic considerations are reviewed.  相似文献   

To study the cognitive effects of diphenylhydantoin (PTH), 17 patients of simple partial or generalised tonic clonic seizure, who were on PTH monotherapy for at least 6 months were included. None of them had a seizure in last one month and their CT scans were normal. Serum PTH levels of these patients were in the therapeutic range (10.2-17.7 micrograms/ml). The clinical signs of PTH toxicity in the form of gingival hyperplasia and cerebellar ataxia were present in 1 patient only. In 3 patients memory quotient (MQ) and Benton visual retention test (BVRT) scores were marginally abnormal but the group difference in the clinical psychometric tests were not significant. P3 latency was also normal in all the patients. In the therapeutic range, PTH does not seem to produce significant cognitive dysfunction.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review six cases of pregnancy with Addison's disease at Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital, Shanghai Medical University from 1949 to 1994. METHOD: This is a clinical retrospective analysis. Five of the 6 patients were treated with hormone replacement therapy, and the remaining one received no hormone treatment due to lack of symptoms during pregnancy and neglect of previous adrenal surgery by obstetricians. RESULTS: The patient received no treatment occurred Addisonian crisis and died soon after delivery. The other five patients had smooth course of delivery and postpartum period. CONCLUSIONS: Hormone replacement therapy is important for patients with Addison's disease in pregnancy especially for acute decompensation of adrenal function. Pregnant women with history of adrenal surgery should be monitored carefully even without any symptoms and hormone treatment is necessary. Vaginal delivery is encouraged unless there is obstetric indication.  相似文献   

Normal gestation is associated with adaptative cardiovascular changes. Pregnant women with mitral stenosis may be unable to tolerate these changes despite optimal medical therapy, and life-threatening complications can occur. Commissurotomy or valve replacement during gestation are very high-risk procedures both for mother and fetus. Percutaneous valvuloplasty is a valid alternative to cardiac surgery. In this study, we describe four pregnant women with mild or severe mitral stenosis who underwent percutaneous valvuloplasty after the first trimester of gestation. Despite tailored medical therapy with diuretics and beta blockers, all patients were symptomatic: NYHA class II in two cases, and class III in the last two. In order to protect the fetus from radiation, the patient's pelvic-abdominal area was shielded and left ventriculography was not performed. Fluoroscopy time was 7 +/- 3 min. No major immediate complications were observed after the procedure. Mitral valve area (sec. Gorlin) increased from 1.05 +/- 0.08 cm2 to 2.52 +/- 0.26 cm2 and mitral gradient decreased from 26.7 +/- 5.7 mmHg to 8.5 +/- 3 mmHg. The four women delivered healthy full-term babies. At a mean follow-up of 22 +/- 8 months, all patients are free of symptoms, two patients with diuretics and two without therapy. Percutaneous valvuloplasty can be considered the treatment of choice for pregnant women with symptomatic mitral stenosis refractory to medical therapy.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the effects of measles in pregnancy using a large case series. METHODS: Pregnant women with measles were identified by county health department records, and their hospital and clinic records were reviewed. When available, records for the infants of case patients were also reviewed. RESULTS: Fifty-eight pregnant women with measles were identified. Thirty-five (60%) were hospitalized for measles, 15 (26%) were diagnosed with pneumonia, and two (3%) died of measles complications. Excluding three induced abortions, 18 pregnancies (31%) ended prematurely; five were spontaneous abortions and 13 were preterm deliveries. All but two of the 18 pregnancies that terminated early did so within 14 days of rash onset. Two term infants were born with minor congenital anomalies, but their mothers had measles late in the third trimester. No newborns were diagnosed with congenital measles. CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of death and other complications from measles during pregnancy may be higher than expected for age-comparable, nonpregnant women. Measles in pregnancy may lead to high rates of fetal loss and prematurity, especially in the first 2 weeks after the onset of rash.  相似文献   

Whole-body computed tomography (CT) was performed on 600 patients with known or suspected malignancy at the National Institutes of Health. This new diagnostic modality utilizes a finely columnated X-ray source mounted opposite a computer-linked detector bank to generate anatomic cross-sectional images of the body part being scanned. CT proved valuable in defining many pathologic processes and was, at times, deemed the only test short of exploratory surgery that yielded diagnostic information. This latter benefit was most acutely emphasized in lesions affecting the retroperitoneum, adrenal glands, pelvis, liver, and immediate subpleural pulmonary parenchyma.  相似文献   

AIM: Evaluation of the clinical suitability of a new analytical method for the determination of bone mineral density (BMD) by means of SEQCT as well as a comparison with the established method. METHODS: In order to verify the stability of both systems, phantom measurements were performed on a lumbal spine torso as well as on 78 patients. 44 patients were examined by means of the established method and 34 according to the new method. Parallel measurements were possible in 15 patients. RESULTS: The phantom measurements proved a high stability of both methods. Regarding the absolute BMD the new method resulted in higher BMD values. This result was confirmed by parallel measurements in 15 patients. The new method demonstrated increased suitability due to less time consuming preparations. Dose reduced scan parameters could not be achieved in all patients, so that the time saving effect could not be considered. In these cases manual settings were required. CONCLUSION: A substitution of the established method for BMD measurement by means of SEQCT with the new method seems to be possible. However, the results will have to be corrected by the percentage of deviation from the default value of the quality phantom.  相似文献   

A review of all the bronchopleural fistulas which developed following pulmonary resection in the Department of Cardio-Vascular and Thoracic Surgery of The London Hospital between 1953 and 1973 is presented. During this period 3150 pulmonary resections were performed for various conditions and 86 fistulas occurred, an incidence of 2-7 per cent. The aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of these fistulas are discussed.  相似文献   

Nineteen cases of choledochal cyst are reviewed. Two distinct groups of patients were identified. Patients under one year of age, initially diagnosed as having biliary atresia, had a higher mortality rate, a higher incidence of severe cirrhosis with portal hypertension, and associated atresia or stenosis in the biliary tree. The second group, presenting between 3 and 20 years of age with more classic symptoms, had mild cirrhosis without portal hypertension and had associated choledocholithiasis and pancreatitis. It is suggested that the younger patients had a congenital form of cystic bile duct dilatation and that the older patients had an acquired form, perhaps related to a common channel with reflux of pancreatic juice into the common bile duct. Postoperative follow-up supports the current view that choledochocyst-jejunostomy with choleystectomy has a lower rate of long-term complications than does choledochocyst-duodenostomy.  相似文献   

Trisomy 12 is a frequent abnormality in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL). The biological importance of trisomy 12 is still poorly understood but it has been suggested that one or several genes are duplicated leading to malignant transformation. We present a case with amplification of 12q13-22 found in a clinically aggressive relapse of CLL. A smaller region, 12q13-15, was amplified most frequently and a YAC containing the MDM2 gene gave the highest number of signals. Additionally, in a subclone an amplicon containing at least 5 copies of a cosmid from 12q23-24 was detected. The case shows that small duplications of chromosome 12, not revealed by cytogenetic analysis, may occur in CLL. Also, it shows that cytogenetic clonal evolution can occur in CLL without morphological evidence of blast transformation. Our results indicate that the 12q13-15 region carries an important gene for CLL progression.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Wallenberg's syndrome is one of the most common clinically recognized conditions due to brain stem infarct, which can nowadays be identified thanks to modern neuro-imaging techniques. We present a retrospective study of 25 cases admitted to our hospital in the past eight years, to evaluate epidemiological aspects and clinical findings and to correlate these with magnetic resonance topography. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Patients diagnosed in the Neurology Section of Hospital Xeral-Calde in Lugo between January 1989 and December 1997 as having Wallenberg's syndrome. RESULTS: There was a predominance of middle aged men presenting at 55.06 years of age (range 30- 78). Arterial hypertension was the main risk factor (52%). There was a progressive form of onset in most cases. The commonest symptom was dysphonia followed by dysphagia. The commonest finding on physical examination was ataxic gait (24 patients) MR was positive in 22 of the 23 cases in which this was done. There were different clinical findings depending on the site of the lesion, whether rostral, caudal or medial. This is considered in the discussion. In most cases the prognosis was good. The commonest sequel was ataxia. CONCLUSIONS: The results are similar to those in the literature. We emphasize the excellent correlation of clinical data and neuroimaging findings.  相似文献   

A retrospective review of all patients seen in an urban city-county emergency department over a 32-month period with a primary or associated diagnosis of hypothermia was performed using the emergency department encounter form and the inpatient chart of 62 cases (59 patients) with core temperatures of 35 C (95 F) or below. With this relatively large population, a general conclusion was reached about the presentation and natural history of this interesting entity. This permitted a defensible treatment regimen which is currently employed a this institution and which is offered for institutions in similar settings. The variance in clinical signs, laboratory values, electrocardiographic findings and complications encountered in this study are detailed against the background of a review of the findings of the current literature.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Polymorphic eruptions of pregnancy (PEP) are common cutaneous disorders of unknown origin that occur usually after week 34 of gestation. Since pregnancy is associated with peripheral-blood chimerism, particularly during the third trimester, we studied the role of fetal cells in the development of the skin lesions. METHODS: We studied samples of skin from ten women with PEP who were carrying male fetuses and 26 women with normal skin or non-PEP skin disorders (13 carrying male and 13 carrying female fetuses). Epidermis and dermis were dissected from the samples, and the DNA was extracted. PCR with primers specific for the SRY gene was used to detect male DNA. FINDINGS: Male DNA was detected in dermis or epidermis from skin lesions of six of the ten women with PEP. No male DNA was detected in any of the 26 women without PEP. INTERPRETATION: Fetal cells can migrate to skin during gestation, where they seem to be associated with the development of cutaneous disorders of pregnancy.  相似文献   

The clinical syndrome "Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organising Pneumonia" (BOOP) has to be considered in patients with a flu-like illness since some weeks, fine crackles, and on chest X-ray bilateral patchy infiltrates. There is no response to antibiotics. BOOP is essentially idiopathic, but associations to other conditions exist. Lung function is often restrictive; biochemistry is not pathognomonic. BAL shows a mixed cellular pattern. The gold standard for pathologic diagnosis is open or thoracoscopic lung biopsy. However, a BOOP pattern or reaction is often seen on histologic specimens without the clinical-radiologic features of the BOOP-entity. Therapy consists of corticosteroids, which have to be prescribed for a long time at a rather high dose. Recurrence is frequent, but prognosis is good. Evolution to respiratory insufficiency and death is rare and may occur in rapidly progressive BOOP. This study reports on 11 cases (6 males/5 females) of clinical-pathological BOOP-syndrome (mean age 58 yrs, range 17-73 yrs), with an unexpectedly high mortality rate of 36% (4 cases). The disease was idiopathic in 7, and was associated with intake of amiodarone (in 1), with past Mycoplasma pneumonia (in 1) and with connective tissue disease (in 2). There was a history of a flu-like syndrome, cough and dyspnea of a mean duration of 4 months (range 1 week to 8 months). Lung function was mostly restrictive or/and obstructive with a diffusing capacity ranging between 47 and 95% predicted; there was hypoxia in about half of the patients. Chest X-ray and computed tomography (CT) scan showed a patchy consolidation with linear opacities (unilateral in 4 patients, bilateral in 5) and/or a ground glass pattern (in 4 patients), and a focal pseudo-tumoral lesion (in 1). Bronchoalveolar lavage showed a variable pattern of mixed, or eosinophilic or neutrophilic alveolitis. Histologic diagnosis was based on open lung biopsy (in 3), on thoracoscopic biopsy (in 2), on transbronchial biopsy (in 2), on wedge resection of the nodular lesion (in 1) and on postmortem lung biopsy (in 3). One patient recovered spontaneously, 1 remained cured after resection of the focal lesion, 7 were treated with 16-125 mg methylprednisolone (of whom 3 had a temporary flare-up during tapering the corticosteroids and 2 died after 1 and 3 months due to infectious complications), 2 died due to rapidly progressive BOOP.  相似文献   

Developmental cell death is a major event of neurogenesis, and emphasis has systematically been placed on the roles of either the peripheral targets or central postsynaptic neurons in the control of neuronal survival. In this article, the main types of experimental design used to test the control of neuronal death by the afferent supply are compared with analogous data indicating neurotrophic support by the targets. It is argued that targets and afferents may have equivalent roles and interact in the control of neuron numbers during development of the vertebrate nervous system. Possible mechanisms of anterograde trophic control include contact-mediated cell interactions, activity-dependent processes mediated by neurotransmitters or neuromodulators, modulation of the levels of cytoplasmic free calcium and the involvement of neurotrophic factors.  相似文献   

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