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三粒子纠缠W态的隐形传态   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18       下载免费PDF全文
郑亦庄  戴玲玉  郭光灿 《物理学报》2003,52(11):2678-2682
提出利用三个二粒子纠缠态作为量子信道,实现三粒子纠缠W态的隐形传态的方案.首先考察量子信道是最大纠缠态的情形,然后进一步考察量子信道是非最大纠缠态的情形.发现在量子信道为非最大纠缠态时,通过引进一个辅助粒子,并构造一个幺正变换矩阵,即可以一定的概率完成三粒子纠缠W态的隐形传态. 关键词: 隐形传态 三粒子纠缠 纠缠W态 非最大纠缠量子信道  相似文献   

李艳玲  冯健 《物理学报》2007,56(4):1888-1894
提出利用单个三粒子最大Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ)态或两个Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR)态作为量子信道确定性隐形传送任意三粒子GHZ态的两个方案,并将方案推广至隐形传送任意n(n≥4)粒子GHZ态的情况.讨论了量子信道受噪声影响时隐形传态的保真度.研究发现,当作为量子信道的单个三粒子最大GHZ态受到噪声影响时,隐形传态的保真度仅与量子信道的纠缠度有关,而当作为量子信道的两个EPR态受到噪声影响时,隐形传态的保真度不仅与量子信道的纠缠度有关,还与待传送态的纠缠度有关.所提出的方案具有节省量子信道纠缠资源的特点. 关键词: 隐形传态 三粒子Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger态 量子逻辑门 保真度  相似文献   

三粒子纠缠相干态的隐形传态   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10  
提出了一个利用一个两粒子最大纠缠相干态和一个三粒子纠缠相干态作为量子信道进行三粒子纠缠相干态隐形传态的方案.该方案只需线性光学操作和双模光子数测量.计算结果表明,应用本方案的设置,隐形传态成功的概率与所用的相干态的平均光子数有关,反映了纠缠相干态的非正交特性.  相似文献   

先是对利用单个两粒子及单个三粒子纠缠态作为量子信道实现三粒子纠缠W态的隐形传态方案进行讨论.然后由波函数的叠加原理与算符变换出发,将体系的总量子量按照Bell基展开实现量子隐形传态,给出了变换算符与实际操作算符之间的联系.进一步验证出变换算符可逆是成功实现三粒子纠缠W态隐形传态的必要条件的结论. 关键词: 三粒子纠缠W态 Bell基展开 变换算符 隐形传态  相似文献   

利用非Bell基测量实现两粒子纠缠态的隐形传输   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究无Bell基测量的未知两粒子纠缠态的隐形传态方案。Alice需传送未知两原子纠缠态给Bob,以她和Bob的原子组成的最大纠缠GHZ态作为量子信道,通过两原子同时在一个强经典驱动场驱动下和一个单模腔场发生相互作用,产生态的演化,从而实现隐形传态。本方案可忽略腔场热作用和腔延迟作用的影响,传送成功的总几率为1。  相似文献   

陶原  潘炜  罗斌 《量子光学学报》2007,13(4):235-239
提出了利用部分纠缠的特殊二粒子W态和部分纠缠的二粒子态组成量子信道,隐形传送一个二粒子纠缠态的方案。发送者进行两次Bell基测量,接受者先在{|0〉,|1〉}基下进行一次测量,然后实施一次控制—非操作,最后引进一个辅助粒子并进行一组适当的幺正变换操作,便可以一定的概率实现二粒子纠缠态的隐形传送。分析表明:当量子信道处于最大纠缠,即信道由一个特殊二粒子W态和一个Bell态组成时,本方案的传输概率达到2/3,传输效果介于完全由W态组成量子信道与完全由Bell态组成量子信道的方案之间。  相似文献   

建立了一个基于非最大纠缠量子信道的三能级两粒子的概率隐形传态的方案.在本方案中概率隐形传态的实现应用了新的正交完备测量基来代替传统的Bell基,我们用三能级量子纠缠态作为通道.这是和前人的隐传方案所不同的.我们所提出的方案对于接受者来说更加方便、简洁,使用者能够通过较少的操作来实现通信.  相似文献   

提出两个二能级原子纠缠态的隐形传态方案,方案中选用由四个全同二能级原子组成的非最大纠缠Cluster态作为量子信道.研究表明,接收者根据发送者传送的经典信息,通过引入一个附加原子并实施相应的幺正变化,即可以一定的概率重构原子态,此概率由Cluster态中绝对值最小的两个系数决定.该方案中使用的是Cluster非最大纠缠态作为量子信道,因此与其他方案相比该方案可以节约更多的纠缠资源和经典信息.如果使用Cluster最大纠缠态作为量子信道,那么此方案即为一般的量子传态方案,成功传送的概率为100%.  相似文献   

量子隐形传态的类簇态信道方案(英文)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
提出了利用一个四粒子类簇态来实现一个任意两粒子态的隐形传送方案.如果接受者能根据发送者提供的测量信息对量子态实施一个合适的幺正变换,那么隐形传送就能以一定的概率实现.由于该方案中充当量子信道的是部分纠缠态,因此该方案比以前基于最大纠缠态的方案更具有现实意义.同时研究导出一个重要的结论:可以从一个四粒子类簇态(部分纠缠态)中以一定的概率提取出一个四粒子簇态(最大纠缠态),这个概率等于成功隐形传态的概率.  相似文献   

利用两个纠缠对隐形传送三原子W态   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
提出利用两个Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen(EPR)态作为量子信道隐形传送任意三原子W态的方案,并将该方案推广至隐形传送任意N(N 4)原子W态. 研究了实施方案的两种方法,给出了完成隐形传态的一种新思路:解纠缠—隐形传送—重构纠缠.讨论了量子信道受噪声影响时隐形传态的保真度. 结果表明,当作为量子信道的两个最大纠缠态受到噪声影响时,隐形传态的保真度不仅与量子信道的纠缠度有关,还与待传送态中某一子系统的共生纠缠度有关. 所提出的方案具有操作简便,节省量子信道纠缠资源的特点.  相似文献   

A scheme for probabilistic teleportation of an unknown three-atom entangled state via a five-atom non-maximally entangled cluster state as quantum channel is proposed. In this scheme, the sender performs two Bell state and a single-atom measurements on the atoms, the receiver can reconstruct the original state with a certain probability by introducing an auxiliary atom and operating appropriate unitary transformations and controlled-not (C-not) operations according to the sender Alice's measurement results. As a result, the probability of successful teleportation is determined by the smallest two of the coefficients'absolute values of the cluster state. The considerable advantage of our scheme is that we employ a non-maximally entangled cluster state as quantum channel in the scheme, which can greatly reduce the amount of entanglement resources and need less classical bits. If we employ a maximally entangled cluster state as quantum channel, the probabilistic teleportation scheme becomes usual teleportation, the successful probability being 100%.  相似文献   

A scheme for probabilistic teleportation of an unknown three-qubit entangled state via a five-qubit non-maximally entangled cluster state as quantum channel is proposed. In this scheme, the sender performs two Bell state and a single-qubit measurements on the qubits, the receiver can reconstruct the original state with a certain probability by making appropriate unitary transformations and controlled-not (C-not) operations. As a result, the probability of successful teleportation is determined by the smallest two of the coefficients’ absolute values of the cluster state. The considerable advantage of our scheme is that we employ a non-maximally entangled cluster state as quantum channel in the scheme, which can greatly reduce the amount of entanglement resources and need less classical bits.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme to probabilistically teleport an unknown arbitrary three-level two-particle state by using two partial entangled two-particle states of three-level as the quantum channel. The classical communication cost required in the ideal probabilistic teleportation process is also calculated. This scheme can be directly generalized to teleport an unknown and arbitrary three-level K-particle state by using K partial entangled two-particle states of three-level as the quantum channel.  相似文献   

We propose a scheme to probabilistically teleport an unknown arbitrary three-level two-particle state by using two partial entangled two-particle states of three-level as the quantum channel. The classical communication cost required in the ideal probabilistic teleportation process is also calculated. This scheme can be directly generalized to teleport an unknown and arbitrary three-level K-particle state by using K partial entangled two-particle states of three-level as the quantum channel.  相似文献   

We present a scheme for probabilistically teleporting an arbitrary unknown two-qubit state through a quantum channel made up of two nonidentical non-maximally entangled states. In this scheme, the probabilistic teleportation is realized by using a proper positive operator-valued measure instead of usual projective measurement.  相似文献   

We present a scheme for probabilistically teleporting an arbitrary unknown two-qubit state through a quantum channel made up of two nonidentical non-maximally entangled states. In this scheme, the probabilistic teleportation is realized by using a proper positive operator-valued measure instead of usual projective measurement.  相似文献   

林秀  李洪才  杨榕灿 《中国物理》2007,16(3):624-629
We present a scheme for realizing probabilistic teleportation of an unknown N-atom state via cavity QED. This scheme requires only a nonmaximally entangled pair to be used as a quantum channel, so the requirement of entanglement is reduced. In addition, our scheme does not involve the Bell-state measurement and is insensitive to the cavity decay, which is important from the experimental point of view. If the quantum channel is a two-atom maximally entangled state, teleportation of an unknown N-atom state can be realized by a simpler scheme via cavity QED.  相似文献   

利用拉曼型的Jaynes-Cummings模型传送两比特的未知原子态   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
林秀  李洪才 《光学学报》2003,23(2):37-141
实现量子态的隐形传送、尤其是多比特量子态的隐形传送在量子信息领域中有非常重要的作用,提出了一种隐形传送两比特未知原子态的方案,在此方案中,用两个两粒子纠缠态代替一个三粒子纠缠态作为量子信道,而且此方案可推广到隐形传送N比特的未知原子态。  相似文献   

利用Raman相互作用传送两比特的未知原子态   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实现量子态的隐形传送,尤其是多比特量子态的隐形传送在量子信息领域中有非常重要的作用。本文提出了一种隐形传送两比特未知原子态方案。在此方案中,用一个三粒子纠缠态作为量子信道,传送两比特未知原子态。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a protocol which can realize quantum cloning of an unknown tripartite entangled state and its orthogonal complement state with assistance from a state preparer. The first stage of the protocol requires usual teleportation via three entangled particle pairs as quantum channel. In the second stage of the protocol, the perfect copies and complement copies of an unknown state can be produced with the assistance (through a tripartite projective measurement) of the state preparer. We also present a scheme for the teleportation by using non-maximally entangled quantum channel. It is shown that the clones and complement clones of the unknown state can be obtained with certain probability in the latter scheme.  相似文献   

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