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How the monotonic trend on which the periodicity of the periodic system is superposed is well described by Thomas–Fermi theory is explained. The mathematical structure of the periodicity is elucidated and explained. Algebraic formulas for the key atomic numbers are derived, e.g., the atomic number at which l electrons first appear is given by Zf(??) = 4 (∑ n2)+1.  相似文献   

The ground states of the mixed 3d-metal dimers TiV, TiCr, TiMn, TiFe, TiCo, TiNi, TiCu, TiZn, VCr, VMn, VFe, VCo, VNi, VCu, VZn, CrMn, CrFe, CrCo, CrNi, CrCu, CrZn, MnFe, MnCo, MnNi, MnCu, MnZn, FeCo, FeNi, FeCu, FeZn, CoNi, CoCu, CoZn, NiCu, NiZn, and CuZn along with their singly negatively and positively charged ions are assigned based on the results of computations using density functional theory with generalized gradient approximation for the exchange-correlation functional. Except for TiCo and CrMn, our assignment agrees with experiment. Computed spectroscopic constants (r(e),omega(e),D(o)) are in fair agreement with experiment. The ground-state spin multiplicities of all the ions are found to differ from the spin multiplicities of the corresponding neutral parents by +/-1. Except for TiV, MnFe, and MnCu, the number of unpaired electrons, N, in a neutral ground-state dimer is either N(1)+N(2) or mid R:N(1)-N(2)mid R:, where N(1) and N(2) are the numbers of unpaired 3d electrons in the 3d(n)4s(1) occupation of the constituent atoms. Combining the present and previous results obtained at the same level of theory for homonuclear 3d-metal and ScX (X=Ti-Zn) dimers allows one to construct "periodic" tables of all 3d-metal dimers along with their singly charged ions.  相似文献   

By using the n + (1/2)l filling rule of the atomic Aufbau principle, where n is the principal quantum number and l is the azimuthal quantum number, a new periodic table is presented, its periods having, in order, 8, 18, 18, 32, 42, 50, … elements. The mentioned rule is proposed instead of the n + l rule (or Madelung's rule) which constitutes the quantum mechanical basis of the current periodic table and predicts periods having, in order, 2, 8, 8, 18, 18, 32, 32, 50, … elements. The new periodic table is called “regular” because its groups are formed according to a single rule (namely, the first elements of each period are placed in the same order as the elements of the preceding period), in contrast with the current periodic table, where no simple rule can be applied for the same purpose. The most characteristic feature of the regular periodic table is the fact that its groups are also related in a periodic manner.  相似文献   

The main problem during the operation of nanofiltration or reverse osmosis membrane plants is fouling of feed spacers in membrane elements due to biofouling and particulate fouling. In order to control biofouling and particulate fouling in membrane elements, both daily air/water cleaning (AWC) and daily copper sulphate dosing (CSD) were investigated and compared to a reference without daily cleaning. A pilot study was carried out for 110 days with three parallel spiral wound membrane elements; AWC, CSD and the reference which were fed by tap water enriched with a biodegradable compound (100 μg acetate-C/L). The CSD element, which combined daily copper sulphate dosing and sporadically air/water cleaning, performed best with an increase in pressure drop of 18% and a biomass concentration of 8000 pg ATP/cm2 within 110 days. This was followed by the AWC element with a pressure increase of 37% and biomass concentration of 20,000 pg ATP/cm2 within 110 days. The reference element showed a pressure increase of 120% within 21 days. The presented approach is considered very successful in controlling particulate fouling and biofouling, especially when air/water cleaning is combined with copper sulphate dosing.  相似文献   

A Ando  K Hisada  I Ando 《Radioisotopes》1976,25(10):630-636
In order to investigate the tumor affinity radioisotopes, chromium (51Cr), molybdenum (99Mo), tungsten (181W), selenium (75Se) and tellurium (127mTe)--the elements of group VI in the periodic table--were examined, using the rats which were subcutaneously transplanted with Yoshida sarcoma. Seven preprarations, sodium chromate (Na251CrO4), chromium chloride (51CrCl3), normal ammonium molybdate ((NH4)299MoO7), sodium tungstate (Na2181WO4), sodium selenate (Na275SeO4), sodium selenite (Na275SeO3) and tellurous acid (H2127mTeO3) were injected intravenously to each group of tumor bearing rats. These rats were sacrificed at various periods after injection of each preparation: 3 hours, 24 hours and 48 hours in all preparations. The radioactivities of the tumor, blood, muscle, liver, kidney and spleen were measured by a well-type scintillation counter, and retention values (in every tissue including the tumor) were calculated in percent of administered dose per g-tissue weight. All of seven preparations did not have any affinity for malignant tumor. Na251CrO4 and H2127mTeO3 had some affinity for the kidneys, and Na275SeO3 had some affinity for the liver. Na2181WO4 and (NH4)299MoO4 disappeared very rapidly from the blood and soft tissue, and about seventy-five percent of radioactivity was excreted in urine within first 3 hours.  相似文献   

Due to the complicated and typical electronic structure of atoms and ions of the IB group in the periodic table, theoretical calculation of their atomic energy levels has important theoretical and practical significance. In this article, the theoretical calculation of atomic energy levels of the atoms of IB group in the periodic table was completed for the first time within the scheme of the weakest bound electron potential model theory. The results were compared with experimental values and the deviations are about 0.1–1 cm?1. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem, 2002  相似文献   

The chemical elements up toZ = 172 are calculated with a relativistic Hartree-Fock-Slater program taking into account the effect of the extended nucleus. Predictions of the binding energies, the X-ray spectra and the number of electrons inside the nuclei are given for the inner electron shells. The predicted chemical behaviour will be discussed for all elements betweenZ = 104-120 and compared with previous known extrapolations. For the elementsZ = 121–172 predictions of their chemistry and a proposal for the continuation of the Periodic Table are given. The eighth chemical period ends withZ = 164 located below Mercury. The ninth period starts with an alkaline and alkaline earth metal and ends immediately similarly to the second and third period with a noble gas atZ = 172.
Zusammenfassung Mit einem relativistischen Hartree-Fock-Slater Rechenprogramm werden die chemischen Elemente bis zur Ordnungszahl 172 berechnet, wobei der Einfluß des ausgedehnten Kernes berücksichtigt wurde. Für die innersten Elektronenschalen werden Voraussagen über deren Bindungsenergie, das Röntgenspektrum und die Zahl der Elektronen im Kern gemacht. Die voraussichtliche Chemie der Elemente zwischenZ = 104 und 120 wird diskutiert und mit bereits vorhandenen Extrapolationen verglichen. Für die ElementeZ =121–172 wird eine Voraussage über das chemische Verhalten gegeben, sowie ein Vorschlag für die Fortsetzung des Periodensystems gemacht. Die achte chemische Periode endet mit dem Element 164 im Periodensystem unter Quecksilber gelegen. Die neunte Periode beginnt mit einem Alkali- und Erdalkalimetall und endet sofort wieder wie in der zweiten und dritten Periode mit einem Edelgas beiZ = 172.

Resumé Les éléments chimiques jusqu'áZ = 172 sont calculés à l'aide d'un programme Hartree-Fock-Slater relativiste en tenant compte de l'extension du noyau. On fournit des prédictions quant aux énergies de liaison, aux spectres X et au nombre d'électrons dans les noyaux pour les couches électroniques internes. Le comportement chimique prévu est discuté pour tous les éléments entreZ = 104–120 et comparé aux extrapolations connues auparavant. Pour les éléments Z =121–172 on effectue des prévisions de propriétés chimiques et l'on propose un prolongement du Tableau Périodique. La huitième période chimique se termine àZ = 164 sous le mercure. La neuviéme période débute avec un métal alcalin et alcalino-terreux et se termine comme la seconde et la troisième période avec un gaz rare àZ = 172.

This work has been supported by the Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Bildung and by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

A Ando  K Hisada  I Ando 《Radioisotopes》1977,26(10):696-701
The distribution of many inorganic compounds in rats was investigated in order to evaluate kidney affinity of inorganic compounds. In these experiments, 30%, 10-20% and 4-10% of administered dose was localized in the kidneys in 203Hg-acetate and 203 Bi-acetate, in H198AuCl4, 103PdCl2, 201TlCl, 210Pd(NO3)2 and H2(127M)TeO3, and in Na2(51)CrO4, 54MnCl2, (114m)InCl3 and 7BeCl2, respectively. Some bipositive ions and anions was hardly taken up into the kidneys. And in many hard acids according to classification of Lewis acids, the uptake rate into the kidneys was usually small. On the other hand, Hg, Au and Bi, which have strong binding power to the protein, showed high uptake rate in the kidneys. As Hg++, Au+ and Bi+++ was soft acids according to classification of Lewis acids, it was thought that these elements would bind strongly to soft base (RSH, RS-) present in the kidney.  相似文献   

Trivalent hard acids (Ga3+, In3+, Yb3+, Tm3+), which have complete d-shells, were bound to the acid mucopolysaccharide with a molecular mass of about 10,000 Daltons in soft tissue. Tri-, tetra-, and pentavalent hard acids and some borderline acids which have incomplete d-shells were bound to the acid mucopolysaccharides, whose molecular masses exceed 40,000 Daltons in soft tissues. Based on these results and the facts reported previously a very interesting relationship was recognized between the location of elements in the Thomsen-Bohr periodic table and the substances to which they bind.  相似文献   

A Ando  K Hisada  I Ando 《Radioisotopes》1977,26(10):689-694
Affinity of many inorganic compounds for the malignant tumor was examined, using the rats which were subcutaneously transplanted with Yoshida sarcoma. And the relations between the uptake rate into the malignant tumor and in vitro binding power to the protein were investigated in these compounds. In these experiments, the bipositive ions and anions had not affinity for the tumor tissue with a few exceptions. On the other hand, Hg, Au and Bi, which have strong binding power to the protein, showed high uptake rate into the malignant tumor. As Hg++, Au+ and Bi+++ are soft acids according to classification of Lewis acids, it was thought that these elements would bind strongly to soft base (R-SH, R-S-) present in the tumor tissue. In many hard acids (according to classification of Lewis acids), the uptake rate into the tumor was shown as a function of ionic potentials (valency/ionic radii) of the metal ions. It is presumed that the chemical bond of these hard acids in the tumor tissue is ionic bond to hard base (R-COO-, R-PO3(2-), R-SO3-, R-NH2).  相似文献   

The coprecipitation method using indium phosphate as a new coprecipitant has been developed for the separation of trace elements in table salts prior to their determination using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). Indium phosphate could quantitatively coprecipitate 27 trace elements, namely, Be, Ti, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd, Pb, Sc, Y, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, and Lu, in a table salt solution at pH 10. The rapid coprecipitation technique, in which complete recovery of the precipitate was not required in the precipitate-separation process, was completely applicable, and, therefore, the operation for the coprecipitation was quite simple. The coprecipitated elements could be determined accurately and precisely by ICP-AES using indium as an internal standard element after dissolution of the precipitate with 5 mL of 1 mol L−1 nitric acid. The detection limits (three times the standard deviation of the blank values, n = 10) ranged from 0.001 μg (Lu) to 0.11 μg (Zn) in 300 mL of a 10% (w/v) table salt solution. The method proposed here could be applied to the analyses of commercially available table salts.  相似文献   

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