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Experimental nuclear structure information, based upon radioative decay and nuclear reaction studies, is presented for all known nuclides with mass 143. The arguments for Jπ assignments and the level energies often derived by the evaluators are given in the “Adopted Leves” sections. The measurement techniques, methods of analysis, and assumptions used by the authors are indicated by evaluators' comments with various data sections.  相似文献   

Nuclear structure information available to February 1979 has been reviewed. The level properties obtained from decay and reaction experiments are shown in the drawings. Experimental methods, references, and comments are given in the text.  相似文献   

Nuclear structure information available to August 1976 has been reviewed. The level properties obtained from various reaction and decay experiments are shown in the drawings. Experimental details, references, and comments are given in the text. The adopted level properties are summarized and referenced to systematics.  相似文献   

The present work constitutes an updating of the previous A = 155 data compilation which appeared in the Nuclear Data Sheets in November 1963. All data available prior to August 1974 have been considered for this compilation.Data are given for 10 nuclides, 155Sm(Z=62) through 155Lu(Z=71). The ground-state spins are now well established for the Z=62 through Z=67 members of this A-chain. More recent data on atomic masses have resulted in a change in the Q-value for the ε-decay of 155Tb from 1 MeV in the earlier compilation to 817 keV. The bulk of the new data has come from single-nucleon transfer reactions and from semiconductor-detector studies of γ-rays from radioactive decay and charged-particle-induced reactions. The results have given a much more complete picture of the energy-level structure of these nuclei. 155Sm, 155Eu, 155Gd, and 155Tb are classified as deformed nuclei since they all exhibit well-developed rotational-band structure. The energy-level systematics of these nuclei are treated in terms of the Nilsson model including various well-established couplings. The N=89 nuclide, 155Dy, also exhibits rotational-band structure. However, since it is situated in a mass region where a transition from a deformed to a spherical equilibrium shape is found, the configuration assignments for the observed energy levels are somewhat tentative.Absolute β?-, γ(+cc)-, and ε(+β+)-branching ratios are given on the decay-scheme drawings. In all cases these quantities are based on a (γ+ce) intensity balance normalized to 100% decay to the ground state of the daughter nucleus. Specific details concerning the methods used to estimate the β- or ε-branching to the ground state of the daughter nucleus are discussed in connection with the individual nuclides.  相似文献   

Nuclear spectroscopic data for all nuclides with mass number 77 have been compiled, evaluated, and presented together with adopted values for level properties and selected γ transitions. Data on levels in 77Zn, 77Ga, 77Rb, and 77Sr are very scarce. The following references are useful for theoretical understanding of properties of levels in 77Se and 77Ge: 78La13, 77OhZT, 76Ca16, 75He19, 74So04, 74Ku09, 74He19, 73Mu23, 73LaXV, and 73IkZU.  相似文献   

Nuclear structure data available through December 1976 are compiled, and adopted level properties are given. The bulk of the data is presented pictorially for easy comparison. Experimental details, references, and additional comments, where required, are given in the text. All drawings, tables, and comments are reproduced from the computerized Evaluated Nuclear Structure Data File (ENSDF). Any additions or corrections desired by the users should be addressed to the compilers for maintenance and updating of the computer file.  相似文献   

Detailed level schemes, decay schemes, and the experimental data on which day are based are presented for all nuclei with mass number A = 211. The experimental data are evaluated; inconsistencies and discrepancies are noted; and adopted values for level and gamma-ray energies, gamma intensities, as well as other nuclear properties are given.  相似文献   

Nuclear structure information for all nuclei with mass number A = 229 is evaluated. The results from various decay experiments and reaction studies are compared. Adopted data, levels, and spin and parity assignments are given.  相似文献   

Nuclear structure information for all nuclei with mass number A = 222 is evaluated. The results from various decay experiments are compared. Adopted data, levels, and spin and parity assignments are given.  相似文献   

The 1971 version of Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 110 has been revised on the basis of experimental data received before April 1977. The mass chain consists of 10 nuclei (Tc, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ag, Cd, In, Sn, Sb, and Te) with the existence of 110To being questionable.  相似文献   

Nuclear structure information pertaining to A = 115 has been reviewed. The level properties obtained from decay and reaction experiments are shown in the drawings. Experimental methods, references, and comments are given in the text.  相似文献   

The available nuclear structure information for all nuclei with mass number A = 245 is presented. Various decay and reaction data are evaluated and compared. Adopted data, levels, and spin and state assignments are given.  相似文献   

Nuclear structure data for mass chain A = 196 available up to September 1, 1978, are included in this compilation. Level and gamma properties obtained from various reaction and decay experiments are presented in tabulations and drawings of level schemes. Inconsistencies and discrepancies are noted, and adopted values for level and gamma-ray properties are given.  相似文献   

The 1964 version of the Nuclear Data Sheets has been revised according to experimental data received prior to May 1973, including approximately 120 papers.Data are presented for 6 nuclei (Ho, Er, Tm, Yb, Lu, and Hf), and Ta has been identified as a 2.5-m activity. The level structure of Er has been extensively studied via Ho decay, Tm decay, Er (n,γ), and various reactions. Comparison of these data has led to the addition of several new levels and suggested transitions in the three decay schemes. About 99 levels are now known in Er, with Jπ assignments for about half of these. The Tm level scheme has been greatly expanded via stripping and pickup reactions and now includes ≈ 136 levels below 1.9 MeV, with about 50 Jπ assignments. The Yb level scheme now includes ≈ 62 levels, primarily due to Lu decay and pickup reactions. The Lu activity has been identified as two separate isomers (5.3 m and 6.7 m), and tentative decay schemes are presented. For Hf, only the ground-state rotational band has been identified and no decay scheme has been proposed. Rotational band structure is presented for Er, Tm, Yb, and Hf and has been fit by the empirical formula for comparison to theoretical calculations and to aid in the identification of missing band members.There is presently no information on the level structure of Ho, Lu, or Ta. Lu could be most easily studied via Hf decay (25.95 m) or the 168Yb(3He,t) reaction.  相似文献   

The 1976 evaluation on mass A=102 has been reviewed, considering all experimental data available before March 1982. Information is presented from the very neutron-rich 102Rb to the neutron-deficient 102In.The knowledge of β decay schemes is extended considerably for the neutron-rich isotopes, by new investigations on the decay of the 102Nb isomers, 102Mo and 102Tc (5.28 s). For the two stable isotopes 102Ru and 102Pd, Coulomb excitation was studied extensively, although some discrepancies remain. From many other reactions, valuable new information was obtained, especially for 102Pd and 102Cd. However, the information on the 102Rh level scheme remains rather scarce.Theoretical studies on different properties of A=102 nuclei are reported in the adopted levels data sets.  相似文献   

The 1966 version of Nuclear Data Sheets for A = 79 has been revised on the basis of experimental data received prior to December 1, 1974. Information from approximately 85 papers and communications has been included in the present evaluation.Data on eight A = 79 nuclei are presented. The half-life and decay energy for 79Ga have been proposed, but the compilers do not regard the nuclidic assignment as firmly established. The existence of two isomers in 79Ge has recently been proposed. The compilers tentatively assign a 42-s activity to the 79Ge ground state, and a partial decay scheme is given. The compilers do not regard the assignment of a 19.1-s activity to 79Ge as firmly established. The spin of the 79As ground state is known from its decay to levels in 79Se. Many levels from 79Se are known from 79As decay, single-nucleon transfer, and a level scheme for 78Se(th n,γ) proposed by the compilers. Only an upper limit for the half-life of long-lived 79Se has been determined; this nucleus decays directly to the 79Br ground state. Levels in stable 79Br up to 2 MeV are known from 79Kr decay, Coulomb excitation and resonance fluorescence, and (n,n′γ). Most of the information on excited levels in 79Kr is regarded by the compilers as tentative, since the 79Rb decay scheme is not well established and all reaction studies are unpublished. Only the ground state of 79Rb is known, and its spin cannot be determined since the intensity of the decay to the 79Kr ground state is not accurately known. The compilers tentatively assign as 8.1-m activity to the 79Sr ground state, but no decay scheme has been proposed. The compilers regard the assignment of a 4.4-m activity to 79Sr as not firmly established. The only data on excited levels of 79Sr are unpublished.  相似文献   

The 1966 version of the Nuclear Data Sheets has been revised according to experimental data received prior to January 1974, including approximately 150 papers.Data are presented for 11 nuclei (I, Xe, Cs, Ba, La, Ce, Pr, Nd, Pm, Sm, and Eu). No decay schemes are available for the ground-state decay of I, Pm, Sm, or Eu, and no excited states or gamma transitions have been definitely assigned to I, Xe, Pm, or Eu. The Xe and Cs decay schemes have been extensively studied; however, no Jπ assignments are available for the 50 excited states of Cs because of the lack of gamma multipolarity assignments and no Jπ assignment for the Xe ground state. The Ba level scheme includes about 100 levels with about 43 Jπ assignments because of the extensive Cs decay, (n,γ), and (d,p) data. The La level scheme includes about 80 levels with about 27 Jπ assignments. More detailed Jπ assignments cannot be made primarily because of the lack of gamma multipolarity data or definitive l-values in reaction data. About 28 levels have been assigned to Ce with only 17 Jπ assignments, again primarily because of the lack of gamma multipolarities. Pr has been assigned 30 levels with 24 Jπ values. Rather extensive gamma multipolarities (35) are assigned in Pr. Only 6 levels have been placed in Nd, with Jπ assignments for only the ground state (29.7 m) and isomer (5.5 h), the other four levels being due to (α,xnγ) data. Four levels are suggested in Sm from the 9.5-s isomer internal gamma decay to the ground state (2.6 m), although no Jπ values are known since no gamma multipolarities are known and no decay scheme is available for the ground state.  相似文献   

The 1973 version of Nuclear Data Sheets for A=97 has been revised. Detailed level and decay schemes, arguments for Jπ assignments, and experimental data are presented.  相似文献   

The experimental results from the various reaction and decay studies leading to nuclides in the A=153 mass chain have been reviewed. These data are summarized and presented, together with the adopted level schemes and properties.  相似文献   

Nuclear structure information for all nuclei with mass number A = 243 is evaluated. The results from various decay and reaction experiments are compared. Adopted data, levels, and spin and parity assignments are given.  相似文献   

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