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王博 《天文学报》2011,(1):89-90
Ia型超新星具有可校准的光度,可当作标准烛光,用来测定宇宙学距离,从而探索宇宙的形状.然而,Ia型超新星的前身星仍不清楚,这将直接影响当前宇宙学结果的可靠性.本文在Ia型超新星前身星模型及其相关天体方面做了系统性的工作,下面是我们取得的一些主要的研究结果:(1)近年来人们观测发现,约有一半的Ia型超新星的延迟时标小于100 Myr(Ia型超新星的延迟时标是指从恒星形成后到发生超新星爆炸的时间间隔).这些超新星是怎么来的?为解决这一难题,我  相似文献   

宇宙膨胀的发现 1923年,俄罗斯宇宙学家亚历山大·弗里德曼首先用∧=0的爱因斯坦场方程建立了宇宙学膨胀模型(∧为宇宙学常数),他发表论文阐述了膨胀宇宙的思想,即曲率分别为正、负、零时的三种情况,称为弗里德曼宇宙模型。  相似文献   

超新星是一些质量较大的恒星演化到晚期发生爆炸所产生的天体。它们在短时间内很明亮,一颗超新星的亮度可以相当于整个星系。超新星中有一类被称作Ia型超新星,  相似文献   

Ia型超新星具有可校准的光度,可当作标准烛光,用来测定宇宙学距离,从而探索宇宙的形状.然而,Ia型超新星的前身星仍不清楚,这将直接影响当前宇宙学结果的可靠性.本文在Ia型超新星前身星模型及其相关天体方面做了系统性的工作,下面是我们取得的一些主要的研究结果:(1)近年来人们观测发现,约有一半的Ia型超新星的延迟时标小于100 Myr(Ia型超新星的延迟时标是指从恒星形成后到发生超新星爆炸的时间间隔).这些超新星是怎么来的?为解决这一难题,我  相似文献   

超新星爆发的前身星模型研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
本利用Woosley提供的4个不同的前身星模型数据作为计算的前超新星分布,并利用自己独立编制的程序和改进的状态方程进行数值模拟。对其结果进行分析比较,考察前身星对超新星的坍缩、激波传输和爆发等过程的影响。  相似文献   

本文利用Woosley提供的4个不同的前身星模型数据作为计算的前超新星分布,并利用自己独立编制的程序和改进的状态方程进行数值模拟.对其结果进行分析比较,考察前身星对超新星的坍缩、激波传输和爆发等过程的影响.  相似文献   

珀尔马特领导的超新星宇宙学计划(SCP)小组最初对超新星观测研究中的许多困难并不完全了解,随着他们逐渐接近成功,天文学家们开始看到此项研究的前途并出现竞争。澳大利亚国立大学的施密特和美国约翰.霍普金斯大学的里斯等人也实施超新星观测项目。  相似文献   

对天文学家而言,来自于遥远天体的星光是他们探索宇宙之秘的最重要资料。最近,通过对超新星爆发后的“回光”的观测,德国、日本和荷兰的天文学家们联手完成了一次漂亮的“星空考古”首次确认了437年前爆发的第谷超新星的真实身份,揭开了这个长达数百年之久的谜团:原来它的前身是一颗白矮星,死亡时变身为一颗Ia型超新星(相关研究论文刊登在12月4日的《自然》(Nature杂志上)。  相似文献   

II型超新星瞬发爆炸模型的对流不稳定性   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本研究II型超新星瞬发爆炸模型中的铁星核在坍缩,反弹和激波传播过程中的对流不稳定性,发现在铁星核内区出现中的指状对流,外区出现Schwarzschild对流,而在声速点和中微子俘陷球之间的过渡区出现Ledoux对流,在0.74-0.91M⊙间的区是对流不稳定的活跃区域。  相似文献   

Ⅱ型超新星瞬发爆炸模型的激波传播   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
本专门讨论Ⅱ型超新星瞬发爆炸模型中的激波形成点,激波波阵面的位置、激波速度和激波能量等一系列的问题,研究发现在外星核区除存在首级激波外,还存在次级激波,激波波阵面的准确位置应用熵变化的最大点和外星核区中人为粘性压的最大点之间,并给出激波能量的不同定义量之间的大小关系。  相似文献   

Summary. Type Ia Supernovae are in many aspects still enigmatic objects. Their observational and theoretical exploration is in full swing, but we still have plenty to learn about these explosions. Recent years have already witnessed a bonanza of supernova observations. The increased samples from dedicated searches have allowed the statistical investigation of Type Ia Supernovae as a class. The observational data on Type Ia Supernovae are very rich, but the uniform picture of a decade ago has been replaced by several correlations which connect the maximum luminosity with light curve shape, color evolution, spectral appearance, and host galaxy morphology. These correlations hold across almost the complete spectrum of Type Ia Supernovae, with a number of notable exceptions. After 150 days past maximum, however, all observed objects show the same decline rate and spectrum. The observational constraints on explosion models are still rather sparse. Global parameters like synthesized nickel mass, total ejecta mass and explosion energetics are within reach in the next few years. These parameters bypass the complicated calculations of explosion models and radiation transport. The bolometric light curves are a handy tool to investigate the overall appearance of Type Ia Supernovae. The nickel masses derived this way show large variations, which combined with the dynamics from line widths, indicate that the brighter events are also coming from more massive objects. The lack of accurate distances and the uncertainty in the correction for absorption are hampering further progress. Improvements in these areas are vital for the detailed comparison of luminosities and the determination of nickel masses. Coverage at near-infrared wavelengths for a statistical sample of Type Ia Supernovae will at least decrease the dependence on the absorption. Some of the most intriguing features of Type Ia Supernovae are best observed at these wavelengths, like the second peak in the light curve, the depression in the J band, and the unblended [Feii] lines in the ashes. Received 24 January 2000 / Published online 8 May 2000  相似文献   

The amount of 56Ni produced in Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) explosion is probably the most important physical parameter underlying the observed correlation of SN Ia lumi-nosities with their light curves. Based on an empirical relation between the 56Ni mass and the light curve parameter △m15, we obtained rough estimates of the 56Ni mass for a large sample of nearby SNe Ia with the aim of exploring the diversity in SN Ia. We found that the derived 56Ni masses for different SNe Ia could vary by a factor of ten (e.g., MNi = 0.1 - 1.3 M⊙),which cannot be explained in terms of the standard Chandraseldaar-mass model (with a 56Ni mass production of 0.4 - 0.8 M⊙). Different explosion and/or progenitor models are clearly required for various SNe Ia, in particular, for those extremely nickel-poor and nickel-rich producers. The nickel-rich (with MNi 0.8 M⊙) SNe Ia are very luminous and may have massive progenitors exceeding the Chandrasekhar-mass limit since extra progenitor fuel is required to produce more 56Ni to power the light curve. This is also consistent with the find-ing that the intrinsically bright SNe Ia prefer to occur in stellar environments of young and massive stars. For example, 75% SNe Ia in spirals have △m15 < 1.2 while this ratio is only 18% in E/S0 galaxies. The nickel-poor SNe Ia (with MNi < 0.2 M⊙) may invoke the sub-Chandrasekhar model, as most of them were found in early-type E/S0 galaxies dominated by the older and low-mass stellar populations. This indicates that SNe Ia in spiral and E/S0 galaxies have progenitors of different properties.  相似文献   

超新星在宇宙学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对Ia超新星在宇宙学中的应用作了述评。蓝Ia超新星具有相对均匀的光谱、光变曲线及峰值光度,是较好的相对距离指示器。利用峰值光度同光变曲线形状或其它与距离无关的可观测量的关系可进一步将Ia超新星校准成精确的距离指示器。一旦它们的绝对光度得到标定,就可以定出哈勃常数H0。基于对邻近星系Ia超新星的理解,高红移Ia超新星的数据可对宇宙密度参数ΩM、ΩV及减速因子q0作出限制,并对膨胀宇宙的最终命运作出判  相似文献   

Ia超新星作为测量遥远星距离(从而测定宇宙膨胀速率)的“标准烛光”,已经成为具有重要意义的天体,主要介绍当前Ia超新星研究的理论和观测进展,光谱分光及测光证据表明,Ia超新星是由吸积碳氧白短星热核爆炸产生,但有关Ia超新星前身星双星系统及流体动力学模型仍是有争议的,蓝Ia超新星具有相对均匀的峰值光度,它是天文学家已的校准得最好的示距天体,近年来,人们在利用Ia超新星测量时空方面已取得了巨大进展。  相似文献   

The use of standard candles for distance measurements is wide spread. Yet, we currently do not know a pure standard candle in astronomy. The concept of standard candles involves not only the secure establishment of a unique luminosity but also a clear observational distinction of the objects as a class. Even Type Ia supernovae, whose maximum luminosity shows amongst the smallest scatter known, need to be normalised to provide accurate distances. Without this normalisation the cosmological claims based on supernovae would not be possible. With a careful normalisation Type Ia supernovae are the best known distance indicators for cosmology to date. This is most easily shown by the small dispersion around the expansion line in the Hubble diagram. Problems with the empirical normalisation remain and a theoretical understanding of this normalisation is missing. This has direct ramifications on systematic uncertainties when deriving cosmological implications from Type Ia supernovae. Improving the understanding of supernova physics is now the prime task to sharpen this tool of observational cosmology. Once the explosion mechanism is revealed a serious discussion of possible evolutionary effects in Type Ia supernovae can start.  相似文献   

A self-similar, hydrodynamic model is derived and used to generate SNe light-curves. It is found that the temporal development of the SN light-curve is governed by a ‘dynamic time’ parameter, and that the observed near-identical, normalized light-curves of Type Ia SNe suggest that they have evolved from progenitor stars of the same central density. Fitting the model parameters to observed Type Ia SNe light-curves suggests that the SNe have originated from the same mass progenitors. The model also provides a theoretical basis for the Phillips observation relating the absolute magnitude of the Type Ia SN to its half-width. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The property of dark energy and the physical reason for the acceleration of the present universe are two of the most difficult problems in modern cosmology. The dark energy contributes about two-thirds of the critical density of the present universe from the observations of type-la supemovae (SNe Ia) and anisotropy of cosmic microwave background (CMB). The SN Ia observations also suggest that the universe expanded from a deceleration to an acceleration phase at some redshift, implying the existence of a nearly uniform component of dark energy with negative pressure. We use the "Gold" sample containing 157 SNe Ia and two recent well-measured additions, SNe Ia 1994ae and 1998aq to explore the properties of dark energy and the transition redshift. For a flat universe with the cosmological constant, we measureΩM = 0.28-0.05 0.04, which is consistent with Riess et al. The transition redshift is ZT = 0.60-0.08 0.06. We also discuss several dark energy models that define w(z) of the parameterized equation of state of dark energy including one parameter and two parameters (w(z) being the ratio of the pressure to energy density). Our calculations show that the accurately calculated transition redshift varies from ZT = 0.29-0.06 0.07 to zT = 0.60-0.08 0.06 across these models. We also calculate the minimum redshift zc at which the current observations need the universe to accelerate.  相似文献   

As one of the most useful cosmological distance indicators,type Ia supernovae(SNe Ia) play an important role in the study of cosmology.However,the progenitors of SNe Ia are still uncertain.It has been suggested that carbonoxygen white dwarf(CO WD)+He subgiant systems could produce SNe Ia through the double-degenerate(DD)model,in which the He subgiant transfers He-rich matter to the primary CO WD and finally evolves to another CO WD.Recently,a CO WD+He star system(i.e.,HD 265435) has been discove...  相似文献   

Ia型超新星起源于碳氧白矮星在质量接近钱德拉塞卡极限时的热核爆炸,并被广泛地用作宇宙学距离的标准烛光.然而, Ia型超新星的前身星系统和爆炸机制还存在很多不明确的地方.近几十年来, Ia型超新星的星周环境得到了越来越多的关注.星周介质的空间分布性质为探究Ia型超新星的物理起源提供了重要线索.同时星周尘埃的散射会在Ia型超新星晚期的光变曲线、光谱和偏振等方面产生可观测效应.光谱上正常的Ia型超新星可以分成两类:喷射物速度正常和高速Ia型超新星.对比两者的光变曲线可以发现高速Ia型超新星在光极大后几个月内有明显颜色偏蓝的超出.该蓝色超出可以通过星周介质中的尘埃散射拟合得到.同时, Ia型超新星晚期光谱的拟合可以限制星周尘埃的颗粒大小等性质,晚期的偏振信号可以有效地限制星周尘埃的空间分布.拟合结果表明针对Ia型超新星晚期的多次图像偏振观测是揭示其星周尘埃环境特征的重要手段.  相似文献   

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