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A fast coronal transient event was observed simultaneously on 17 February 1972 by the Sacramento Peak Observatory 6-in. λ 5303 filter coronagraph and the High Altitude Observatory K-coronameter. We interpret the rapid opening of green line structure cospatial with the disappearance of a white light streamer as material motion of iron ions and electrons. Together with the subsequent two-fold increase in K-corona brightness in an adjacent region, this is taken as evidence of a transference of electrons to a new streamer in a realignment of magnetic flux tubes accompanying a flare.  相似文献   

Coronal holes     
Coronal holes are extensive regions of extremely low density in the solar corona within 60° of latitude from the equator. (They are not to be confused with the well-known coronal cavities which surround quiescent prominences beneath helmet streamers.) We have superposed maps of the calculated current-free (potential) coronal magnetic field with maps of the coronal electron density for the period of November 1966, and find that coronal holes are generally characterized by weak and diverging magnetic field lines. The chromosphere underlying the holes is extremely quiet, being free of weak plages and filaments. The existence of coronal holes clearly has important implications for the energy balance in the transition region and the solar wind.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We searched for a new phenomenon, called coronal explosions, in three solar flares, and found them in all three. A coronal explosion is the propagation of a density wave through the flaring area. The wave emerges from one or two small areas (the sources) which are close to, but not identical with the sources of hard X-ray burst emission. In all three cases the explosion starts at the end of the impulsive phase, during or after the last hard ( 20 keV) X-ray burst. The velocities of propagation range between 1800 and a few tens of km s-1, and tend to decrease with time. We suggest that the bursts are magneto-hydrodynamical (shock) waves moving downward into denser regions.  相似文献   

We have studied chromospheric mass injection into an overlying coronal dipole magnetic field using a 2-D ideal magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) numerical model. The results indicate that such injection can produce magnetic field deformation conducive to active region prominences - namely, Kippenhahn-Schlüter (K-S) type configurations for stable support of injected plasma. We show the optimum conditions for such dynamical formation of K-S-type field configurations.Observations show that an active region prominence formation is preceded by the accumulation of absorptive strands above a neutral line. We hypothesize that an absorptive strand is formed by a chromospheric asymmetric mass injection into the overlying coronal magnetic field and that a necessary condition for the accumulation of the strands is that the mass injection forms a K-S-type field configuration. The results of our numerical simulation of the injection dynamics support our hypothesis. To form a K-S-type magnetic field configuration, we find that a narrow range of injection density, velocity, and magnetic field strength must be used; spicule-like, asymmetric mass injection seems favorable.The limited parameter range that exists for the formation of K-S-type magnetic field configurations in asymmetric injections may explain why active region prominences do not form everywhere on every neutral line.  相似文献   

Time lapse movies acquired with the Sacramento Peak Observatory 6-in filter coronagraph very infrequently show dramatic transient events. Many of these events (at 1.04 < r/r < 1.20) are correlated with H activity at the limb, especially with large surges and eruptive prominences. Metric or centrimetric radio bursts are found associated with certain types of 5303 coronal events. The heights to which such disturbances will propagate can often be estimated from the green line movie data. We report the results of a study of all the examples of such transients observed during the last 16 years.  相似文献   

This work extends a previous analysis of helmet streamers into the somewhat higher range of coronal temperature where streamer geometries are shown to be open, in the sense that there is solar wind expansion everywhere. It is shown that, for a given photospheric field distribution, a certain minimum temperature is required for this type of streamer - this minimum temperature coinciding with the maximum temperature compatible with a helmet streamer. Near this minimum temperature, the streamer is very constricted and the critical point in the streamer core lies at the point of minimum cross-section. Hence the throat, under these conditions, becomes a true geometrical throat rather than the conventional gravitational throat. As the temperature is increased, the streamer shape becomes correspondingly more radial and the location of the throat becomes asymptotically more gravitationally determined. Residual manifestations of coronal streamers at large distances are investigated. It is found that lateral density variations at the earth's orbit tend to be small but velocity variations can become appreciable (100–200 km/sec) for streamers originating in regions where the photospheric magnetic field is strong. At large distances, either streamer or interstreamer regions can dominate, the former occurring at high temperature (2 × 106K) and the latter being favored at lower temperature (1.5 × 106K). In all cases the cross-section becomes essentially radial just above the point where it is a minimum. The marked sensitivity of these shapes to coronal temperature is pointed out - computations indicating that streamers can vary from helmet configurations to almost radial filaments for a very slight increase in temperature. This behavior suggests a strong solar cycle influence upon coronal form.  相似文献   

Coronal heating     
The prospects for observational tests of coronal heating theories are examined. Three heating mechanisms (Alfvén waves, D.C. electric currents, and MHD turbulence) are reviewed from this point of view. Some suggestions are offered for future tests but none, so far, would give unambiguous critical results.Operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc. (AURA) under cooperative agreement with the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The search for signatures of wave and oscillatory processes in the solar corona in the data obtained with imaging instruments can be automated by using the periodmap method. The method reduces a three-dimensional data cube to a two-dimensional map of the analysed field of view. The map reveals the presence and distribution of the most pronounced frequencies in the power spectrum of the time signal recorded at spatial pixels. We demonstrate the applicability of this method as a pre-analysis tool with the use of TRACE EUV coronal data, which contain examples of transverse and longitudinal oscillations of coronal loops. The main advantage of using periodmaps over other possible (more sophisticated) pre-analysis tools, such as wavelet analysis, is their robustness and efficiency (both in speed and computational power). The method can be implemented in the Hinode/XRT and SDO/AIA data pre-analysis.  相似文献   

The geometrical and dynamical structure of a corona consisting of streamer and interstreamer regions is examined. The present paper is an extension of previous works of this series in that energy transport processes are included in the theoretical framework of the model. Under specified conditions at some reference level above the coronal base, the structure at larger distances is determined by simultaneous integration of the continuity, momentum, and energy equations for each region subject to the condition for a lateral balance of magnetic and gas pressure at all levels. Outward thermal conduction and convection by the solar wind are assumed to be the processes contributing to the energy balance of each region, the magnetic field effectively thermally insulating one region from the other.Numerical results are presented for situations representative of the solar corona. Regions occupied by streamers are found to have higher densities than their surroundings at all distances from the sun. For a given density at the coronal base, the density at the orbit of earth is lower in both the streamer and interstreamer region than that predicted for radial flow. The density enhancement increases outward to a maximum value at a distance of several solar radii. In addition, beyond a distance of a few radii streamers are characterized by higher expansion velocities and lower temperatures than their immediate surroundings. Similar to the case of radial flow, supersonic solutions exist only for base densities below a certain value, which depends upon the specified base temperature and magnetic field distribution. The general features illustrated by these models are expected to persist in the advent of more sophisticated multi-region models.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is sponsored by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

We review methods to measure magnetic fields within the corona using the polarized light in magnetic-dipole (M1) lines. We are particularly interested in both the global magnetic-field evolution over a solar cycle, and the local storage of magnetic free energy within coronal plasmas. We address commonly held skepticisms concerning angular ambiguities and line-of-sight confusion. We argue that ambiguities are, in principle, no worse than more familiar remotely sensed photospheric vector fields, and that the diagnosis of M1 line data would benefit from simultaneous observations of EUV lines. Based on calculations and data from eclipses, we discuss the most promising lines and different approaches that might be used. We point to the S-like [Fe xi] line (J=2 to J=1) at 789.2 nm as a prime target line (for the Advanced Technology Solar Telescope (ATST) for example) to augment the hotter 1074.7 and 1079.8 nm Si-like lines of [Fe xiii] currently observed by the Coronal Multi-channel Polarimeter (CoMP). Significant breakthroughs will be made possible with the new generation of coronagraphs, in three distinct ways: i) through single-point inversions (which encompasses also the analysis of MHD wave modes), ii) using direct comparisons of synthetic MHD or force-free models with polarization data, and iii) using tomographic techniques.  相似文献   

We continue studying the robustness of coronal seismology. We concentrate on two seismological applications: the estimate of coronal scale height using the ratio of periods of the fundamental harmonic and first overtone of kink oscillations, and the estimate of magnetic-field magnitude using the fundamental harmonic. Our analysis is based on the model of non-planar coronal loops suggested by Ruderman and Scott (Astron. Astrophys. 529, A33, 2011), which was formulated using the linearized MHD equations. We show that the loop non-planarity does not affect the ratio of periods of the fundamental harmonic and first overtone, and thus it is unimportant for the estimates of the coronal scale height. We also show that the density variation along the loop and the loop non-planarity only weakly affect the estimates of the magnetic-field magnitude. Hence, using the simplest model of coronal loops, which is a straight homogeneous magnetic cylinder, provides sufficiently accurate estimates for the magnetic-field magnitude.  相似文献   

The Geometric Spreading of Coronal Plumes and Coronal Holes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Suess  S. T.  Poletto  G.  Wang  A.-H.  Wu  S. T.  Cuseri  I. 《Solar physics》1998,180(1-2):231-246
The geometric spreading in plumes and in the interplume region in coronal holes is calculated, using analytic and numerical theoretical models, between 1.0 and 5.0 R. We apply a two-scale approximation that permits the rapid local spreading at the base of plumes (fl) to be evaluated separately from the global spreading (fg) imposed by coronal hole geometry. We show that fl can be computed from a potential-field model and fg can be computed from global magnetohydrodynamic simulations of coronal structure. The approximations are valid when the plasma beta is small with respect to unity and for a plume separation small with respect to a solar radius.  相似文献   

A comprehensive case and statistical study of CME onsets has been conducted on the solar limb using the CDS, LASCO and EIT instruments aboard the SOHO spacecraft. This is the first dedicated campaign to establish firmly the EUV signatures of CME onsets and is based on a series of low-corona observing campaigns made in 2002. The event database consisted of 36 multiple emission line sequences observed with CDS and the study builds, in particular, on studies of EUV coronal dimming which have been associated with CME onsets. We witness a range of dimming events in EUV coronal emission line data. Shorter events, commonly of duration < 4 hours, we find are indirectly associated with CME onsets whereas longer-duration dimmings (> 4 hours) appear to be either due to coronal evolution or rotational effects. However, for some CME onsets, where the CDS pointing was appropriate, no dimming was observed. Dimming observed in EIT typically occurred immediately after the launch of a loop or prominence, and in 5 out of 9 events there is evidence of a matter buildup within the loop before launch. A total of 10 events occurred where CDS was used to directly observe the CME footprint, but no relationship between these events was found. The results suggest that the response of the corona to a CME launch differs between the low (1.0 R R≤1.2 R ) and middle (1.2 R <R≤2.0 R ) corona regions, hence implying a difference between dimming observations conducted with different instruments.  相似文献   

We present a study of the origin of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) that were not accompanied by obvious low coronal signatures (LCSs) and yet were responsible for appreciable disturbances at 1 AU. These CMEs characteristically start slowly. In several examples, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) images taken by the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory reveal coronal dimming and a post-eruption arcade when we make difference images with long enough temporal separations, which are commensurate with the slow initial development of the CME. Data from the EUV imager and COR coronagraphs of the Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation onboard the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory, which provide limb views of Earth-bound CMEs, greatly help us limit the time interval in which the CME forms and undergoes initial acceleration. For other CMEs, we find similar dimming, although only with lower confidence as to its link to the CME. It is noted that even these unclear events result in unambiguous flux rope signatures in in situ data at 1 AU. There is a tendency that the CME source regions are located near coronal holes or open field regions. This may have implications for both the initiation of the stealthy CME in the corona and its outcome in the heliosphere.  相似文献   

Coronal magnetic fields   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The observational evidence on the strength of the coronal magnetic field above active regions is reviewed. Recent advances in observations and plasma theory are used to determine which data are the more reliable and to revise some earlier estimates of field strength. The results from the different techniques are found to be in general agreement, and the relation 279-01, 1.02 R/R 10 is consistent with all the data to within a factor of about 3.The National Center for Atmospheric Research is supported by the National Science Foundation.  相似文献   

The Coronal Multichannel Polarimeter (CoMP) measures not only the polarization of coronal emission, but also the full radiance profiles of coronal emission lines. For the first time, CoMP observations provide high-cadence image sequences of the coronal line intensity, Doppler shift, and line width simultaneously over a large field of view. By studying the Doppler shift and line width we may explore more of the physical processes of the initiation and propagation of coronal mass ejections (CMEs). Here we identify a list of CMEs observed by CoMP and present the first results of these observations. Our preliminary analysis shows that CMEs are usually associated with greatly increased Doppler shift and enhanced line width. These new observations provide not only valuable information to constrain CME models and probe various processes during the initial propagation of CMEs in the low corona, but also offer a possible cost-effective and low-risk means of space-weather monitoring.  相似文献   

We investigate the possibility that strong EUV lines observed with the Goddard Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) provide good proxies for estimating the total coronal flux over shorter wavelength ranges. We use coordinated SERTS and Yohkoh observations to obtain both polynomial and power-law fits relating the broad-band soft X-ray fluxes to the intensities of Fexvi 335 Ú and 361 Ú, Fexv 284 Ú and 417 Ú, and Mgix 368 Ú measured with SERTS. We found that the power-law fits best cover the full range of solar conditions from quiet Sun through active region, though not surprisingly the cooler Mgix 368 Ú line proves to be a poor proxy. The quadratic polynomial fits yield fair agreement over a large range for all but the Mgix line. However, the linear fits fail conspicuously when extrapolated into the quiet-Sun regime. The implications of this work for the Heii 304 Ú line formation problem are also briefly considered.  相似文献   

Small and elongated, cool and dense blob-like structures are being reported with high resolution telescopes in physically different regions throughout the solar atmosphere. Their detection and the understanding of their formation, morphology, and thermodynamical characteristics can provide important information on their hosting environment, especially concerning the magnetic field, whose understanding constitutes a major problem in solar physics. An example of such blobs is coronal rain, a phenomenon of thermal non-equilibrium observed in active region loops, which consists of cool and dense chromospheric blobs falling along loop-like paths from coronal heights. So far, only off-limb coronal rain has been observed, and few reports on the phenomenon exist. In the present work, several data sets of on-disk H?? observations with the CRisp Imaging SpectroPolarimeter (CRISP) at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) are analyzed. A?special family of on-disk blobs is selected for each data set, and a statistical analysis is carried out on their dynamics, morphology, and temperature. All characteristics present distributions which are very similar to reported coronal rain statistics. We discuss possible interpretations considering other similar blob-like structures reported so far and show that a coronal rain interpretation is the most likely one. The chromospheric nature of the blobs and the projection effects (which eliminate all direct possibilities of height estimation) on one side, and their small sizes, fast dynamics, and especially their faint character (offering low contrast with the background intensity) on the other side, are found as the main causes for the absence until now of the detection of this on-disk coronal rain counterpart.  相似文献   

I. Ballai 《Solar physics》2007,246(1):177-185
Following the observation and analysis of large-scale coronal-wave-like disturbances, we discuss the theoretical progress made in the field of global coronal seismology. Using simple mathematical techniques we determine average values for the magnetic field together with a magnetic map of the quiet Sun. The interaction between global coronal waves and coronal loops allows us to study loop oscillations in a much wider context, i.e. we connect global and local coronal oscillations.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to determine what connection exists between coronal plumes and polar surface features. To this end the properties of plumes were re-examined by making a detailed statistical analysis of photographs of three eclipses (1962, 1963, and 1965) of the last sunspot minimum. It is found that a ‘typical’ plume has a core density ≈ 108 cm?3, a half width ≈ 3.3 × 104km, and a density profile with distance r from its axis characterized by $$N \approx {\text{10}}^{\text{8}} \left( {1 - \frac{r}{{3.9 \times 10^4 }}} \right)^{1.6} $$ There is some (although only weak) regularity in the projected spacing of plumes with a mean separation of ≈ 7 × 104 km. The relation between plumes and various surface features is examined. Although little direct evidence can be assembled, we conclude that a direct connection exists between plumes and photospheric faculae, bright K3 faculae, and the small-scale magnetic structure present in the chromospheric network. It is hypothesized that plumes originate at the bright cores of the rosettes which lie along the chromospheric network. The distribution of magnetic field in the corona above a surface covered with idealized chromospheric network cells is calculated. The fact that the shape and size of the magnetic flux tubes originating from the rosette agrees with that of observed plumes supports the hypothesis.  相似文献   

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