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Reflectance spectroscopy has several advantages compared to traditional chemical methods in paleolimnology. It requires little cost, involves minimal or no sample preparation and is rapid. There has, however, been limited use of reflectance spectroscopy in polar paleolimnological studies. This paper explores the application of reflectance spectroscopy to reconstruct historical changes in penguin population size in the maritime Antarctic. Two ornithogenic sediment cores on Ardley Island, Antarctica were analyzed. Penguin droppings and weathered soils were analyzed as reference materials. Principal component analysis and linear mixing modeling were performed on the spectral data to estimate the proportion of penguin guano in the sediments and these values were used to infer historical penguin population numbers. Historical penguin population size versus time, reconstructed from reflectance spectra, and population numbers inferred from previous geochemical analysis of bio-elements, were quite similar. Our results illustrate the feasibility of rapidly inferring historical changes in penguin population size using reflectance spectroscopy on Antarctic ornithogenic sediments. Our findings suggest that this technique has potential for reconstructing past population numbers of other seabirds and mammals using lake sediments influenced by animal excrement.  相似文献   

TheseparationandidentificationofphytoplanktonpigmentsfromtheadjacentwatersofGreatWallStation,AntarcticaLiBaohua(李宝华);HuangFen...  相似文献   

GrainsizecharacteristicsandenvironmentalindicationofthesedimentsaroundGreatWallStation,AntarcticaTX@刘耕年@崔之久@熊黑钢Grainsizecharacter...  相似文献   

Although temperature extremes have led to more and more disasters, there are as yet few studies on the extremes and many disagreements on temperature changes in Antarctica. Based on daily minimum, maximum, and mean air temperatures(Tmin, Tmax, Tmean) at Great Wall Station(GW) and Zhongshan Station(ZS), we compared the temperature extremes and revealed a strong warming trend in Tmin, a slight warming trend in Tmean, cooling in Tmax, a decreasing trend in the daily temperature range, and the typical characteristic of coreless winter temperature. There are different seasonal variabilities, with the least in summer. The continentality index and seasonality show that the marine air mass has more effect on GW than ZS. Following the terminology of the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC AR5), we defined nine indices of temperature extremes, based on the Antarctic geographical environment. Extreme-warm days have decreased, while extreme-warm nights have shown a nonsignificant trend. The number of melting days has increased at GW, while little change at ZS. More importantly, we have found inverse variations in temperature patterns between the two stations, which need further investigation into the dynamics of climate change in Antarctica.  相似文献   

ThecharacteristicsofPi2pulsationsatGreatWallStation,AntarcticaYangShaofeng(杨少峰)andXiaoFuhui(肖福辉)(InstituteofGeophysics,Academ...  相似文献   

甄卫民  曹冲  吴健 《极地研究》1994,5(2):53-57
AnalysisoftheionosphericanomalyatGreatWallStation,AntarcticaZhenWeimin(甄卫民);CaoChong(曹冲)andWuJian(吴健)(ChinaResearchInstituteo...  相似文献   

(杨少峰)(肖福辉)CharacteristicsofPc3pulsationsatGreatWallStation,Antarctica¥YangShaofengandXiaoFuhui(InstituteofGeophysics,Academia...  相似文献   

Gravity measurement is of great importance to the height datum in Antarctica.The absolute gravity measurement was carried out at Great Wall Station,Antarctica,using FG5 absolute gravity instrument.The gravity data was processed with corrections of earth tide,ocean tide,polar motion and the atmospher,and the RMS is within ±3×10-8 ms-2.The vertical and horizontal gravity gradients were measured using 2 LaCoaste & Romberg(LCR) gravimeters.The absolute gravity measurement provides the fundamental data for the validation and calibration of the satellite gravity projects such as CHAMP,GRACE and GOCE,and for the high accuracy geoid model.  相似文献   

ApreliminaryanalysisofthepigmentsfromicealgaeintheadjacentwatersofGreatWallStation,AntarcticaLiBaohua(李宝华);HuangFengpeng(黄凤鹏)...  相似文献   

赵俊琳 《极地研究》1997,8(1):29-34
ClimaticchangesintheregionsofAntarcticGreatWalSta┐tion,SouthernChileandSouthGeorgiaIslandZhaoJunlin(赵俊琳)InstituteofEnvironme...  相似文献   

赵烨  徐翠华 《极地研究》1997,8(1):35-38
210PbdistributioncharacteristicsinthelakesedimentcoreatGreatWalStation,AntarcticaZhaoYe(赵烨)InstituteofResourcesandEnvironmen...  相似文献   

继在南极中山站建成我国南极首个永久性验潮站后,2012年1月在南极长城站又建成了我国南极第二个永久性验潮站。通过对长城站验潮站相关数据进行分析处理,得到了验潮基准系统的水准网平差结果和验潮仪零点标定结果,以及长城站附近海域海洋潮汐170个分潮的调和常数,并据此进行了潮汐预报,同时分析了长城站潮汐余水位的变化特征,探讨了利用附近的Antarctic Base Prat验潮站的余水位改正长城站潮汐预报的可行性,结果表明使用Antarctic Base Prat验潮站余水位改正长城站潮汐预报,可以显著提高长城站验潮站潮汐预报的精度,余水位改正后2014时段的潮汐预报中误差为±3.42 cm,明显好于改正前的预报中误差±10.43 cm。  相似文献   

本文用IGY/IGC期间全球地磁台网的资料计算出地磁太阳日变化(S)和太阴日变化(L)的电流体系,对比分析了南极区与北极区电流体系的特点。分析表明:(1)两极区的外源电流体系存在明显差别,这反映了产生该电流系的发电机过程(对S和L)和场向电流(对S)的不同。两极区磁场结构的特征可能是导致这一差异的根本原因。(2)两极区内源电流存在明显差异,这一方面归因于外源施感场(电流)的差异,另一方面也反映了两极区地下电导率的不同。分析表明,从总体来看,南极区地下电导率高于北极区  相似文献   

TheelementalgeochemicalcharacteristicsofLateQuaternaryrockcorefromYanwoLakeintheGreatWallStationarea,KingGeorgeIsland,Southwe...  相似文献   

ThepigmentalcompositionandtheabsorptionspectralanalysisofUlothrixsp.andbenthicdiatomsintheintertidalzoneofGreatWallStation,An...  相似文献   

The diatom concentration of a uniform lake sediment sample was estimated in 15 laboratories. Whilst 21 of 35 estimates were between 13 and 19 × 107 valves g-1, values ranged from 8.2 × 106 to 2.0 × 109 valves g-1. However, counts from replicate sediment digestions, replicate slide preparations from a single digested slurry, and multiple counts from an individual slide all yielded internally consistent results, with acceptably low coefficients of variation (±4.5–6.3%). Without greater efforts towards harmonization, for example by calibrating techniques to a standard of known concentration, reported diatom concentration values, as well as derived data such as diatom accumulation rates, are not directly comparable between most laboratories. This sharply contrasts the strong reproducibility of diatom relative frequency data. A calibration exercise, using the Eucalyptus pollen spike technique to estimate a known concentration of Lycopodium spores, demonstrates that this method performs best when approximately equal proportions of microfossils and introduced markers are counted.  相似文献   

Summary. This paper presents three statistical methods for testing the reproducibility or compatibility of palaeomagnetic directional records in undated cores of sediment. These methods are based on: (a) the intrinsic equations (curvature and torsion as functions of arc-length) of the curve defining changes in direction; (b) an F -test derived from multiple linear regression theory and (c) the construction and comparison of confidence bands. All methods utilize a projection of palaeomagnetic unit vectors on to the tangent plane to their mean direction. Since preliminary alignment to a common depth scale is necessary both for method (b) and for subsequent pooling of data, some theoretical results are presented for this problem, allowing for the possibility of missing segments in either core. Methods (b) and (c) are applied to two cores from Loch Lomond, Scotland. Both methods show that, after suitable relative rotation and alignment, these palaeomagnetic directional records are indeed compatible, demonstrating that the Loch Lomond sediments can provide reliable palaeosecular variation data of igh quality.  相似文献   

中国长城保护与利用协调发展的战略构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
长城是中国古代民族关系发展的产物,如今已成为中华民族精神和文化的象征,成为国家的形象标识.长城在为人类带来极大精神和物质财富的同时,其物质遗存和发展环境正受着人类活动深刻的影响.科学地保护和合理利用长城资源,体现其应有的科考、教育和经济价值,并保证后代人有同等机会分享先辈们留下的宝贵历史文化遗产.是当代人的重要责任和义务.本文按照战略性、整体性、层次性、目标指向性、可操作性等原则,综合考虑生态、经济和社会效益,提出建立长城经济区的战略构想,并提出通过建立长城区域协调发展综合试验示范区、长城发展企业联盟和长城文明示范村等一系列措施,探索长城保护和利用协调发展的路径和模式,推动长城所在区域实现科学发展.  相似文献   

The radioactive isotope 137 Cs is one of the important tracers for studying the physical processes and the human impacts on the environment. Based on the investigation results of the terrestrial ecosystem of Great Wall Station, Antarctica, it was shown that there are some artificial radioactive elements 137 Cs in Antarctic terrestrial ecosystem. The sequence of 137 Cs specific activities is as follows: crustaceous lichen>fruticose lichen>surfacemoss>surface soil, and the crustaceous lichen is one of the most sensitive ways in monitoring the impact of the longterm diffusion of 137 Cs on the environment.  相似文献   

ThepreliminarystudyofthephytoplanktonecologyintheGreatWallBay,AntarcticaYuJianluan(俞建銮);LiRuixiang(李瑞香)andHuangFengpeng(黄凤鹏)(...  相似文献   

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