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华北板块南缘原型沉积盆地类型与构造演化   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
华北板块南缘原型沉积盆地类型受构造演化控制,古生代—中三叠世华北与扬子两大板块由“开”到“合”,华北板块南缘也从被动大陆边缘(Z—O2)到抬升剥蚀(O3—C1)再到前陆复理石沉积盆地(C2—P2);晚三叠—早侏罗世,两大板块碰撞造山形成著名的中央造山带,与造山藕合形成磨拉石沉积盆地;中侏罗—早白垩世,造山期后造山带内部拆沉的同时,造山带边缘拆离,形成后缘伸展与前缘冲断的复杂构造类型;后期受古太平洋板块(库拉、伊则奈奇板块)和太平洋板块活动控制,形成伸展断陷和坳陷盆地。不同时期原型盆地类型不同,对于油气勘探原则具有重要意义。   相似文献   

大陆碰撞的开始和周缘前陆盆地的开始分别由前陆板块继承性性被动边缘的变形和弯曲引起。在板块逐渐聚敛期间,周缘前陆盆地从欠充填复理石阶段发育至充直或过充填磨拉石阶段。一般地,这一复理石向磨拉石的转变解释成冲断楔形体和前陆盆地越过继承性被动边缘枢纽线的迁移。研究表明,在北阿尔卑斯前陆盆地发育期间,继承性的古深水区和俯冲欧洲被动边缘岩石圈强度的变化在复理石向磨拉石的转变中的转变中都不起主要作用。  相似文献   

华北板块东南缘原型沉积盆地类型与构造演化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
华北板块东南缘原型沉积盆地类型受构造演化控制,古生代至中三叠世华北与扬子两大板块由"开"到"合",华北板块东南缘也经历了从震旦纪至中奥陶世的被动大陆边缘,到晚奥陶世至早石炭世早期的抬升剥蚀;早石炭世晚期-中三叠世由于板块的拼合,在大陆边缘形成前陆复理石沉积盆地;晚三叠世-早侏罗世,两大板块碰撞造山形成秦岭一大别造山带,与造山耦合形成磨拉石沉积盆地;中侏罗世-早白垩世,在造山期后造山带内部拆沉的同时,造山带边缘拆离,形成后缘伸展与前缘冲断的复杂构造类型;后期受古太平洋板块和太平洋板块活动控制,形成伸展断陷和坳陷盆地。  相似文献   

下扬子北缘前陆盆地构造演化及沉积特征   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
下扬子北缘主要受扬子板块、华北板块和秦岭微板块相互作用控制,自晚二叠世开始,扬子板块向北俯冲于秦岭微板块之下,构造环境由拉伸向挤压转换,于中三叠世形成下扬子北缘前陆盆地。下扬子北缘前陆盆地自萌芽至消亡可划分为3个演化阶段:1)萌芽阶段(P3—T1),形成被动大陆边缘盆地,发育深水—半深水复理石建造;2)兴盛阶段(T2—T3),由海相前陆盆地向陆相前陆盆地转化,发育海相和陆相磨拉石沉积;3)持续发育—消亡阶段(J1-2),形成陆内前陆盆地,发育陆相含煤碎屑岩沉积。各演化阶段沉积特征不同,主要体现了由海相沉积向陆相沉积的连续渐进演化,且各阶段的沉积沉降中心基本一致,具有海相—陆相沉积叠合特征。  相似文献   

通过地震层序和钻井层序的分析,在伦坡拉盆地地震剖面上划分出T2,T3,T4,T5,T6,T6,T7,T8,T8和T9共10个不整合界面。其中T5,T9为I组不整合界面。分别代表了青湖组和牛堡组的底界面,其余的均为Ⅱ级不整合界面,属于第三系内部的反射界面。  相似文献   

渤海海域及邻区拉分构造与油气勘探领域   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
渤海海域及其邻区经历过断陷、断坳和坳陷三个演化阶段。断陷期基本结构单元是半地堑和半地垒,区域上分三个区,西南区是走向北北东的黄弊断陷带,断陷西断东超;中南区断陷走向呈近东西向、北东向和北西向,断陷都是北断南超的半地堑;东北区断陷带走向北北东,断陷结构东断西超。断坳期和坳陷期,凸起与凹陷统一沉降,接受盆地以外的造山带剥蚀产物。盆地演化过程中,沉降一沉积中心逐渐由边缘分别向渤中和歧口凹陷迁移。构造格局与迁移呈现出典型的地慢卷人型拉分盆地特征。渤海海域在演化过程中曾发生多期反转,以第四纪期间规模最大,形成众多成带分布圈闭。渤海海域的油气勘探领域包括凸起区、断阶带和凹中隆等背景下圈闭。  相似文献   

略论拉张性“花状”构造成因   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
拉张性“花状”构造可以分为对称性,非对称性和复合的三种亚样式,它们虽然在许多几何特征上与负花状构过类似,但成因却有本质的不同,其各级别断层是依次发育的,亚样式类型取决于断层形态,断层形态受沉积压实、异常流体压力等控制,由于控制因素空间上复杂变化造成亚样式的多样型。  相似文献   

西藏伦坡拉盆地构造特征及找油方向探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

合肥盆地是一个以中生界为主体的沉积盆地,受燕山运动Ⅰ幕不同期次挤压逆冲造山的影响,依次形成一系列平行分布的逆冲推覆构造带和前渊盆地。不同时期的前渊盆地既有继承性,又有新生性;从南向北,构造幅度逐渐减小,从而形成合肥盆地侏罗系南厚北薄以磨拉石建造为主体的地质体,仅在不同期次盆地的边缘斜坡带上发育河流—平原沼泽相的杂色砂泥岩夹灰黑色炭质泥岩、薄煤层沉积。扬子地质体向北大规模的推覆和挤压导致的区域性高地温,以及侏罗纪的快速堆积,使盆地深坳处古生界烃源岩在侏罗纪时期即达到过成熟演化阶段,其生烃潜力有限。  相似文献   

柴达木盆地构造特征及其演化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
柴达木盆地是一个复合型盆地,中生代至上新世期间,盆地是多个拉分盆地的集合体,由赛什腾断陷、德令哈断陷以及南部断陷带组成。这些盆地均在柴北、柴中、柴西和柴南四大断层走滑拉分过程中发育起来。至中新世后,四大断层活动减弱或停止,在区域沉降背景下,形成一个统一湖盆沉积。晚喜山运动,盆地再次受到强大的压扭,盆内地层剧烈褶皱,形成现今构造面貌。归纳起来,柴达木盆地的演化过程经历了:①早侏罗世拉分盆地发育期;②中侏罗世至白垩纪压扭走滑抬升期;③古始新世至上新世走滑拉分沉降期;④上新世末压扭走滑褶皱期。盆地反复地张扭、压扭、走滑.发育了国内罕见的同沉积逆冲断层及花状构造。  相似文献   

Petroleum Systems are currently being studies within the general framework of plate tectonics. This new approach has led to the definition of three types of system in the context of the dynamic evolution of sedimentary basins. These three types are "initial rift", "continental platform", and "orogenic-deltaic" Petroleum Systems. The richness and efficiency of a petroliferous basin often depends on an association between two, or perhaps all three, of these types of system. Foreland basins are perhaps the best example.
Plate-tectonics theory suggests that a mobile lithosphere is the rule rather than the exception. The transfer of both fluids and materials may occur within a sedimentary basin as a result of horizontal or vertical displacement of the lithosphere. Petroleum Systems therefore appear to be a direct consequence of crustal mobility.
When hydrocarbons migrate out of a source rock, they may either be dispersed within another lithological unit and effectively "vanish", be lost by seepage into the atmosphere, or be trapped by some sort of permeability barrier. In the latter case, the resulting hydrocarbon accumulation can be described as a temporary concentration, whose duration essentially depends on the intensity of the incoming fluid flow and the resistance of the permeability barrier(s).
The study of a particular Petroleum System within a global geodynamic framework enables the richness (or otherwise) of the oil province in question to be assessed.  相似文献   

试论古全球构造与古生代油气盆地   总被引:22,自引:1,他引:21  
六十年代初,我曾指出今后寻找油气资源的工作重点将转向两种类型的盆地,一类是阿尔卑斯期(中新生代)的盆地,另一类则是受阿尔卑斯运动体制改造了的早期(古生代)盆地[1]。二十年来全世界油气资源的重大发现,都符合于这种设想。我国以往找油工作较多地着重于前一类盆地,成效显著,在后一类盆地中也有所发现。随着新的一轮油气普查工作的开展,前一类盆地固然还有很大的潜力,但后一类盆地势必受到更多的重视。本文拟在资料十分不足的情况下,对后一类即被改造了的我国古生代盆地的形成机制与性质略加探讨,以供今后实践的检验。  相似文献   

The region under discussion is that part of Indochina which includes Vietnam, Laos, Kampuchea and eastern Thailand. The Kontum Massif composed of a metamorphosed basement complex, is the core of the Indochina region, and crops out from eastern Vietnam to Laos and Kampuchea. The concept of concentric growth of orogenic belts along the periphery of this massif seems to have been accepted as being within the scope of the classic theory of orogeny. The application of a modem plate-tectonic hypothesis with the aid of Landsat image analysis, has, however, enabled a new interpretation of the tectonic development of the area to be made.
The hydrocarbon potential of Indochina is here investigated, based on this interpretation of the region's tectonic development, and taking account of the morphological and textural characteristics detected from Landsat imagery. Three areas: (1) the Mekong Delta. (2) the Khorat Plateau, and (3) the Hanoi Basin-gulf of Tonkin, are selected for detailed discussion of their hydrocarbon potential.  相似文献   

中国西北地区板块构造与盆地类型   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
自显生宙以来,中国西北地区经历了中元古代至早古生代的板块离散、晚古生代至三叠纪末的板块敛合碰撞、侏罗纪至第四纪的盆山体制三个主要发展阶段,形成了三大类、十一亚类主要类型盆地。盆地在纵向上往往具"先张后压"的双层结构特征。  相似文献   

中国东北-华北中生代盆地结构构造   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:13  
张功成 《石油学报》1997,18(4):7-13
中国东北-华北中生代有六个成盆期.早-中三叠世、晚三叠世、早-中侏罗世受南北向挤压作用控制;晚侏罗世-早白垩世早期东北和渤海地区仍以南北向挤压为主,南华北盆地的形成和秦岭-大别造山带向南的推覆有关;早白垩世晚期-晚白垩世早期东北发生热沉降,渤海湾和南华北发生裂陷作用,晚白垩世末期松辽盆地西北缘发育压陷盆地.东北-华北中生代共发生6期正反转,中侏罗世以前盆地反转是南北向,其后为北西一南东向压扭.  相似文献   

The paleogeography postulated from the distribution of Permian and Triassic sedimentary rocks in the Middle East is shown and related to the paleostructure of the region. The Middle East region as defined here includes the Arabian Peninsula, Iran, Iraq, SE Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, West Jordan, and the Sinai Peninsula. Within the limits of the area included in this study, a relatively stable pre-Late Triassic tectonic regime can be recognized and distinguished from a succession of diastrophic events of the Late Triassic epoch, which caused marked changes in the types and distribution of facies.
Excluding NE Iran, the Middle East was stable from Late Cambrian to Middle Triassic times, as it formed a part of the Arabian Massif and much of the Middle East Platform, which is a broad shelf bordering the positive Afro-Arabian Massif to the NE and east. The sediments of this plarform have undergone no strong deformation and have been subjected only to epeirogenic movements which interrupted sedimentation locally or regionally. However, from Upper Permian through Middle Triassic times, the predominant facies on this shelf was carbonates which unconformably overlie the non-marine or extremely shallow marine elastics of the Lower Permian or older strata in most of the region.
Upper Triassic strata in the area are markedly different in facies from older beds because of the movement of blocks in Turkey and northern and eastern Iraq and Iran related to the enlargement and broadening of the Tethys. Asa result, much of northern and eastern Iran were separated from the area to the south and west, which continued to be a shelf flanking the Afro-Arabian Massif. Consequently, three major structural elements existed in the region: the Arabian Shelf, the Tethyan rift zone and the Paleo-Tethyan trough.  相似文献   

中扬子沉积盆地构造及其形成与演化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本区在中条-武陵运动形成的基底上,先后形成震旦纪—中三叠世广海盆地,晚三叠世—侏罗纪内陆大型湖沼含煤沉积盆地,江汉白垩—第三纪多旋回盐湖沉积盆地。现今主要构造单元包括中部的江汉盆地,东北、东南缘的逆冲构造带,西部的重力滑覆褶断带。本区先天性成油气条件优越,但不少地区的海相沉积后期改造剧烈,然上述三构造单元仍具有一定的含油气远景。  相似文献   

Continental margins, the border zones between continents and oceans, are preferred sites for hydrocarbon accumulations throughout geologic history. Passive Atlantic-type margins are found worldwide. Active Pacific-type margins exist together with passive margins where endogenous vertical crustal mobility took place. Vertical mobility is preferred over lateral mobility. Plate-tectonic hypotheses are doubted. Exploration for gas and oil must be based on sound data.
Kontinentalränder, die Grenzen zwischen Kontinenten und Ozeanen, sind durch die geologische Geschichte hindurch bevorzugte Räume für Ansammlungen von Gas und Öl. Passive atlantische Kontinentalränder sind weltweit verbreitet. Aktive pazifische Kontinentalränder erscheinen zusammen mit passiven Kontinentalrändern, wo endogene vertikale Krustenmobilität auftritt. Vertikalmobilität wird einer Lateralmobilität vorgezogen Plattentektonische Hypothesen werden in Zweifel gestellt, sie werden ohnehin zunehmend abgeändert. Exploration auf Gas und Öl muss auf einer gesunden Datenbasis beruhen, nicht auf wissenschaftlicher Spekulation.  相似文献   

����ʯ����Ȼ��ս������   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
分析了油气与经济可持续发展之间的关系,阐明了能源系统的演化规律与趋势,认为在21世纪前期油气在世界能源系统中还将占据主导地位。根据各国石油天然气生产和消费特征,将世界各国划分为3大类型:油气净出口国、油气净进口国、油气生产与进口大国。对比分析了不同类型国家的石油天然气战略之异同点。结果认为:国家要实现油气有效、稳定和价格合理地供给,在油气上下游市场引入竞争机制和推进自由化是必要的;油气基础设施是实现油气供给安全稳定和价格合理的基础,因此要加大油气管线等基础设施的建设,在可能的情况下应鼓励私有资本参与其中;国家政治外交等措施是各国在全球范围内配置油气资源的重要手段。鉴于中国的油气生产与消费情况同美国极为相似,故中国的油气战略制定可以借鉴、参考美国的经验。  相似文献   

中国东北区晚中生代盆地构造与含油气系统   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中国东北区晚中生代含油气盆地形成有两期,各具不同的构造环境.第一期盆地(J1+2)为断陷盆地;第二期盆地(J3-K)为NE向分布的裂陷盆地群.晚白垩世在松辽盆地发育大型湖泊,形成规模巨大的陆相油气聚集.郊-庐断裂左行走滑作用及周边构造应力场变化导致盆地内平移断层和一系列的反转构造,为油气聚集提供了优越的圈闭条件.根据盆地构造发育史、充填特征及热演化史,将东北区中生代含油气系统划分为单源型和多源叠合型两大类,各自有自身的分布特征.  相似文献   

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