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健康大数据与数字医疗的出现使得对复合型的新工科专业人才需求更加迫切.要发展新工科的专业建设,必须结合我国发展现代医学的要求,培养服务于现代医学的专业技术人才.利用先进的人工智能和大数据技术改造传统的生命科学,有助于探索疾病发病机制,药物快速研发,疾病防疫等.文章讨论了发展生物医学信息化技术的新内涵,研究了建设生命科学与...  相似文献   

从车辆纵、横、垂向动力学三个方面,结合电动汽车、智能网联等热点问题,介绍了目前车辆动力学与控制领域的研究成果.车辆纵向动力学方面包括车辆传动系统换挡控制、制动系统的设计与控制以及车辆状态的参数估计;车辆横向动力学方面涉及车辆转向系统设计与横向稳定性控制;车辆垂向动力学方面包括悬架系统的优化设计与半/主动控制.专刊研究成...  相似文献   

汽车动力学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着汽车工业技术的进步与社会的发展,人们对汽车的安全性、舒适性和可靠性等方面的要求越来越高,而这些都与汽车动力学的研究密切相关.  相似文献   

上海生命科学数据中心的设计与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上海生命科学数据中心通过整合实验数据、分析工具、相关文献,为研究人员提供一个具有中国特色、地方特点,以知识为导向、技术前瞻的生命科学数据共享、服务支撑平台。平台针对生命科学数据自身的特点,运用最新技术手段,在海量数据的管理、异构数据的整合、分布式数据访问,以及数据安全性管理方面进行了积极、有益的探索。目前,平台一期工作已经完成,并开始对外提供服务(http://lifecenter.sgst.cn/)。  相似文献   

作为动力学与控制学科的一个分支,车辆动力学与控制方向的研究近年来一直很受重视。轮轨式轨道车辆在基础研究、技术攻关和产品研发等领域不断取得重要进展,这得益于近20年来我国轨道交通领域的快速发展和国家科技部门的大力支持。本文从我国轮轨式轨道车辆的发展趋势、特点和运营过程中遇到的主要问题等研究角度出发,重点介绍了轨道车辆的载荷分析与减振降噪方法,轨道车辆动力学建模、计算方法和新型结构的动态设计,以及轨道车辆关键旋转部件的状态识别等三个方面的研究成果。这些成果在一定程度上反映了作者们目前所关注的问题和拟解决途径,希望能给轨道车辆动力学与控制领域的其他研究者们提供一些借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

过程模拟是生物工程过程设计的有效方法.SimBiology提供了一个为生物系统建模、模拟、分析生化路径的集成环境.以典型的酶反应和细胞反应为例,通过在SimBiology的图形用户界面输入反应式或模型公式、参与反应的物质种类、参数设置、动力学定律等,实现了对反应过程的建模及模拟.研究表明:该法操作简单,运行可靠,与其它需要繁琐编程的仿真软件相比,SimBiology是生物系统建模与仿真更为便利的工具.  相似文献   

动力学与控制的研究是当前国内外科学研究的前沿和热点,应用动力学的理论揭示系统动态过程现象的本质和机理,进行自主性原始创新,具有十分重大的理论和应用价值。加强动力学与控制的基础理论研究,并创造性地应用于航空航天、机械、土木、铁路、船舶、信息、通讯等工程学科,促进基础学科与工程学科之间的联系与交叉,以解决国防和国家建设中的大型工程系统的复杂动力学与控制问题是本次会议的宗旨。  相似文献   

生命科学将会引起一场同工业革命和Internet同等重要的社会经济变革。IBM正处于促使这场改革得以实现的科技领导地位  相似文献   

与一般动力系统不同,无穷维时滞系统的研究方法并不成熟,使得时滞系统的分析和控制都很困难.与此同时,时滞广泛存在于包括神经网络、人工智能、机械加工、多智能体、机器人控制等众多领域,使得时滞动力学与控制的研究至关重要.因此,本专刊聚焦时滞引起的稳定性、非线性动力学和控制问题,着重讨论了神经、网络、机械和减振等领域的时滞动力学问题,希望能为相关领域的学者提供一些借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

提出并构造了一种新的人工生命意义下的创发性(2+2+n)模型,同前人的工作相比,该模型的突出特点在于:将2维形状纳入创发性分析过程并使模型拓展至多维结构形式,描述了2维表现型平面至2维基因型平面映射的复杂非线性过程,建立了多维创发性计算机制。  相似文献   

The decentralized aggregate motion of many individual robots is known as robotic flocking. The study of robotic flocking has received considerable attention in the past twenty years. As we begin to deploy flocking control algorithms on physical multi-agent and swarm systems, there is an increasing necessity for rigorous promises on safety and performance. In this paper, we present an overview the literature focusing on optimization approaches to achieve flocking behavior that provide strong safety guarantees. We separate the literature into cluster and line flocking, and categorize cluster flocking with respect to the system-level objective, which may be realized by a reactive or planning control algorithm. We also categorize the line flocking literature by the energy-saving mechanism that is exploited by the agents. We present several approaches aimed at minimizing the communication and computational requirements in real systems via neighbor filtering and event-driven planning, and conclude with our perspective on the outlook and future research direction of optimal flocking as a field.  相似文献   

生命探测是震后应急救援关键技术之一。介绍现有生命探测技术,包括雷达生命探测技术、光学生命探测技术、声波振动生命探测技术、红外生命探测技术4种。给出了生命探测技术的国内外研究现状,分析了4种生命探测技术各自具有的优势和存在的问题。最后对生命探测技术的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

This work is part of an investigation aimed at applying the tools of control theory to gain a deeper understanding of the behaviour and attitudes that develop in individuals and in groups of people, with the goal of ultimately controlling the relevant psychological dynamics. The present treatment investigates an approach to stabilise one-dimensional crowds, that is, structures where people are aligned in a queue. The psychological dynamics considered here are based on the notion of suggestibility put forth by Gustave Le Bon. Control action is carried out by certain authoritative figures, termed control agents, who are interspersed throughout the crowd in some predetermined arrangement, subject to one control agent being positioned at one end of the queue. The main result of this paper is the existence of a state-feedback control law for each control agent that, possibly with some communication among control agents, stabilises the crowd. Advantages of employing multiple control agents instead of a single control agent are highlighted, and, throughout, the main stabilisation results are verified using simulations. Finally, the possibility of extending the control strategy to two-dimensional crowds is briefly explored.  相似文献   

TEDIUM was developed to manage the entire life cycle of a software application from initial analysis through final retirement. In this sense, TEDIUM is different from a Programming Support Environment (PSE), which applies automated tools to aid in program implementation and project control within the context of an established process model. In the case of the PSE, computer technology is used to aid in the management of large, complex software projects. TEDIUM, on the other hand, uses its own software process model and is constrained to moderate-sized information system applications. After a brief history of the environment, the author offers an evaluation of TEDIUM, and some observations that may be of value for other development paradigms or application classes.  相似文献   

The behaviour of the zero dynamics of a discrete-time system obtained when sampling a continuous time nonlinear system is studied. We give a result which generalizes the known behaviour of the zeros of a sampled linear system for small time intervals.  相似文献   

The present research work aims at the development of a systematic method to arbitrarily assign the zero dynamics of a nonlinear system by constructing the requisite synthetic output maps. The minimum-phase synthetic output maps constructed can be made statically equivalent to the original output maps, and therefore, they could be directly used for nonminimum-phase compensation purposes. Specifically, the mathematical formulation of the problem is realized via a system of first-order nonlinear singular PDEs and a rather general set of necessary and sufficient conditions for solvability is derived. The solution to the above system of singular PDEs can be proven to be locally analytic and this enables the development of a series solution method that is easily programmable with the aid of a symbolic software package. The minimum-phase synthetic output maps that induce the prescribed zero dynamics for the original nonlinear system can be computed on the basis of the solution of the aforementioned system of singular PDEs. Moreover, static equivalence to the original output map can be readily established by a simple algebraic construction.  相似文献   

Databases and information systems are often hard to use because they do not explicitly attempt to cooperate with their users. Direct answers to database and knowledge base queries may not always be the best answers. Instead, an answer with extra or alternative information may be more useful and less misleading to a user. This paper surveys foundational work that has been done toward endowing intelligent information systems with the ability to exhibit cooperative behavior. Grice's maxims of cooperative conversation, which provided a starting point for the field of cooperative answering, are presented along with relevant work in natural language dialogue systems, database query answering systems, and logic programming and deductive databases. The paper gives a detailed account of cooperative techniques that have been developed for considering users' beliefs and expectations, presuppositions, and misconceptions. Also, work in intensional answering and generalizing queries and answers is covered. Finally, the Cooperative Answering System at Maryland, which is intended to be a general, portable platform for supporting a wide spectrum of cooperative answering techniques, is described.  相似文献   

We define and study a notion of a singular point for observed dynamical systems with no controls. Lists of normal forms for such singularities are given in both general and generic cases. One class of normal forms corresponds to singularities which appear in catastrophe theory. This work was done while the author was visiting the Department of Mathematics, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey 08903, U.S.A.  相似文献   

Facility location dynamics: An overview of classifications and applications   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In order to modify the current facility or develop a new facility, the dynamics of facility location problems (FLPs) ought to be taken into account so as to efficiently deal with changing parameters such as market demand, internal and external factors, and populations. Since FLPs have a strategic or long-term essence, the inherited uncertainty of future parameters must be incorporated in relevant models, so these models can be considered applicable and ready to implement. Furthermore, due to largely capital outlaid, location or relocation of facilities is basically considered as a long-term planning. Hence, regarding the way in which relevant criteria will change over time, decision makers not only are concerned about the operability and profitability of facilities for an extended period, but also seek to robust locations fitting well with variable demands. Concerning this fact, a trade-off should be set between benefits brought by facility location changes and costs incurred by possible modifications. This review reports on literature pointing out some aspects and characteristics of the dynamics of FLPs. In fact, this paper aims not only to review most variants of these problems, but also to provide a broad overview of their mathematical formulations as well as case studies that have been studied by the literature. Finally, based on classified research works and available gaps in the literature, some possible research trends will be pointed out.  相似文献   

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